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  • Users: Ned
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  1. Ned

    Crystal-edged War Shield

    Ned submitted a new resource: Crystal-edged War Shield (version 1.0) - A minor artifact shield with an offensive capability Level 1 Artifact This unusual shield is based on that used by a First Age Solar hero whose name has been lost to history. It is made from wood coated with steel but...
  2. Ned

    Other worlds...

    But, if you try to fly that high don't you hit the Adamant shell of Yu-shan?
  3. Ned

    The Great Observatory

    They are too arrogant to bother I'd say. "How could a silly manse even compare to our abilities! Foolish DragonKings!"
  4. Ned

    Codes & code breaking

    I'd also allow a Wits + Lore roll. Mathematics is related to lore, and most code breaking is done by trying to spot repeating patterns using complex mathematics. The computer was originally invented to break codes using brute force mathematics. It's also what Russell Crowe's character in "A...
  5. Ned

    Elemental Affinities

    I would say you should go with bonus stunt dice rather than trying to make a rock paper scissors system, simply because each element can be weaker or stronger at different situations. There's simply too many combinations, most of which can vary between elemental, to make a fair...
  6. Ned

    "Dark" Gods

    I had, I thought it would be a really cool plot twist if the players try to stop a psychopathic God murdering thousands of people only to find out that he's doing his job. Thus they get in the Catch 22 situation of "not piss off the beruacracy or save people's lives." In the 2Ed Lunar book it...
  7. Ned

    Funniest Quotes OOC or IC from Exalted

    Me: I try to throw him in the oil. ST: You take 10B soakable only by Stamina. Me: I don't try to throw him in the oil. ST: Too late. While I was out the night caste took my armour, making me promise to make his familiar into a cyborg in exchange for giving it back. Later on in the same...
  8. Ned

    Lunar Casteless...

    If you are going to be Casteless then make sure to take the Wyld-mutation defence knack(quicksilver something or other, it's in a box somewhere in the Chimera chapter.) If you fail the mutation roll then, rather than getting a mutation, the storyteller chooses a random animal from your heart's...
  9. Ned

    "Dark" Gods

    Yeah, I saw that one too :P I know that not all Gods are bad, but in the case when the God only thinks about forfilling his duties, how far can he go before he gets into trouble? "This city's time is up, if I nudge a few people over here to mine then they will activate a first age weapon that...
  10. Ned

    "Dark" Gods

    But, how much power does he get just from ruins existing, if any? Would he benfit from organising a city to be destroyed to give him more power? What I'm asking that would any of these types of Gods benefit from wholesale destruction, or is it only the prayers they recieve from living people...
  11. Ned

    "Dark" Gods

    I've been playing a game set in An Teng recently and one of the recent plot twists is that the Pale Lady, An Teng's Goddess of Chaos and instability, has allied with rebel forces trying to retake the country. Of course, allying with her means that the new regieme will be cursed with chaos...
  12. Ned

    How to learn about the curse?

    I have bolded the important part of the quote above which just proved the point I was trying to make. You figure that something is wrong with you, not the shard. However, it is still possible for someone to put two and two together without assuming the shard is the problem. This post, aimed...
  13. Ned

    Grappling Grappling

    Sorry for the thread necromancy, but this topic reminded me of a grapple question I've been meaning to ask. One of the 1st Ed Autobot charms gives your character a pair of tentacles. They can be "empowered" so they act independent of your character. It gives the following rules in clinches...
  14. Ned

    How to learn about the curse?

    I reiterate: All of your concepts are about someone who never did something before exalting. Gamble, drank, over-ate, beat people up, stopped caring. All of these things are something normal people to do relieve stress. At least, that's what it might seem like to the character and anyone...
  15. Ned

    Creative uses for demons

    Our Sorcerer summoned each of us an Agata to take us on day trips all over Creation. Or even just for a few hours. We'd just roll a dice across the map and visit where it stopped.
  16. Ned


    In the Blood and Salt book there is a canon God who only gets negative prayers and still has a huge cult rating: The Pale Lady. It specifically says that the only types of prays she gets are of the form "stay away you evil monster" rather than "you are really awesome, but you'd super awesome if...
  17. Ned

    Gem of Incomparable Wellness in 2E

    If it's in a skin mount amulet it can still be pulled out when you're inactive, can't it? Just tell him that it's so easy to remove it that it defeats the purpose of having it. After he regenerates his first health level after being killed the enemy will know that he must be using something...
  18. Ned

    Motivation and Virtue Loss

    If I remember correctly you just had to spend xp? Although I'd let people change their motivations if anything major happend in their life for free. In Jukashi's example I'd let him change for no cost.
  19. Ned

    How to learn about the curse?

    Since Exalting your character has witnessed, learned of and peformed acts no person ever should. You know some people drink to relieve stress, you never wanted to even touch the stuff before. After having to flee the people you love as they called you inhuman, hide from the wyld hunt and...
  20. Ned

    Life Effects

    The neverborn have the insight to grant such powers to their Deathlords because they helped build creation and they are the universe's leading experts on Oblivion and the Underworld. The Underworld only exists because Autocthon didn't build a "death of primordial" command into Creation's life...