Search results for query: *

  1. fandommulti

    One x One Flyboy and the French bird {Closed}

    How has your day been??
  2. fandommulti

    Flyboy and the French bird {Closed}

    It was a day with a blue cloudless sky. The sun was shining like crazy and you were lucky if you didn't get burned when you were out there. Some would say it was the worst day possible to fly, som would say it was the best. Easier to see and to navigate, but that goes for both the frence and the...
  3. fandommulti

    Partner Search (Only one person - MxM) - Please be patient! ;o;

    Hello hello!!! I'm also searching for a partner and I think we'll get along very well!!! So please PM me if you're interested
  4. fandommulti

    Multiple Settings My RP Haven! (60-ish pairings|Ignore post count!)

    I'd love to do Kidnapper x Victim (if you're gotten a lot of request on that one, I'd like to do another one)
  5. fandommulti

    Some romance plots and what not

    Hey!! I really like the demon King offering and the genius and the dumbass idea! Please PM me if you're interested
  6. fandommulti

    Looking for Long-term Partner

    Hello! I really love many og your ideas!! Especially: Writer/artist x creation Thief x thief Prince/ Princess x commoner Prince/ Princess x Knight If you need/want any more partners please PM me!!!
  7. fandommulti

    Two Pairings That I Really Wanna Doooo

    I simply love both of them!! But especially the second one!!! Do it with me, you have started a craving in me
  8. fandommulti

    Role Play idea's part 1. (Always open)

    I'll totally be up for Arranged marriage to devil. Hunters secret Kiss of revenge PM if you want to rp
  9. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    She chuckled lightly at his remark. "Yearh your probably right. We wasn't very well fed in my orphanage. Usesually chrildren were kicked out from there at the age of 12- 13, but the boss fancied me" she blushed at the thought of his ugly hands around her waist, and the one time he kissed her...
  10. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    She looked at him, the suprise clear in her eyes. "Are you only 13? I thought you were older than me" she again bite her lower lip. The boy, Nero she added in her head, was at least 10 centimeters taller then her. And he didn't look like a little boy. "What about you? What's your story?" She...
  11. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    She looked at him when he spoke. He seemed quite outgoinng. She descided that he wouldn't harm her and a soft smile came to her lips. "Yearh, I came from an orphanage. These people just kind of kidnapped me, and now they are running all kinds of tests on my blood and stuff like that. I have no...
  12. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    They entered the room, and she saw a boy. He looked around her age, butit was hard to say preciesly. He had straight jet black hair, but the most special thing was his eyes. They were a vibrant purple colour. His features were asian. She bite her lower lip, abad habit of hers, and looked up...
  13. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    Flash Back: A day at the Orphanage "Get your poor little ass out here and make us some food. Your filthy little bitch" With her lower lip trembling slightly from all the insults and wide eyes, to keep them dry, she walked out in the kitchen. She was the oldest of the girls at the...
  14. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    Next to her sat a woman with brown hair and a small touch of freckles over her cheeks. She had a geninue smile on her face. Across from Anastasia sat a boy with dark brown hair, almost black. He was joking with the small girl next to him. It was her siblings and her mother. And soon her dad...
  15. fandommulti

    Hunting Immortals

    She was with her family. Surounded by people that loved her and cared for her. A mom with kind eyes and soft hands, and a dad, who promised to keep his little girl safe. Next to her was her older brother, who she had always been playing and fighting with when they were younger. All of them was...
  16. fandommulti

    One x One Beauty in the Water

    Name: Kyoshiro Cantari Age: 21 Personality: Kyoshiro (often only called kyo) is in some ways a person that likes to be alone, and in some ways out going. He loves the nature and everything it has to offer. All the birds, and animals. He also enjoys to dive and to discover new things...
  17. fandommulti

    Detailed/ Long-term Partners wanted!

  18. fandommulti

    Searching for a new partner like I am???

    Hey!! I'm an 16 year old girl looking for another roleplay partner ^^ My experience is now on 2 years, so I'm not totally unexperienced, but no way a master #*.*# As I set I'm looking for a partner. I'll like the roleplay to be at least with a couple of lines (please) but I realy don't...
  19. fandommulti

    Detailed/ Long-term Partners wanted!

    I have just read all your plot ideas and I realy enjoy them. I can see myself rpeing all of them. Especially I like the first one, the mermaid one and the last one :) if you are still looking and would like to do any of them with me, please please PM me ^^
  20. fandommulti

    Multiple Settings Closed

    That would be lovely ! ^.^ E="Mirai Kuriyama, post: 4613477, member: 37048"]Yay!! Want to send me a pm and we can sort out some details? :3 Thst