Other worlds...


Luna's Concubine
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Kinda off tangent, but I was wondering...

Has anyone ever thought of developing "space travel" to Luna or any of the worlds the Five Maidens are named for?  I'm not trying to toss in real world physics, but Gaia and Autotchon exist as both an avatar and as physical worlds for people to live on/in.  What about Luna, or Mercury?  Or any of the other Maiden big bosses of the Sidereals?  I doubt it, but does anyone know if there is any references to this?
I made the moon a giant ball of cheese in one of my games... ^_-

Sure, it was in the wyld... but hey! ^_^
There is no space in exalted, the world is flat and the unconquered sun shoots everyone who flies to high. That all kinda discourages space travel.
Sounds cool, if unfinished. Might try to talk my group into that after we finish our current series.
I believe Creation is not truely a world, and there is no such thing as "Space". Luna, US and the Maidens are, I think, just glowing dots in the sky, not realy astral bodies.
As far as we know in Exalted, the only way for a "real" world to exist is as the body of a primordial. Creation is Gaia's, Autocthonia is Autocthon's, Malfeas is Malfeas (and bits of the other Yozis), the Labyrinth is the piled corpses of the Neverborn, and so on. Powerful Fae can make worlds too, but you probably don't want to visit those.

Luna is a bit wierd: apparantly she's not really an Incarna, but then what is she? So perhaps you can walk around on her "body", but otherwise if you want to visit another world you'd add in some new primordials to do it. Which is viable - I would have imagined there'd have been primordials which fled rather than die or surrender - but not canonically supported.
This is the story of the Solar Ship Enterprise...her abnormally hot crew's mission...to conquer and sex up every known world and God out there...
James, you are a sick man.  Just my kinda guy!   :twisted:
And for some reason, her Captain...he loses his shirt every session. And that fellow in the red shirt dies. Good thing we're going through the Wyld and Bones the Twilight can just make us new people.
And he can take a blow from master Sidereal Martial Artist, but the only wound he'll show is a slight trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth.....

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