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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

( ! ) Kristy glares at runs at the man. Poison starting to leak out her body. She attempts to take this guy out before she bleeds out to death.

He twitches his eyelids as he tenses, dodging her swings, in no effort attempting to swing the sword that rested on his shoulder, "Calm yourself! I mean you no harm!" He cleared some distance between them. Leaving open air for her to slash at, she was in pain, that much was clear, the chinking of his armor underneath the cloak indicated some form of protection.
Antonio pushed himself up into a sitting position and saw that he was surrounded by darkness. He looked at the girl leaning on the wall. "Are you okay?" He asked her. He took off his glasses and wiped them off so he could see better. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked at his shadow, then back at the girl.
"...fine..." she said, though she obviously wasn't. "Just don't fight against it, okay? I can't hold it if you do, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of this...manic..." she said, soon losing her breath and she slid against the wall. She glared at the girl on the ground, wondering what she planned on doing.
TheeeIrish said:
( ! ) Kristy glares at runs at the man. Poison starting to leak out her body. She attempts to take this guy out before she bleeds out to death.
He twitches his eyelids as he tenses, dodging her swings, in no effort attempting to swing the sword that rested on his shoulder, "Calm yourself! I mean you no harm!" He cleared some distance between them. Leaving open air for her to slash at, she was in pain, that much was clear, the chinking of his armor underneath the cloak indicated some form of protection.

Shadow said:
Antonio pushed himself up into a sitting position and saw that he was surrounded by darkness. He looked at the girl leaning on the wall. "Are you okay?" He asked her. He took off his glasses and wiped them off so he could see better. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked at his shadow, then back at the girl.
ShadowHuntress said:
"...fine..." she said, though she obviously wasn't. "Just don't fight against it, okay? I can't hold it if you do, and I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of this...manic..." she said, soon losing her breath and she slid against the wall. She glared at the girl on the ground, wondering what she planned on doing.
Kristy breaks out of the shadows and the poison gas spreads rapidly. Killing innocent townspeople. She runs straight for Alisha. She could only get one more blow in before she dies.
(!) Alisha shots a shadow into her stomach, wanting her to stop but, having never actually aimed it before, hit her in a vital place. She gasped, her eyes watering from both the poison and by the fact that she actually killed someone. She fell to her knees, both in shock and in blood loss, as all the shadows disappeared, including the ones holding the two men. "Is it...over..." she asked softly. 'I think so.' Alex said. 'Good job Ali.' He said, his voice filled with pride.
People in the city were getting worried and panicking at the sight of the fighting. Innocents were getting hurt out there. Time for action.

Luke jumped out of hiding within the forest and rushed towards the action. There was Alisha, who looked to be in horrible shape, and a shadow extending away from her. "What the hell is going on here? Why do you like you jumped in a pit of swords?" Near them was a girl laying on the ground. Dead. Whoever it was put up a fight. Alisha was nearing death herself.
Antonio's shadow spread protectively around him, guarding him from the poison one of the girls had spread. He ran over to the shadow girl and knelt beside her. "How can I help?" He asked. He saw his shadow spread to protect the new guy and the girl on the ground. He wasn't sure if it would actually work or not, but at least it was trying.
Alisha looked at the boys and smiled. They looked unhurt, so that was good. She leaned against the wall, her eyes slowly losing her vision to black and her eyes and limbs began feeling heavy. She was done, which she couldn't believe, but at least she helped someone. That was a plus, right? But then again...she did kill someone...that was a negative...so neutral. Her eyes closed as her wounds continued to bleed and the poison started to take effect.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]Eclipse senses the girl. Scanning the street from under her hood, she spots someone who seems to stand out. "Are you gonna kill her?" The cat asks. Eclipse frowns a little. I don't want to kill anyone, cat, she thinks, then walks toward the the girl. Maybe we could form a temporary alliance or something, Eclpise muses. The cat snorts in a quiet, shadowy way.

Devil kept walking forward when she hit something and fell to the ground. She looked up from the ground for the first time that day and saw a girl. She had long black hair and was wearing what looked like battle gear. "Can I help you?" Devil growled at the girl. She was tired of people asking her why she looked so weird, and didn't really want to talk to this person about it.
Antonio saw the girl was bleeding from her shoulder. He quickly pulled her shirt down, just enough to see the wound. He pressed his fingers against it to stem the bleeding. He saw she was bleeding from her leg too. "Uh....Hey, could you put pressure on that wound?" He asked the guy that walked up, nodding to her leg. He knew her chances of survival were slim, but he had to try.
"No," Eclipse says. A gleam of a sword is visible beneath her shadowy cape. "Well, actually, maybe you can." Her blue eyes narrow a little bit. "Kill her, she's on the ground, you could kill her," the cat growls inside her head. No. Maybe there can be an alliance, cat, Eclipse thinks. "Are you one of the contestants?" The cat's shadowy form quivers, and Eclipse can hear its snort. "You know very well that she is, Eclipse," it says.
ShadowHuntress said:
Alisha looked at the boys and smiled. They looked unhurt, so that was good. She leaned against the wall, her eyes slowly losing her vision to black and her eyes and limbs began feeling heavy. She was done, which she couldn't believe, but at least she helped someone. That was a plus, right? But then again...she did kill someone...that was a negative...so neutral. Her eyes closed as her wounds continued to bleed and the poison started to take effect.
Kristy lays dead on the street. The poison finally starts to take effect on Alisha.
Light said:
The beasts start to stand behind Kastanie as if supporting her. "If you value your life. Leave this place, I don't want anything to do with you or this game."
Kristy rips the knife out of Alisha's thigh. "Maybe I should slice you open more and then kill you." Kristy stabs the knife into Alisha's shoulder.
"Sorry but I can't leave Ace still thinks he can reason with you, he may be an idiot but as of now he's still stronger than me so I have to listen to him for now. Oh and by the way Ace doesn't care for this whole game either." Hybrid said looking at all the beast gathering behind Kastanie. @Light
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[QUOTE="ShadowHuntress, post: 2993883, member: 29408"]Alisha looked at the boys and smiled. They looked unhurt, so that was good. She leaned against the wall, her eyes slowly losing her vision to black and her eyes and limbs began feeling heavy. She was done, which she couldn't believe, but at least she helped someone. That was a plus, right? But then again...she did kill someone...that was a negative...so neutral. Her eyes closed as her wounds continued to bleed and the poison started to take effect.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE="Shadow, post: 2993942, member: 27662"]Antonio saw the girl was bleeding from her shoulder. He quickly pulled her shirt down, just enough to see the wound. He pressed his fingers against it to stem the bleeding. He saw she was bleeding from her leg too. "Uh....Hey, could you put pressure on that wound?" He asked the guy that walked up, nodding to her leg. He knew her chances of survival were slim, but he had to try.

"Stand aside. I got this." Sam sighed. Helping the enemy again? Technically she was an enemy, but Sam had no reason to kill her.

"Sword #7- Peacekeeper." The sword turned from his Magic Breaker to a glowing yellow sword, shaped like an ankh. Alisha didn't have long to live, so Sam had to make this quick. His sword floated above his head, and he clasped his hands in prayer, the sign of a holy spell. "Healing Pulse." he said.

A magic circle appeared under the girl and it glowed white. Soon her body glowed white too, as it healed her. It took a minute, as the damage was extensive and she was so close to death. Her wounds closed and the blood disappeared. The poison in her body was cured. She wasn't fully healed yet, but she would definitely be making a full recovery.

"Hmmm. Looks like I was wrong about you. Your soul seems to be pure. If you were the same as Alex, collaborating with him, or if he was in control, that Holy spell would have killed you. You'll be making a full recovery. Just rest for about a day."

Sword Info


Name: Peacekeeper

Number: #7

Type: One-handed

Element: Any

Swing Strength: 10%

Thrust Strength: 0%

Magic Strength: 200%

Attack Strength: 10%

Speed: 120%

Ability: Boosts the user magic levels to extreme levels

Special Move: Elemental Storm- A powerful blast made of every element at once. Always hit the opponents with their elemental weakness

Special Move Cooldown: 60 minutes

Info: Primarily a Magic Sword, the user sacrifices and any offensive presence to focus on magic; It's made with no edge to disarm opponents, though it cannot kill it boosts the magic power of its wielder. The hole in the middle is made to catch swords.

Weakness: Pretty much harmless in direct combat, the user must keep some sort of distance in battle. Dispelling is this sword's #1 weakness
Alisha stirred but didn't wake up, though she did seem healthier. Alex was practically beaming at Sam, though no one could see him. He'd have to thank him later.
Antonio quickly removed his hands and pulled her shirt back over her shoulder. He sat back and watched her wounds heal. "Wow. That's pretty incredible." He said, standing up and looking around. His eyes froze on the innocent bystanders that had been killed by that one girl's poison. He closed his eyes and turned away. "So what now?" He asked, looking back at the girl on the ground.
Shadow said:
Antonio quickly removed his hands and pulled her shirt back over her shoulder. He sat back and watched her wounds heal. "Wow. That's pretty incredible." He said, standing up and looking around. His eyes froze on the innocent bystanders that had been killed by that one girl's poison. He closed his eyes and turned away. "So what now?" He asked, looking back at the girl on the ground.
"These innocents won't be burying themselves." Without another word, Sam went into the town to bury the innocents killed by the poisons, and consult their families. The priests and other clergymen were there healing the others.

This fight has already gotten out of hand.

"Hey Death!" Sam called out "We need to take this fight to somewhere a lot less populated. An empty city perhaps, but able to sustain life! If you made this game for us, others aren't necessary to involve"
Kylesar1 said:
"These innocents won't be burying themselves." Without another word, Sam went into the town to bury the innocents killed by the poisons, and consult their families. The priests and other clergymen were there healing the others.
This fight has already gotten out of hand.

"Hey Death!" Sam called out "We need to take this fight to somewhere a lot less populated. An empty city perhaps, but able to sustain life! If you made this game for us, others aren't necessary to involve"
Doesn't answer for a moment. After a long pause he speaks up. His voice ringing through the sky. "No."
Alisha, being woken up by the yelling, slowly opened her eyes and tried to sit up, though pain shot through her body. 'Careful! The effects of the poison haven't completely vanished yet!'
"You say that like I should know you. I don't," Eclipse says. "But I don't want unnecessary carnage. I didn't choose to be chosen for this." "But you complained about how boring you life was, you hypocrite," the cat growls. It's smooth and silky voice ripples inside Eclipse's head. Shut it, she thinks. "There are three options that we have right now. One, we fight until one of us emerges victorious. Two, we both run away and pretend we never met. Three, we form a... a truce, I believe." Her eyes gleam. "Will you have death, cowardice, or temporary amity?"
Thalia growls in pain as her wing jolts her awake. Startled, she realizes that she must've dozed off in the tree. "Idiot," she murmurs to herself. "Idiot, imbecile." She gets to her feet on the branch, her tail draping over the edge to help her balance. Thalia shifts her wing to where she can see it, and groans. The wrappings have turned a dark black, different from the black of blood and more like black of shadow. "Damn shadowgirl," she curses, straightening up.
Antonio laid his hand on the girl's shoulder when she tried to get up. "Whoa, take it easy. The sword dude said you probably wouldn't be all better. Just rest." He said, removing his hand and turning to see where the sword dude had gone.
She looked at him, confused. "Sword...dude...?" She wondered. 'It was that Sam guy; you know, the one who destroyed the table when you were with that other girl.' Alex said, helping. "Oh, alright. So Sam helped me, huh? That was nice of him." She said with a smile before looking at the boy with a worried expression. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt are you?" She asked. 'Really? You are still recovering and you are worried about him?'

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