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One x One Beauty in the Water


Why stop dreaming when you wake up?
Mer Form:

Human Form:

Name: Fintan Showmaru

Age: Looks 19

Personality: As far as personality, he's pretty much a very curious type of person. He hates being told what to do, and often acts pretty childish. Especially when he's on land, he he curious and naive about everything, not knowing there could be harmful things on land as well. He considers land to be a paradise, and he's really just a sweet, excited type of persona, wanting to experience and discover everything of the world that it has to offer.

Bio: All his life, Fintan was told stories of the land, horrific stories - mainly about the humans, and how terrible of beings they were, like monsters. Though his clan, or his large family, the mermen and maids in his group underwater that they travel in, travel throughout the sea, they typically stay around on general area, near a group of secluded islands, though do inhibit humans. Fintan was always warned to stay away from them. But getting into an argument with his father about it one day, he separated from the group, off by himself for a bit to cool down. However he ran into a shark, which attacked him, and thus ended up with him injured on shore. Sharks don't normally attack mermen/maids, because of their size, as well as they usually stay in large groups near each other. And they were much more advanced creatures than sharks, with a high intelligence equal to humans. Fintan is able to change throughout a human and mer form, depending if he is wet or dry. Wet, and underwater, he is of course in his natural, real merman form. But on land, with a dry body, his scales and fins dry out, and he becomes human. But if he were to get wet again scales would reappear wherever he'd gotten wet.
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Name: Kyoshiro Cantari

Age: 21

Personality: Kyoshiro (often only called kyo) is in some ways a person that likes to be alone, and in some ways out going. He loves the nature and everything it has to offer. All the birds, and animals. He also enjoys to dive and to discover new things. Whenever some one is injured, Kyoshiro can't help but help them. Very often has he taken care of a bird with a broken wing, or other things like that. He is a very kind person, but if people treats others badly, or is iresponsible he can get very angry.

Bio: Kyoshiros dad was a kaptain, and kyo always sailed around the world with him. One day when kyo was 8 years old, the ship went down. Everybody died exsept for kyo and the ship's cook. Together they drifted to a small island. It turned out that no one lived on the island. For half a year the cook teached Kyo how to survive, until he got killed by a snakebite. Since that day kyo had been on his own. One day when kyo walked by the beach he saw something very strange. A man was on the shore. And he was injured, quite badly actually. Kyo scooped him up in his arms and took him back to his home. He had to help this man. He put him one his bed, making some bandage ready

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