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  1. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    Are we starting up again?
  2. Helm Dexter

    Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

    Aris finished picking up her cards and continued to her trailer. Once she reached it she walked up the three steps leading to it and opened the door, quietly stepping inside and closing the door behind her. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out some clean clothes. A pair of skinny jeans...
  3. Helm Dexter

    Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

    Aris walked towards her trailer shuffling a deck of cards, she was exhausted from the performance. She couldn't wait to get out of her costume, take a hot shower and go to bed. She was almost to her trailer when she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground, her cards going everywhere. She laid...
  4. Helm Dexter

    Cirque (modern) Characters here

    Sweet, where do you want me to start? :3
  5. Helm Dexter

    Cirque (modern) Characters here

    Name: Aris Leon Show Name or nick-name: J.Rabbit, Street sweeper, Velvet. Age: Nearly two thousand but she looks around 18 to 19. Country of Origin: Netherlands Years with circus: 4 and a half Species: She's mainly Ghoul but has small demonic traces. Sexuality: Heterosexual...
  6. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

    Max opened the door after a few moments of waiting and entered the building. She shut the door and turned around, beginning to walk forward.
  7. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

    Max pulled her hood up as she walked towards the massive building. She let out a small breath "This place is absolutely astounding..." She had always had a small appreciation for nice architecture. She stopped right in front of it and waited for a moment as she looked around. It was so quiet and...
  8. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

    Yay, and yes I still am.
  9. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

    That's alright, and thank you x3
  10. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

    General Info Name: Maxyn Thembers (She prefers to be called Max) Age: 16 Sex: Female Birthday: Dec 26,1999 Special Abilility: Bone manipulation ( She can manipulate her own or another person's bones) Physical Traits Appearance: Outfit: Usually she just wears a t-shirt or a comfy...
  11. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" When Opal got back to the infirmary she slumped down against the wall. She pulled a big black hoodie from her bag and put it on. She snuggled with the hoodie and laid down on the floor, her back still against the wall. Soon enough she was fast asleep, her head resting on her back pack...
  12. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal calmed herself and felt a bit better once she realized the Lunarin she punched wasn't actually real and just and illusion of sorts. She looked at him and said "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea Lu, we should probably get back and get some rest anyway..." Opal started back towards...
  13. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal spun around and punched Lunarin right in the gut. Realizing what she had done she gasped covering her mouth as she stepped back. "I..I'm so sorry! It was a reflex!" She looked at him with big eyes, her mouth uncovered now. "You s..scared me." She spoke in a more quiet tone now...
  14. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal stopped and looked at Liz, smiling she said. "Well, I heard a voice down this way..." She pointed down the hall. Opal then saw the worried look on Elizabeth's face. "Why?, should I not be going down there?..." She said with a worried and nervous tone. @Mitchs98 @Shnuydude...
  15. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal heard the strange voice from down the hall. She stood and stared down the hall way for a moment before beginning to slowly walk in the direction of the voice. She was caught in a trance, her curiousity seeming to take her over. @femjapanriceball @Shnuydude @Kazehana @Silver...
  16. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal uncupped her mouth and looked at Elizabeth, she shrugged " It could be anything. An animal, survivor..." She leaned in and looked at Haruka and then back at Liz and whispered. "Or a killer." She moved back to her normal position and gave a comforting smile, sensing the nervousness...
  17. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal smiled at Haruka and nodded, but the moment was quickly ended when he heard a noise, Opi heard it too. She stared wide eyed, not really knowing what to do except for stay against the wall and be ready to attack if needed. She just hoped that whatever was in there wasn't killer. The...
  18. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal looked up ." I don't want to die Haruka, I'm scared..." Opal felt weak saying this to him, but it was true. Opal was scared and she was afraid to die. She just realized the seriousness of the matter. "And I don't want to be a burden." She gazed down, looking at her scuffed sneakers...
  19. Helm Dexter

    Fantasy Hell Academy: The Final Test

    "OPI" Opal moved back to her spot and pulled her knees up to her chest, she was a little scared. It was only day one and everything was already getting weird. She decided to stay out of the way and buried her face into her knees. Great, she was already feeling as if she'd be a burden to the...