Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


Oh, Mars' muscular I'm uncultured!

Pulling Equitable Solution free, Kwan Shu decides stealth never really was his strong point anyway, and proceeds to charge at the mysterious shrieking things with the intent of giving them a terminal case of metal poisoning.
To Adair

Oh, that screaming! Agh! Kwan Shu? He'll go blurring by with his daiklaive out, heading for the treeline.

To Aindani

You'll see the same thing, a gentleman racing by with a larger than life daikliave racing toward the trees.

Bollocks! Bollocksbollocksbollocksbollocksbollocks! Nothing for it now. They know we're here. Time to bring the pain. Scorpion drops Venom and Sting, his poi, and closes his eyes briefly. Using some of his Essence, he activates Pearlescent Filigree Defense. Ready now for action, he waits, looking for an opening to make his entrance....

Yikes!!!! Of all the ways of being pulled out of meditation, this was definitly not one of those he would advocate. Seriously, what the hell could unleash such a shriek ? Matsu immediatly got up his feet.

"What in the dragons was that ?!!"

Unsheathing his Chiaroscuran glass sword, and massaging one ear with the hand holding the reins, Aindani raised an inquisitive eyebrow towards Adair: "Is he one of the friends you mentionned, and if so, what is he compensating for with his sword?" he said matter-of-factly, trying to seem cool-headed and in control.


OOC: In case rolls are needed:

Per+Awareness: Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 7 6 0 6 3 4 ] (TN: 7)

Int+Occult: Results for 6 dice: 6 successes [ 7 6 8 7 0 8 ] (TN: 7)

Int+Lore: Results for 6 dice: 3 successes [ 5 2 6 8 0 4 ] (TN: 7)

"He's really quite good with it." Adair answered the sorcerer, still blinking a bit. "Though I will admit, the sword is quite large.

The eclipse quickly turned and picked up the pace, following Kwan Shu. "I'm not sure what's going on, but chances its bad- someone might be in trouble." He readied his bow while moving, and while not nearly as impressive as Kwan Shu's weapon, he still wanted it in his hands.
To Aindani

Something in the trees, dropping to the wooded floor, big, massive, the strong glint of light of wet muscle.

Constructs of some sort, you're not all the familiar with the dead's toys. But it's some kind of construct, massively built and probably well-suited to close-in fighting.
To Rain and Scorpion

Two of them, massive, arms as big around as your torsos, heads full of eyes and odd fleshy tendrils hanging from necks as thick as a bull's. Gods above. The second one is letting out that shout now. What...sweet Heaven... when their maws open you can see the skinned face of a child within the mouths (no real throat, just open and there lies the face or...head inside), letting out that terrible scream as they shoulder aside a small tree, coming onto the grass and ready to fight.

Kwan Shu cocks an eyebrow. "I see. Scorp, you take the shambling necromantic abomination to the left..."

Join Battle: Results for 14 dice: 7 successes [ 5 9 3 8 6 7 0 1 1 3 7 5 7 2 ] (TN: 7) Acting on tick 0.

Scorpion doesn't say anything to Kwan Shu's words, instead waiting for his opportunity to make his move....

Spending 4 motes for First Awareness Excellency

Wits (3) + Awareness (3) + First Awareness Excellency (4) - Results for 10 dice: 5 successes [ 4 1 0 8 9 5 2 8 3 1 ] (TN: 7)

5 Successes

As Rain leveled his blade, he thought of something Yashima had told him once. Remember, Rain. Venus' children may claim to be the best dancers, but it falls to Ruby and Amethyst to dance with death, and on that dance you can make no misstep.

Time to dance.

Shifting the blade to his preferred reverse stance, Shu charges at the nearest monstrosity, keeping an eye on the trees around him, looking for... there. That branch ought to be thick enough, roughly the thickness of a man's thigh.

Shu runs straight at the monster, which slavers as he anticipates a direct assault. But Rain has no such plans. As he comes underneath the thick bough, he shifts his sword grip again, and sticks his sword upwards. The edge catches the bough, bites in, finds purchase, and then pivots. Kicking off from the ground at that moment, Shu uses the momentum of the moment where the blade pivots before neatly severing the bough clear of the tree to gracefully make a lazy backward somersault just over the creature's head-height. Corkscrewing in mid-air, there's a brief moment where the tableau hangs perfectly in Rain's mind, and he sees the strands of fate. With a slight trickle of essence he fastens a ruby thread to his sword's tip, and then everything speeds back to normal. He slams his blade point-first down behind the creature's head, hanging against its back for a moment like a mountaineer with an ice pick. Then he kicks away, still holding the hilt, using his bodyweight to force the starmetal blade to slide down through the undead flesh, lowering him to the ground.

3 motes personal on Fateful Melee Excellency.

Dex 5+Melee 4+Accuracy 4+3 dice from excellency = 16 dice.

Results for 16 dice: 18 successes [ 5 7 7 7 5 4 5 8 8 6 5 0 8 4 8 0 ] (TN: 4) :shock:

2 Stunt Dice: Results for 2 dice: 2 successes [ 9 4 ] (TN: 4)

20 successes total. DV was 6.

Strength 3 + Damage 9 + 14 -10 soak = 16 dice.

Results for 16 dice: 11 successes [ 7 0 8 1 7 2 1 7 0 8 1 8 8 2 9 8 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

11 lethal inflicted.

4 motes regained.

The wily eclipse caste nearly lets out a cry at the sight of...whatever the hell those are supposed to be, but keeps his cool as best he can. Swallowing his fear, he tries his best to duck behind something with an arrow ready. He may not be the fighter that his friends were, but he wouldn't let them be without support. "Lets just hope arrows actually do something against these guys..." He muttered to himself.

Join Battle

Results for 7 dice: 4 successes [ 5 6 0 9 8 3 5 ] (TN: 7)

Stealth (If needed)

Results for 5 dice: 6 successes [ 9 0 0 4 9 ] (TN: 7)


Ivory turns towards the direction of the sound, her face filled with fright. "What was that?"

She looks at Matsu, hoping he would take the lead.

"My my, aren't they ugly ones?" Aindani commented snarkily, quickly tieing his horse's reins to a nearby branch before going into the fray. "Don't bother aiming for vital points," he told his ifrit companion, "cutting them to pieces works better."


OOC: Join Battle Results for 6 dice: 2 successes (TN: 7)

Do I let you roll for Afa?

"Just what did Adair manage to do now ?"

Matsu started walking towards the origin of the scream, noticing activity from his comrades in the trees and looking up. He spoke to Mirri with a serious tone.

"Mirri, stay close to me and remain vigilant."

While joining the rest would of been his natural impulse, he had to watch her to avoid the classic redshirt dies when you're elsewhere.

(note: Matsu thinks she is a redshirt in terms of life expectency in a fight, due to being mortal, not me the player)

Ivory nods and falls in behind Matsu, drawing her twin daggers, trying to keep her battlen nerves from showing. these look like toothpicks compared to Rain's.
OOC: Brekkir, feel free to roll for Afa.

To Rain

You'll split the creature wide open, a gush of blackened blood and bile spraying a fine sheen into the air, your hands becoming covered.The creature falls, twitching, mewling, it's giant fanged maw hanging open, the little child's face inside it weeping...dissolving...a thin stream of sickening fluids running out between the thing's teeth.

The other rounds upon you and lunges right as the other falls upon the ground, arms held wide open with gnarled bony fingers looking to take a few pounds off of you. It runs at you, like some wild ape, leaping toward a nearby tree and pushing off the trunk with its massive legs (toppling the tree with an ear-splitting crack) to swipe at you.

Join Battle - Results for 9 dice: 7 successes [ 5 1 7 5 2 8 7 0 0 ] (TN: 7)

Strength 6 + Martial Arts 3 + 1 stunt die = 10 dice. Results for 10 dice: 7 successes [ 2 2 0 7 0 6 7 3 9 1 ] (TN: 7) What's Shu's DV right now? 6?

As Shu rolls clear of the monstrosity, he sees the second one coming toward him. Not even taking the time to bite off a curse, he continues to roll backwards, moving gracefully up into a backwards cartwheel, and finally a backwards flip, slamming feet-first into a nearby tree. For the few brief moments he's horizontal, he swings Equitable Solution around and drives it point first into the ground, balancing himself precariously there with the wide flat blade between him and the ravenous beast's claws.

Parry DV is 6, including the external penalty on the monster's attack from my starmetal armour. Attempting to stunt my parry to increase it.

Spending a further 4motes, 1wp on my Fateful Excellency to raise my Parry DV to 12 (or more with a stunt.)
To Rain

You'll only be pushed back a few feet amazingly when the bulk of the creature rams into that flat part of the sword, letting out a child's shriek of rage, spittle and bile splattering on the sword.

OOC: Scorpion is up.

Then Thac0's up, you have a clear picture of this thing's wide, greasy back.

Followed by Brekkir and Afa.

Scorpion holds Venom and Sting at the ready. Kwan Shu seems to be taking care of business, and, with the racket the one abomination made, he's fairly sure reinforcements will be on their way. He keeps his eyes moving, watching to see if his allies need help or if more trouble is coming....

Scorpion is guarding....
To Scorpion

Nothing upon the plain, nothing moving out of the rachel where you see the tent tops. Not even movement from the ships. Though you're not sure if that's good or bad at this point. Night will fall soon, you've all been walking a while. The rain's stopped, at least.

OOC: Adair's up!

The Eclipse squinted, knocking a broad-headed arrow and pulling back. "Big-fella needs a big arrow head, I reckon..." He made quiet jokes to himself to maintain his concentration. He had learned, through trial and error, that if he simply willed an arrow to fly straighter then it normally would, it did. Normally, he'd take the time to aim- but the creature had its back to him, it was now or never.

"Sail true, my friend." His trademark grinned widened, and let his bowstring go, letting the arrow soar.

3 Motes of personal Essence Spent on 1st Archery Excellency

4 Dex + 4 Archery +3 Excellency + 1 Long Bow= 12 Dice

Results for 12 dice: 4 successes (TN: 7)

Assuming this is unexpected, and that hit...

+3 Successes + 2 Broadhead Arrow + 1 Str= 6L (Hey, this is not my main form of attack, ok?)

Results for 6 dice: 4 successes (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

To Adair

The arrow sails through the air, digging into that leathery flesh almost to the feathers at fifty yards! The creature lets out a plantive, child-like wail, one clawed hand shooting back to try and grab at the painful thing.

OOC: Brekkir, if you'd care to figure out what Afa and Aidani are up to, have at it! Chaka should be up again after Afa, me thinks.

There was little subtlety in the assault of the ifrit and Solar: they both hacked at their opponent, raining a flurry of blows on the nearest construct.


OOC: Afa's 1st attack: Results for 10 dice: 2 successes (TN: 7)

Afa's 2nd attack: Results for 9 dice: 1 success (TN: 7)

Both Speed 4, dmg +8L, Parry DV 4

Aindani's 1st attack: Results for 7 dice: 1 success (TN: 7)

Aindani 2nd attack, spending 3 Pers. motes on FME: Results for 9 dice: 7 successes (TN: 7)

Both speed 4, dmg + 6L(P), Parry DV 3
To Aindani

Amazingly, the creature's throes of pain, trying to reach the shaft of ash in its back aided it's dodging Afa's blows completely and your first one, a simply line of cut air where its head was before ducking. But the second, ah, the second! A clear and hard hit to that broad back.

10 soak.

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