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Detailed/ Long-term Partners wanted!


Why stop dreaming when you wake up?
Hiya to those awesome enough to take a peek at this thread!!

I'm looking for detailed rp partners as well as long-term. Meaning, can reply a paragraph or more of decent content contributing to the rp to help keep it going, as well as people who will stick around and not just randomly disappear on me. This isn't to say you can't leave - it's not some forceful contract thing! If you're bored of an rp and either want to try a new one, or just stop rping with me entirely, that is all fine! Just please let me know!

Now, I have some plots listed below - they're a bit old and unedited so they may seem choppy, but you'll get the basic idea of them. Any of them can be tweaked or edited in any way really, I'm open to ideas either changing an idea I have listed below, or one of your own ideas is fine as well.

As for my rules:

- As mentioned before, no short posts. I understand not many people have time for essays. I don't either. I range from one to a few decent paragraphs in a post, unless I'm really inspired or something theres the rare change I will write a page practically. But as long as its a decent paragraph, then that is fine.

- I prefer frequent rpers. No, you don't have to respond back to back with me, I understand people have lives - I do too, unfortunately xD . But so yeah, at least one or a few posts a day will make me a happy person ^^ If you are an incredibly fast responder, I'll be even happier :3

- Decent grammar please. Doesn't have to be perfect, just so I can understand what you're writing and saying.

- ENJOY the rp. Let me know if theres something you don't like/want to change. I'm more than happy to accommodate. This rp isn't made just by myself, I need your input and love into it too. Its for both of us to enjoy, not feel like we're forced to reply. If you ever do want to end the rp, thats totally fine, just please please let me know!

I will rp ALMOST anything. MxM and MxF I'll do both. I prefer to be the female though, or in MxM the 'uke' - though that doesn't by any means make my uke character 'feminine' or anything. Usually they're stubborn, defiant, mischievous trouble makers haha. Or something like that, you get the idea.

I also DO do fandoms, so, if you have an interest in any of the ones I post below, let me know, or if theres one you have, shoot it at me and if I know it I will most likely be willing to do it. I'm only human, I'm bound to forget to put in a few things on my list.

Any of the plots can be changed to MxM or MxF, so if it's written in the perspective idea that you don't want to do, thats fine, ignore it. It's just written there so you get the general idea of the plot. A lot of them a written in yaoi perspective, because they're from where I made the plots on a yaoi rp forum on another site. But like a said, they can be made MxF, just let me know.


Flower In The Desert ✼

Raziel Kairo has lived with his family in a small town in the middle of nowhere in the desert. The town is small, and has little to no valuables. Because the town is so small, everyone knows each other, and everyone in the town is kind, and makes sure to keep up their share. They all work together and eat together as a huge family, sharing the rations of food evenly amongst everyone. Raziel is seventeen, the oldest in his family of his siblings, his middle brother Cyrus at age 10, and their youngest brother Ezra at 6. Raziel is very caring and considerate towards his family, and always holds up on his share of work, carrying his part of his responsibility in the village. His dad is strict in making sure his sons do their share, because he is actually also the village leader. Raziel doesn't do all his responsibilities just for his fathers respect and sake, but because he himself truly does care about the village, and everyone in it is family to him. Although Raziel has a deadly illness, tuberculosis, that is attacking his lungs, he wont tell anyone, not even his own family because medicine and treatment would be expensive, and he doesn't wish to worry anyone and cause them to concern over him and stress. Despite his illness, he still works hard and does all he can for the village. Even the youngest of kids are working through the hot days. Once a kid is the age of 8, it is his responsibility to help out with the labor and work in the village. While Raziel has lived in the hard working conditions of his village, the Pharoah and his father live in luxary, with a palace and favorable foods like juicy fruits. Though most of course fear the ruling family to outright say anything to them, they all resent them, as they give nothing back to the families of the desert. Raziel personally despises the pharoah, a male who is said to be about his age, which makes Raziel hate him more. Having lived through some of the hardest conditions, Raziel doesn't mind and still loves his village and would do anything to help them, and thinking of the pharoah, the same age as him, was someone so ignorant to the world.

|| WANTED: Dead or Alive ||

In a vast land where its either do or die, there are only the poor - and a rich family that ruled the land. Latest news is a young male known as Riku Hitsumori is wanted for supposedly going out and being sexual with the King's son. The king was enraged when finding out about this, and of course didn't blame his own son, finding anyone else to blame, as to not taint or hurt the family pride, as the son is of course next in line to inherit the throne. So the King pinpointed all blame and punishment on the male his son was with - Riku Hitsumori. The king declared the boys punishment death. Since the boy is escaping the Kings over powering rule, he is now wanted captured, and to be tortured for not abiding by the King. If he must be killed while being captured though then the King is alright with that, though prefer him be alive so he can torture the boy for what he did, for 'tainting' his son. The King has sent out a 100, 000 price bounty on Riku for whoever catches him and brings him in, and a 500,000 price if he is still alive when brought into custody. Of course, in a land of the poor, everyone is tempted and swayed by the price on Riku's head, so many have sent out to capture him, though because they are poor, they don't have the needed skills or techniques to find Riku, and travel to look for him, but there are some that do still try.

Beauty in the Water ~~

MC (my character) is a mermaid(man) and washes up on a shore of some beach, not one thats usually too crowded or anything, but on a nice sort of island or place, thats a beautiful shore and ocean and all, though not many people visit it because not many people know about this beautiful island that you can vacation on, or for a few, live on - its not that big of an island. MC gets injured and so is washed up on the shore of this island unconscious and all. What I originally was thinking was that your character (YC), a human, ends up finding MC and taking him in and caring for him. But that could always change and you can make your character however you want really, so long as he is human, he is your character after all.

PS: I'm Sorry

Often of the time couples forget to apologize for their own wrongdoings, instead of always blaming the other partner in the relationship. This is what happened to Kyo and Haru, leading them to separate in an angry fight. Now, Kyo regrets having blown up at his boyfriend, and refusing to see the light of wrongs he had done, and not facing them. Haru had broken up the relationship and left in an outburst, unable to deal with Kyo not accepting facts or admitting he was wrong ever, not even once. Kyo regrets his mistake and now, about a month after the fight and them separating, Kyo wants to be with Haru again. But is he able to own up and gain the others love and trust back? Has Haru moved on now. Or had it never actually been lost?

Every Ending Has A Beginning

MC had been madly, head over heels in love with his boyfriend of five years. He had been dreaming about their future together, a wedding, some adopted kids to add to the family, everything being perfect and happy. Until MC's boyfriend suddenly called it off, heartbreaking MC. MC fell into a uncontrollable depression. As dramatic as it seemed, he truly wants nothing to do but to kill himself. He had lived with his boyfriend for so long, cared and catered to him for five years, that he no longer knows how to function without him, and is actions away from killing himself. Will someone care enough for the heartbroken male to keep him from ended his life?


Vincent Klaus is a very popular pianist, preforming at various upscale events and having quite a large fan base. He's known for his extreme talent as a pianist at such a young age, accomplishing a lot and quickly making his way towards fame and fortune. Of course, it's not like he's the most famous or wealthiest person around. There's always someone better out there somewhere. Vincent is the type of popular artist where he's quite wealthy from his talent, but only the interested know his name. The laid back artist who is married to his piano is recently in need of a personal butler in his home, along with the other servants already working there.
I seriously just made an account to reply here, but I can't do PMs until tommorow + 10 posts. If you're still looking by then, consider me? I'll send you a preference/example sheet when I find the one I made.
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I have just read all your plot ideas and I realy enjoy them. I can see myself rpeing all of them. Especially I like the first one, the mermaid one and the last one :) if you are still looking and would like to do any of them with me, please please PM me ^^
You have some very ineresting ideas. I think I'd like to give the mermaid one a try whenever you find the time to throw some ideas around!
Thank you everyone for your interest!! I'm very excited to start some rps with you all :3

@Beware the Boa I would love to rp with you ^^ I feel honored you made an account because you saw my thread. I'll send you a PM and we can talk over that and work out the plot ^^

@ArcticJunky I'll send you a PM so we can discuss more about plots and such ^^

@fandommulti I'll send you a PM so we can discuss more of plots and which to do.

@RiversEdge Same as the others, I'll send you a pm so we can talk more about plots and all that fun stuff ^^
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