"Dark" Gods

Haku said:
Yes, there WERE gods of the contagion disease. Surprising, non? Check out the entry on disease spirits in GoD.
Yes, quite surprising.  Unfortunately, I only began storytelling during the later parts of 1e, and so I missed a good portion of 1e books (I only bought the main, Abyssal, Lunar, and Player's Guide).  2e was when I really started to collect the Exalted Books, and the only things I'm missing are the Blessed Isle, and the Wyld (which I will be picking up).  One of my players has the GoD.  I'll have to loot it from him again and reread it.
... that's one bit that I Golden Ruled the fuck out. And I hope I never see it in 2nd. Ed. it makes the Deathlords/Contagion deal a big ol' mess.
It really only causes mass confusion if you are a gaming zealot.

The rest of us just ignore discrepancies, play them how the hell we want, and carry on without trying to start WWIII over an editing error.

If WW wants a god of the contagion, that's ok.  So there was one, way back when, but it's pretty much dead now, since I believe the best that Citrine Poxes of Contagion can do is simulate it's memory at a lesser level, so it's not really that specific disease.
That's just it... it used to exist... but none know what became of them.

Personally, I think there is still a single contagion god left... kept in a tiny adamant jar that does not allow it to escape and which keeps it in in a permenent materialized state.

The rest... well... they got spirit/soul-forged into jade.

Also... the contagion might have been a disease that existed naturally in Creation, but it was only the ritual of the Deathlords and the Wll of Udr that supercharged the disease beyond compare.
Safim said:
My "*sigh*" was not really aimed at anyone in particular and certainly not made as an attack at anyone. I think it was just worthy pointing out that this was possible as the OP did not seem to have thought of it and nobody had pointed it out yet. I was just being theatratical. Semester is over, and my 50 pages of essays on law start only next week, ergo... too much energy ^^
I had, I thought it would be a really cool plot twist if the players try to stop a psychopathic God murdering thousands of people only to find out that he's doing his job. Thus they get in the Catch 22 situation of "not piss off the beruacracy or save people's lives."

I agree that there wouldn't be gods of the wyld, malfeas or even the underworld.
In the 2Ed Lunar book it says that Luna is recognized as the God of the Wyld by the celestial bueracracy. But it doesn't say what this actually means.

Can anyone shed any light on my earlier post: Can a group of people form a cult worshipping a God whose personality they define, and then a God is sent there to answer the prayers? Would the cult's beliefs of what the God is like make it that way? "Dear heaven, we would like a God that's 10 feet tall, has bunny ears and eats lots of carrots. Love, the Bunny Cult of Gem."
No they can't. Look at the Five Immaculate Dragons. People's prayers to them go to no one, because there is no god there to reap all that essence. It's a way to control the spirit hierarchy on the blessed isle..

If a god would have taken prayers, you can bet that five of them would have appeared and said "Woot! We're the five immaculate dragons. Hesiesh, Daana'd, etc."

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