• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

General Info

Name: Percy

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: January 1st

Special Ability: Shapeshifting

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people): Ill let you tell me

Physical Traits


Outfit: In the picture (ignore necklace, i didnt mean to add it)

Any defining Features: Has a Green Gem on his forehead

Strengths: Technology

Weaknesses: Old tech

Mental Traits

Personality: He keeps quiet most of the time so no one knows

Likes: Tech, Being alone

Dislikes: Old Tech, Crowds

Quirks: Messes with visor a lot

Bio: TBR! :D

Anything you would like to add: He's an alien ......

Teacher time!

General Info

Name: Mr. Inu

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Birthday: December 31st

Special Ability: Teleportation

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people): you tell me

Class: I don't know whats open

Physical Traits


Outfit: In the picture

Any defining Features: Has many, many scars

Strengths: Land fights

Weaknesses: His. Ears. Air fights

Mental Traits

Personality: Cool but acts tough

Likes: Fighting

Dislikes: Compromises

Quirks: His ears make him itch a lot

Bio: TBR! xD

Anything you would like to add: nope nope nope
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AlekaXKaden said:
General Info
Name: Percy

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Birthday: January 1st

Special Ability: Shapeshifting

Room # (Will be Assigned once we have enough people): Ill let you tell me

Physical Traits


Outfit: In the picture (ignore necklace, i didnt mean to add it)

Any defining Features: Has a Green Gem on his forehead

Strengths: Technology

Weaknesses: Old tech

Mental Traits

Personality: He keeps quiet most of the time so no one knows

Likes: Tech, Being alone

Dislikes: Old Tech, Crowds

Quirks: Messes with visor a lot

Bio: TBR! :D

Anything you would like to add: He's an alien ......
I would love to accept your character as a student but I really!!!!! Need teacher at the moment. Is it ok if he becomes a teacher?
I added a teacher but i don't know what classes are open to teach

I got to go cya tomorrow
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General Info


Rex Geralt







Special Ability:

"Extreme Adrenaline. Yeah sure."

(Prof. Garelt can intensify the way his cells make up his body. This ranges from healing, intelligence, resillience to diseases, aging, and above all, increased strength. Ex: A single focused punch could tear down a building.)

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: Math

Physical Traits



Outfit: As seen in picture

Any defining Features: The only defining feature is his appearance, in that he looks like he could be a Freshman in college.


Is very versatile, especially because of his power. Has extreme control over his power, as shown by its many uses from what was originally just a minor strength enhancer ability.


Has VERY little patience. This goes from tasks to people, and does not like to put up with any nonsense.

Mental Traits

Personality: Geralt was born almost 200 years ago. In other words, he's pretty different from the youth of today. Not much of a person who enjoys change, but with his old age he has embraced it (rather reluctantly). A hard worker, both physically and mentally, he takes everything he does seriously:fighting and teaching. In the classroom he runs class very seriously, much differently than a certain teacher. "Oi, quit dozing off and grade these." In truth, he really does care for his coworkers and students, as his cold exterior hides the fact he cares tenderly for others.

Likes: Getting things done, Progress, Hard Workers, A good smoke

Dislikes:Losing his lighter, Slacking off, Not following the rules

Quirks: Occasionally loses track of the time. Not just hour, but year as well. He is currently unsure of how long he'll live, but he's hoping to hit at least 500. Also tends to boast a lot of his past feats, a common start to this is:Back in MY day...

Bio: 180 years ago a young Rex discovered that compared to his average peers, he had greater strength than them. Living a happy boy's life in France, Rex was free to do what he liked whenever he liked. This changed however during the French Revolution. Young boys were taken in to fight for the army, and Rex (Albert at the time) was drafted as well. After a terrible and gruesome series of battles, Albert took a terrible blast to the stomach where he should have bled out. It was then that he miraculously discovered that he didn't just have stronger muscles, he healed slightly faster too. What was lethal allowed him to survive, not before being pronounced KIA. Running from that battle as well as a war ensued France, Albert traveled out of the country. He stayed all over Europe for a time, honing his strength. It wasn't until running into an Indian philosopher that Albert was able to hone his true power, cell manipulation. Since then, Albert found himself fighting in several wars for some reason or another(he wandered in, he believed in one side's cause, etc.) On the battlefield's history, many different sides have known him as a medic, a berserker, a tactician, and just as a man you could not kill. He changed his name to Rex Geralt after World War 2 for... Reasons. It wasn't until recently that he moved to Alaska after meeting Ms. Reed and volunteering to help other kids with powers.

Anything you would like to add: He carries a huge steel blade on his back, not for actual use but just as a momento to a certain period in his life. Also an avid smoker.
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I am curanly making a teacher...

General Info


"Deadpool!! Nah,
Daenerys Belew... Call me Khaleesi"


"Why do you want to know?


"I am
Female. Wanna check? Hehe~ Just kidding..."


"It is
May the 30th!"

Special Ability:

"Wouldn't you like to know?
I have the Ability to summon. No, that doesn't mean summon the dead, I just summon creatures. Animals, I can speak to them as well. It's part of the summoning process. "

Room #:


Physical Traits




(The girl...)

Any defining Features:

Glad you asked!"


Worst thing about me... I'm 4'6..."

Eye color:

"Ask about them..."





I personally have to say I am very inelegant! I know when to speak and when not to. I can fight very well and try to keep things to myself. I stand up for myself and others. I'm not weak. My summoning can be very powerful!"


I trust no one and that doesn't help much... My summoning takes a lot of energy from my body. I can be stubborn and stupid a lot..."

Mental Traits


"To be honest I think I'm a very kind person. But of course I'll never show my sweet, loving, adorable side. I may be short, and I tell you that now, but I have a big temper, and trust me, it's pretty big. It's trigger easy per say, maybe a little harder than I make it seem. Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"



-A lot of people




-Some people





-Playing the flute



I bite my lip a lot. I mean I also burn things a lot too, but mostly just biting my lip."


Khaleesi never met her mom. She stayed with her dad and who she thought was her real mom, she always knew something was off. Because her and her 'mother' never looked anything like. She spent most of her time with her father, because for some reason her mother never had any time for her. Between work and the new baby that was on the way. When she was 14 her dad got cancer, Khaleesi spent most of her time with her father in the hospital. They didn't have any money because of the new baby, and Khaleesi's 'mother' left there father after she found out. She didn't want his cancer to effect her baby. So Khaleesi never had any friends, because she was always in the hospital with her father. Khaleesi's father soon died when she was 16. He told Nami that her 'mother' wasn't her mom and that her real mom dropped her off at his doorstep. She was soon put into foster care after her father died that night. She never knew how to contact her mother but one night her mother did. Khaleesi's mother tried to control/teach her the basics of her powers. Khaleesi had gotten to see her mother every night until now when she is 18. After her 17th birthday Khaleesi's mother stopped seeing her, but she was sent here.

Anything you would like to add:

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General Info


"Miya Macadi"


"That is very rude! I am only 1... add an 8... and a 4... 184"


"That is not necessary! Female..."


"Janurary 5th"

Special Ability:

"I have gravity control..."

Room # Teachers Ward

{Need to be assigned one...}



Physical Traits





Any defining Features:



- Strong

- Brave

- Sweet

- Caring for her students

- Overprotective


- Laid back

- Gets hurt easily

- Loves easily

Mental Traits


"I guess I'm laid back... I really love all my students and try my hardest to keep them safe. I love when they're happy... I can be flirtatious, and very serious. I guess my heart is loyal and kind. I can be sweet at times and then a devil another time... I guess I'm bipolar... I'm also very overprotective..."


- Having fun

- Flirting

- Apples

- Fights

- Flowers

- Candy


- Salty things

- Bananas

- Alcohol

- Scars

- Mean kids


"I scratch my legs a lot..."


"I don't see how this applies, but anyways. I stayed away from kids when I was younger... Always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up and look at me now... I was a hard worker and stayed out of trouble. My teacher always encouraged me to do the right thing. And so, on the playground when I was little these kids were picking on a little girl. Not knowing what happened, I walked over there with anger and picked them up, throwing them into a wall... Oops... My mom kept me home... Hidden away in silence... my teacher gave me private lessons so I was pretty smart. When I was older I took in the family home and work. I kept working to achieve my goal, and it worked. I am now a teacher after waiting a while... and so yep.... "

Anything you would like to add:​
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Aeshae said:
General Info

Rex Geralt







Special Ability:

"Extreme Adrenaline. Yeah sure."

(Prof. Garelt can intensify the way his cells make up his body. This ranges from healing, intelligence, resillience to diseases, aging, and above all, increased strength. Ex: A single focused punch could tear down a building.)

Room # Teachers Ward


Physical Traits



Outfit: As seen in picture

Any defining Features: The only defining feature is his appearance, in that he looks like he could be a Freshman in college.


Is very versatile, especially because of his power. Has extreme control over his power, as shown by its many uses from what was originally just a minor strength enhancer ability.


Has VERY little patience. This goes from tasks to people, and does not like to put up with any nonsense.

Mental Traits

Personality: Geralt was born almost 200 years ago. In other words, he's pretty different from the youth of today. Not much of a person who enjoys change, but with his old age he has embraced it (rather reluctantly). A hard worker, both physically and mentally, he takes everything he does seriously:fighting and teaching. In the classroom he runs class very seriously, much differently than a certain teacher. "Oi, quit dozing off and grade these." In truth, he really does care for his coworkers and students, as his cold exterior hides the fact he cares tenderly for others.

Likes: Getting things done, Progress, Hard Workers, A good smoke

Dislikes:Losing his lighter, Slacking off, Not following the rules

Quirks: Occasionally loses track of the time. Not just hour, but year as well. He is currently unsure of how long he'll live, but he's hoping to hit at least 500. Also tends to boast a lot of his past feats, a common start to this is:Back in MY day...

Bio: 180 years ago a young Rex discovered that compared to his average peers, he had greater strength than them. Living a happy boy's life in France, Rex was free to do what he liked whenever he liked. This changed however during the French Revolution. Young boys were taken in to fight for the army, and Rex (Albert at the time) was drafted as well. After a terrible and gruesome series of battles, Albert took a terrible blast to the stomach where he should have bled out. It was then that he miraculously discovered that he didn't just have stronger muscles, he healed slightly faster too. What was lethal allowed him to survive, not before being pronounced KIA. Running from that battle as well as a war ensued France, Albert traveled out of the country. He stayed all over Europe for a time, honing his strength. It wasn't until running into an Indian philosopher that Albert was able to hone his true power, cell manipulation. Since then, Albert found himself fighting in several wars for some reason or another(he wandered in, he believed in one side's cause, etc.) On the battlefield's history, many different sides have known him as a medic, a berserker, a tactician, and just as a man you could not kill. He changed his name to Rex Geralt after World War 2 for... Reasons. It wasn't until recently that he moved to Alaska after meeting Ms. Reed and volunteering to help other kids with powers.

Anything you would like to add: He carries a huge steel blade on his back, not for actual use but just as a momento to a certain period in his life. Also an avid smoker.
Accepted and thanks for the teacher. Basic Studies: Math
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PixieDusts said:

I am curanly making a teacher...

General Info


"Deadpool!! Nah,
Daenerys Belew... Call me Khaleesi"


"Why do you want to know?


"I am
Female. Wanna check? Hehe~ Just kidding..."


"It is
May the 30th!"

Special Ability:

"Wouldn't you like to know?
I have the Ability to summon. No, that doesn't mean summon the dead, I just summon creatures. Animals, I can speak to them as well. It's part of the summoning process. "

Room #:

Um... I don't know, I don't care..."

Physical Traits




(The girl...)

Any defining Features:

Glad you asked!"


Worst thing about me... I'm 4'6..."

Eye color:

"Ask about them..."





I personally have to say I am very inelegant! I know when to speak and when not to. I can fight very well and try to keep things to myself. I stand up for myself and others. I'm not weak. My summoning can be very powerful!"


I trust no one and that doesn't help much... My summoning takes a lot of energy from my body. I can be stubborn and stupid a lot..."

Mental Traits


"To be honest I think I'm a very kind person. But of course I'll never show my sweet, loving, adorable side. I may be short, and I tell you that now, but I have a big temper, and trust me, it's pretty big. It's trigger easy per say, maybe a little harder than I make it seem. Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"



-A lot of people




-Some people





-Playing the flute



I bite my lip a lot. I mean I also burn things a lot too, but mostly just biting my lip."


Khaleesi never met her mom. She stayed with her dad and who she thought was her real mom, she always knew something was off. Because her and her 'mother' never looked anything like. She spent most of her time with her father, because for some reason her mother never had any time for her. Between work and the new baby that was on the way. When she was 14 her dad got cancer, Khaleesi spent most of her time with her father in the hospital. They didn't have any money because of the new baby, and Khaleesi's 'mother' left there father after she found out. She didn't want his cancer to effect her baby. So Khaleesi never had any friends, because she was always in the hospital with her father. Khaleesi's father soon died when she was 16. He told Nami that her 'mother' wasn't her mom and that her real mom dropped her off at his doorstep. She was soon put into foster care after her father died that night. She never knew how to contact her mother but one night her mother did. Khaleesi's mother tried to control/teach her the basics of her powers. Khaleesi had gotten to see her mother every night until now when she is 18. After her 17th birthday Khaleesi's mother stopped seeing her, but she was sent here.

Anything you would like to add:

Accepted Room#109
PixieDusts said:

General Info


"Miya Macadi"


"That is very rude! I am only 1... add an 8... and a 4... 184"


"That is not necessary! Female..."


"Janurary 5th"

Special Ability:

"I have gravity control..."

Room # Teachers Ward

{Need to be assigned one...}


{Need to be assigned one...}

Physical Traits





Any defining Features:



- Strong

- Brave

- Sweet

- Caring for her students

- Overprotective


- Laid back

- Gets hurt easily

- Loves easily

Mental Traits


"I guess I'm laid back... I really love all my students and try my hardest to keep them safe. I love when they're happy... I can be flirtatious, and very serious. I guess my heart is loyal and kind. I can be sweet at times and then a devil another time... I guess I'm bipolar... I'm also very overprotective..."


- Having fun

- Flirting

- Apples

- Fights

- Flowers

- Candy


- Salty things

- Bananas

- Alcohol

- Scars

- Mean kids


"I scratch my legs a lot..."


"I don't see how this applies, but anyways. I stayed away from kids when I was younger... Always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up and look at me now... I was a hard worker and stayed out of trouble. My teacher always encouraged me to do the right thing. And so, on the playground when I was little these kids were picking on a little girl. Not knowing what happened, I walked over there with anger and picked them up, throwing them into a wall... Oops... My mom kept me home... Hidden away in silence... my teacher gave me private lessons so I was pretty smart. When I was older I took in the family home and work. I kept working to achieve my goal, and it worked. I am now a teacher after waiting a while... and so yep.... "

Anything you would like to add:​
Accepted Basic Studies: English
General Info

Name: Jyn T. Lohannes

Age: 16

Sex: M

Birthday: November 19

Special Ability: Class System (his class will be shown on top of his head like Class:(something...) or anything like that lol)

Room #: 111

Physical Traits



Outfit: Casual clothes but sometimes he has a coat to go with it.

Any defining Features: His special Eyeglasses...even in any outfit he always have his eyeglasses and it won't break


O He can have any classes be it a race or an occupation (like vampire or chef)

O Can change his class anytime and anywhere

O Can bestow someone a class but it's only temporary (still haven't learn this skill)

O At occasions...his looks (he actually looks attractive...that is if you only remove his glasses and a little bit of a touch of his hair)

O Changing to a class can change his outfit (it can be a strength or a weakness)

O He can still use Classes that are exclusive like a class that can only be used by a female (e.g. Valkyrie) but it changes his gender which is needed.


X It's actually hard to get a new class and to get another class you need to meet it's requirements first but there are

some requirements that is not really necessary to do and also there are some that are very risky to meet.

X He can't use over the top spells and skills at a low level class

X He actually gets nervous easily

X A perv?...yes

X Some classes also changes his personality

X He still didn't discover and obtained the secret in his ability which can be very useful (and it's called Multi-Class Equipping)

Mental Traits

Personality: Workaholic,Helpful,Can be blunt at times,Easily gets nervous,Clever but acts like an Idiot, and...a little bit of a perv.


O Boobs...or just girls...we don't judge here right?

O Cooking

O His Eyeglasses

O Helping others


X His Mistakes

X Disappointment

X Cigarette

Quirks: Tries to find an easy way at times,sometimes talking to himself but actually he's talking to someone...in his head, and also tilting his glasses.

Bio: Jyn was the youngest child of a wealthy and famous parents he has 3 brothers and 2 sisters all of them have abilities but the no one knew about it because they tried to hide it but Jyn was a different one he has something on top on his head that is written Class:None this was since he didn't knew about his ability, he didn't go out of his home because if he did there might be problems since his ability will always be shown and, he keeps playing games inside his room and takes care of the housework with the maids, he knew about his abilities when his father forced him to learn fencing and when he reached 16 he was found out by people and his only choice to protect his family and hide their abilities is to be forgotten, he ran away from home and said goodbye to his father and mother, he also asked for a favor that not to tell his siblings about him running away from home. The day after that he was called by his parents about being invited to Ms.Reed's home for Special Children with details and there he might be acknowledged, he smiles and takes the offer.

Anything you would like to add: No one believes him but it's actually real that he has a voice in his head which he can talk to and the voice tells him if he unlocked a class.(I might make the character of the voice and it's a woman.)
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General Info


Alma LeFey Peregrine






September 3

Special Ability:


Room # Teachers Ward:

(Needs to be assigned.)


Ability Studies: Using Your Powers For Good

Physical Traits





Defining Features:



- Charming

- Fair

- Understanding

- Good-natured

- Friendly


- Tenacious

- Reserved

- Mellow

- Old-fashioned

Mental Traits


Alma is a very likeable woman despite being what most people call, "old-fashioned", due to her upbringing in the Victorian Era. She is very friendly, amiable, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand to those in need, but is very reserved and mellowed out, and is sometimes hard to understand due to her use of more her more sophisticated and uncommon vocabulary.


- Children

- Desserts

- Fine wine

- Singing

- Playing the violin


- Ruffians

- Liquor

- Dancing

- Provocation

- Insecurity


Alma habitually plays with her short, wavy locks, absentmindedly phases her hands through objects, and subconsciously draw in the air when thinking hard.



Anything you would like to add:

Due to her intangibility, Alma has no actual physical body. Hence when the ability first manifested when she was a young adult, she had stopped aging as her body technically doesn't exist.​
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WeirdisFun said:
General Info
Name: Jyn T. Lohannes

Age: 16

Sex: M

Birthday: November 19

Special Ability: Class System (his class will be shown on top of his head like Class:(something...) or anything like that lol)

Room #: None yet

Physical Traits



Outfit: Casual clothes but sometimes he has a coat to go with it.

Any defining Features: His special Eyeglasses...even in any outfit he always have his eyeglasses and it won't break


O He can have any classes be it a race or an occupation (like vampire or chef)

O Can change his class anytime and anywhere

O Can bestow someone a class but it's only temporary (still haven't learn this skill)

O At occasions...his looks (he actually looks attractive...that is if you only remove his glasses and a little bit of a touch of his hair)

O Changing to a class can change his outfit (it can be a strength or a weakness)

O He can still use Classes that are exclusive like a class that can only be used by a female (e.g. Valkyrie) but it changes his gender which is needed.


X It's actually hard to get a new class and to get another class you need to meet it's requirements first but there are

some requirements that is not really necessary to do and also there are some that are very risky to meet.

X He can't use over the top spells and skills at a low level class

X He actually gets nervous easily

X A perv?...yes

X Some classes also changes his personality

X He still didn't discover and obtained the secret in his ability which can be very useful (and it's called Multi-Class Equipping)

Mental Traits

Personality: Workaholic,Helpful,Can be blunt at times,Easily gets nervous,Clever but acts like an Idiot, and...a little bit of a perv.


O Boobs...or just girls...we don't judge here right?

O Cooking

O His Eyeglasses

O Helping others


X His Mistakes

X Disappointment

X Cigarette

Quirks: Tries to find an easy way at times,sometimes talking to himself but actually he's talking to someone...in his head, and also tilting his glasses.

Bio: Jyn was the youngest child of a wealthy and famous parents he has 3 brothers and 2 sisters all of them have abilities but the no one knew about it because they tried to hide it but Jyn was a different one he has something on top on his head that is written Class:None this was since he didn't knew about his ability, he didn't go out of his home because if he did there might be problems since his ability will always be shown and, he keeps playing games inside his room and takes care of the housework with the maids, he knew about his abilities when his father forced him to learn fencing and when he reached 16 he was found out by people and his only choice to protect his family and hide their abilities is to be forgotten, he ran away from home and said goodbye to his father and mother, he also asked for a favor that not to tell his siblings about him running away from home. The day after that he was called by his parents about being invited to Ms.Reed's home for Special Children with details and there he might be acknowledged, he smiles and takes the offer.

Anything you would like to add: No one believes him but it's actually real that he has a voice in his head which he can talk to and the voice tells him if he unlocked a class.(I might make the character of the voice and it's a woman.)
Accepted Room# 111
[QUOTE="Maiza Avaro]

General Info


Alma LeFey Peregrine






September 3

Special Ability:


Room # Teachers Ward:

(Needs to be assigned.)


(Needs to be assigned.)

Physical Traits





Defining Features:



- Charming

- Fair

- Understanding

- Good-natured

- Friendly


- Tenacious

- Reserved

- Mellow

- Old-fashioned

Mental Traits


Alma is a very likeable woman despite being what most people call, "old-fashioned", due to her upbringing in the Victorian Era. She is very friendly, amiable, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand to those in need, but is very reserved and mellowed out, and is sometimes hard to understand due to her use of more her more sophisticated and uncommon vocabulary.


- Children

- Desserts

- Fine wine

- Singing

- Playing the violin


- Ruffians

- Liquor

- Dancing

- Provocation

- Insecurity


Alma habitually plays with her short, wavy locks, absentmindedly phases her hands through objects, and subconsciously draw in the air when thinking hard.



Anything you would like to add:

Due to her intangibility, Alma has no actual physical body. Hence when the ability first manifested when she was a young adult, she had stopped aging as her body technically doesn't exist.​

Accepted Ability Studies: Using your powers for good

General Info


Threlm Tomoshia






June 27th

Special Ability: To copy any ability his right eye views for a short period of time.

Room # Do what you do.

Physical Traits


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c5a7919599dc8a718f3ee6fcfff3e9571.jpg.a781457c947ffdbb473f5e87ba2d423e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c5a7919599dc8a718f3ee6fcfff3e9571.jpg.a781457c947ffdbb473f5e87ba2d423e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


In pic

Any defining Features:



If he can see someone do it he can do it himself. Though he cannont copy emotions or voices. His strengths and weaknesses is dependent on who ever he sees use their power and if he deems it useful.


Without using the powers of others he is very weak. He doesn't have a very strong will and can be very emotional at times.

Mental Traits


He is very random. He tries to act like the person whos power he borrowed but this of course is just him. He trys to be funny. He is always smiling and trys to do his best in class he feels like everything is important and that nothing should be wasted.


+ Shy people

+ Random people

+ Mages

+ People showing off there power

+ Flirting




-Work outside of the classroom

-Annoying people

-People who dont show their powers to him.

-People who dont play along with his flirt



He was born into the orphanage. He had never had a family and never thought of anyone as family. He grew up seriously befriending few knowing that they would eventually leave him behind like everyone else. When he was 10 he was being pushed around by a few bullies that were obviously bigger to him. When he suddenly gained physical strength greater than his natural body could hold at that moment. He gained the bullies peak physical strength and beat up the bullies who then left him alone. He had never been properly schooled and so when a paper came to him, something that he had never experienced. So naturally he was taken aback by it and when he read it he almost instantly accepted greatly intrested.

Anything you woulXD like to add:


  • c5a7919599dc8a718f3ee6fcfff3e9571.jpg
    111.4 KB · Views: 63
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[QUOTE="Saruwatari Tomohisa]

General Info


Threlm Tomoshia






June 27th

Special Ability: To copy any ability his right eye views for a short period of time.

Room # Do what you do.

Physical Traits



In pic

Any defining Features:



If he can see someone do it he can do it himself. Though he cannont copy emotions or voices. His strengths and weaknesses is dependent on who ever he sees use their power and if he deems it useful.


Without using the powers of others he is very weak. He doesn't have a very strong will and can be very emotional at times.

Mental Traits


He is very random. He tries to act like the person whos power he borrowed but this of course is just him. He trys to be funny. He is always smiling and trys to do his best in class he feels like everything is important and that nothing should be wasted.


+ Shy people

+ Random people

+ Mages

+ People showing off there power

+ Flirting




-Work outside of the classroom

-Annoying people

-People who dont show their powers to him.

-People who dont play along with his flirt



He was born into the orphanage. He had never had a family and never thought of anyone as family. He grew up seriously befriending few knowing that they would eventually leave him behind like everyone else. When he was 10 he was being pushed around by a few bullies that were obviously bigger to him. When he suddenly gained physical strength greater than his natural body could hold at that moment. He gained the bullies peak physical strength and beat up the bullies who then left him alone. He had never been properly schooled and so when a paper came to him, something that he had never experienced. So naturally he was taken aback by it and when he read it he almost instantly accepted greatly intrested.

Anything you woulXD like to add:

Accepted Room#111

General Info

Name: Julius Mcknight

Age: 5.7 billion

Sex: Male

Birthday: July, 7

Special Ability: Immortality

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: History

Physical Traits





Any defining Features: N/A

Strengths: Survival, Intelligence, Can Run Easily At The Speed of Sound.

Weaknesses: Strength, Communication

Mental Traits

Personality: Julius is seen by others as Devious, Mysterious, and Independent.

Likes: Teaching, Students, People

Dislikes: Alone, Life, Annoying people.

Quirks: Julius likes to dress like old time people.

Bio: Julius Doesn’t like to talk about his past but he reveals a lot about his thoughts on time periods.

Anything you would like to add: Julius carries a old American Civil war pistol on his hip.
CainMcknight said:
General Info
Name: Julius Mcknight

Age: 5.7 billion

Sex: Male

Birthday: July, 7

Special Ability: Immortality

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: History

Physical Traits





Any defining Features: N/A

Strengths: Survival, Intelligence, Can Run Easily At The Speed of Sound.

Weaknesses: Strength, Communication

Mental Traits

Personality: Julius is seen by others as Devious, Mysterious, and Independent.

Likes: Teaching, Students, People

Dislikes: Alone, Life, Annoying people.

Quirks: Julius likes to dress like old time people.

Bio: Julius Doesn’t like to talk about his past but he reveals a lot about his thoughts on time periods.

Anything you would like to add: Julius carries a old American Civil war pistol on his hip.
Just say you over slept or something along those lines and see if anyone else is on. I'll be heading to bed but I have some stuff to do with the thread first.
(I will be editing when new stuff is found out about him by putting an * next to it)

General Info

Name: Mr. S

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Birthday: Unknown

Special Ability: Cosmic Manipulation

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: Vice Principal

Physical Traits



Outfit: (In Image)

Any defining Features: Scars hidden by his magic


+ Intelligent

+ Honest

+ Powerful Magic

+ Clever

+ Physically strong


- Blunt

- Stoic

- Intimidating

- Unfiltered

- Secretive

Mental Traits

Personality: Sewell is a very prestigious man, almost like a gentleman but without the gentleness. He can be very cold and seem serious at almost all times. He is very honest and straightforward, awkwardness being a concept that he is completely detached from. He is realistic and will not lie or pretend for anyone about anything. He is a little strict, being relatively tough on people who step out of line or get off track. Sewell is also an extremely secretive person. There is another side to him that he keeps hidden within himself. (TBR)


+ Books

+ Magic

+ Wine

+ The violin

+ Classical Music

+ Sparring *



- Loud people

- Annoying people

- Dumb people

- Trouble makers

- Obnoxious people

Quirks: He has a habit of scanning people once over at the beginning of conversations when he first meets them. He stares in silence a lot.

Bio: Ms. Reed is the only one who knows anything about Sewell, and he refuses to speak about such matters around others and/or to people he isn't close to.

Anything you would like to add: He's about seven feet tall. Also his name is Sewell (obviously), but Ms. Reed is the only one who knows it. (No meta-gaming!! I don't even care if your character can read minds or hear through walls.) He has a soft spot for Ms. Reed.
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Tetro said:
General Info
Name: Mr. S

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Birthday: Unknown

Special Ability: Cosmic Manipulation

Room # Teachers Ward

Class: Vice Principal

Physical Traits



Outfit: (In Image)

Any defining Features: None


+ Intelligent

+ Honest

+ Powerful Magic

+ Clever

+ Physically strong


- Blunt

- Stoic

- Intimidating

- Unfiltered

- Secretive

Mental Traits

Personality: Sewell is a very prestigious man, almost like a gentleman but without the gentleness. He can be very cold and seem serious at almost all times. He is very honest and straightforward, awkwardness being a concept that he is completely detached from. He is realistic and will not lie or pretend for anyone about anything. He is a little strict, being relatively tough on people who step out of line or get off track. Sewell is also an extremely secretive person. There is another side to him that he keeps hidden within himself. (TBR)


+ Books

+ Magic

+ Wine

+ The violin

+ Classical Music



- Loud people

- Annoying people

- Dumb people

- Trouble makers

- Obnoxious people

Quirks: He has a habit of scanning people once over at the beginning of conversations when he first meets them. He stares in silence a lot.

Bio: Ms. Reed is the only one who knows anything about Sewell, and he refuses to speak about such matters around others and/or to people he isn't close to.

Anything you would like to add: He's about seven feet tall. Also his name is Sewell (obviously), but Ms. Reed is the only one who knows it. (No meta-gaming!! I don't even care if your character can read minds or hear through walls.) He has a soft spot for Ms. Reed.
General Info

Name: Ms. Emerald

Age: (That's rude to ask of a lady!) 24

Sex: female

Birthday: June 3rd

Special Ability: Healing magic/boost magic (can make you faster, stronger stuff like that.)

Room # 338

Class: Parent hood/nurse

Physical Traits

Appearance: has silky brown hair, emerald eyes, pearly white teeth, and pale flawless skin.

Outfit: Often wears an old fashioned green dress, with a thinner white dress underneath that fills in the gaps in the back.

Any defining Features: She is pregnant with her child Smoke

Strengths: Healing and shield magic.

Weaknesses: Doesn't like fighting.

Mental Traits

Personality: very laid back, mothering and caring, she is brave and will not tolerate any disrespect. Overall her class is fun. Outside of work she is a good listener and an amazing shoulder to cry on.

Likes: Most students, children, knowledge, and above all she loves to see people happy.

Dislikes: Bullying, disrespect, and fighting.

Bio: Emerald herald. She's from dark souls 2. She was always there for him but one day he left and never came back. She cried and cried, until she escaped the world of dark souls and was taken in by the headmaster of the school.

Anything you would like to add: If she catches you bullying one of her students mama bear will rip your head off. (Not literally. Also mama bear is Emerald.)

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