Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

To All

With Aindani's slice across the back, the creature lets out a whimper and it's drooling maw closes, collapsing into the dirt at Rain's feet.

Shu cocks an eyebrow at the two men revealed by the falling monstrosity. "Hi."

Professionally, he stabs his sword into the earth and pulls it out to clean the ichor and gore off. Considering its size, this looks reasonably impressive. He then sheaths it neatly across his back and crosses his arms, leaning against a tree as though all this were completely normal.

Cleaning the preservation and hydraulic fluids from his glass blade with an artful flick of his wrist, the Scavenger lord looked at the assembled people with an intrigued stare. Hesitating a split second, he sheathed his sword. "Why, it seems this place has gone crowded as of late. And if they sent those... constructs to patrol or intercept us, it seems staying in the vicinity is not a sound strategy," Aindani said.

As the adrenaline from the fight faded, Adair looked up to Matsu with a smile. "No, negotiations went splendidly! And I helped take out....whatever that is!" He pointed excitedly at the arrow shaft protruding from the strange/dead creature's back.

"Anyway, Everyone, this is Jikar Aral. He's not a big fan of our masked friend either." After gesturing to Aindani, he turned to the Scavenger lord and gestured towards this group. "My friend, these are my allies- Kwan Shu, Scorpion, Matsu and Ivory. They are good people- and as you have just seen, supremely confident as well."

"So, do you think out mutual interests could become a working relationship?" He continued, even prouder of his diplomacy then his archery.

Shu snorts. "I think if we stand around here discussing our working relationship they're going to drop an army on us. Those things will have alerted half the camp with that yelling. We can hope we put them down quickly enough to not be noticed - the fight could only have lasted seconds - but I for one am not standing around here with my thumb up my arse waiting to see what happens. So let's keep moving, shall we?"

"Half the camp he says... There are probably wyld hunt chapters in the far west who never even heard of us before who now know that we're here. So the situation I think is: either retreat to someplace remotly close to safe or charge in and seize initiative. Any propositions ?"

Scorpion's head snaps around at the sound of the answering scream. Closing his eyes, the Night concentrates on that scream, taking into account the surrounding country side, physical obstacles, and places from where the sound can bounce. Transfixing the direction of said scream, Scorpion moves silently through the forest, using the grass and trees as cover to keep himself hidden. He keeps his eyes and ears peeled for the inevitable pursuit he is sure will be coming....
To Scorpion

Sounds like its coming from the north, with the way the sound is carrying, probably along that ridgeline a mile out. Maybe that glimpse of trees outlined there. They have a perimeter, it seems.

The bounty hunter fades back into the trees, then moves north, perhaps 300 yards. He finds a tall tree and ascends, taking a perch about three quarters of the way to the top. Before he climbs, though, he takes more branches and leaves and attaches them to his body, again, to help hide him when he takes his place. Once up in the branches, he looks around, particularly to the north, to see what he can see.....

Internally, Rain curses. If only I'd been slightly faster.

Externally, Kwan Shu simply shrugs. "I always hated sneaking around anyway. Get ready, children."

Ivory stands to the back of Matsu silently, only nodding to acknowledge the newcomer when Adair introduces the party by name.

Interesting fellow and an interesting companion, and he clearly seems in charge. Handled that sword of his rather well too.

She steps backwards and stares at the source as her thoughts are interrupted by the scream.

"Fine by me."

Then a little concern suddenly materialised in his mind. Pointing to the newcomers slightly

"Err Adair does he... is he aware we're.... Can we be overt around him ?"
To Scorpion

That's the only way it could have come from, must be perching in the trees there. Hmm, no movement really from the rachel except the same woodsmoke from earlier. Quiet.

Adair blinked when he realized that when pointing out Scorpion, he was apparently introducing his new friend to nothing. Thinking he's going to have to learn hot to do that, Matsu's question snapped him back.

"That question might be academic, Matsu, depending on whats moving around here." Adair readied his bow again- even though he knew he would be discarding it in the face of a truly terrible foe. "Stay close to me Ivory...I think the bigger fellows in our group will fare better against our foes then you are I."

In other words, that guy doesn't know. Fighting the undead was one problem. Fighting the undead while some guy with them went histerical yelling "Anathema!" was another type of problem. Dragons, he hoped Adair knew what he was doing.

"Lets go and meet our living impaired."
To All

You make way over the still wet and muddy earth toward the mouth of the rachel over a series of low hills and across the rocks on the shore. All is still quiet until you come closer to the lip of the rachel, you can hear for the most part nothing--not a single sound coming from inside the rachel. The tents and pavillions are obvious now that you're here. A large enough camp for a hundred, maybe two hundred men along with the large tents in the center. Giant things.

Rain hunkers down, staring at the camp. Filthy monsters.

"Alright, kids. I'm open to suggestions as to how we move forward. I could just walk down there, challenge the leader to single combat, and demand they quit the place if I win, but I'm open to other suggestions."

The Night scowls at Kwan Shu's words. This is folly. Snaking down the tree, Scorpion slithers up next to Kwan Shu. "I know everyone here is determined to put on a brave face and go charging headlong into conflict, but need I remind you, they are aware of us? And if those monstrosities we fought are any indication, they didn't come lightly armed. Discretion may, indeed, be the better part of valor, in this case. I say we at least wait before we rush in. Perhaps until dawn? Don't fancy facing this party at night...."

Stealth roll on the approach:

Dexterity (5) + Stealth (3) - Results for 8 dice: 2 successes [ 2 9 6 5 1 4 7 6 ] (TN: 7)

"I have to agree with Scorpion." Adair frowned, squinting as he stared at the tents. "We have to be smart about this as well as brave."

"The day time is probably best- we reverse the tactics we would use against a living army in that case." He scratched his chin. "At least, I think they hate the day."

"I suggest we find ways of separating them. If we stay scant, they'll send out patrols, right? As a group, we can easily pick them off as they do so. If the move en masse, we can always pull back and regroup."
Kwan Shu

Shu nods. "Sound tactics. We should pull back then, find somewhere hidden to rest up."

"I certainly agree," Aindani said while mounting his horse. "We have to get away. I don't wish to take on an army head-on. My sources indicate that this expedition is investigating First Age ruins - if the Mask of Winters is expecting to find something interesting, there might be one of his deathknight servants supervising the whole business," he added. "Such beings are not to be trifled with."

"Yeah no shit. The only problem with the retreat plan I see is where and how do we know they're not going to take it on the locals. Evil overlords have a tendency of doing that when pissed."

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