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Hunting Immortals


Two Thousand Club

In the confines of a nicely decorated and nicely lit cell, there lied a child wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants on a clean white bed. His appearance indicated that he was of Asian decent, his face clear of any markings other than his birthmark on the corner of his right eye. The birthmark was a small circle colored a light brown, an even brighter shade of light brown surrounding the darker shade. The boy groaned.

My head hurts...

Seemingly glowing purple eyes peaked from under the eyelids, but the glow soon died, leaving a dark purple in its place. He couldn't move. His eyes stayed half-lidded, seemingly too tired to do anything else.

Ka-chink! It was the sound of something being unlocked, the boy could tell. His head shifted slightly as his eyes moved to look at the figure at the now opened cell door. All he could see was the shadow of the man. The man stepped closer, each footstep echoing in the cell. The boy's eyes followed the man until his feet stopped at next to the boy's bed. The man knelt down, face to face. He looked gentle.

The man smiled. "Hello, Nero. Are you enjoying your stay?"
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She was with her family. Surounded by people that loved her and cared for her. A mom with kind eyes and soft hands, and a dad, who promised to keep his little girl safe. Next to her was her older brother, who she had always been playing and fighting with when they were younger. All of them was there for one reason, to celebrate her birthday. They all cared for her.

The headache was what woke her up from her dream, the dream she had sometimes, when she felt for real alone. The truth was that she had never known her family, and that's also why no one in the dream have any facial features she can place for real. The room she was in was nice, even big. She was lying in a soft bed with a blanket drapped over her body.

'Where am I?'

A small click was heard from the door, when a man entered. What he saw was a girl lying on the bed, small of her age, with long curly hair spread all over the pillow. Her turquise blue eyes looked at him, couldn't place his face anywhere. The man walked closer to her bed looking at her with a kind smile.

"Hello Anastasia, did you sleep well?"

Who is this...

Nero didn't respond, didn't even blink. The man, however, was not deterred by the lack of response. Instead, he kept talking to the boy.

"I'm sure you're wondering where you are right now. This is a research facility. The orphanage is far, far away. Although a lot of the information is confidential, I can tell you that you have become a test subject. There will be free food, shelter, and you'll even get to go out of this room if you behave. You'll start to feel awake soon, so if you have any questions when you're fully awake, call for Dr. Robert."

The man, Dr Robert, stood up. "Well then, I'll see you later, Nero," he said. Dr Robert closed the door behind him, locking the door with another Ka-chink! Nero closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

- - - -

His eyes snapped open, this time wide awake. What happened? He remembered his encounter with the man. The memory was unclear and blurry, but he still remembered most of the explanation.

This is not the orphanage. This is a research facility. The man's name is Dr Robert. I am confined to this room. He repeated the information from the man. Nero sat up, his midnight black hair framing his face. He got up and walked around the room, getting more familiar with it. There was a desk, a lamp, and a door that likely led to the bathroom. He wondered if there were others like him who were taken from the orphanage.
Next to her sat a woman with brown hair and a small touch of freckles over her cheeks. She had a geninue smile on her face. Across from Anastasia sat a boy with dark brown hair, almost black. He was joking with the small girl next to him. It was her siblings and her mother. And soon her dad would enter with a birthday cake in his hands and they would sing a happy birthday. 'Cause today it was Anastasias birthday.

She was dragged away from the dream when someone opened the door. A man with white clothe entered the room and sat down on her bed. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at him. A small nod was all he got from her. And then the man continued talking. "As you can maybe see, this is not the orphanage where you grew up. You are in our testing facilities. Don't worry, the testing won't hurt you, not at all. You will get to live here and get food for free. Probably you still feel tired and I'll leave you know. But please if you need anything, just say out loud that you would like to see Dr. Martins."

The man got up from the bed and left the room. She looked after him, and could feel her eyes almost close by themself, that was the level of exhausting she was on. She rolled together in fetus position and closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep again.

But of course she couldn't, and her mind began drifting. She thought of what tge man said. Had she realy left the orphanage? While she was there, she only wanted to get away from it. But now. Well, she had never knew anything beside it, so maybe she missed it a little.
Flashback: Kidnapping Day "Boy! Take the garbage out!"

"My name is Nero," the boy grumbled. Despite his less than pleasant mood, he took out the trash like he was... asked... to do. It couldn't be helped, he supposed. He was the oldest out of all of the kids, and he would get kicked out of the orphanage in less than three years. Although he knew that the Sisters, especially Sister Sarah, would never allow that to happen, the man who she happened to marry wasn't a very nice man... at least to Nero, he wasn't.

Nero was fed properly, for which he was thankful for, and worked out, which made him physically fit. He and some of the other kids a little younger than him would spar each other for when they would have to be thrown out. It was dangerous out there. At a certain age, they would have to let you go, no matter how much they cared.

He had a proper education like any other kid in the orphanage. All of these normal things in his life were thanks to the Sisters who all ran this orphanage. Officially, it was Sister Sarah who was the boss though. They all came from fairly well-off families and devoted their time to this orphanage. Foster care? He only heard about those in stories. This was an orphanage. No parents. Just the sisters, his fellow orphans, and
that guy.

The garbage sack held in his hand was thrown into the dumpster located about half a mile away from the orphanage. Who would want a garbage dump right next to an orphanage anyway? As he made his way back to his orphanage, a sleek black car zoomed towards his location. What the hell was a car like that doing here? Rich person. Maybe someone who knows a Sister? Nero thought nothing of it and continued his walk back to the orphanage.

However, when the car slowed down and stopped next to him, he tensed. When the door opened, he got ready to run. When men came running out of the car and towards him, he ran for his life. But he only got so far. A sharp pain on his right shoulder was all he felt before he fell to oblivion.

Nero sighed. It had been a couple of days since he woke up in this place. Now it was getting suffocating. Sure, he got a computer to surf the web with (something he never got to do before), got to use the bathroom whenever he wanted to, went out every once in a while, and even got any food he requested, but there was a price. Everyday, he would be taken to this lab place with people in lab coats who would inject something into his skin and then get some samples. Urine, skin, saliva, hair. God, it was so weird. And it was suffocating. This was a luxurious jail for test subjects like him. Was he the only one? Maybe.

Since he'd gotten pretty comfortable with this place, he'd figure he got to do what he wanted. He always passed by another room on the way to his own, so maybe there was another person here... maybe. Without allowing himself any more time to think, the shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Hey! Can I have a kid to play games with?!"
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Flash Back: A day at the Orphanage

"Get your poor little ass out here and make us some food. Your filthy little bitch"

With her lower lip trembling slightly from all the insults and wide eyes, to keep them dry, she walked out in the kitchen. She was the oldest of the girls at the orphanage. Her orphanage were mostly for young children, and most of the other kids that had reached her age, had been thrown out. Out on the streets where the only way of living for a girl was prostitution, and where all the boys either became drugggies or gang members. They had kept her, because she was good at cooking and taking care of toodlers. The leaders wife had also reasently died, so they missed a woman in the orphanage. It could of course be discoused if she was a woman. Her own answer was a no, her boss' answer was a yes.

She entered the kitchen and took out different vegatables and some meat aswell. She began the procedure of cooking. While she stood there one of the girls, Annie, came to the kitchen. She looked up at her with her big brown eyes. The girl was five years old. Anastasia knew why she had come. This particulary girl was realy fond of carrots, and sometimes she came to the kitchen to get a carrot. Anastasia smiled at her and squated down beside her. "Here take this. But as always, don't tell anyone, especially not the boss" the small girl gave her a hug and ran of with the bright orange carrot in her hand.

Anastasia turned around with a smile on her lips, but the smile quickly disapeared when she saw the leader standing behind her. "What are you doing? I've worke d hard to earn every piece of money this place have and then you run it like a fucking charity!" She looked up at him, and before she could sense what was happening he gave her a slap in the face. She felt to the ground with her hand on her cheek. She looked up at him with hurt and disbelief clear in her. "What.. Why.."

Some days had passed since she first got here. The doctors had been taking her to the laps everydays, and sometimes more than once. They had been taking all kind of samples and test from her. She had never been to the doctor before so she was a bit afraid of the men in the white lab suits. They had been looking her in her eyes and throat, measured her heart beat and blood pressure. They had measured her heigh and her weight. And everytime they got some sort of result, they looked at each other and talked with a low voices. Down the corridor, there was another room. Or she thought. She had actually only seen the door from the outside.

An afternoon when she sat in her room a doctor entered it. "Hello Anastasia. As you have maybe seen there lays another room across from yours. In there a boys lives. He has asked to see you, and as you know we would like to please you. If you would like to meet him, we'll go there now." She looked up at the man and nodded slightly. She had begun to feel lonely, so it would be nice to se some other persons, that's not a scary doctor. The doctor smiled and led her across the corridor to the other door. He knocked on the door. "Nero I have a guest for you"
It was only after he made his request that he started to think about the consequences. He really hoped those people wouldn't abduct a random child off the streets just because he wanted to play with someone. A couple of hours passed. Was his request a little too much? His thoughts paused when there was a knock at the door.

"Nero, I have a guest for you," the familiar man's voice said. The man opened the door and smiled at him. "Here's the kid you requested. She's in the same position as you. Be nice." Really, it was amazing how this guy knew him so well already. The man, whose name he didn't know, left the room and closed the door behind him, leaving just the girl and Nero in Nero's room.
They entered the room, and she saw a boy. He looked around her age, butit was hard to say preciesly. He had straight jet black hair, but the most special thing was his eyes. They were a vibrant purple colour. His features were asian.

She bite her lower lip, abad habit of hers, and looked up at him. "Hee.. hey. My name is Anastasia. But you can call me Ana" she looked at him and then down in the ground. Usually she wasn't that shy, but after the rounds of beating she had gotten at the orphanage, she got some serious trust issues
The first thing he noticed were her glowing light blue eyes. They looked more blue and green than just blue, he supposed. Turquoise? She had really long hair and looked rather timid. His impression of her was only further confirmed when she spoke.

"Nero. How'd you get here? Did you come from an orphanage? By the way, how old are you?"
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She looked at him when he spoke. He seemed quite outgoinng. She descided that he wouldn't harm her and a soft smile came to her lips. "Yearh, I came from an orphanage. These people just kind of kidnapped me, and now they are running all kinds of tests on my blood and stuff like that. I have no idea why"

His room was identical to her own. The same hospital room, where everything is white. "I think I'm around 15. We didn't realy celebrate birthdays at the orphanage, so I think I'm around that age. What about you?" She was wearing a simple white dress, she had been given by the leaders of the lab
So they really did kidnap her. Just by looking at her, it's probably likely that she wasn't treated very well at the orphanage. Nero once again was reminded that he was lucky that the Sisters ran his orphanage.

"No one at my place knows their birth dates either, but I know that I'm 13. You're older... Sure don't look like it though," Nero said truthfully. Nero also wore white. White long pants and a white long sleeved shirt.
She looked at him, the suprise clear in her eyes. "Are you only 13? I thought you were older than me" she again bite her lower lip. The boy, Nero she added in her head, was at least 10 centimeters taller then her. And he didn't look like a little boy.

"What about you? What's your story?" She carefully sat down on his bed and looked at him. His bed felt exsactly like hers did
"Heh," he smirked. He was sitting on the bed, leaning back on his arms to support him. "I got fed well back at the orphanage. There was this old man everyone hated, but the Sisters were pretty nice. They gave us an education, good food, freedom, and a shelter. It's probably why I'm taller than you. That, and I'm a guy," he said. There weren't a lot of orphanages left in the world, Nero knew, but most of them treated their kids badly. He was lucky that he had the Sisters.

"As for me, I got nabbed while taking out the trash. Couldn't even fight back," he said as he scowled slightly.
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She chuckled lightly at his remark. "Yearh your probably right. We wasn't very well fed in my orphanage. Usesually chrildren were kicked out from there at the age of 12- 13, but the boss fancied me" she blushed at the thought of his ugly hands around her waist, and the one time he kissed her. She was happy about the kidnapping, it helped her getting away.
Nero's scowl deepened at the implications of her words. Here was a fifteen year old girl who was getting molested by a who-knows-how-old geezer. He would bet his money on the fact that the geezer was also an abusive bastard. If anything, he was a bit relieved that this girl was nabbed by these scientists although he just met her. Girls were kinda his weak spot. In fact, this was actually his first time talking with a girl around his age. All the girls at his orphanage were way younger than him.

"They feed us well here though, so I guess we can't complain about that. They give us anything we want except for our freedom. I wonder what they need us for..."

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