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  1. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    No thank you, I'm going to be away from my computer anyways this weekend. But thanks of the option!
  2. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    CHARACTER DEATH KILLER: ECLIPSE CAUSE OF DEATH: Bolts of infectious shadow hit her and slowly deprived her of her senses; driving her into a numbing darkness DECEASED: THALIA OWNER: me ( @Kobresia )
  3. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia is rewarded one final glimpse of the world. Her eyes fly open, gray irises shrinking agains the light, and she gasps a little. A screen of shadow moves across her field of vision, obscuring everything in opaque and inky blackness. She's in the void again, and can feel herself take one...
  4. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    Should I do one of these for Thalia, or is that something you do @Light
  5. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia is in complete, absolute darkness. There was pain, yes, she can remember the pain. But that was earlier. Now, there is only numbness and an empty, dark void that she floats in. She knows that she's close to death. Thalia can't think very well, her thoughts muddled and confused. I'm going...
  6. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    That's so.... dark.... Okay I'm leaving for the night!
  7. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    The shadows hit Thalia's feet, one bolt per each, and right at the top of her back. She plummets into the forest beneath her, her wings fluttering feebly. When she hits the ground she shifts subconsciously into a human, and manages to look at her hands and feet. The shadow has gone all the way...
  8. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    @Chelsea Griffin What happens when a bolt of shadow hits someone?
  9. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia hears the voice of the shadow, and turns, half expecting to see some form of dark beast gaining on her. Instead, she sees a wall of darkness advancing. "DAMMIT," she says forcefully. She can tell that something's not right with the darkness... She tests it with a ball of white fire. It...
  10. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia folds her wings in and plunges to meet the girl, her razor sharp claws extended into little points of death. Just ten feet above her, however, she unfolds her right wing and surges to her left, looping around the girl. She tries to scratch the girl, while also blasting short and frequent...
  11. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    "Double the trouble," Thalia growls. She launches herself upward, going even faster than before. A bolt of Carnage Magic and shadow collide right behind her tail, and she doesn't stick around to see what that looks like. She gets up so far that she can hardly breathe, but it is much further than...
  12. Kobresia

    To Usurp Death

    @Light what does Carnage Magic do if it skims your skin?
  13. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia's eyes narrow as she takes in the two girls that stand in front of her. Shadowgirl and... Demongirl, she thinks. The new one is looking up at her. She curses lowly, and launches herself into the air, her wings pumping furiously as she shifts into her griffin form. She gets a good couple...
  14. Kobresia

    Futuristic Into The Void

    "I think I'll stay onboard the Nocterra too," Aren says, bounding to her room. She likes it. It's sparsely decorated, but has a weapons rack. Some swords, guns, blasters, pistols, knives, daggers, bombs; she really should put it in the weapons storage but she loves all of it.
  15. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia stiffens. She feels a presence, no, make that two presences, coming closer. Dammit, she thinks, looking at her wing. She's healed it a little with some herbs that she's found, but man does it hurt. She leaps into the uppermost branches of the tree and awaits the intruders.
  16. Kobresia

    Futuristic Into The Void

    "Yeah, I'm a Canine," Aren says, watching Atlas intently. "Wow. That's so cool," she says. Her attention is easily distracted, as it is by the knocking on the door. "Hellooo? I'm Aren, who are you?" she calls happily.
  17. Kobresia

    Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

    Thalia growls in pain as her wing jolts her awake. Startled, she realizes that she must've dozed off in the tree. "Idiot," she murmurs to herself. "Idiot, imbecile." She gets to her feet on the branch, her tail draping over the edge to help her balance. Thalia shifts her wing to where she can...
  18. Kobresia

    Futuristic Into The Void

    "I can't wait! I'm so done with this universe!" Aren says, pumping her fists with excitement. "The unknown calls my name!" She pauses to admire Atlas's wings. "I like your wings, by the way," she says thoughtfully.
  19. Kobresia

    Futuristic Into The Void

    "Hi! I think we've met before! I'm Aren, but some people call me Renna!" Aren says cheerily as she bounds up toward the captain. "You're Captain Atlas Skye, right? I've heard of you. And the Nocterra. Thanks for letting me come into the Void with you!"
  20. Kobresia

    Futuristic Into The Void

    Aren smiles a big, toothy, wolfish grin as she looks at the ship. She's seen the Nocterra several times now, but loves the sight of it. She can't wait to go into the void. Hopefully there'll be tons of people to fight! she thinks. And it wouldn't hurt to make a few real friends... She bounds up...