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  1. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    Hey I'm back~! :D
  2. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    I was wondering if I could do a temporary withdrawal for a couple of days. School and a few other things have been kinda taking my time hostage lately which is the reason I havent posted anything so far xD . Sorry if it causes any inconveniance
  3. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    Oh no prob Queen, and yeah I knew I was accepted :D
  4. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    PM me what? ._.
  5. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    I know I really wanted to expand on it but it would either be too long in my opinion or too short xD
  6. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    Full Name: Jordan Reeves Nicknames: Jay Gender: Male Age: 14 Height: 5'3 Weight: 101 Appearance: Place of Birth: City of Heroes Place of Residence: City of Heroes Weapon of Choice: Bare Hands Power: Can manipulate/create electromagnetic fields Allignment: Neither...
  7. Seveer

    The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

    Uhm is it cool if I join?
  8. Seveer

    Pokemon - Shattered Truth (Ages 13+)

    I'm surprised no one has jumped onto this RP yet. I'd like to join though if thats cool , I would hate to see such a cool idea die.
  9. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

    He obviously wasn't some ordinary traveller like Tegeal had first assumed, the man had been able to notice him through his chakra, which Tegeal had forgotten to conceal. Not only that but his amount of chakra was quite superior to his own, and the threat he had issued . . . this guy meant what...
  10. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising [Naruto RP]

    "Stadium, stadium where are you hiding." Tegeal said to himself with a grin. He had been wandering aimlessly for over a month, literally stumbling into this village on complete accident and checking himself into an inn. This morning he found himself dodging pedestrians as he bounded onto roof...
  11. Seveer

    Deadman Wonderland: Vegas ( CS Signup and OOC Thread )

    Ah ok thanks Dino
  12. Seveer

    Deadman Wonderland: Vegas ( CS Signup and OOC Thread )

    Looking at Rp's when I should be doing my U.S. History assignment
  13. Seveer

    Deadman Wonderland: Vegas ( CS Signup and OOC Thread )

    . . . . Hey Beta . . . . (._.)
  14. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Yes I wasn't the only one with tons of homework~!
  15. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Changed it and thanks~!
  16. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Name: Tegeal Age: 19 Gender: Male Rank: Missing Nin Likes: • Learning new jutsu. • Pranks. • Challenge. • Traveling Dislikes: • Sleeping. • Being ignored. • Being Bored. • Genjutsu Appearance: Has chocolate skin, and wild white hair that he never really takes care...
  17. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Thanks Beta~! :D the advice helped alot the way you explained 1x1 roleplays is making this a bit easier. I'm gonna try to keep an eye out for a 1x1 rp and try it out. Thanks friendo
  18. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Yeah I've been reading other peoples RP's to get an idea of how most people usually RP. But I'm pretty sure doing a 1x1 rp would be pretty awkward for me especially because I'm new Q_Q
  19. Seveer

    Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

    Being an Atkatsuki member sounds cool~! But I'm still really new to this so I dont know how effective I would be at the role, or where would I start in the RP but I'm up for trying if it's ok. (And thanks for the offer Beta but I'm good)
  20. Seveer

    IPAD: The Institute of Powers and Advanced Development - The Remake

    ​Name: Jordan Reeves Nickname: None Age: 13 1st Mutation/Power: Everything has a Electromagnetic Field (though some are smaller than others) his power is to adapt his field to be able to stick to any surface 2nd Mutation/Power: No Idea xD Abilities: Acrobat and Basic...