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Fandom Group Pokemon Adventure.


A Happy Catbug
We are now ready to start. I won't start as my character, Y, appears later. The next message in Main will start the RP.

Setting: Morning, Early fall, Forest surroundings.
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Y was sitting in her mountain home looking out the entrance. There were pokemon scurrying around the forest left, right, straight, every direction that the forest leads to.
"No No No...That one is wrong." Flare mumbled as he flipped through the pages of his spellbook to try to find a healing spell. Apparently he had stumbled earlier and bruised his knee, thus keeping his gait to an awkward limp. He tried to find a hymn that could work for a physical injury but the book seemed to bear no regards to such a spell. Although an ametuer caster Flare is, spells like these were no problem. Now only if he could find it...
Using his staff as a sort of cane, Flare tucked the book under his arm and leaned on his staff to rest for a while. He didn't know where he was going, and quite frankly didn't care. He just wanted to put as much distance of the Daycare behind him and hopefully venture on into the wilderness, find that special someone, have them become a mate, and begin a family. Undisturbed by the human menace. Of course, he knew that was impossible. There was no bright and sunny future for him. For all he knew, he was most likely to die alone, with nobody to mourn over his death. This thought scared him and kept him going no matter what. If it come hell or high water he'd make it through. Even if in the end he had to be alone.
Her stomach grumbled. 'I better get going' She flew out her mountain cave home and over the forest. Wind wasn't in her favor and slowed her down a little bit. Searching for a meal big enough to eat for the rest of the morning she found nothing. She kept looking as she headed forward, deeper into the forest.
Flare decided to sit down on a nearby tree stump, his legs splayed out to stretch the sore muscles out. He walked a far distance just to get here, and he deserved a break. he then put the book down and started grooming his fur with a brush he stole from his trainer. The brush was small, round, and black. It didn't seem like an ideal grooming brush but it was the only one he got. In the serene silence of the forest he decided to talk to himself.

"So...still no luck with the spell. I can't find the correct Hymn for healing and I might never will. Oh well. At least it will heal in time..."
She landed to get a better view for her food on the ground. She looked left, nothing. She looked behind her. There was a Blaziken and a Ralts farther away. She looked straight at the blaziken. Dove at her then did a quick maneuver to avoid it to land in front of the ralts. The poor ralts tried to get away, but Y could fly much faster. She ate it, leaving nothing behind. She turned around.
juliet and bonnie trudged through the forest, looking for anything familiar. An they were becoming more and more unsettled as their surroundings became more and more unfamiliar. "Bonnie I really don't think this is the way home" juliet says, her voice showing concern.

Bonnie shook her head "What? Of course it is! We walked east then north so that means to get back we walk west... right?"

Juliet took a moment to think before sighing "no... that just doesn't sound right" she looked both ways as if looking for anything familiar "I just can't figure out where we went wrong. I can't find anything that looks familiar at all!"

"Well maybe if you had been paying attention we wouldn't have walked in the right direction" Bonnie hissed

"Oh so now it's my fault? You were the one insisting that you sound lead!" the two bickered back and forth as they became more and more lost
Flare's ears perked as he picked up the conflicting voices of two entities. Curious although cautious, he slunk behind the tree trunk and peeked over the edge. A bumbling, decent-sized Pokemon came into view. He readied his stick just in case he had to dispatch the two-headed creature with a well-placed psychic attack spell. They seemed mostly harmless though. Sure the two heads were in a heated argument but the two seemed friendly nonetheless. On this new lead, Flare stood up with his arms open wide in a friendly embrace.

"Welcome weary travellers! I am Flare, the aspiring spellmaster and you two are humbled guests in my domain." He said in a clear, definite, but jovial and soothing voice.
Hope was following her herd she was the youngest but she heard something she followed it on the way toward the sound she couldn't find where she was or the herd she saw some flowers as she hid in the flowers she didn't want to be found by anyone the 13 year old was lost her herd didn't even know she went missing
The two stopped abruptly. Juliet took a moment to recompose herself while Bonnie seemed to switch from angry an angry expression to a gleeful one in an instant "Oh wow hi! I'm Bonnie and this is Juliet" she motioned to the head on her right(flare's left) side, "Are you the leader of your pack?"

Juliet sighed and shook her head "of course he isn't I'm pretty sure braixen are solitary pokemon. Elder Aspen says so!" she turns back to the braixen "oh gosh I'm sorry I just realized we're probably on your territory" she apologizes
"No worries companions! You are welcome anytime in my vicinity. Now tell me, what seems to be troubling you two? If it be anything I can help." Flare said pridefully, holding up his stick and opening the spellbook.

"Now just say the word and I might have a spell, charm, or a hymn or a chant for it."
"oh well um..." Juliet thought this pokemon seemed a bit shady. She took a mental note to acr with caution around flare "you wouldn't happen to have directions-" Bonnie cut her off

"Do you have a spell that'll make me the prettiest zweilos?" Bonnie asked enthusiastically.
"Oh Beauty, oh...not the first time someone has asked me that. Well, I'll see what I can do..." Flare flipped through the pages of the old leatherbound book. He then thrust a single finger upon an index on one of the pages.

"Here! We have some spells of that sort. We have an attractiveness spell where the opposite gender will factor you more favorable out of a crowd, we have a...lust spell, Ahem. There's also a jealousy spell. Hm. I'm not sure which one will work the best but you'll have to choose." He said, closing the book.
Juliet was about to protest before Bonnie cut her off once more "Oh! I want the attractiveness one probably!" Juliet sighed and rolled her eyes. there was no use arguing by this point
"Very well. But I must shield myself from the spell you see. I don't want to be under it's influence..." Flare took his stick and tapped the hilt with his index finger. He then brought the end in front of his eyes and tapped his forehead with the stick.

"There. Now I shall cast the spell...Incurio Deox!" He chanted, flicking his wrist towards Bonnie and lowering the wand.

"There. Now how do you feel?"
Bonnie shivered "I feel tingly!" she exclaimed! "does that mean it worked?" she grinned, moving her gaze between blaze and her sibling
"The only way to know if for a male to look at you and see if it took effect. I shielded myself, but I scan remove it. Though I'm not sure if I want to...but, the choice is entirely up to you." Flare said, tucking his wand away back into his tail.
"really you don't need to if you don't want to" Julie says, glancing at Bonnie who nods in return

"yeah you don't have to! You can if you wanna though!" Bonnie giggles
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"Okay, I'll just assume the spell has taken effect if you do indeed feel different. But anyways with that aside, what brings you two here? It just seems that you guys are out of place." Flare walked in a clockwise circle around Bonnie and Juliet, inspecting them. "Are you lost?"
Gloria, a Plusle is taking a nap on the tree stump as she still have a bad dream about her best friend. "Huh!!!" She wake up and looked around. "....another bad dream......"
Y was sitting in her mountain home, a cave, looking out to the forest. 'What am I going to have for breakfast' She thought to herself.
Hope was walking around lost she didn't know where she was in the forest she couldn't find the herd as she sighed she went in a bush of flowers she loved them it made her feel comfortable when she was around them' where are they' she thought to herself
Gloria stretch her body and yawns, 'Time for eat....." Gloria jump off the stump and walked to the bushes and see if there are any berries.

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