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  1. Crusso Fang

    Fandom A Steven Universe RP! <NonCanon, OCs Only, Literate>

    I'd be interested if this is still open~!
  2. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    The two nodded and payed attention to flares speed in order to match his. "Hey once we get to the village do you think we could take a break? My feet are killing me" Bonnie panted. "Now that you mention it we've been walking all day haven't we?" Juliet hadn't even noticed her aching feet...
  3. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "Oh good lord that means we're getting really close to the tribe!" Bonnie exclaimed as the two sped up slightly. "Ohh! I can't wait to introduce you to everybody!"
  4. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    Juliet nodded before taking notice of flares unusual walking pattern. "Oh hey by the way do you think you'll be okay with that leg of yours? I mean we can always carry you if all of this walking is too much" Julliet offers
  5. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    (Hhhhh frig I'm sorry today ended up being really busy and I forgot to check my notifications also upon request I'm adding color to my dialogue) Juliet and Bonnie had lead flare off in to the other direction. They had been walking for a bit by this point. The zweilos could feel their feet...
  6. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    (Oh yeah I'm prob gonna go to bed so if I don't reply for several hours that's why)
  7. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "Its only been since yesterday I think" Bonnie says. "If we can at least find the town near here we can probably find our way back easily" Juliet says
  8. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    The two let out sighs of relief "well I suppose we should" Juliet stopped mid sentence, to look around "wait... Which direction did we come from??" She looked to Bonnie "Oh uh.... I think we came from the West right?" Bonnie says "so we should probably retrace our steps and go back east"
  9. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "Oh gosh I hope so" Juliet seemed frightened "that thing is huge!" Bonnie shrunk back, almost semming as if she was trying to hide herself behind her sister
  10. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "Sure I don't see why you couldn't" Julie nods "I mean we normally only take in other dragon Pokemon but I don't think the elders will mind" Bonnie nods. "Oh oh!! yes I'm sure they won't mind" they two both nod in agreement before the two jump, seeming a bit startled. They were staring at what...
  11. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    Bonnie looked at Juliet and the two grinned "Sure! We'd love to have some company." Juliet nodded "Oh yes yes!! It gets boring with just the two of us" Bonnie agreed "oh! And when we find our tribe you can meet our baby brother! He's very cute so I think you should meet him" Bonnie looked excited
  12. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "Extremely!" Bonnie grinned "We were actually trying to find our way back to our den near opelucid" Juliet explains "you wouldn't happen to know how to get there would you?"
  13. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "really you don't need to if you don't want to" Julie says, glancing at Bonnie who nods in return "yeah you don't have to! You can if you wanna though!" Bonnie giggles
  14. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    Bonnie shivered "I feel tingly!" she exclaimed! "does that mean it worked?" she grinned, moving her gaze between blaze and her sibling
  15. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    Juliet was about to protest before Bonnie cut her off once more "Oh! I want the attractiveness one probably!" Juliet sighed and rolled her eyes. there was no use arguing by this point
  16. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    "oh well um..." Juliet thought this pokemon seemed a bit shady. She took a mental note to acr with caution around flare "you wouldn't happen to have directions-" Bonnie cut her off "Do you have a spell that'll make me the prettiest zweilos?" Bonnie asked enthusiastically.
  17. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    The two stopped abruptly. Juliet took a moment to recompose herself while Bonnie seemed to switch from angry an angry expression to a gleeful one in an instant "Oh wow hi! I'm Bonnie and this is Juliet" she motioned to the head on her right(flare's left) side, "Are you the leader of your pack?"...
  18. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    juliet and bonnie trudged through the forest, looking for anything familiar. An they were becoming more and more unsettled as their surroundings became more and more unfamiliar. "Bonnie I really don't think this is the way home" juliet says, her voice showing concern. Bonnie shook her head...
  19. Crusso Fang

    Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

    Name: Juliet and Bonnie Gender(sex):female Species: zweilos Sexuality:pansexual Age: 17 Backstory: born into a tribe of dragon Pokemon of the hydreigon line, Juliet was raised along side her baby brother Aghi(a smol sweet precious child). When she evolved her second head became a...
  20. Crusso Fang

    Fandom PokeHigh

    Aghi wanted the two leave then noticed the skitty running off "huh? Oh wait up" he ran after the cat Pokemon but was un able to catch up after running strait into a wall. The deino shook his head in pain "ohh I should have been paying attention" he grunts as he got back up. After a moment, deino...