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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Sam sighed. "If I found you useless, I wouldn't ask you to come with me."

Sam went back to the heart of the city. Until Alisha was completely fine, it was imperative to avoid battles. Sam could only hope they wouldn't be attacked within the heart of the city
Alisha followed behind, doing little practice exercises that Alex was telling her to do. She soon found out that she could make things, causing her to giggle at each new creation.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Ace began to think of ways to get closer without being attacked, but he knew that wouldn't be possible without spilling some blood but he didn't want to hurt anybody so instead yelled as loud as he could "Why are you so paranoid, and why won't you listen!" Ace yelled at the den.

Kastanie knew the mountain was large and vast. She spread her wings and jumped out the den close to the base of the mountain and flew higher up into the clouds. Where she was lost in sight and could no longer be heard.
Thalia stiffens. She feels a presence, no, make that two presences, coming closer. Dammit, she thinks, looking at her wing. She's healed it a little with some herbs that she's found, but man does it hurt. She leaps into the uppermost branches of the tree and awaits the intruders.
"Antonio." He said, when Sam asked his name. He listened quietly while Sam tried to calm Alisha down. He was never good at that sort of thing. Although he felt bad for her, there wasn't much he could think of that he could do. When Sam and Alisha started to walk away, after forming an alliance, he followed them. They didn't really say that they wanted him to join them, but he might as well. After all, his shadow should protect him if they decided to hurt him. Although the girl had asked if he was okay. Hmm....He probably should have answered her, but he hadn't been sure what to say. Physically he was okay, but mentally.......he was still surprised by the huge change of direction his life was taking and was unsure what to do.
Alisha looks back at Antonio and smiled. "You never answered my question. Are you alright?" She asked, looking up at him.
"She's near! Let's attack," Eclipse says, gliding across the ground. The cat's satisfaction is palpable. "Death at last," it communicates viciously.
Eclipse slipped away and left Devil standing behind the tree. She soon followed nimbly and quickly behind, following in her foot steps. She looked around, she still couldn't pin point where the person was, and that concerned her. She kept darting her eyes to the trees. She figured if you were trying to hide, you would hide in the trees. Then she saw a different color, one that did not match the rest of the tree. "Eclipse!!!" She yelled in attempt to get the other girls attention.
"Shhh," Eclipse says, silently bounding up beside Devil. Her eyes narrow at the trees. "Maledictionem," she mutters darkly. "It's that blasted griffin from earlier." Her hand touches her sword hilt. "Now we can kill her!" the cat meows happily inside her head. Eclipse can't help but growl darkly in her throat.
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Antonio smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, pushing his glasses back up on his nose. He folded his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky as he walked. He cocked his head to one side and began humming an old song his mother used to sing.
Alisha smiled and listened. Her little shadow practice forgotten as she did so. She ended up closing her eyes as she walked, Alex telling her where to go so they didn't lose Sam or hit anyone.
Light said:
Kastanie knew the mountain was large and vast. She spread her wings and jumped out the den close to the base of the mountain and flew higher up into the clouds. Where she was lost in sight and could no longer be heard.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Shhh," Eclipse says, silently bounding up beside Devil. Her eyes narrow at the trees. "Maledictionem," she mutters darkly. "It's that blasted griffin from earlier." Her hand touches her sword hilt. "Now we can kill her!" the cat meows happily inside her head. Eclipse can't help but growl darkly in he throat.

Ace senses more presences arriving near them and yells "Get away from here run, were out matched!" To warn Kastanie and to draw more attention towards him so she had a chance to get away.
Thalia's eyes narrow as she takes in the two girls that stand in front of her. Shadowgirl and... Demongirl, she thinks. The new one is looking up at her. She curses lowly, and launches herself into the air, her wings pumping furiously as she shifts into her griffin form. She gets a good couple hundred feet after about three seconds.
"Let's go!" Eclipse yells, and the wings made of shadow appear out of her shoulder blades. She follows Thalia into the air, accelerating a little slower. She raises her hands in front of her, and a few bolts of liquid shadow rush at the griffin. The cat is on her shoulder, perched there and egging her on inside her head.
@TellurideDevil[/URL] )

Kastanie was perfectly fine where she is. Safe on the vast mountain with her brethren of beasts. The only person in danger was Ace himself. Though Kastanie did want to take a nap and didn't want them all fighting in the forest near the mountain. She does like to wake up to a nice view of the forest. Kastanie has her Dragon wings sprout out her back as she soars swiftly towards the scene of battle. She flies by the two girls in the sky and flaps her wings hard to shoot upwards to fly high and back flip. She flips over on her belly so she's facing them and has carnage magic surround her body so she's like a speeding mass of Death. Carnage magic also fires off her body targeting them. The magic will devour anything in it's path. Including magic.
"Maledictionem!" Eclipse curses, glaring at the newcomer. She does her best to evade the attacks, and wills a wall of shadow to surround her. This wall isn't like the one that she used during her last fight with Thalia, this one seems to suck both shadows and light into it. "This is exciting," the cat remarks pleasantly from her shoulder. If I do, you die, Eclipse thinks viciously back. The shadow surrounding her grows denser and blacker, and the sky seems to shift toward twilight. She's still moving, dipping and undulating across the darkening sky. She aims at the griffin mostly, sending a few bolts of shadow at the other girl.
"Double the trouble," Thalia growls. She launches herself upward, going even faster than before. A bolt of Carnage Magic and shadow collide right behind her tail, and she doesn't stick around to see what that looks like. She gets up so far that she can hardly breathe, but it is much further than most beings could stand. Griffins are used to flying, so they need to be able to withstand great heights. She then opens her beak and lets a roaring wave of white fire emit out of it toward the others.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"Maledictionem!" Eclipse curses, glaring at the newcomer. She does her best to evade the attacks, and wills a wall of shadow to surround her. This wall isn't like the one that she used during her last fight with Thalia, this one seems to suck both shadows and light into it. "This is exciting," the cat remarks pleasantly from her shoulder. If I do, you die, Eclipse thinks viciously back. The shadow surrounding her grows denser and blacker, and the sky seems to shift toward twilight. She's still moving, dipping and undulating across the darkening sky. She aims at the griffin mostly, sending a few bolts of shadow at the other girl.

Kobresia said:
"Double the trouble," Thalia growls. She launches herself upward, going even faster than before. A bolt of Carnage Magic and shadow collide right behind her tail, and she doesn't stick around to see what that looks like. She gets up so far that she can hardly breathe, but it is much further than most beings could stand. Griffins are used to flying, so they need to be able to withstand great heights. She then opens her beak and lets a roaring wave of white fire emit out of it toward the others.
Carnage orbs sprout from Kastanie's body like flares from a plane. They intercept the blasts fired at her and take the form of birds. Flying straight towards the girls. One touch was all it needed. Kastanie herself kept up with air tactics while discarding the carnage magic surrounding her body. She had carnage magic surround her fists and form spiked boxing gloves. She soars towards the Griffin girl. It looked like she couldn't handle the high altitude.
The shade around Eclipse grows darker, darker than black, darker than night. Eclipse can feel it drawing from her chest, or more accurately, her soul. Fine lines of wispy shadow trail from every living thing near her, the trees hundreds of feet down, animals, plants, and anything else that is in a ten mile radius. The wisps of darkness from the griffin and the other girl join in with the hundreds of others that feed the barrier. Eclipse can feel herself start to grow tired, and forces the shadow to keep darkening. The air around her turns black, and a Carnage Magic bird soars into the shadow around her. It disappears, though the shadow gets just a fraction of a lumen brighter. The barrier around Eclipse has become something like a black hole, nothing that's near it can escape now. Not even light. The white fire wave of the griffin washes over it, the fire dissipating into the darkness and the darkness taking the energy from it and growing darker. Eclipse sends a few bolts of shadow at the griffin and the other girl, but they are not corruptive like the barrier.
Thalia folds her wings in and plunges to meet the girl, her razor sharp claws extended into little points of death. Just ten feet above her, however, she unfolds her right wing and surges to her left, looping around the girl. She tries to scratch the girl, while also blasting short and frequent jets of white fire out of her beak.
Light said:
"I've been waiting for a very long time. I've been waiting for you to become of age. You have been chosen like many others to a battle royal with your life as the cost of losing." A swirling mass of dark energy floats idly in a hazy dreamscape. It seemed to have no problem with announcing such a statement.
"I am Grimm, the deity of Death and Torture. Defeat all the other candidates and you shall take my place as the champion off all Gods. From now on there is no turning back, you either kill or be killed. If there isn't a new deity in the cycle of one year. Every participant dies immediately. Do not keep me waiting."
(Long post is long lmao.)

(EDIT: thought Kastanie was in dragon form, currently fixing that.)

Kardia opened her eyes, inky black besides the bright-in-contrast hazel of her irises. Her dream had left a sour taste in her mouth, and she knew for a fact it wasn't an after effect from the whiskey she drank last night, knowing she hadn't drank enough to get a hangover or a left over taste of it. Reaching blindly for the small package she knew would be on her bedside table, she picked herself up to rest her back on her headboard, feeling a near overwhelming weakness in her limbs and near complete numbness in the tips of her fingers as she prepared the syringe with shaking, clumsy fingers.

She spun the sterile needle between her fingers, watching the medicine within slosh around. "Did you give me the dream? The Doc did tell me about some side effects," She tapped the glass a few times to rid it of any bubbles, then put the needle into her bicep and pushed the injector down. "Or, was it one of you three?" She waited, listening for any voices in her head to speak up, and waited for some feeling to return to her finger tips and for some strength to enter her body.

It was none of us, Kardia, A voice said in her head, soft and pleasant, a Slavic accent still-semi prominent, even though the bitch had kicked it nearly 4 years ago, Besides, not even Raphael would benefit from telling you of such a ridiculous quest. I know you don't believe in such things, but it might have been a true premonition from someone. Isolde fell silent a few moments, then speaks more quickly, her voice hushed and panicked, There are many creatures near here. Dangerous creatures. If what the God said is true, then you might want to avoid the fight. You should think of an escape route, or maybe -

I say we go see what it is, Raphael said, and Kardia rolled her eyes. This dude could bathe in the blood of 10,000 people and it still wouldn't be enough to satisfy the crazy bastard's bloodlust. Maybe we can get an interesting fight, unlike the last one.

Baskerville took that time to speak quietly,
You know it's a bad idea, meatsack, you can feel it in your bones that it is.

Kardia ran her hands through her wild hair, thinking with her eyes closed. On one hand, she'd get Raphael to shut the fuck up for once in his life - afterlife? - but on the other, if it did end up being a trap, Baskerville and Isolde would bitch and moan that '
Oh I was right why do you never listen to me I'm dead wah wah wah' until they got their way the next time. Sometimes, it was nice to have a second, third and fourth opinion on some things - like which ice cream to buy at the store - but in the end, they were all eager for her to lose control on her powers so they could take over and be free to find new bodies. This was not exactly a win-win situation. More like lose-lose.

But, then again, Raphael was
really annoying.

"I'll check it out," She said, following by Raphael starting to shout war cries in her head and the other two groaning in childish misery. She slipped on some clothes, artfully hiding a fuckton of knives under her clothes, then throwing her hair into a bun. She headed out the fire-escape of her apartment, walking down the stairs and jumping off the railing at the bottom. At the sound of screaming and running crowds, Kardia instinctively looked to the direction they were running from, then nearly groaned and went back to bed. "My competition can
fly?! Dude, that's not even fair!" Shaking her head - fuck this Grimm dude, honestly - she held swung her hand, mana making her entire arm tingle. "Alrighty, Wreck-it Ralph, you're up."

She was pretty sure Raphael didn't even respond in an intelligible sentence, his bloodthirsty cries followed by the feeling of strength entering her body stronger than her medicine could ever handle. She felt the horns curl out of her head, ear morphing to be pointed. She closed her eyes, gauging the distance between herself and the fight taking place high above her, then felt a sudden rush of her shadow stepping as she was suddenly flying through the air. She reappeared behind the dragon girl, instaneously picking out things to avoid - whatever magic she was using, it was strong, and ate through what it touched, so don't get close to it at all and don't touch it, and second, she wasn't watching her back.

Kardia grabbed a knife from her jacket, holding it so the blade faced down, then as she fell, took the knife and slashed it through the dragon chick's right wing, slicing through the base of it and right through the bone. She immediately dropped her knife so the magic couldn't reach her, then shadow stepped so she was kneeled on top of a Griffin. Which was weird.

She leaned to speak in the Griffin's ear. "I'm guessing she's the enemy here? Or are you going to turn around and kill me too?"

(@Cadin shadow lord , @Chelsea Griffin , and @Kobresia )
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Eclipse's shadow grows darker with the new girl's energy in its line of reach. At this point, anything up to a hundred feet away from her is a swirling vortex of shadowy darkness. It is getting bigger, growing towards the others. If it reaches them, they will be sucked in. And this shadow is an equal for Carnage Magic.
@Cadin shadow lord[/URL] , @Chelsea Griffin , and @Kobresia )
( She wasn't in full Dragon form but I can do this. )

Kastanie had a barrage of attacks coming for her and she didn't notice. Two blasts of shadow hits her in the back. Along with Kardia jumping onto her she started to fall along with the cut off wing. The white hot flame hits her in the stomach and she started to descend rapidly.

"Kastanie! I can't attack. I must heal you right away. I can only do one thing at a time! You have to retreat, you've lost this battle." Carnage speaks within her mind. Desperation flows through his voice.

"Damn!" Kastanie tumbles through the air down to the forest. She flies away from the shadowy vortex and shakes Kardia off of her. Kastanie then flies off to retreat to the mountains.
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The shadow vortex increases. It is becoming dangerously close to Kardia and Thalia. Eclipse feels cold, which is the feeling she usually gets when she uses this type of magic. She's starting to feel exhausted, but she pushes herself. "I can help a little," the cat thinks, leaping into the vortex that swirls around her. She's on the inside of a ball. Immediately, the votex starts to grow faster. "FEEL MY WRATH, NON-SHADOWCATS!" Eclipse can hear the cat meow furiously, and realizes two things. One, the cat has become a part of the vortex. She's not worried about this, if it can survive being dropped in the ocean then it can survive this. And number two, the cat can now speak aloud, not just in Eclipse's head.

@Kobresia @CelticSol

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