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Futuristic Into The Void

Chelsea Griffin

mostly void, partially stars
The year is 6,012. It's been a few centuries since Old Earth was destroyed in the War. A few centuries of growing, expanding, and developing new technology. A few centuries of new genetic enhancements and scientific discovery. A peace has lasted for that time, a peace that was broken in minor skirmishes but never in major battle. But recently, things have changed. The planet Azirien has discovered the Void, one of the theoretic wormholes. People have flown into it, but they've never come back. It is, however, a valuable possession. And many wars have started because of jealousy, value, and old bitter grudges. And Azirien certainly has its share of enemies, Emara, Saynce, Toparak amongst the most dangerous.

The research and battleship, Nocterra, has been preparing to enter the Void for a few years now. But with a seemingly inevitable war coming, the mission must be set out at all haste. The people chosen for the Nocterra Mission, as it has come to be called, are the best of the best at what they do. Fighters, Trackers, Hunters, Warriors, Scientists and Adventurers. They hail from a multitude of different places, some from big planets like Azirien and others from planets at the far reaches of the universe.

On this side of the Void is the known, safe and comfortable. On the other side of the Void is the unknown, dark and looming. But discovery must happen, and the Nocterra is going to see it through.

The species that are the most common are:

Humans, the age-old species that used to dominate on Old Earth.

Canines, humans or Angels with varying degrees of dog/wolf/fox in them. Some may only have a trace in their DNA, some may have the ears and the tail, and some may be able to full-out transform into a canine animal.

Felines, humans or Angels with varying degrees of cat/big cat in them. Some may only have a trace in their DNA, some may have the ears and the tail, and some may be able to full-out transform into a feline animal.

Vampires, the creatures that used to appear frequently in the myths of Old Earth. They drink blood, though that is not their staple diet. They are almost always strictly carnivores, with very few exceptions.

Angels, named so because of the wings that almost all of this species have. They differ from the ones in the Old Earth legend, not being immortal and not all of them being benevolent. They have their own DNA, and there are Feline Angels and Canine Angels.

Demons, hellish creatures that originated on Darkvale. Some are beautiful, and some are very ugly. Some have Vampiric qualities, and others prefer to act like Humans.

(These will be the main creatures used in this rp, if you have something else that you'd like to be, message me and I will say if it is a go.)
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Devil walked down the corridor in complete silence. She had just arrived on the Nocterra and didn't really know anyone. She kind of liked the quiet. It was better then murmurers of people judging her, like they always do when she walks by.
Atlas lays in the bedroom designated for her. It is small, yet a little bigger than the rest of the crew's. She is looking at the ceiling, her soft grey eyes taking in the seamless silver metal. The Void, she thinks. Soon, we'll be through it. Soon, we'll be in the Unknown. Away from this damned universe. She is on her back, her wings semi-spread out over the black covers. Her tail drapes over the edge of the bed, and her ears are tilted so that they can pick up the softest hint of a sound. Sighing a little, she rolls over and gets up. She pads over to the door, and starts off toward the control room. On the way, she runs into one of the Nocterra's newest Fighters. Devil, I think her name is. Atlas pauses.

"Hello," she says. "It's nice to have you onboard."
Aren smiles a big, toothy, wolfish grin as she looks at the ship. She's seen the Nocterra several times now, but loves the sight of it. She can't wait to go into the void. Hopefully there'll be tons of people to fight! she thinks. And it wouldn't hurt to make a few real friends... She bounds up the ramp, taking everything in. She's like a puppy, frisky and full of energy. I'll go try to find the captain! I like her. She seems nice and sensible and knows what she's doing! Aren bounds down the hallway.

"Hellooooo? Captain Atlasssss? Are you there? Hello?" she says loudly, her voice vibrating off the hallways.
Devil smile back at the girl. She recognized her as the captain. 'Captain Atlas. was that it?' She thought and looked at her again. She didn't really know her but, hey they are living together so they might as well get to know each other. As she was about to reply call came from down the corridor. They both turn and see another girl walking their way. Devil had never seen her before so she figured she was new here as well.
Kilee picked up a bottle containing some sort of red liquid. She quickly put on her goggles and poured it into the blue liquid. BANG! The mixture exploded, leaving stains of red and blue all over the room. Kilee grabbed a cloth to clean it up. It took her ages, but she finally cleaned up the last dot of red and took out her notebook and pen. She wrote:

Redine and jublu do not work. The explode, maybe better for creating unstable explosives.
Atlas grins. "Yeah," she says. She hears the other girl's shouts ringing through the inside of the Nocterra. "Yes? What is it?!" she yells back. "I'm in front of the control room!"
Kilee sighed as she walked out the room.

"I guess I'll just try again tomorrow..." she said to herself.

She had been trying to create a stable liquid which could maybe help with the mission. So far, all combinations she had tried ether melted though the glass or exploded. None of them were stable. Everything she had written in her notebook was what had failed.

Kilee walked into her room and fell onto her bed. She was so tired out from all the experiments she had done that day.
"Hi! I think we've met before! I'm Aren, but some people call me Renna!" Aren says cheerily as she bounds up toward the captain. "You're Captain Atlas Skye, right? I've heard of you. And the Nocterra. Thanks for letting me come into the Void with you!"
"Yes, yes," Atlas says, nodding. She starts to walk to the command bridge. "It's nice to have people with your enthusiasm aboard, Aren," she says. "We embark soon, I should say a week or so. Enjoy your last time in the world you know." Atlas smiles, a smile that contains excitement and adventure.
"I can't wait! I'm so done with this universe!" Aren says, pumping her fists with excitement. "The unknown calls my name!" She pauses to admire Atlas's wings. "I like your wings, by the way," she says thoughtfully.
Atlas smiles softly. "Thank you," she says, opening the door to Command. "I believe from your resume that you are a Canine Human, right?" Her tail flicks politely.
Devil walk down the hall after the captain had left. She figured since she was going to be here for a while so she might as well know where everything is. Walking down a hall she had never been to before. There were a couple of rooms none of which looked like it was being used. Then she saw a light coming from under a door. She went over and knocked to see who was in such a empty hall. When no one answered she opened the door and peeked in. Her mouth dropped open. The room was filled with books upon books. "Hello?" She called into the room. No answer. She guessed no one was there. She closed the door and walked away. She was going to visiting that hallway again. She walked and decided she might want to go get a map of the sip other wise she might get lost. Devil headed to the one other room she knew of besides her own, the control room. She walked to the door and knocked quietly.
"Come in, you don't have to knock," Atlas says from where she's standing, fiddling with the holographic screens. Her wings are folded up, and her tail is flicking neatly behind her. She presses on a button, and scrolls a new window up. It appears to be a simulation of the Voidgate. She zooms in, analyzing it.
"Yeah, I'm a Canine," Aren says, watching Atlas intently. "Wow. That's so cool," she says. Her attention is easily distracted, as it is by the knocking on the door. "Hellooo? I'm Aren, who are you?" she calls happily.
Devil opened the door and watched as her new captain worked away on the screen. She knew she could never do that. She was never taught any thing like what you learn in school. The only thing that she knew how to do was fight. You could say she was strong and dumb. She walked in and stood next to the captain. She noticed that her captain was looking at maps. She knew how to read them but that was about it.

"Um, what are you looking for?" she asked trying not to sound rude.
"I'm just looking at the maps; it doesn't hurt to analyze the Gate," Atlas says, smiling at Devil. "Are you nervous?" she asks, bringing up a side screen of the Nocterra's exterior into view.
"No not really. I have dealt with a lot of things." She kept looking at the screen. Then she noticed a strange creator in the ground. "Hey what is that?" She had never seen something that big from a meteor, and it looked fresh. She pointed to show Captain Atlas where the thing was.
Atlas smiles grimly. "That is a failed attempt to destroy the Voidgate," she says. "It didn't work, it only dented the metal. And it was with an Z9 missile, the strongest that they make. It may look new because that surface will never stop smoking slightly, and the rough edges will never heal. And it was detonated about three months ago," she says thoughtfully, then zooms the picture into the opposite side of the Voidgate. There's a giant, gaping hole. "That's the entrance. No one knows how that was made."
Devil could not help but gape at this girl. It was like she knew everything. She looked back at the screen. "Dang, well now I look like I know nothing." She studied the black pit that they were supposed to be going to. It was like nothing she had never seen. 'I wonder just how many people have gone in and never come out.' was all she could think looking at it.
Atlas laughs a little. "No, I've just been fascinated by the Void since the first time that I heard about it," she says, her fingers closing out the program. "I'm going to get some food. Would you like to join me, Devil? And you, Aren?"
"I would love too, but I have... Things to attend to." Devil replied and leaned ageist the control panel. "Maybe in a minute. I want to get a better look at what we are dealing with." She gave a small smile and began to look out at the black hole that lay in front of her.
"I think I'll stay onboard the Nocterra too," Aren says, bounding to her room. She likes it. It's sparsely decorated, but has a weapons rack. Some swords, guns, blasters, pistols, knives, daggers, bombs; she really should put it in the weapons storage but she loves all of it.
Devil walked out of the control room and headed for the food court. She walked for a while wondering when she finally found a door labeled Food Court. She breathed a sigh of relief and entered the room. There were many tables, most of which not occupied. In the corner she saw Atlas sitting and eating alone. She grabbed her food and walked over. "Hey. Sorry to have kept you waiting."

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