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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Devil runs into a restaurant, Eclipse right behind her. She sits and begins to check the menu. "So what do you want Eclipse? This meal is on me since you are basically the only one who fought. and Anything you don't eat I will." She smiled at her partner and scanned the menu again.
"Um... Thank you, Devil," Eclipse says, carefully checking the menu. "I think I'll have the meat-bun, then." She looks out of the window, and back into the forest. "I don't entirely know how many people there were, or how many there are. I wonder how close we are to death or victory."
"I have no clue and right now I do not care. I am hungry. Waiter! We are ready to order!" Devil waves her hand in the air in attempt to get a waiters attention. As soon as the waiter come to the table she was listing off foods like there was no tomorrow. "I am going to have the sun pea salad, french fries, a Dr.Perper, onion rings, a veggie sandwich and my friend is going to have the... oh right meat-bun. Are you getting anything to drink?" She looked over at Eclipse when she asked.
Thalia is rewarded one final glimpse of the world. Her eyes fly open, gray irises shrinking agains the light, and she gasps a little. A screen of shadow moves across her field of vision, obscuring everything in opaque and inky blackness. She's in the void again, and can feel herself take one final breath as her heart takes one final beat and the entirety and wholeness of the shadow prevails. "Hello...." a voice whispers beside her ear.
Eclipse looks at the menu again. "I will have water. With a lemon, if you have any," she says. She smiles at Devil. "Thank you, and I must say that you eat a lot." "Hey. Hey! HEY! So now that you have an ally am I just chopped liver? Do you not care if I eat anymore?" the cat meows telepathically plaintively. Oh, do shut up. I know that you only eat shadow... or shade... or whatever it is that you eat in the shadowrealm... She trails off. The cat suddenly stiffens. "She's dead, the griffin's dead! She passed into the shadow!" it hisses. Eclipse raises her head to look at Devil. "Griffin girl's dead," she says.
Devil looks up. She then turns to the waiter. "That will be all thank you." After the waiter leaves Devil looks out the window to the forest. She had a sad look on her face. "I figured she would. Uh that sucks. Why do we have to participate in this stupid thing again?" She tuned to Eclipse. "I mean we can just fight for fun right. Not everyone needs to die." The food arrives at the table The huge hunger Devil had went down. She began to eat her food slowly. She didn't lookup at her partner again.
"It's because of the dream. We're all going to die if there's not a victor, anyways," Eclipse says softly, eating her food. "I often wonder what death will be like. Will it hurt, or will it be peaceful? Will my life flash before my eyes, or will I faint?" she muses softly, staring out the window. She startles herself out of her reverie. "Sorry. Thinking out loud."
Devil lays her fork down and calls for a waiter. "Hi yeah can I get this to go? Thank you." She grabs her money and lays it on the table. "Hey I am getting tired so I am going home. You wanna come?" She grabs her food and walks out, not knowing whether her partner would follow or not. She was upset about that. In the instant that Eclipse had said that bad memories had resurfaced. She walked down the street and turned into an old abandoned building. She bounded up the stairs and burst though her apartment door. Devil flung her shoes off and collapsed onto the couch, instantly falling asleep.

(Going to bed, Night people!)
Sam yawned again. He didn't even flinch as she cut down Kastanie. "So, killing for no reason?" She didn't scare him at all

"Guess we're here to do battle." Sam said "Sword #27: Kris." His sword took the form of a wavy short sword. Immediately when summoned, it glowed red as it absorbed all of Kastanie's blood, powering up Sam's Physical and Magic strength.

Kris just absorbed an entire body of blood. His ability were increased by a lot


Sword Info

Name: Kris

Number Kris

Type: One-Handed

Element: Any

Swing Strength: 100% (120% with the Blood Absorb)

Thrust Strength: 130% (140% with Blood Absorb)

Speed: 150% (170% with Blood Absorb)

Magic Strength: 100% (120% with Blood Absorb)

Ability: Blood Sacrifice- The sword powers up both Physical and Magic Strength as it absorbs blood

Special Move: Blood Lust- Turns all the blood absorbed into life force, healing the user

Special Move Cooldown- None

Info: A ritualistic blade used for sacrificial ceremonies and occults.

Eclipse, sensing that something she said had made Devil unhappy, stayed quiet except for a murmured "thank you." She follows her out of the restaurant, to the abandoned building, and up the stairs. At the top, she leans against the wall. Her tiredness comes from lack of night, not the need to sleep. If Eclipse can sleep once in a week, that's usually enough for her. She doesn't sleep tonight, though.
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Alisha jumped back, eyeing the sword warily. She didn't like how it used blood to increase its power. 'I think it's awesome! Way to use the death of others!' Alex cheered happily, causing her to sigh. She couldn't believe he was enjoying this...wait a minute, yes she could.
Devil woke up and stretched her arms. She knew her eyes were red and puffy. She had a night-terror of her past and had most likely cried in her sleep. She got up and walked to her door to get her paper that the paper boy was nice enough to deliver to her. She opened her door and froze. There, on the ground by the door, was Eclipse. She was curled up in a ball asleep. Devil smiled, bent down and shook her lightly.
A gasp escaped Avex's lips as he is startled from the dream. The morning light soon comforted him as he sat up.

"So the Deity of Death returns," He thinks to himself, "It's a shame that he included an Exile. Looks as though I'll be playing the mediator yet again".

Avex rises, his coattails waving around in the breeze. The boy had been set in a field next to the smaller city of Ciltow. He approaches the settlement with his mind continuing to churn around ideas and plans. It was true, he desired to keep everyone alive. Though he knew there would be those whom sought to kill him. He was no pansy either, he wouldn't simply roll over.

Once inside the town, he begins collecting what he needs. Unlike some, he, for some reason has chosen to stand out against others. A longsword now hangs on his back, the hilt a shimmering silver with two wings as the cross-guard of it. He also has a backpack now draped over his shoulder. Avex begins roaming the town, looking for any others who seem to be involved in this tournament.
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Eclipse was, actually, not asleep. She had just decided that the floor was nicer than standing. "I'm not asleep," she complains lowly, uncurling herself and seeming to pool into a standing position like liquid shadow. "Who do we kill now?" she asks. "Her preferably," the cat thinks amiably. Eclipse casts a look at Devil's red eyes. "Stay here, and rest for just a little more. I'll scout out around Ciltow." She stalks down the stairs and out the door, the cat following her. Trailing behind her and in front of her there's a little mist of shadow. "Okay, if you're not going to kill her, then kill the dragonkiller girl, okay?" the cat meows. Eclipse shakes her head. No, again, Cat, I do not want to kill anyone, she thinks. The cat's laughter makes the shadows ripple a little. "Meeow, Eclipse, you are simply hilarious. You kill a griffin girl in one of the worst ways, depriving her of all her senses and sending her to the shadow, then you say you don't want to kill?" Eclipse turns her face to the cat, and growls deep in her throat. Kill or be killed, Cat. "But you've said before you do not fear death," it mews. I don't, Eclipse thinks. She doesn't elaborate further, just scanning for other presences in Ciltow and around it. "There! Outisde!" the cat thinks, and Eclipse stalks in the direction that she feels the presence coming from. She makes no effort to not stand out, a menacing entity who walks on shadow.
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[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin] She doesn't elaborate further, just scanning for other presences in Ciltow and around it. "There! Outisde!" the cat thinks, and Eclipse stalks in the direction that she feels the presence coming from. It leads her outside of Ciltow.

Avex roams about the farmlands of Ciltow. He begins humming lightly as he swings his new, shimmering blade through the tall fields of wheat. He remains carefree for now, not knowing of or expecting Eclipse. He evolves from humming to a soft singing voice as he moves through the golden waves of the farms.

"The leaves were long, the grass was green,

The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,

And in the glade a light was seen

Of stars in shadow shimmering.

Tinúviel was dancing there

To music of a pipe unseen,

And light of stars was in her hair,

And in her raiment glimmering."

His voice echoes throughout the empty fields. He carries a soothing and divine presence about him, one that would ensue comfort into those who draw near to him.
Ace wandered around the forest, he sensed a few presences around the area but didn't bother to head to them he just wandered around aimlessly. "If only i'd been a little faster, or I knew more on how to heal people." Ace said to himself, in fact Ace blamed himself Ace blamed himself for not helping the girl sooner and he felt guilty for not trying harder. Ace knew someone would most likely come after him since the stupid game was happening, but all Ace wanted was to turn on Grimm and fight him for making him take part in this stupid game.
Eclipse walks across the farmlands, her dark and austere aura stark juxtaposition from the golden fields. She can see the other contestant now, a boy. As she draws closer to him, tension begins to loosen inside her. The shadow around her grows a little bigger. The cat's satisfaction is obvious in her mind. "Kill him," it meows telepathically. Eclipse sighs at it, radiating disapproval into her shadow. I don't want to currently, she responds curtly. She's within twenty feet of the boy now.

"Hello," she says, her voice a soft neutral tone.
His mouth snaps shut. Thinking he was alone, he is embarrassed to be caught in the act of singing. He simply waves to her, each finger curling and uncurling in the air. His hand that once carried his blade returns it to his sheathe, not desiring a fight out of this girl. His brownish-blonde hair floats around in the breeze.

Soon, he breaks the silence.
"Hello," The boy says as he approaches her slowly. "I mean no harm to befall you, ma'am. I apologize for my drawn blade,". His voice is smooth and elegant, every word falling from his mouth like a carefully planned line in a play.
Eclipse tilts her head. "If that is the case, then perhaps I should apologize for my shadow." At this, the darkness seems to swirl quicker. "But I cannot completely control that." Hey, news to Eclipse, you could kill him, dammit!" The cat smacks her leg plaintively, with it's shadowy claws out. It leaves a gash. She stifles an annoyed sigh, clenching her fist as she looks down at the cat. It meets her gaze with dark, omniscient black eyes. Eclipse turns again toward the boy.

"Aren't you in the competition?" she asks, her voice lilting, her voice reminiscent of the shadow that surrounds and emanates from her.
Avex said:
A gasp escaped Avex's lips as he is startled from the dream. The morning light soon comforted him as he sat up.
"So the Deity of Death returns," He thinks to himself, "It's a shame that he included an Exile. Looks as though I'll be playing the mediator yet again".

Avex rises, his coattails waving around in the breeze. The boy had been set in a field next to the smaller city of Ciltow. He approaches the settlement with his mind continuing to churn around ideas and plans. It was true, he desired to keep everyone alive. Though he knew there would be those whom sought to kill him. He was no pansy either, he wouldn't simply roll over.

Once inside the town, he begins collecting what he needs. Unlike some, he, for some reason has chosen to stand out against others. A longsword now hangs on his back, the hilt a shimmering silver with two wings as the cross-guard of it. He also has a backpack now draped over his shoulder. Avex begins roaming the town, looking for any others who seem to be involved in this tournament.
Telieos walks around the town in female form with her companion Hunter. She happens to see this strange man with a long sword on his back. "How about we say hi?"

( @Gunnar )
Light said:
Telieos walks around the town in female form with her companion Hunter. She happens to see this strange man with a long sword on his back. "How about we say hi?"
( @Gunnar )
As Hunter was walking with Telieos he stared Avex down not wanting to lose him. "Or we could just kill him"
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Gunnar said:
As Hunter was walking with Telieos he stared Avex down not wanting to lose him. "Or we could just kill him"
Telieos inspects the man and then turns her head to her partner. "I don't know. He looks like a challenge along with the girl whom he's talking with. Maybe we should go to the forest there seems to be a lot of uproar there." Telieos turns away and walks towards the forest. Leaving the city. She knew Hunter would follow.
Avex raises his shoulders slightly, "I suppose if you consider being forced to participate as 'in', yes, I am 'in' the competition,". He proceeds to gaze around him. The presence of a Demon begins eating away at his stomach, causing him to go uneasy. "There is a force here I do not wish to contend with," The boy murmurs and turns his attention back to Eclipse. "I believe a Demon is nearby. I will be taking my leave as of now," His heel digs into the dirt as he turns himself around fully, striding towards the forest.
Avex said:
Avex raises his shoulders slightly, "I suppose if you consider being forced to participate as 'in', yes, I am 'in' the competition,". He proceeds to gaze around him. The presence of a Demon begins eating away at his stomach, causing him to go uneasy. "There is a force here I do not wish to contend with," The boy murmurs and turns his attention back to Eclipse. "I believe a Demon is nearby. I will be taking my leave as of now," His heel digs into the dirt as he turns himself around fully, striding towards the forest.
Telieos feels someone following them. "Hunter, we have someone following us. As soon as we enter the forest. We'll continue to play dumb and then give him a good surprise once we're deep enough in the forest."

( @Gunnar )
Light said:
Telieos feels someone following them. "Hunter, we have someone following us. As soon as we enter the forest. We'll continue to play dumb and then give him a good surprise once we're deep enough in the forest."
( @Gunnar )
The boy continues venturing towards the forest. The demonic force almost screams in his ear. Avex is almost able to know exactly where the demon is, and she the same for him. The Exile, upon breaching the walls of the forest slowly unsheathes his longsword. Underneath the canopy of the trees, only cracks of light shine through. He feels weak. Unsafe. Vulnerable.
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