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Looking for Long-term Partner


Wanna-be DPS insta-locker
Welcome to my Want-Ad

Hey there guys, I'm trying to diversify my role-play experience. For the most part, I'm trying to find some other people to talk to and enjoy some good ol' fashioned role-play.

About Me

The name's Dan, and I'm an 18-year old full-time college student studying Biology. I do have a deep love for role-play and writing instilled in me from a young age. For a quick re-cap of my history with role-play, it began with warrior cats on a xat chat, which continued into a in-video-game role-play to something more serious, on an old mobile-based forum. Technically, I've been role-playing since I was 7, but that's only if you could those short little replies on chat rooms.

So lately I've been in a rut. I want to write more and partake in more serious discussions regarding literature, and I think actually learning to write and role-play properly would definitely help. Also, having a good talking partner will be a plus. I'd love to make some friends~

My reply-size really depends on what we're doing. Like I said, my experience in role-playing is slightly limited to shorter replies, but I'm trying my best to expand that to something more. Since it's summer and I'm no longer in classes until August, I'll probably reply at the very least once or twice a day (I'm in EST, if you're wondering).

What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for a long-term partner to role-play with, whether it be a certain pairing, fandom, or whatever. What I would like are the following qualities:

Good grammar/literacy

More than a paragraph per reply at least

Relatively quick response time

Some Pairings

Read First! I'll do anything MxM, MxF, hesitantly FxF (willing to try new things!). I won't list the fandoms I'm in here, since I've never role-played anything fandom-related other than Warrior Cats. Feel free to ask about it though, if you're set on doing a fandom-related 'play. Otherwise, I have some plots/pairings I'd really like to do...

  • General Pairings

    Can be applied in any context, really.

    Demon x Angel

    Android x Creator

    Angel x Human (Guardian-type? Fallen Angel?)

    Prince/Princess x Commoner

    Prince/Princess x Knight

    Thief x Thief

    Scientist x Assistant

So Just Let Me Know!

Respond here to shoot me a PM with any ideas or questions. I'll probably be around to answer. :)
DanDanDan said:
Writer/Artist x CreationThis plot's taken from an old tumblr post; I'm not claiming any ownership on the idea.
One character is a writer or an artist of some sort, living alone and wanting someone to share their life with, platonic or romantic. So they begin starting to write about/draw their dream person: how they'd look, act, exist in real life. One night they go to bed and the next morning, there's someone laying in bed beside them-- the person they were writing about/drawing. This new person has no sense or knowledge of the outside world and can't be simply shoved out into the cold. So now the writer/artist has to babysit this person for the foreseeable future. There could be some interesting twists too, like maybe there's a reason why the created person is alive and they have to figure it out, or they only have a limited time together. While this is largely a romantically-charged role-play, but it could be platonic.

Nice to meet'cha!

I love this idea! If it's cool with you, can we do an MxF? I'd prefer to play female.

I'm 18 too, and definitely not new to role playing. But this account is new, so I can't PM yet. Can you PM me?

DanDanDan said:
Welcome to my Want-Ad

Hey there guys, I'm trying to diversify my role-play experience. For the most part, I'm trying to find some other people to talk to and enjoy some good ol' fashioned role-play.

About Me

The name's Dan, and I'm an 18-year old full-time college student studying Biology. I do have a deep love for role-play and writing instilled in me from a young age. For a quick re-cap of my history with role-play, it began with warrior cats on a xat chat, which continued into a in-video-game role-play to something more serious, on an old mobile-based forum. Technically, I've been role-playing since I was 7, but that's only if you could those short little replies on chat rooms.

So lately I've been in a rut. I want to write more and partake in more serious discussions regarding literature, and I think actually learning to write and role-play properly would definitely help. Also, having a good talking partner will be a plus. I'd love to make some friends~

My reply-size really depends on what we're doing. Like I said, my experience in role-playing is slightly limited to shorter replies, but I'm trying my best to expand that to something more. Since it's summer and I'm no longer in classes until August, I'll probably reply at the very least once or twice a day (I'm in EST, if you're wondering).

What I'm Looking For

I'm looking for a long-term partner to role-play with, whether it be a certain pairing, fandom, or whatever. What I would like are the following qualities:

Good grammar/literacy

More than a paragraph per reply at least

Relatively quick response time

Some Pairings

Read First! I'll do anything MxM, MxF, hesitantly FxF (willing to try new things!). I won't list the fandoms I'm in here, since I've never role-played anything fandom-related other than Warrior Cats. Feel free to ask about it though, if you're set on doing a fandom-related 'play. Otherwise, I have some plots/pairings I'd really like to do...

  • General Pairings

    Can be applied in any context, really.

    Demon x Angel

    Android x Creator

    Angel x Human (Guardian-type? Fallen Angel?)

    Prince/Princess x Commoner

    Prince/Princess x Knight

    Thief x Thief

    Scientist x Assistant

Hey there!

You seem like such a darling! A pairing that caught my eyes was Andriod x Creator, I think that has some really fun potential!

If you'd like to take up my offer, don't feel shy to PM me!
Hello! I think we'd make a great pair in terms of reply length, and as an avid sci-fi fan I'd be very interested in the android x creator pairing. PM me if you're still looking, I've got nothing on my plate at the moment :)
Oh my god I loved all of these ideas. ;;

I'm tearing up because I am so happy, not because I am a weak human being (just so we're clear).

Anyways, I really liked//

Prince/Princess x Commoner

Prince/Princess x Knight

Thief x Thief

Writer/Artist x Creation

Since I did happen to favor multiple, feel free to pluck your favorite one from the group.
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Hello! I really love many og your ideas!! Especially:

Writer/artist x creation

Thief x thief

Prince/ Princess x commoner

Prince/ Princess x Knight

If you need/want any more partners please PM me!!!

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