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Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

Lenard awoke from slumber, deep in a cave at the base of a mountain. He was awake all evening picking the ripest of berries around the area as he thought that if he woke up in the morning, the best berries would be gone for sure. The said berries were piled in a small heap on top of some leaves. Lenard lumbered towards the assorted food and chose a Pecha berry, munching on the sweet taste and simply mulling over its softness. After another berry or so, Lenard initiates a yawn before going outside. It didn't occur to him that it was mid day as the sun's rays slightly blinded him. After aimlessly walking around, his eyes finally adjusted and didn't notice the tree in front of him; a few more steps then he could have slammed into it. He walked around it and proceeded to his morning chore/walk of finding some people and picking a few berries to go back home. It was usually boring to do but he had to or else risk hunger. The Snoverberries hanging on the zigzags of his body were still small. Unfortunately, this was considered ripe. Because of the lack of coldness, they... stayed determined to continue growing healthily. After a few minutes, Lenard stumbled upon a small group of Zigzagoons. They seemed to be saddened about something. Lenard didn't want to actively want to listen on fellow Pokemon's woes, if they were, but he caught a few words anyway.

"...caught by a huge scary Pokemon..."

"Poor him..."

Lenard put the pieces together as he now left the group without being spotted. They were mourning of someone that meant it happened earlier or now. It will most likely be a Zigzagoon too. Big scary Pokemon then? Better watch out if he didn't want to get caught too (it didn't occur to Lenard that the group of Zigzagoons meant being eaten, as that was an uncommon act to happen. At least for Lenard). With a stroke of (bad) luck a few minutes later, he noticed something huge among an area. Out of sheer curiosity, Lenard approached nearer. It was a huge Pokemon he couldn't identify. To him, they looked scary. Remembering the Zigzagoon's words, he tries to run without being spotted but he accidentally tripped and landed on his whole face for that was his body shape.

"Ow!" Leonard shouted in pain. It couldn't be helped; he has now been heard by others in the area.

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Flare's ears twitched, sensing a noise not too far off to his left. He snapped his neck towards the source and discovered a large felled Pokemon, struggling to stand. He was weary, for he didn't want to see Y eat this poor Pokemon who was just casually passing by. He was just caught at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Hope was hurt as she saw y and two other Pokemon she just fell" someone help" she say weakly trying to stand some other Pokemon attack her
"Yes ma'am..." Flare murmured, walking over to the felled Bulbasuar with extreme caution.

"Excuse me, Terribly sorry about your condition." He apologised, helping Hope to her feet.
"He seems to be not getting up. Let's head for that village that you were talking about with your friend."

"And who are you little bulbasaur?"
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Hope just looked at them" I'm hope" she told them as she smiles" thank yiu for the help" she told them
Hope just nodded as she was being shy" I'm 13" she say as she was really shy she was randomly saying things as she looked around" thanks for helping can I come with you I don't have a home" she say
"Sure thing Hope, I think I can carry you both. Right now we are looking for a Zweilous cave, then we will be going back to my mountain home." She shook his head between Flare and Hope slowly.
"Yes, we should be heading to Juliet and Bonnie's village. They said we should head east...I think. Dunno, have to check with them to make sure." Flare made a beeline directly towards Juliet and Bonnie, his wand clutched horizontally at his chest. "Should we get going?"

@Crusso Fang
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Hope smiled looking around" it's okay let's go" she say to her" what's your name" she asked as she smiled about to ride on her
"Er...I'll take walking thank you. I'm not fond of flying." Flare said, turning away from Y.

"Sorry, but I just can't handle flying at all. Me and Juliet and Bonnie are content with walking, thank you very much."
Hope looked at her" yeah I wouldn't want to walk" she say getting on her back as she lay down" am u too heavy" she asked
"Of course not you little runt. Hehe." She smiled and flew east, she landed about a quarter mile away to wait for her other friends.
Hope just smiled when they landed" so now we wait" she say to her as she smiled as she rested her head she was called a runt she just giggled" my herd probably don't care I'm gone since I'm the youngest there" she say sighing
"They're mean to a special bulby like you, you are very nice and I like that. We are going to my mountain home later and I want Flare to come with us. Once you get on me to go there, pull him on with you're vines, and hold on tight because we will be going fast, and he will struggle. Don't worry I can carry you two. As for now, let's wait." She laid down on her back with her medium belly exposed. It was bigger than a normal Yveltal's. She went to sleep.
Hope smiled as she said that she really liked her kinda like a mom but she wasn't going to say it she put her head down waiting
(Hhhhh frig I'm sorry today ended up being really busy and I forgot to check my notifications also upon request I'm adding color to my dialogue)

Juliet and Bonnie had lead flare off in to the other direction. They had been walking for a bit by this point. The zweilos could feel their feet beginning to hurt from all of the walking they had done today. They occasionally stopped to stretch.

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