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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

Name: Raven Daniel

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 13, 1989

Special Ability: Can manipulate pure magic into anything.

Physical Traits

Appearance: Couldnt find the picture, but ill give you a general look) Black hair, with bangs, that cover mainly his left eye. His eyes are a strong, piercing gray color.

Outfit:Normally wears all black. Usually has a scarf he uses to hide himself when hes nervous.

Any defining features: One long scar, across his chest.

Strengths: Very intelligent when it comes to runtimes and other types of problems. can cheer people up in easy weird ways.

Weaknesses: Doesnt really like to work with other people. Can get distracted.

Mental Traits

Personality: Silent, alone type

Likes: Playing with magic, thinking to himself, and reading.

Dislikes: Being in a team, talking for even a short while, being taunted, and distracting noises, while hes thinking.

Quirks:Can get easily distracted

Bio:Raven is an acyte, his entire village being destroyed and his family killed in front of him. The people that captured him used him as a one man army. Now and forever more Raven can barely trust anyone and anything. His trust issues got lesser and lesser as he grew up, but he is still more shy than most people.
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Name: Raven Daniel
Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 13, 1989

Special Ability: Can manipulate pure magic into anything.

Physical Traits

Appearance: Couldnt find the picture, but ill give you a general look) Black hair, with bangs, that cover mainly his left eye. His eyes are a strong, piercing gray color.

Outfit:Normally wears all black. Usually has a scarf he uses to hide himself when hes nervous.

Any defining features: One long scar, across his chest.

Strengths: Very intelligent when it comes to runtimes and other types of problems. can cheer people up in easy weird ways.

Weaknesses: Doesnt really like to work with other people. Can get distracted.

Mental Traits

Personality: Silent, alone type

Likes: Playing with magic, thinking to himself, and reading.

Dislikes: Being in a team, talking for even a short while, being taunted, and distracting noises, while hes thinking.

Quirks:Can get easily distracted

Bio:Raven is an acyte, his entire village being destroyed and his family killed in front of him. The people that captured him used him as a one man army. Now and forever more Raven can barely trust anyone and anything. His trust issues got lesser and lesser as he grew up, but he is still more shy than most people.

I meant Runes, not runtimes.
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Name: Raven Daniel
Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 13, 1989

Special Ability: Can manipulate pure magic into anything.

Physical Traits

Appearance: Couldnt find the picture, but ill give you a general look) Black hair, with bangs, that cover mainly his left eye. His eyes are a strong, piercing gray color.

Outfit:Normally wears all black. Usually has a scarf he uses to hide himself when hes nervous.

Any defining features: One long scar, across his chest.

Strengths: Very intelligent when it comes to runtimes and other types of problems. can cheer people up in easy weird ways.

Weaknesses: Doesnt really like to work with other people. Can get distracted.

Mental Traits

Personality: Silent, alone type

Likes: Playing with magic, thinking to himself, and reading.

Dislikes: Being in a team, talking for even a short while, being taunted, and distracting noises, while hes thinking.

Quirks:Can get easily distracted

Bio:Raven is an acyte, his entire village being destroyed and his family killed in front of him. The people that captured him used him as a one man army. Now and forever more Raven can barely trust anyone and anything. His trust issues got lesser and lesser as he grew up, but he is still more shy than most people.

Could you change his ability it seems kinda Op also add a bit more weaknesses so he can be a bit more down towards a students level.
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Name: Raven Daniel
Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 13, 1989

Special Ability: Can use darkness to attack, or to transport to different places.

Physical Traits

Appearance: Couldnt find the picture, but ill give you a general look) Black hair, with bangs, that cover mainly his left eye. His eyes are a strong, piercing gray color.

Outfit:Normally wears all black. Usually has a scarf he uses to hide himself when hes nervous.

Any defining features: One long scar, across his chest.

Strengths: Very intelligent when it comes to runtimes and other types of problems. can cheer people up in easy weird ways.

Weaknesses: Doesnt really like to work with other people. Can get distracted.

Mental Traits

Personality: Silent, alone type

Likes: Playing with magic, thinking to himself, and reading.

Dislikes: Being in a team, talking for even a short while, being taunted, and distracting noises, while hes thinking.

Quirks:Can get easily distracted

Bio:Raven is an acyte, his entire village being destroyed and his family killed in front of him. The people that captured him used him as a one man army. Now and forever more Raven can barely trust anyone and anything. His trust issues got lesser and lesser as he grew up, but he is still more shy than most people.

[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Name: Raven Daniel
Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 13, 1989

Special Ability: Can manipulate pure magic into anything.

Physical Traits

Appearance: Couldnt find the picture, but ill give you a general look) Black hair, with bangs, that cover mainly his left eye. His eyes are a strong, piercing gray color.

Outfit:Normally wears all black. Usually has a scarf he uses to hide himself when hes nervous.

Any defining features: One long scar, across his chest.

Strengths: Very intelligent when it comes to runtimes and other types of problems. can cheer people up in easy weird ways.

Weaknesses: Doesnt really like to work with other people. Can get distracted. Is afraid of being picked on, or being embarrassed in front of people. Even has irrational fears of the darkness he uses.

Mental Traits

Personality: Silent, alone type

Likes: Playing with magic, thinking to himself, and reading.

Dislikes: Being in a team, talking for even a short while, being taunted, and distracting noises, while hes thinking.

Quirks:Can get easily distracted

Bio:Raven is an acyte, his entire village being destroyed and his family killed in front of him. The people that captured him used him as a one man army. Now and forever more Raven can barely trust anyone and anything. His trust issues got lesser and lesser as he grew up, but he is still more shy than most people.

Name: Aiden Emore

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 17th

Special Ability: his ability is called sacrificial "magic". By giving up, or sacrificing, curtain items, he gains unnatural weapons or abilities depending. Examples:

If he were to sacrifice a feather, he would gain a severe decrease in weight, but retain his strength.

If he were to sacrifice a piece of metal, he would gain a weapon(an axe, hammer, spear, or fist(in witch his own hand is engulfed, be coming larger and heavier, giving him increased strength and reach)). These can be augmented with surrounding materials like fire, electricity, and ice, but only one at a time.

The more severe the sacrifice,the creature the reaction. If he were to give up, say, parts of his own body, he could summon very powerful spells. Giving up his own blood,he can heal others. Giving up his own Heart, he can actually resurrect the recently deceased. But obviously, these come with the same repercussions if a normal person were to lose these. Using his own heart,he would die. Loss of blood can cause weakness and exaughstion.Loss of skin...well you get the idea.

These are just some of his spells.
Room # 112

Physical Traits



Any defining Features: (Tattoos Scars ETC.) His right arm,the skin itself is blackened, as if covered in soot.

Strengths: adaptable,quick thinking, durable.

Weaknesses: most spells inflict damage to himself, in some way or another, so rapid use is very dangerous

Mental Traits

Personality: blunt, rude, some say hateful. Aiden has a temper, so much so that on the battlefield, you WANT him angry. Usually focused and coordinated, that all goes out the window. He becomes rash, and unpredictable. Good for his enemies, if it wasn't for the fact that he's never as merciless,and will never hit harder then when you've pushed him to far.

With all his faults,however, he is very loyal, and will give anything to help his friends

Likes: thunderstorms, music, history, and pain(not in a pleasure sense)

Dislikes: dishonesty, being alone, spicy food.

Quirks: when nervous or angry, his right arm tenses, and he can be seen ringing the wrist or gripping the fist to calm himself.

Bio: will be revealed :)

Anything you would like to add:

Aiden is burdaned by a inferiority complex. He feels he's worthless, and no matter how hard he tries, people think he's a waste of breath.

I joined at page 10

His theme song


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Mistory1997 said:
Name: Aiden Emore
Age: 19

Sex: Male

Birthday: August 17th

Special Ability: his ability is called sacrificial "magic". By giving up, or sacrificing, curtain items, he gains unnatural weapons or abilities depending. Examples:

If he were to sacrifice a feather, he would gain a severe decrease in weight, but retain his strength.

If he were to sacrifice a piece of metal, he would gain a weapon(an axe, hammer, spear, or fist(in witch his own hand is engulfed, be coming larger and heavier, giving him increased strength and reach)). These can be augmented with surrounding materials like fire, electricity, and ice, but only one at a time.

The more severe the sacrifice,the creature the reaction. If he were to give up, say, parts of his own body, he could summon very powerful spells. Giving up his own blood,he can heal others. Giving up his own Heart, he can actually resurrect the recently deceased. But obviously, these come with the same repercussions if a normal person were to lose these. Using his own heart,he would die. Loss of blood can cause weakness and exaughstion.Loss of skin...well you get the idea.

These are just some of his spells.
Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people)

Physical Traits



Any defining Features: (Tattoos Scars ETC.) His right arm,the skin itself is blackened, as if covered in soot.

Strengths: adaptable,quick thinking, durable.

Weaknesses: most spells inflict damage to himself, in some way or another, so rapid use is very dangerous

Mental Traits

Personality: blunt, rude, some say hateful. Aiden has a temper, so much so that on the battlefield, you WANT him angry. Usually focused and coordinated, that all goes out the window. He becomes rash, and unpredictable. Good for his enemies, if it wasn't for the fact that he's never as merciless,and will never hit harder then when you've pushed him to far.

With all his faults,however, he is very loyal, and will give anything to help his friends

Likes: thunderstorms, music, history, and pain(not in a pleasure sense)

Dislikes: dishonesty, being alone, spicy food.

Quirks: when nervous or angry, his right arm tenses, and he can be seen ringing the wrist or gripping the fist to calm himself.

Bio: will be revealed :)

Anything you would like to add:

His theme song


Accepted Room# 112
General Info

Name: Maxyn Thembers (She prefers to be called Max)

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Birthday: Dec 26,1999

Special Abilility: Bone manipulation ( She can manipulate her own or another person's bones)

Physical Traits


Outfit: Usually she just wears a t-shirt or a comfy dress shirt under a black pull over and skinny jeans with black converse.

Any defining Features: She has a Tattoo on her neck of a cracked skull and many scars on her hands.

Strengths: Clever



Pretty decent a hand to hand combat

Excellent memory

Weaknesses: Clumsy

Can be too loud sometimes


She can stutter or get flustered if she's nervous

needs her glasses

Mental Traits

Personality: Max is pretty shy at first, but once she gets comfortable she is quite outgoing. She tends to be awkward but most times she's very clever and..well..not awkward. She can be very adorable at most times but she does have anger issues and if anyone pisses her off enough, it will get ugly. Also Max is a very very curious person.

Likes: Heavy metal, some EDM, and soft rock

Soft things

Her laptop and phone

Alone time


Leaning stuff

Dislikes: People who think they're better than everyone

Her friends being hurt

Too many people

Being dizzy

Not having her Laptop or phone

Quirks: Everything has to be even, she chews on things a lot

Bio: Max discovered her power when she was around 10. Max was bullied a lot throughout her life for being weird and of course one day she was on the play ground and this boy who had been bulling her lifted his arm up to hit her. She raised her hand up and clenched it closed and next thing she knew the boy's wrist was broken. Another time in 8th grade she was in the bathroom and a group of girl's who had been harassing her came in and threw her against a wall. She reached out her hand like before, this time on purpose and made a fist out of her hand and pointed it at one of the girl's ankles and sure enough it broke. The same day when she was at home she popped her back and straightened up. She felt nothing at all but heard her shirt rip. Max looked at her back to see the rip and discovered she had spikes of bone up and down her back.

Anything you would like to add:


[QUOTE="Helm Dexter]
General Info
Name: Maxyn Thembers (She prefers to be called Max)

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Birthday: Dec 26,1999

Special Abilility: Bone manipulation ( She can manipulate her own or another person's bones)

Physical Traits


Outfit: Usually she just wears a t-shirt or a comfy dress shirt under a black pull over and skinny jeans with black converse.

Any defining Features: She has a Tattoo on her neck of a cracked skull and many scars on her hands.

Strengths: Clever



Pretty decent a hand to hand combat

Excellent memory

Weaknesses: Clumsy

Can be too loud sometimes


She can stutter or get flustered if she's nervous

needs her glasses

Mental Traits

Personality: Max is pretty shy at first, but once she gets comfortable she is quite outgoing. She tends to be awkward but most times she's very clever and..well..not awkward. She can be very adorable at most times but she does have anger issues and if anyone pisses her off enough, it will get ugly. Also Max is a very very curious person.

Likes: Heavy metal, some EDM, and soft rock

Soft things

Her laptop and phone

Alone time


Leaning stuff

Dislikes: People who think they're better than everyone

Her friends being hurt

Too many people

Being dizzy

Not having her Laptop or phone

Quirks: Everything has to be even, she chews on things a lot

Bio: Max discovered her power when she was around 10. Max was bullied a lot throughout her life for being weird and of course one day she was on the play ground and this boy who had been bulling her lifted his arm up to hit her. She raised her hand up and clenched it closed and next thing she knew the boy's wrist was broken. Another time in 8th grade she was in the bathroom and a group of girl's who had been harassing her came in and threw her against a wall. She reached out her hand like before, this time on purpose and made a fist out of her hand and pointed it at one of the girl's ankles and sure enough it broke. The same day when she was at home she popped her back and straightened up. She felt nothing at all but heard her shirt rip. Max looked at her back to see the rip and discovered she had spikes of bone up and down her back.

Anything you would like to add:


I'm sorry I have to reject you're proposal until we finish the arc. I really do like you character though.
General Info



No Gender but Feminine Figure


-Special Ability: Pewter can create new limbs and pieces for her body to repair herself out of almost any material, like her namesake, Pewter was actually originally made of a stone-clay composite, but replaced her parts until she was made of string, the only parts of her original body being her hair and eyes.

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people)

Physical Traits

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_0003.JPG.8dc9669fa68417980ebf7b18cdafbef9.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131375" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/IMG_0003.JPG.8dc9669fa68417980ebf7b18cdafbef9.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-Appearance: Pewter is 4'1 at her tallest height. She has Knee length gray hair and pallid brown eyes. With a stitched on smile on a mouth that will never be able to open.

-Outfit: Pewter like her namesake is a fan of the colors on the darker spectrum ranging from grey to black, She typically wears one piece dresses, but does not wear any shoes because she is made entirely of cloth, so what's the point?

Any defining Features: All along side the back of her body are slight burns and patches of stitches where she has had to repair herself. Her smile is also a composition of stitches. Also you can tell that she is made of cloth by looking at her skin, the stitching is quite obvious.

-Strengths: Quite durable. Not a Conductor ( Doesn't get hurt by electricity, just small burns )

-Weaknesses: Burns easily, Strong winds can blow her away literally, Doesn't float long in water. Sharp edges. Her eyes are her link to this world.

Mental Traits

-Personality: Pewter is actually quite sweet despite her "weird" habits of avoiding sunlight like the plague. Kind, Caring, Clingy, NaΓ―ve, Emotionally Detached.

-Likes: The Darkness, Needles, thread, Woven arts, New cloth. Books.

-Dislikes: Flames, Sunlight, Large bodies of water, Open areas, the outdoors.

-Quirks: Has a habit of getting interested in the most random of things and exploring them incessantly. Has a small habit of embroidering patterns into her cloth body for fun. Never walks first into a room. Superstitious still.

Bio: Pewter is actually a creation of a "Special Child." The original girl was named Abby. Abby's ability was to separate her Moods into dolls or toys. Abby suffered from an mysterious disease that would become fatal during her teenage years. While she was completely bedridden during those years she kept all but happiness inside of her many dolls. Pewter is the doll that originally contained "loneliness." While Abby was alive the dolls shared her soul and thus weren't burnt by the sun like many soulless creatures. However, while the dolls were out exploring one day in her place Abby had a more severe bout than usual and passed into the afterlife soon later. Loneliness or "Pewter" is the only one who survived out of these dolls. She being the only one who enjoyed the darkness. The others burst into flames in the sun. After Abby died Pewter began to develop her own personality, and although she still can't ever appear human, she desperately tries to fit in despite her abnormalities.

It was in this horrible state Pewter was found two years later, looking ragged and torn. She was brought to Mrs.Reed's Home for Special Children by one of the many teachers. However, because of her "doll" appearance and tendency to hide away she was quickly forgotten and has fallen to pieces in her room. Dust covers her body and she lies in wait wondering if she will ever be found underneath the layer of dust, her eyes watching the light from beneath the door seeing shadows pass everyday... unable to call for help. For when could Dolls ever speak?



  • IMG_0003.JPG
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General Info

Name: Geoffrey Librom

Age: unknown

Sex: presumably male

Birthday: unknown

Special Ability: Librom has the ability to access a personal fantasy realm,witch can be changed and altered to his personal liking. He can allow others inside, and any injury taken inside does travel out. This ability can't alter reality.

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: The Cost of Magic, detailing how dangerous magic can be and teaching what catastrophes have occurred in the past through magic.

Physical Traits


Outfit: n/a

Any defining Features: He's a book...

Strengths: once inside, He can keep you there.

In his pages are ever event he's seen,and inside He can allow you to relive these events.

Weaknesses: he's a book. He can't move about much on his own, and he isn't to fond of water or fire.

Mental Traits

Personality: cheerful, alittle creepy, caring, cautious

Likes: pretty much anything.

Dislikes: water,fire.

Quirks: He has a very unsettling laugh, and often tells horrid jokes about his being a book.


Anything you would like to add:

He thinks of himself as Aiden's Mentor.
General Info

Name: Finnick Sage

Age: around 3.8 billion

Sex: Male

Birthday: unknown

Special Ability: Mind Control

Physical Traits



Outfit:Refer to image

Any defining Features: A tattoo of Ms.Reeds real name on his wrist

Strengths: Mature, manipulative, can deal with much gore, Isn't easily thrown off task

Weaknesses: Ms.Reed and any thing to do with her, Temper...

Mental Traits

Personality: Evil, Sadistic, Manipulative, Mature,

Likes: Ms.Reed

Dislikes: Anyone who tries to get in between him a Ms.Reed

Quirks: He is very insane

Bio: He only told Ms.Reed and she wont tell

Anything you would like to add:

He has at least 24 rooms dedicated to Ms.Reed
General Info

Name: Eahfon Pamel (just call her Eah)

Age: Unknown

Sex: F

Birthday: April 18

Special Ability: Power Bestowal (since she is sealed her ability is a bit weak)

Physical Traits



(she can be only seen in Jyn's dreams and inner consciousness well unless she is unsealed or the seal is weak enough that she can finally be at the real world)


(when she goes to the real world while the seal is still working she will look like a child...she rarely does this since it will use up all of her power but if the seal weakens maybe she'll last longer)

(A.K.A. Jailbait?? I guess)

Outfit:A gown mostly goth

Any defining Features: (Tattoos Scars ETC.)


O Elegant...and she's very attractive (except her child form...unless someones a lolicon)

O She can bestow to anyone without any cost or whatsoever

O Would not be easily persuaded

O Her ability can also be used on herself


X Since she's still sealed the ability will last long depending when the seal will wear out

X Frail (but she can cover this up with her ability)

X Forgets her own goal at times when someone she cares is in trouble (mostly Jyn)

Mental Traits

Personality: Calm,Kind,Caring,Will not back down,A Tsundere...at some occasions,and worrisome.


O Foods...any kind

O Jyn (he sees him as her little brother)

O Success

O Anyone that she trusts


X Her hair being a mess

X Someone calling her Fat

X Food that tastes bad

X Threatening someone

Quirks: Caressing her hair.

Bio: Ask Jyn

Anything you would like to add:

(and here we go)
SilentRain said:
General Info


No Gender but Feminine Figure


-Special Ability: Pewter can create new limbs and pieces for her body to repair herself out of almost any material, like her namesake, Pewter was actually originally made of a stone-clay composite, but replaced her parts until she was made of string, the only parts of her original body being her hair and eyes.

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people)

Physical Traits

View attachment 292278

-Appearance: Pewter is 4'1 at her tallest height. She has Knee length gray hair and pallid brown eyes. With a stitched on smile on a mouth that will never be able to open.

-Outfit: Pewter like her namesake is a fan of the colors on the darker spectrum ranging from grey to black, She typically wears one piece dresses, but does not wear any shoes because she is made entirely of cloth, so what's the point?

Any defining Features: All along side the back of her body are slight burns and patches of stitches where she has had to repair herself. Her smile is also a composition of stitches. Also you can tell that she is made of cloth by looking at her skin, the stitching is quite obvious.

-Strengths: Quite durable. Not a Conductor ( Doesn't get hurt by electricity, just small burns )

-Weaknesses: Burns easily, Strong winds can blow her away literally, Doesn't float long in water. Sharp edges. Her eyes are her link to this world.

Mental Traits

-Personality: Pewter is actually quite sweet despite her "weird" habits of avoiding sunlight like the plague. Kind, Caring, Clingy, NaΓ―ve, Emotionally Detached.

-Likes: The Darkness, Needles, thread, Woven arts, New cloth. Books.

-Dislikes: Flames, Sunlight, Large bodies of water, Open areas, the outdoors.

-Quirks: Has a habit of getting interested in the most random of things and exploring them incessantly. Has a small habit of embroidering patterns into her cloth body for fun. Never walks first into a room. Superstitious still.

Bio: Pewter is actually a creation of a "Special Child." The original girl was named Abby. Abby's ability was to separate her Moods into dolls or toys. Abby suffered from an mysterious disease that would become fatal during her teenage years. While she was completely bedridden during those years she kept all but happiness inside of her many dolls. Pewter is the doll that originally contained "loneliness." While Abby was alive the dolls shared her soul and thus weren't burnt by the sun like many soulless creatures. However, while the dolls were out exploring one day in her place Abby had a more severe bout than usual and passed into the afterlife soon later. Loneliness or "Pewter" is the only one who survived out of these dolls. She being the only one who enjoyed the darkness. The others burst into flames in the sun. After Abby died Pewter began to develop her own personality, and although she still can't ever appear human, she desperately tries to fit in despite her abnormalities.

It was in this horrible state Pewter was found two years later, looking ragged and torn. She was brought to Mrs.Reed's Home for Special Children by one of the many teachers. However, because of her "doll" appearance and tendency to hide away she was quickly forgotten and has fallen to pieces in her room. Dust covers her body and she lies in wait wondering if she will ever be found underneath the layer of dust, her eyes watching the light from beneath the door seeing shadows pass everyday... unable to call for help. For when could Dolls ever speak?
Accepted if you're still interested. (You and the others will arrive at the front of the school building)
[QUOTE="Helm Dexter]
General Info
Name: Maxyn Thembers (She prefers to be called Max)

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Birthday: Dec 26,1999

Special Abilility: Bone manipulation ( She can manipulate her own or another person's bones)

Physical Traits


Outfit: Usually she just wears a t-shirt or a comfy dress shirt under a black pull over and skinny jeans with black converse.

Any defining Features: She has a Tattoo on her neck of a cracked skull and many scars on her hands.

Strengths: Clever



Pretty decent a hand to hand combat

Excellent memory

Weaknesses: Clumsy

Can be too loud sometimes


She can stutter or get flustered if she's nervous

needs her glasses

Mental Traits

Personality: Max is pretty shy at first, but once she gets comfortable she is quite outgoing. She tends to be awkward but most times she's very clever and..well..not awkward. She can be very adorable at most times but she does have anger issues and if anyone pisses her off enough, it will get ugly. Also Max is a very very curious person.

Likes: Heavy metal, some EDM, and soft rock

Soft things

Her laptop and phone

Alone time


Leaning stuff

Dislikes: People who think they're better than everyone

Her friends being hurt

Too many people

Being dizzy

Not having her Laptop or phone

Quirks: Everything has to be even, she chews on things a lot

Bio: Max discovered her power when she was around 10. Max was bullied a lot throughout her life for being weird and of course one day she was on the play ground and this boy who had been bulling her lifted his arm up to hit her. She raised her hand up and clenched it closed and next thing she knew the boy's wrist was broken. Another time in 8th grade she was in the bathroom and a group of girl's who had been harassing her came in and threw her against a wall. She reached out her hand like before, this time on purpose and made a fist out of her hand and pointed it at one of the girl's ankles and sure enough it broke. The same day when she was at home she popped her back and straightened up. She felt nothing at all but heard her shirt rip. Max looked at her back to see the rip and discovered she had spikes of bone up and down her back.

Anything you would like to add:


Accepting if you're still interested. (You and the others will arrive at the front of the school building)
Name: Love Darkersoul

Age: 15

Sex: male

Birthday: 12/12

Special Ability: Infatuation (Basically a flirtier version of a Jedi mind trick)

Room #:

Physical Traits

Appearance: Skinny, tall teenager. Grey eyes.

Outfit: Pink, loose hoodie, tight black tank top, orange baggy pants, and pink goggles.

Any defining Features: None

Strengths: He is pretty strong.

Weaknesses: Easily tired.

Mental Traits

Personality: Flirty, but kind and caring. Can be confused at times.

Likes: Attention and being popular.

Dislikes: Rude people and jocks.

Quirks: He's a steampunk.

Bio: Was born to Zelda Darkersoul. He never met his father. He had a normal life until he hit his 15 birthday, where his mother found out he had magic. He was then sent here.

Anything you would like to add: His unknown father was a cupid-esk creature named Arch Darkersoul.
Accepted (You and the others will arrive at the front of the school building so give a little before posting so we don't over spam the RP)
Name: Isabella lavenza

Age: 7

Sex: female

Birthday: February 29th

Special Ability:

Primordial Darkness Manipulation

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people)

Physical Traits


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.68d33cd46279560054d0a7f34fd69466.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.68d33cd46279560054d0a7f34fd69466.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Clothes in the picture

Any defining Features: (Tattoos Scars ETC.) none


She has a good understanding of her powers

She always acts brave


Despite her powers she's scared of the dark

Sometimes her abilities get out of control

Mental Traits

Personality: Isabella is a very innocent and happy person despite her ability. She's shy and very bashful when meeting some one new but doesn't stay that way for long. Soon she becomes very happy and childish. Often running around just cause she can. Being hyper, and absolutely adorable comes with it's perks.



Her teddy bear

Being cuddled

Getting piggy back rides




Icky food

Being scared

The dark



Often cuddling the closest person to her

Always asking to be held

Finding some one she likes and calling them mama or papa based on there gender


To be revealed?

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