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Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.

"Extremely!" Bonnie grinned

"We were actually trying to find our way back to our den near opelucid" Juliet explains "you wouldn't happen to know how to get there would you?"
"I better get going" She told herself. She flew out of the home and over the not-so dense forest trees, looking for a medium pokemon to eat for breakfast.
Gloria looked at every bushes and trees to find any berries, but none of them have it. "Oh....no more berries....I guess I have to go to the city....but its too far...."
She stopped in mid flight to look more closely. She could see a Plusle to her right, about 1 mile away. A blaziken and a zweilous were a half mile away to her front. A zigzagoon was a bit closer to her in front of her, 'First, an apetizer' She thought. She landed in front of the zigzagoon and ate it, leaving nothing behind.
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Hope just got out of the bushes as she was walking around as she was hungry as she looked for her favorite berries she didn't know what to eat. She just wanted to find something she wasn't sure where to go as she saw some Pokemon maybe older than her she used sweet scent by accident not realizing it
As Gloria is about to head another direction, until she stopped when she smell something sweet. She can't help but followed it.
Hope was looking for some berries as she was hungry but she saw someone took her favorite berries as she frowned she was mad now l" who took them" she say to herself
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"No idea...I myself just ran away from a Daycare a few years ago. It's been rough ever since. But if you don't mind wandering I could accompany you two while you look! Besides, it's getting lonesome just walking around all by myself..." Flare replied, glancing down at his crossed legs in shame. He snapped his neck back up towards Juliet and Bonnie with a wide grin. "But if I could follow you that'd make my day!"

@Crusso Fang (Sorry, decided to watch Animatrix .-.)
Hope saw something red as she thought it was a berry but she walked up close as she saw a Pokemon she didn't know what type of Pokemon it was she looked up amazed as she smiled
Hope looked up at Y as she looked at her as she thought Y looked so cool she looked how hungry the Pokemon looked as she gulped taking the chance" no don't hurt them" she say as she walked in front of the other two Pokemon" if you want to eat me do it" she say being very protective of the other two Pokemon
Bonnie looked at Juliet and the two grinned "Sure! We'd love to have some company." Juliet nodded

"Oh yes yes!! It gets boring with just the two of us" Bonnie agreed "oh! And when we find our tribe you can meet our baby brother! He's very cute so I think you should meet him" Bonnie looked excited
"Sounds like a great plan! I'll hop to it..." Flare walked over to their side and gestured at the trail ahead.

"Maybe I can decide to live wherever your tribe is, you see...uh, I don't have a place to go to really. So if we come across your place think I could...Stay?" He asked, a small pleading smile on his face.
"Sure I don't see why you couldn't" Julie nods "I mean we normally only take in other dragon Pokemon but I don't think the elders will mind"

Bonnie nods. "Oh oh!! yes I'm sure they won't mind" they two both nod in agreement before the two jump, seeming a bit startled. They were staring at what a pleaded to be a large red bird Pokemon

"What is that thing?!" Juliet gasped
Flare jumped at the sudden yelling and he turned around to see what they were yelling at. He drew out his wand at forearm's length and backed up to block off the creature from Bonnie and Juliet.

"Stay behind me, it seems this Pokemon is a Blaziken, a fire type like me. If we just leave him alone I bet we'll be okay."
"Oh gosh I hope so" Juliet seemed frightened "that thing is huge!" Bonnie shrunk back, almost semming as if she was trying to hide herself behind her sister
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"Stay calm...everything is going to be okay. And if he engages us I'll make sure he doesn't lay a finger on either of yo- Oh. It seems that he decided to walk off." He was initially looking behind him to reassure Juliet and Bonnie, but while doing so the bewildered Blaziken trudged off with little confirmation. Flare drew a brief breath through his nostrils and he spun on his heel to face the two behind him.

"Well, guess that's over. What should we do now?"
The two let out sighs of relief "well I suppose we should" Juliet stopped mid sentence, to look around "wait... Which direction did we come from??" She looked to Bonnie

"Oh uh.... I think we came from the West right?" Bonnie says "so we should probably retrace our steps and go back east"
"Okay! We'll head back. But quick question, how long will this take? I'm a little eager on getting there since I haven't slept in a bed for a long time..." Flare asked, a brief expression of worry showing through his sly neutral expression.

"Sorry if I'm a bother, I'm just really excited! You can't imagine."
"Its only been since yesterday I think" Bonnie says.

"If we can at least find the town near here we can probably find our way back easily" Juliet says
"Great! Let's go on this new lead and we'll head off!" With that said, he tucked his book into his bushy tail and took his stick to use as a cane. As he limped alongside Juliet and Bonnie he decided to make some small talk with the two.

"So, how's it been in your home so far? What's the enviroment like? How big is it?"
Y flew up and landed with a loud *THUD* behind Flare. Her face 2 feet away from the Braxien's head. She tried to look super frightening. She's good at doing that. Even with a big belly.
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