The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

Full Name: Daniel "Danny" Rand

Nicknames: Iron Fist

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5'11

Weight: 175

Appearance: View attachment 13365

Place of Residence: (City of Heroes)

Weapons of Choice: Bare Hands

Special Abilities: Martial Artist, Creation and Manipulation of chi. Able to absorb energy at medium amounts but vulnerable to it as well and control his nervous system.

Alignment: Neither

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Overall: Laid back, Humorous, Kind, People person.

History: Daniel Rand is the son of Wendell Rand, who had, as a youth, visited the mystic city of K'un-Lun, which materialized in the Himalayas once a decade; founded roughly a million years ago by extraterrestrials, K'un-Lun was co-ruled by the aliens' descendants and powerful beings called the Dragon Kings, who were themselves subject to the godlike sorcerer Master Khan. Rand had saved the life of K'un-Lun's ruler Lord Tuan, who adopted Rand as his heir, to the resentment of Tuan's son, Yu-Ti. Now he wanders the streets of Hero City as A mercenary for hire. Whoever pays the right price has his help, He no longer cares for whats right or wrong even though it tears at him on the inside.
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] They are pretty awesome :P and i'm still trying to work out a way to get everyone involved in the story without making too obvious that the post was just to get them in there...i like subtlety :D while it could take me a little while, should all the blocks fall into place then everyone should be conversing with at least one other person in the next couple days...I know first had what it is like to find an RP that you really like but can't really get into because no one really gives you an opening to post with anyone but yourself...and if our characters keep going the way they are we may need a -Fade to black- soon :P lol jk

[MENTION=4672]Iron Fist[/MENTION], I just have one small question, what do you mean 'control his nervous system' I can think of a few different ways that would work, just a small example would help me out a little more :D
As in He can control if substances enter his body effecting his nerves and such with his chi. Clearing all poisons unless chi resistance. He can also cut off the pain.
Full Name: Alexander Sebastian Tyrannus

Nicknames: Lex

Race: human

Gender: male

Age: 26

Hair: none/bald

Skin: Caucasian

Eyes: blue

Height: 6' 0" outside suit, 13' 0" inside suit

Weight: 160 lbs outside suit, 800 lbs inside suit


View attachment 13516

Place of Residence: Villain City, inside the old mayor's office

Place of Birth: somewhere outside Villain City, allegedly somewhere with a large amount of wealth

Fashion of Choice: business suits

Armor of Choice: his personal war suit which is outfitted with a variety of weapons

Weapons of Choice: his war suit, various other trinkets that allow him to overcome his foes

Special Abilities: intelligence, resourcefulness, vast amount of wealth

Alignment: villain

Sexuality: heterosexual

Personality Overall: a business man with too much time and money on his hands

Positive Personality Traits: confident and sociable

Negative Personality Traits: arrogant, conceited, secretive, and monstrous

Likes: money, power, and fame

Dislikes: being defeated and cracks about his baldness

History: He came from outside Villain City, bringing with him his unspecified amounts of wealth as well as a series of war suits that allow him to survive in pitched battles with humans who have developed superpowers. Some blame him for being responsible for the recent uprisings of the lower class citizens of Villain City, though he continues to deny these claims. He has taken up residency within the old mayor's office of Villain City. However, the continued chaos outside the building has resulted in his grab for power to be unsuccessful.

Other: his war suit is hidden underneath his business suit and is able to be called out of hibernation with a thought
Full Name: Clark reeves Kent

Nicknames: Superman

Race: Krypton

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'0

Weight: 185

Appearance: View attachment 13517

Place of Residence: Hero city

Place of Birth: Krypton

Weapons of Choice: Hands

Special Abilities:Superstrength, superspeed,flight,heat rays,and Freeze breath. He isn't like the superman from the comics. He bleeds blood and is vulnerable. He still draws his power from the sun but he doesn't keep to the boy scout way. He fights for what he believes in.

History: Born on planet Krypton, He was raised to follow rules and to be the model of glory for the planet earth. He resides now in hero city from a crash happening a few years ago. Memories of his past wiped clean. The only thing he knows is the beliefs he holds dear. He doesn't care for bullys. He wonders the the streets of hero city doing as he please. Not to reveal his identity to those around him but he has on occasion. Will He become A savior? No one knows. He only cares for the moment happening. Hero city is his playground now and Always will be.
[MENTION=4603]Tyrannus[/MENTION], Accepted, just keep in mind, no one is perfect...even with the best toys :D

@Clark, Accepted, thank you for taking out the invulnerable part of superman :)

Can't wait to see you guys in the other thread
Its no fun if you can't be hurt. Plus he needs a new inverted look from the godly perspective everybody has of him.
Exactly, the main reason Superman is my least favorite hero is because of his inability to be anything but the winner...but what about kryptonite?!?!!? single thing in the universe can slow him down...screw him...

Rambling aside...welcome :D
Thanks for the welcome. Hopefully this anti- hero look almost to the point of villian will give you a new superman perspective. A better one than the he is unbeatable.
@Nikki Rodgers @thekagekaton @KaitWink @Mitaku @Panther_Queen @Bruce Banner (Hulk) @Seveer @Aidan @Tyrannus @Clark

Hello to you all! I would like to request that you all say where your characters are, and who (if any) they are talking to. I wish to do this for ease of organization, and may do this from time to time. Thank you for your time, and I hope you are liking this thus far!

By the by, if any of you have recommendations, concerns, questions, or comments, please feel free to PM me, post it on here, or leave a visitor message for me. Thank you!

One last thing, thekagekaton does have the power to accept, deny, or do other things. As I have allowed him. Please respect his decisions, and if you have any issues, contact me, and I shall give second opinion.
Hello. Here's my update you requested. Jet has taken a bus from the ruins into the heart of Hero's City. Currently he is not talking to anyone. Apparently no one wants to chat with the humpback looking guy. (He has his wings hidden, giving him the Quasimodo look only with just the hum & not the slouched look. Also has a fake eye in & his scars covered with makeup to make himself appear more 'normal' as he always considers himself to look hideous & a freak of nature otherwise.)
Okay so i'll be posting shortly, as i was on earlier then decided i wanted to go clean my house, i'm done now and shall post

Here are my characters and their doings,

Jake-Villain City-Kayla's living space talking with Kayla

Jess-Hero City-On the street talking with Zach

Seeing as the organization is going to be very helpful I am going to be designing a kind of format thingie that will give some basic ideas as to what is going on, for a quick reference. It shall also give a little insight to how the character is feeling. If you wish to use the format just let me know and i'll throw it in here for everyone to use :D
That would be awesome!!! I won't be able to reply probably when you post, cuz I already am going to be getting wayyyyy too little sleep... but I look forward to it!
P.S. You messed up some of the accepted characters on the list. Don't get mad, just trying to help:

Zachary Zhock (@PlaguedAcarophobe) you accepted on page 3 but isn't on the list.

Jordan Reeves (@Seveer) made the list, but you had actually denied him on page 5 but then you accepted him. I haven't seen him in the story yet, so you might want to PM him about the change in case he doesn't know.

Aidan Jones (@Aidan) was accepted on page 5 & is on the list, but I figured someone might want to tell him his character pic doesn't work.
This is what i have so far for mine...i haven't gotten too fancy yet, i'm still a little sleepy...


Mood -

Location -


Mood -

Location -

This is what i have so far for mine...i haven't gotten too fancy yet, i'm still a little sleepy...


Mood -

Location -


Mood -

Location -

so i'm thinking ab out throwing out the left align, think it may still be a little hard to read...though i'm going to play with some fonts tomorrow and see what i like for them, and i'm using BB code for it so i can actually give you guys a layout for them, instead of trying to explain the entire process, so just a warning, if you use one, and you want to see what it looks like previous to posting, it's kind of a pain to not have your text come out EXACTLY like the last thing on the format, so i'll get the BB code up and submit what it looks like when you post with it

:D cuz i'm an awesome person like that​
Sorry Seveer. I misread something in the character profiles things. It was an honest mistake & I apologize for any confusion. *hugs*

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