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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Thalia hears the voice of the shadow, and turns, half expecting to see some form of dark beast gaining on her. Instead, she sees a wall of darkness advancing. "DAMMIT," she says forcefully. She can tell that something's not right with the darkness... She tests it with a ball of white fire. It dissipates into the shadow, and Thalia grimaces. "HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME!" she yells at the darkness, assuming that shadowgirl's in there. Then, she starts to fly away. She's not being very careful about protecting her flank, though, in her haste to get away.
More action. People were panicking again.

"I'm headed to the action. Either of you are free to join me." Sam said, and sprinted towards the loud sounds.
Kobresia said:
Thalia hears the voice of the shadow, and turns, half expecting to see some form of dark beast gaining on her. Instead, she sees a wall of darkness advancing. "DAMMIT," she says forcefully. She can tell that something's not right with the darkness... She tests it with a ball of white fire. It dissipates into the shadow, and Thalia grimaces. "HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME!" she yells at the darkness, assuming that shadowgirl's in there. Then, she starts to fly away. She's not being very careful about protecting her flank, though, in her haste to get away.
( Welcome to the team Thalia. )
"Got you," the cat's voice murmurs softly as it directs a bolt of shadow right at the griffin's head. Six more, aimed at every foot and wing, follow behind it. The vortex keeps expanding. Eclipse is fighting to stay awake, but it is a little easier with the cat's help. She always thought of it as another part of her, a part that she subconsciously created. Now she realizes that it is its own entity entirely.
Kobresia said:
Thalia hears the voice of the shadow, and turns, half expecting to see some form of dark beast gaining on her. Instead, she sees a wall of darkness advancing. "DAMMIT," she says forcefully. She can tell that something's not right with the darkness... She tests it with a ball of white fire. It dissipates into the shadow, and Thalia grimaces. "HAVE FUN WITHOUT ME!" she yells at the darkness, assuming that shadowgirl's in there. Then, she starts to fly away. She's not being very careful about protecting her flank, though, in her haste to get away.
@Light[/URL] )
The shadows hit Thalia's feet, one bolt per each, and right at the top of her back. She plummets into the forest beneath her, her wings fluttering feebly. When she hits the ground she shifts subconsciously into a human, and manages to look at her hands and feet. The shadow has gone all the way through her hands, and wispy strands of darkness seem to be smoking out. The bolt had gotten all the way through one of her feet, and was stuck in the other. She thought she could see strands of darkness spiraling up her skin, but that might've just been the gathering darkness that started to invade her vision. The shadow on her back didn't make it all the way through, she can almost feel it writhing around inside of her. Her head falls back down to the forest floor, and her wings still try to lift her up. "H-h-help," she says softly, a whisper, yet it seems to carry. Thalia doesn't expect anyone to help her, in reality. The blackness invades the edges of her vision pooling toward the center. Soon, everything is dark. Thalia is numb, completely deprived of all senses. Her eyes close, and she passes out. It is unlikely that she will ever awake again, but rather lay there in the moss beneath a bower of trees.
CelticSol said:
Move, Meatsack! Baskwerville shouted, causing Kardia to look behind her. She bailed off the Griffin she caught a ride on, shadow stepping mid-air. In a moment of failed wisdom, she didn't remember to think of an actual location other than the general direction of the woods facing away from the wall of shadow, and crashed into the trees. One cracked, the momentum of her fall snapping it right in half as she crashed through the trees. She finally went through one, final tree before she slammed into something, tumbling through the forest floor along with it.
Or maybe a better word is 'someone', Raphael said gleefully as Kardia spied that what he said was true. She had crashed into the dragon girl. Her breath caught as Kardia remembered the words of 'Kill or be killed' that the God had said in her dream, and she scrambled over to the girl and pinned her. Kardia immediately whipped a knife from under her shirt and aimed to bring it down on Kastanie's face.

@Light )
"Kastanie you're in a bind here. If I stop healing and attack you'll bleed out. Taking Dragon form also wouldn't be a bright idea."

She couldn't blame Carnage. He was doing his best to keep her alive. Dragon form is a possibility but as he said it isn't smart. She would attract a lot of attention by doing that. Kastanie raises her hand and holds Kadia's hand up. The knife barely touches her face. "You are?" She says in a struggling tone.


Kobresia said:
The shadows hit Thalia's feet, one bolt per each, and right at the top of her back. She plummets into the forest beneath her, her wings fluttering feebly. When she hits the ground she shifts subconsciously into a human, and manages to look at her hands and feet. The shadow has gone all the way through her hands, and wispy strands of darkness seem to be smoking out. The bolt had gotten all the way through one of her feet, and was stuck in the other. She thought she could see strands of darkness spiraling up her skin, but that might've just been the gathering darkness that started to invade her vision. The shadow on her back didn't make it all the way through, she can almost feel it writhing around inside of her. Her head falls back down to the forest floor, and her wings still try to lift her up. "H-h-help," she says softly, a whisper, yet it seems to carry. Thalia doesn't expect anyone to help her, in reality. The blackness invades the edges of her vision pooling toward the center. Soon, everything is dark. Thalia is numb, completely deprived of all senses. Her eyes close, and she passes out. It is unlikely that she will ever awake again, but rather lay there in the moss beneath a bower of trees.
( @Cadin shadow lord she could use your help. )
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Light said:
"Kastanie you're in a bind here. If I stop healing and attack you'll bleed out. Taking Dragon form also wouldn't be a bright idea."
She couldn't blame Carnage. He was doing his best to keep her alive. Dragon form is a possibility but as he said it isn't smart. She would attract a lot of attention by doing that. Kastanie raises her hand and holds Kadia's hand up. The knife barely touches her face. "You are?" She says in a struggling tone.
Did this bitch just ask you your name while you're trying to stab her in the face? What? Raphael started to kill himself laughing, Baskerville adding to it with a barking laugh. Kardia shifted her pin so her knees held down Kastanie's biceps, bringing down her ability to stop Kardia's attacks. "Your newest opponent? Fuck if I know what this shitshow is about," She held her knife to Kastanie's throat, "All I know is that you kill me, or I kill you. So, any last words?"
I'm tired, Eclipse thinks. "But remember your little ally friend," the cat says. Eclipse nods slowly. The shadow stops expanding, but it does not start retracting.
CelticSol said:
Did this bitch just ask you your name while you're trying to stab her in the face? What? Raphael started to kill himself laughing, Baskerville adding to it with a barking laugh. Kardia shifted her pin so her knees held down Kastanie's biceps, bringing down her ability to stop Kardia's attacks. "Your newest opponent? Fuck if I know what this shitshow is about," She held her knife to Kastanie's throat, "All I know is that you kill me, or I kill you. So, any last words?"
Kastanie smirks and nods her head. "Yeah I do have a few words. It's either you kill me. I take Dragon form and kill you and everybody in this forest. Or we team up and rebel against the system... rebel against Grimm. There are no rules against that. Your choice though."
Sam went to the action. To the forest. There was a massive amount of magic within the forest. He went in and saw Kastanie in a disadvantageous situation............well, not really. Kastanie was actually in the best situation. "Sword #46- Magic Breaker." This sword would keep that Carnage Magic in check.

Sam leaned nonchalantly against a tree, not even trying to hide himself. He did, however, have his sword at the ready to dispel that Carnage Magic. He decided to keep his Radar Armor on to prevent any surprise attacks from anyone else in this forest. "Enjoyng the game so far?" He said, waving at the girls and yawning


Sword Info

Name: Magic Breaker

Number: #46

Type: One-handed

Element: N/A (it dispels magic)

Slash Strength: 130%

Thrust Strength: 130%

Magic Strength: 0%

Speed: 120%

Magic resistance: 20% (30% with Radar Armor)

Ability: Any magic that touches the sword is dispelled immediately.

Special Move: Dispel Field- Summons a big field that dispels any magic that touches. Any magic cast within it is immediately dispelled.

Special Move Cooldown: 10 minutes

Info: As the name implies it’s a blade used to dispel, repel, and disable magic. (You can find this explanation at this site.)

Weaknesses: Prevents the user from using magic himself, even if there's armor to power up the magic
Alisha followed, not wanting to be separated from him and stood beside him. Her face showed her horror and disgust at what was happening. "This is awful." She murmured.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Ace went to go help Kastanie although he didn't know exactly he would but he didn't like the idea of anybody dying so he rushes over as fast as he could. When he saw that Kastanie was pinned he went up to Kadia and threw her off of Kastanie and offered Kastanie his hand saying "You own me."

( Cadin. My bad, I didn't mean Kastanie I meant the Griffin girl. Who's being attacked right now in the forest. She's unconscious. )
Light said:
( Cadin. My bad, I didn't mean Kastanie I meant the Griffin girl. Who's being attacked right now in the forest. She's unconscious. )
(Welp, i'll go fix it.)


Kobresia said:
The shadows hit Thalia's feet, one bolt per each, and right at the top of her back. She plummets into the forest beneath her, her wings fluttering feebly. When she hits the ground she shifts subconsciously into a human, and manages to look at her hands and feet. The shadow has gone all the way through her hands, and wispy strands of darkness seem to be smoking out. The bolt had gotten all the way through one of her feet, and was stuck in the other. She thought she could see strands of darkness spiraling up her skin, but that might've just been the gathering darkness that started to invade her vision. The shadow on her back didn't make it all the way through, she can almost feel it writhing around inside of her. Her head falls back down to the forest floor, and her wings still try to lift her up. "H-h-help," she says softly, a whisper, yet it seems to carry. Thalia doesn't expect anyone to help her, in reality. The blackness invades the edges of her vision pooling toward the center. Soon, everything is dark. Thalia is numb, completely deprived of all senses. Her eyes close, and she passes out. It is unlikely that she will ever awake again, but rather lay there in the moss beneath a bower of trees.
Ace as fast as he could to where he saw the griffin girl drop, he wasn't going to let anybody die over some stupid game if he could prevent it. When Ace arrived he saw the tremor heading towards the girl and he threw her out of the way of it, making sure she landed safely. Ace then went to apply medical attention and see if she woke up.

( @Kobresia )
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Watching from the ground, Devils jaw drops. 'She is going to be harder then I thought to beat.' She watched the griffin fall to the ground and ran off toward the fallen beast. When she arrived she saw that she was still alive. She gathered her strength and hit the ground with all her might. The force made a crack head toward the griffin girl. Suddenly a boy came and carried the griffin girl away. She stood there and dropped her fist. "Aw Damn it! And i was gonna take her out." She looked to where the two had went and wondered, 'how many people have alliances?' She didn't have long to think before she remembered her friend person. She ran to where Eclipse had floated down to.

(Sorry about my previous post had no clue you had changed stuff.)
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Antonio was about to follow Sam and Alisha, when his shadow ran the other way. "Oh, come on you stupid bastard!" He said under his breath. He followed his shadow into the forest. Not too long afterwards, he heard voices and noticed that his shadow was leading him towards them. He tried to approach quietly but just as the two girls came into view, he tripped over a fallen tree. He landed with a loud 'omph'. He looked up at the girls then took off running, his shadow right behind him.

@CelticSol @Light
Light said:
Kastanie smirks and nods her head. "Yeah I do have a few words. It's either you kill me. I take Dragon form and kill you and everybody in this forest. Or we team up and rebel against the system... rebel against Grimm. There are no rules against that. Your choice though."
Kylesar1 said:
Sam went to the action. To the forest. There was a massive amount of magic within the forest. He went in and saw Kastanie in a disadvantageous situation............well, not really. Kastanie was actually in the best situation. "Sword #46- Magic Breaker." This sword would keep that Carnage Magic in check.
Sam leaned nonchalantly against a tree, not even trying to hide himself. He did, however, have his sword at the ready to dispel that Carnage Magic. He decided to keep his Radar Armor on to prevent any surprise attacks from anyone else in this forest. "Enjoyng the game so far?" He said, waving at the girls and yawning


Sword Info

Name: Magic Breaker

Number: #46

Type: One-handed

Element: N/A (it dispels magic)

Slash Strength: 130%

Thrust Strength: 130%

Magic Strength: 0%

Speed: 120%

Magic resistance: 20% (30% with Radar Armor)

Ability: Any magic that touches the sword is dispelled immediately.

Special Move: Dispel Field- Summons a big field that dispels any magic that touches. Any magic cast within it is immediately dispelled.

Special Move Cooldown: 10 minutes

Info: As the name implies it’s a blade used to dispel, repel, and disable magic. (You can find this explanation at this site.)

Weaknesses: Prevents the user from using magic himself, even if there's armor to power up the magic

(There is no (!) for Light's part, I know, but I already checked it over with him over PM.)

She all but ignores the man in armour, opting the deal with Kastanie before him. "That's a really cute thought, while the whole 'rebel against the system with me or I kill you' thing is admirable, but do you honestly think I'm going up against a God? Please, I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am. You're only trying to crack a deal to save your own skin. And, do you actually thin you can even twitch before I put this lovely knife here to use? " She dragged the blade in a taunting line across Kastanie's throat, "And don't say that you can pop out that magic of yours; trust me, I know a girl who's exhausted her powers when I see one. "

"This has been great, really, but this is the end of the line, kiddo. Let's see what you'll give me," Kardia slashed across Kastanie's throat with her knife, putting her fingers against Kastanie's forehead and cheeks as the girl started to quickly bleed out. Kardia's irises glowed golden as all the light drained out of Kastanie's eyes, and wings sprouted out of Kardia's back slowly, stretching slightly.

She stood, looking over to the man as she wiped her bloody hands off on her jeans, then putting her hands in her jacket pockets. "So, I suppose you're going to attack me as well? Or are you going to try to make a deal with me? Honestly, I'm open to either."

Kastanie wakes in complete darkness, and she hears the sound of a gravelling voice of a man, sounding as if he were in his late twenties or early thirties. "Ah, so we have another joining us. Wonderful. As if the witch wasn't annoying enough."

"Shut up, Raphael. As if you are any better." This voice is obviously a woman, her accent sounding vaguely Slavic, soft and high. "What is your name, child?"


Shadow said:
Antonio was about to follow Sam and Alisha, when his shadow ran the other way. "Oh, come on you stupid bastard!" He said under his breath. He followed his shadow into the forest. Not too long afterwards, he heard voices and noticed that his shadow was leading him towards them. He tried to approach quietly but just as the two girls came into view, he tripped over a fallen tree. He landed with a loud 'omph'. He looked up at the girls then took off running, his shadow right behind him.
@CelticSol @Light
Kardia looked after the rather clumsy newcomer, raising an eyebrow but not making any move to follow. "Alrighty then..."
The vortex starts to disappear. Eclipse lets it, and the next minute she's hovering in the air with her wings and her cat on her shoulder. She spies Devil. "Hey!" she yells, dropping. "Fight or run?" she asks. She's tired, but she doesn't let it show.
CelticSol said:
(There is no (!) for Light's part, I know, but I already checked it over with him over PM.)
She all but ignores the man in armour, opting the deal with Kastanie before him. "That's a really cute thought, while the whole 'rebel against the system with me or I kill you' thing is admirable, but do you honestly think I'm going up against a God? Please, I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am. You're only trying to crack a deal to save your own skin. And, do you actually thin you can even twitch before I put this lovely knife here to use? " She dragged the blade in a taunting line across Kastanie's throat, "And don't say that you can pop out that magic of yours; trust me, I know a girl who's exhausted her powers when I see one. "

"This has been great, really, but this is the end of the line, kiddo. Let's see what you'll give me," Kardia slashed across Kastanie's throat with her knife, putting her fingers against Kastanie's forehead and cheeks as the girl started to quickly bleed out. Kardia's irises glowed golden as all the light drained out of Kastanie's eyes, and wings sprouted out of Kardia's back slowly, stretching slightly.

She stood, looking over to the man as she wiped her bloody hands off on her jeans, then putting her hands in her jacket pockets. "So, I suppose you're going to attack me as well? Or are you going to try to make a deal with me? Honestly, I'm open to either."

Kastanie wakes in complete darkness, and she hears the sound of a gravelling voice of a man, sounding as if he were in his late twenties or early thirties. "Ah, so we have another joining us. Wonderful. As if the witch wasn't annoying enough."

"Shut up, Raphael. As if you are any better." This voice is obviously a woman, her accent sounding vaguely Slavic, soft and high. "What is your name, child?"


Kardia looked after the rather clumsy newcomer, raising an eyebrow but not making any move to follow. "Alrighty then..."
Kastanie lays dead while the entity by the name of Carnage leaves her body and disintegrates. Seeing that Kardia isn't compatible with him he simply goes off to find someone else in the world. Though Kastanie was a perfect match.

Inside Kardia, Kastanie talks to the other voices. "I'm Kastanie."
"I was so close to getting her but this guy showed up and saved her. I have no clue where they went." Devil fall to a squat and starts muttering. "And I was so close too." Then she remembered what her partner had done. She jumped back up and got in Eclipses face. "Geez you know you really are amazing. I had no idea you were that powerful. I am looking forward to getting to fight you!" Devil smiled a huge smile.
"Thank you," Eclipse says quietly. "That was my second form, the second most powerful attack that I have." She frowns. "Though it's a defense, really. I would say that I am looking forward to fighting you, but to be honest, I'd rather kill with you by my side than kill you. It's a shame that the griffin got away though. But if she isn't treated soon enough she will die, and dissipate into shadow." The cat blinks at her. "And my companion will tell me if she has joined the shadowrealm."
Thalia is in complete, absolute darkness. There was pain, yes, she can remember the pain. But that was earlier. Now, there is only numbness and an empty, dark void that she floats in. She knows that she's close to death. Thalia can't think very well, her thoughts muddled and confused. I'm going to fade, is the only thought that her struggling mind can think of. I'm going to disappear into the blackness and die.
Kobresia said:
Thalia is in complete, absolute darkness. There was pain, yes, she can remember the pain. But that was earlier. Now, there is only numbness and an empty, dark void that she floats in. She knows that she's close to death. Thalia can't think very well, her thoughts muddled and confused. I'm going to fade, is the only thought that her struggling mind can think of. I'm going to disappear into the blackness and die.
( Thalia! Nnnnnoooo! But if you do die you can join Kastanie. )
"Well for one. Thank you. I don't really want to kill you either but I do want to fight. Not to the death tho. And 2 yeah I think that guy had some sort of healing magic or else it would have been pointless to save her so. Oh well. I'm hungry lets go eat!!" Devil says and runs off toward the town.
"Aren't you excited and cheery at this fight to the death," Eclipse mutters quietly, gliding behind Devil. "When she gets annoying, we kill her, right?" the cat asks. Since it's back in its feline form, only Eclipse can hear it. No, furball, she thinks. Do I need to teach you some manners?

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