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Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

[QUOTE="Crusso Fang](Hhhhh frig I'm sorry today ended up being really busy and I forgot to check my notifications also upon request I'm adding color to my dialogue)
Juliet and Bonnie had lead flare off in to the other direction. They had been walking for a bit by this point. The zweilos could feel their feet beginning to hurt from all of the walking they had done today. They occasionally stopped to stretch.

"So, I can't wait until we get to the village!" Flare exclaimed, hobbling on his good leg in excitement. He was trying to lighten the mood since the atmosphere here now seemed kind of stoic.

"I would love to take refuge in a quiet little city of Pokemon!"
Juliet nodded before taking notice of flares unusual walking pattern. "Oh hey by the way do you think you'll be okay with that leg of yours? I mean we can always carry you if all of this walking is too much" Julliet offers
[QUOTE="Crusso Fang]Juliet nodded before taking notice of flares unusual walking pattern. "Oh hey by the way do you think you'll be okay with that leg of yours? I mean we can always carry you if all of this walking is too much" Julliet offers

"No, you two look exhausted enough. Besides I'm fine with my stick. It doubles as a cane! And this blasted bruise will eventually heal. For now I guess I'll- Oooh!" Flare's eyes sparkled with interest as he spotted a forked branch, it's structure the same shape of a 'Y'. Flare stuffed the stick back into his tail and tucked the forked branch under his armpit. He then began walking around on it like a crutch.

"This is ten times better! Now we'll be going much faster since I won't be lagging behind. How much more do you reckon we have until we get there?"
"Not long, Flare, we're a quarter mile from the village. Look in front of you when you walk!" Y's voice can be heard from a long way. She was still lying down with her belly up. It had a slightly pinker glowing hue than the rest of her body. "You guys took forever! Should have flew, little fox."
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Hope just laughed a bit" they took forever y flying is more fun" she say as she laughed a bit looking around she had to use vine whip when are gets here
TheOnlyCatbug said:
"Not long, Flare, we're a quarter mile from the village. Look in front of you when you walk!" Y's voice can be heard from a long way. She was still lying down with her belly up. It had a slightly pinker glowing hue than the rest of her body. "You guys took forever! Should have flew, little fox."
Flare's ears swiveled when he picked up Y's distant voice. He couldn't make out most of it but he could tell she was close. Flare then jumped on his good leg while he turned towards Juliet and Bonnie.

"That means we're close! Let us pick up the pace!"

@Crusso Fang
Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai and Ziggy were exploring the forest currently on the way to the vilage. Often times they'd come here simply to enjoy the peace and quiet the forest brought them. The midday sun was a nice and comforting feeling as it warmed them through the small cracks in the shade the trees had to offer. "
How much longer until we get there?" Ziggy asked for probably the hundredth time. "About an hour, maybe two. Don't worry we're close." Arai replied. Ziggy sighed in annoyance and continued her forward march with her sister. Why couldn't they just get there already! Soon enough howevee they came across a passed out pokemon on the ground, or just a pokemon face first on the ground. It was hard to tell. "What happened to that guy?" Ziggy questioned, pointing at Lenard. "Dunno, lets check on him." Arai responded, walking over and repeatedly poking him with her tail. "Hey. You alright?" She asked. "Hey! It could be a trap! He could be evil or something! Don't!" Ziggy cried with a worried look on her face, only to be waved off by Arai.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and Ziggy
Arai and Ziggy were exploring the forest currently on the way to the vilage. Often times they'd come here simply to enjoy the peace and quiet the forest brought them. The midday sun was a nice and comforting feeling as it warmed them through the small cracks in the shade the trees had to offer. "
How much longer until we get there?" Ziggy asked for probably the hundredth time. "About an hour, maybe two. Don't worry we're close." Arai replied. Ziggy sighed in annoyance and continued her forward march with her sister. Why couldn't they just get there already! Soon enough howevee they came across a passed out pokemon on the ground, or just a pokemon face first on the ground. It was hard to tell. "What happened to that guy?" Ziggy questioned, pointing at Lenard. "Dunno, lets check on him." Arai responded, walking over and repeatedly poking him with her tail. "Hey. You alright?" She asked. "Hey! It could be a trap! He could be evil or something! Don't!" Ziggy cried with a worried look on her face, only to be waved off by Arai.

Lenard was on the ground much longer than usual. He thought if he stayed on the ground for long enough the thing that he saw would leave him alone. Good thing is, no Snoverberries were growing directly in front of Lenard so none were squashed. Before thinking if he should finally get up, something poked Lenard in the back. With a startled yelp, he stood up and ran forwards without looking where he was going. He missed Ziggy by inches and rammed into a tree instead. He rebounded and fell, laying on the ground with face on the sky this time.

"Ow..." he muttered. Why is this happening to him? Was that the big giant he saw? Were they checking if he was alive? He was very much alive, but that meant sooner or later he won't be. With a careful glance, Lenard spotted two Pokémon. They were definitely not the big Pokémon he saw. Much to his chagrin, Lenard stood looking like nothing happened at all.

"Er, sorry you had to see that, you two. Didn't mean to do it." He explained to the both of them.
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]

Lenard was on the ground much longer than usual. He thought if he stayed on the ground for long enough the thing that he saw would leave him alone. Good thing is, no Snoverberries were growing directly in front of Lenard so none were squashed. Before thinking if he should finally get up, something poked Lenard in the back. With a startled yelp, he stood up and ran forwards without looking where he was going. He missed Ziggy by inches and rammed into a tree instead. He rebounded and fell, laying on the ground with face on the sky this time.

"Ow..." he muttered. Why is this happening to him? Was that the big giant he saw? Were they checking if he was alive? He was very much alive, but that meant sooner or later he won't be. With a careful glance, Lenard spotted two Pokémon. They were definitely not the big Pokémon he saw. Much to his chagrin, Lenard stood looking like nothing happened at all.

"Er, sorry you had to see that, you two. Didn't mean to do it." He explained to the both of them.

Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai jumped back slightly, not out of fear but only so she wouldn't get trampled, when Lenard suddenly shouted and shot off into a tree. Ziggy however did so out of both fear and not to get trampled, probably would of gotten trampled had she not moved. She hid behind Arai shaking slightly, knowing Arai would electrocute the heck out of whatever decided to threaten them. Though Lenard seemed as scared of them as Ziggy was of him. Ara shrugged as Lenard explained himself, "It's fine, no harm done." She replied. "Any particular reason you were on the ground? And if it was a pokemon is it still around?" She asked him, Ziggy opting to remain silent still not trusting of Lenard.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and ZiggyArai jumped back slightly, not out of fear but only so she wouldn't get trampled, when Lenard suddenly shouted and shot off into a tree. Ziggy however did so out of both fear and not to get trampled, probably would of gotten trampled had she not moved. She hid behind Arai shaking slightly, knowing Arai would electrocute the heck out of whatever decided to threaten them. Though Lenard seemed as scared of them as Ziggy was of him. Ara shrugged as Lenard explained himself, "It's fine, no harm done." She replied. "Any particular reason you were on the ground? And if it was a pokemon is it still around?" She asked him, Ziggy opting to remain silent still not trusting of Lenard.
"Well, I tripped while I was running away from some huge thing. I heard some Zigzagoons say that something big was capturing others! So yeah. I stayed on the ground hoping it didn't come up to me. Speaking of the big thing, where was it?" Lenard said. He was looking around while he was talking a noticed something missing from the scenery a while ago; the huge unidentifiable object seemed to have dissapeared or left.

"Er, Anyway, were you the one that poked me?" Lenard asked the Raichu in front of him. He rubbed his face since it still hurt.

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"Oh good lord that means we're getting really close to the tribe!" Bonnie exclaimed as the two sped up slightly. "Ohh! I can't wait to introduce you to everybody!"
[QUOTE="Crusso Fang]
"Oh good lord that means we're getting really close to the tribe!" Bonnie exclaimed as the two sped up slightly. "Ohh! I can't wait to introduce you to everybody!"

"Sounds awesome! We've got about twenty meters to go. Let's hustle company!" Flare swung out his crutch and thrust himself forward with it. He was using the branch as a sort of lever, pivoting the end on the ground to give him an extra boost of momentum.
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]
"Well, I tripped while I was running away from some huge thing. I heard some Zigzagoons say that something big was capturing others! So yeah. I stayed on the ground hoping it didn't come up to me. Speaking of the big thing, where was it?" Lenard said. He was looking around while he was talking a noticed something missing from the scenery a while ago; the huge unidentifiable object seemed to have dissapeared or left.
"Er, Anyway, were you the one that poked me?" Lenard asked the Raichu in front of him. He rubbed his face since it still hurt.

Arai Chu and Ziggy

Ziggys eyes widened when Lenard said there was something big hunting Zigzazoons. It could come after her! She immedately hid fully behind Arai, her stubby front paws clinging to her as best as possible. "
Wh-what big thing! Where!?" She shouted, her small body trembling in fear as she looked around frantically. "It's fine Ziggy, it's probably gone..at-least I don't see anything." She told her comfortingly before turning back to Lenard. "And yep, I was the one poking you. Names' Arai, this is my little sister Ziggy. Nice to meetcha' and know you're not dead." She replied.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and Ziggy
Ziggys eyes widened when Lenard said there was something big hunting Zigzazoons. It could come after her! She immedately hid fully behind Arai, her stubby front paws clinging to her as best as possible. "
Wh-what big thing! Where!?" She shouted, her small body trembling in fear as she looked around frantically. "It's fine Ziggy, it's probably gone..at-least I don't see anything." She told her comfortingly before turning back to Lenard. "And yep, I was the one poking you. Names' Arai, this is my little sister Ziggy. Nice to meetcha' and know you're not dead." She replied.
"I'm Lenard, nice meeting you and thanks for telling me that I'm not dead yet." Lenard replied. Arai mentioned that they and Ziggy were sisters. Souds impossible but everyone has their backstories. He rubbed his face a bit until the pain went away.

"I was just heading somewhere for a daily walk. If you don't mind, I'll be leaving now." Lenard said and casually walked away from the two. Hopefully he didn't waste too much time in this place, which would have been a tad bit awkward if people did see him on the ground trying to continue living his life. At any rate, Lenard thought he should get going or the idea of another gigantic unidentifiable something would appear to scare him off again.

@Mitchs98 (Try and get him to join you. Won't be too hard :P )
@Mitchs98[/URL] (Try and get him to join you. Won't be too hard :P )[/border][/bg]
Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai chuckled briefly at Lenards small joke. "
Think nothing of it. Sometimes people need a little reminding they're alive." She replied. Soon enough Lenard said he was leaving for a walk, causing Arai to shrug. Wow this guy was boring. But if he WAS attacked he really wouldn't last long, he seemed more scared o things then Ziggy was. He'd definetely be eaten if his defense mechanism was to fall on the ground and stay motionless. "Hey wait up!" She called out, starting to walk towards him but being interrupted by Ziggy tugging on her leg. "But..." She mumbled, looking up at Arai with a worried expression. What if the guy was tricking them? "It's fiine. Plus he kind of needs someone to make sure he doesn't kill himself." She told her before jogging after Lenard. "Me and Ziggy were walking to town actually, wanna join us?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and Ziggy
Arai chuckled briefly at Lenards small joke. "
Think nothing of it. Sometimes people need a little reminding they're alive." She replied. Soon enough Lenard said he was leaving for a walk, causing Arai to shrug. Wow this guy was boring. But if he WAS attacked he really wouldn't last long, he seemed more scared o things then Ziggy was. He'd definetely be eaten if his defense mechanism was to fall on the ground and stay motionless. "Hey wait up!" She called out, starting to walk towards him but being interrupted by Ziggy tugging on her leg. "But..." She mumbled, looking up at Arai with a worried expression. What if the guy was tricking them? "It's fiine. Plus he kind of needs someone to make sure he doesn't kill himself." She told her before jogging after Lenard. "Me and Ziggy were walking to town actually, wanna join us?" She asked.
Lenard stopped in his tracks as Arai mentioned that they were going to go to the town. He doesn't occasionally go there really. He went there about three times his whole life, give or take a few. It has also been a long time since. Would it be a good idea? It might be, since his daily routine was more often than not uneventful. So that means...

"Sure thing, I'll go with ya. Thanks for letting me tag along." Lenard said and he approached the two. If anything, Arai could actually be more powerful when it came to fighting other hostile entities. But it would also be better if none came their way. In either case, at least he had company to a place he hadn't visited for a long time.

"Lead the way, then. I'll simply just go along with you two." Lenard added.

(Lenard joined the party)
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]
Lenard stopped in his tracks as Arai mentioned that they were going to go to the town. He doesn't occasionally go there really. He went there about three times his whole life, give or take a few. It has also been a long time since. Would it be a good idea? It might be, since his daily routine was more often than not uneventful. So that means...
"Sure thing, I'll go with ya. Thanks for letting me tag along." Lenard said and he approached the two. If anything, Arai could actually be more powerful when it came to fighting other hostile entities. But it would also be better if none came their way. In either case, at least he had company to a place he hadn't visited for a long time.

"Lead the way, then. I'll simply just go along with you two." Lenard added.

(Lenard joined the party)

Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai grinned and nodded when Lenard walked up to them. "
Awesome! The more people the better!" She cheered, restarting her walk towards the town with Ziggy following directly beside her on the side Lenard wasn't on. She didn't trust him; as she did most new people she met. "So, tell me a bit about yourself Lenard. Other than the fact you like laying face down on the ground to avoid capture." She told him teasingly, a cheeky grin on her face.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and Ziggy
Arai grinned and nodded when Lenard walked up to them. "
Awesome! The more people the better!" She cheered, restarting her walk towards the town with Ziggy following directly beside her on the side Lenard wasn't on. She didn't trust him; as she did most new people she met. "So, tell me a bit about yourself Lenard. Other than the fact you like laying face down on the ground to avoid capture." She told him teasingly, a cheeky grin on her face.
Lenard followed the two in their mini-journey towards the city.

"Well, what some Pokemon say is that it is very unlike of me as a Snover to never have experienced a cold climate before. I grew up in the base of the mountain." Lenard said as he remembered most Pokemon saying the same thing; a Snover living other than a cold place sounded rare. Those didn't offend him too much as but was kind of touchy when they mentioned it.

"Other than that, I'm not a commoner around here either." Lenard finished saying. "Mind if I know a bit of you two as well?" He asked nonchalantly.
[QUOTE="Computing Magus]
Lenard followed the two in their mini-journey towards the city.
"Well, what some Pokemon say is that it is very unlike of me as a Snover to never have experienced a cold climate before. I grew up in the base of the mountain." Lenard said as he remembered most Pokemon saying the same thing; a Snover living other than a cold place sounded rare. Those didn't offend him too much as but was kind of touchy when they mentioned it.

"Other than that, I'm not a commoner around here either." Lenard finished saying. "Mind if I know a bit of you two as well?" He asked nonchalantly.

Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai arched a brow as he told them a bit about himself. She had to admit it WAS a bit odd for a Snover to of never been anywhere cold. Though it was also a bit odd for a Raichu to have a Zigzagoon as a sister too she guessed, so she couldn't comment. "Huh. That's pretty cool actually. Makes ya unique." She replied before answering his inevitable question of stuff about them. "Well. Lets see..lived with my parents in a really secluded part of the forest alone with them. Eventually decided to leave to explore and found Ziggy abandoned along the way. She told me she fell behind from her pack and she guessed they forgot about her. So I took her in and we've been together ever since." She explained before shrugging, looking over to Ziggy with a smile and gently patting her head. "Honestly consider her more of a sister than anything, even though its kind of a impossible to believe thing." She added before shrugging.
Mitchs98 said:
Arai Chu and Ziggy
Arai arched a brow as he told them a bit about himself. She had to admit it WAS a bit odd for a Snover to of never been anywhere cold. Though it was also a bit odd for a Raichu to have a Zigzagoon as a sister too she guessed, so she couldn't comment. "Huh. That's pretty cool actually. Makes ya unique." She replied before answering his inevitable question of stuff about them. "Well. Lets see..lived with my parents in a really secluded part of the forest alone with them. Eventually decided to leave to explore and found Ziggy abandoned along the way. She told me she fell behind from her pack and she guessed they forgot about her. So I took her in and we've been together ever since." She explained before shrugging, looking over to Ziggy with a smile and gently patting her head. "Honestly consider her more of a sister than anything, even though its kind of a impossible to believe thing." She added before shrugging.
Lenard felt satisfied enough with the explanation of the relationship between the two. Now he felt fine with the company of these two, though trust still has some room to fill in with. Lenard dwelt in many thoughts, absentmindedly walking within the group most of the time. He grabbed a Snoverberry growing on his midsection since he felt hungry. They seemed to be much smaller than ever before, though through a slight amount than last time. Lenard put the bite-sized berry in his mouth with a plop. It tasted sweet like an ice cream but it's coldness left much room for concern; their coldness can be compared to that of refrigerated water but they used to be as cold as ice(y mint?). Nothing bad or different other than that though. Lenard remembered the presence of the two with him, and he thought of something. Plucking two Snoverberries, he handed them both over to Aria and Ziggy.

"Want some? They taste sweet as sugar, by the way." Lenard offered to the two girls with him.
[QUOTE="Computing Magus]
Lenard felt satisfied enough with the explanation of the relationship between the two. Now he felt fine with the company of these two, though trust still has some room to fill in with. Lenard dwelt in many thoughts, absentmindedly walking within the group most of the time. He grabbed a Snoverberry growing on his midsection since he felt hungry. They seemed to be much smaller than ever before, though through a slight amount than last time. Lenard put the bite-sized berry in his mouth with a plop. It tasted sweet like an ice cream but it's coldness left much room for concern; their coldness can be compared to that of refrigerated water but they used to be as cold as ice(y mint?). Nothing bad or different other than that though. Lenard remembered the presence of the two with him, and he thought of something. Plucking two Snoverberries, he handed them both over to Aria and Ziggy.
"Want some? They taste sweet as sugar, by the way." Lenard offered to the two girls with him.

Arai Chu and Ziggy

Arai and Ziggy trudged on in relative silence after Arai had finished speaking. Both of them thinking back to when they'd first met, Ziggy was around eleven back then. It was raining and she was trying her hardest to shelter herself under a massive leaf but ultimately failing miserably. Arai had came along and found her. At first Ziggy was scared of her, and rightfully so seeing as she'd been all but abandoned. Arai at the time was living in a small shelter nearby, so she convinced her to come with her and stay with her. They'd talked a while and eventually became friends, Arai convincing Ziggy to travel with her. Soon enough Lenard offered them both a Snoverberry. Arai considered the prospect a bit weird, but so were other things. "
Sure, thanks!" She replied before carefully taking the berries from him. She ate one and held the other one down for Ziggy to eat. "You're right. These are pretty good!" She told him, Ziggy nodding in agreement. "Y-Yeah. Thanks." She said.
Noivern said:
"Sounds awesome! We've got about twenty meters to go. Let's hustle company!" Flare swung out his crutch and thrust himself forward with it. He was using the branch as a sort of lever, pivoting the end on the ground to give him an extra boost of momentum.
The two nodded and payed attention to flares speed in order to match his. "Hey once we get to the village do you think we could take a break? My feet are killing me" Bonnie panted.

Now that you mention it we've been walking all day haven't we?" Juliet hadn't even noticed her aching feet until now. She was far to focused on everything that had been going on around her.

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