The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

[MENTION=4654]PlaguedAcarophobe[/MENTION], Accepted! Post whenever ^.^ He fits in fine actually. Kind of interesting and amusing if you play him right.
Full Name: Byron Merton

Nicknames: By-By

Race: African-American

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Height: 6'2

Weight: 150

Appearance: View attachment 13312

Place of Residence: Hero City

Place of Birth: Hero City

Weapons of Choice: Short Blade,Pistol,Gloves

Special Abilities:Darkside & Lightside View - He is able to communicate and even Summon the light & darkside of his mind,Charles & Xavier.They communicate so well,at times,and will fight any mind invaders,making it impossible for mind reading,mind control,even mind transferal.

Nature Manipulation - He is able manipulate nature to a certain level,but he really doesn't use this ability for nothing,other than protection.He can use plants to their full extent,but any other element he needs to train over.So far,the second easiest elements to use are Light,Air, and Water.He can fuse each element into his combat easily

Master of Tae Kwondo - This is his main form of combat,and he uses it for almost everything.He does not usually use his fist,even when using his powers.His Tae Kwondo skills are so great to the point that he can create Razor wind with his feet.

Enhanced Condition - Byron is able to jump to incredible heights.This gives him the ability to fight a person even stronger than him,and continue on.This power also accelerates his healing process,so he can heal from a battle in a short period of a few days.The ability allows him to lift over 300 pounds,run a long distance,with out tiring,etc.

Alignment: Hero

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality Overall:Kind to all.A little Manipulative and flirty

Positive Personality Traits: Sweet,Kind,Heart-Warming,Cheerful

Negative Personality Traits: He gets distracted by a guy easily

Interests: Reading,Acting,Singing,Dancing,Practice,Music

Likes: Cute guys,Sexy guys,Hot guys

Dislikes: Annoying people,major secrets,

History: Byron is young and free.Even when he was younger he was just as free.As he cames to terms with his sexuality,he came out to his friends.They did not care,but they did understand and were more than willing to support him.His family on the other hand were a little less accepting.His mother,who he loved above all,accepted him right away,and even told him that she knew he was homosexual,even before he did.All he could do was smile,and continue with his life.After a while,his powers and abilities started to form and flourish.He began to understand things he didn't,even form things he did not wish too.Soon after his abilities started to form,his mind began to develop alternate personality,that were so different from his own.He battled with them constantly,but he could never win,but he could never lose.He struct a bargain with the Personalities,Xavier & Charles,who were also battling with each other,he would allow them to take control of his body once a week,and now they rest in his mind ready for their next sight of light.

The frozen in time angle sounds good. & please read through the whole thing first before you judge him. Thank you. Far warning, it's a long, detailed backstory. =^.^=:

Character Sheet:

Full Name: Jetison Eugene Black

Nicknames: Jet (the rest of what he's been called are all insults toward him ranging from demon to rapist to ass pirate to Quasimodo to freak of nature & so on)

Race: Human (more or less)

Gender: Male

Age: 41

Hair: Light brown (but can be mistaken for a dark dirty blonde in the right light)

Skin: On his body = Caucasian; On his wings = brown & leathery

Eyes: Right eye = hazel; Left eye = missing

Height: 6'8"

Weight: about 250lbs. (give or take)

Wingspan: 14'

Appearance: Jet is tall with an athletic build. His hair is short in a messy type style which is visible from under his cap usually when he doesn't have it slicked back. He has a type of laid back style but can clean up quite nicely. Protruding from about the middle of his upper back is gargoyle like wings with hand like claws on the tips much like a bat. His wings are covered in a brown leathery skin which is a sharp contrast to his pale skin. The place on his back where his wings connect is also covered with the same brown skin & is the only place on his back where his spin is prominent & noticeable. He has three parallel scars across his face that start on the upper left side & end on the lower right. The middle scar goes through where his left eye once was. Sometimes his wings are rolled up on his back under his shirt which gives him the appearance of being a humpback.

Place of Residence: The Ruins

Place of Birth: In a mansion in the middle of what is now the ruins back in a time before the world was destroyed & divided

Fashion of Choice: Jet usually wears a baseball cap, jeans, sneakers, & a black eye patch over his left eye. But when he dresses up he usually wears either jeans or dress slacks, dress boots, a button up shirt that's neatly tucked in, a vest/brace contraption under his shirt that was designed to keep his wings rolled up to hide them, a fake eye, & makeup to hide his scars

Armor of Choice: None

Weapons of Choice: Fists, Claws, or whatever is available in a fight

Special Abilities: Flight (because of his wings), Climbing (he uses his claws to rip out chunks of buildings or whatever he's climbing to make hand & foot holds for himself as his claws are very strong & can dig into brick or concrete easily), Screeching (he has a demonic bird-of-prey type shriek, but he can't control when it happens or the pitch of it. It usually happens during extreme emotion [sadness, pleasure, anger, fear, etc.] & the pitch can range anywhere from just loud & annoying to glass shattering ear piercing skull fracturing)

Alignment: None... Yet

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality Overall: Jet is a bundle of emotion. He can be a gentleman or a jerk. He gets attached easily to people, weather he likes them or not. He can also be a very touchy feely type person. He has bouts where he can snap at any moment & his personality can change quicker than a pin can drop. He can easily go from being a very likable friendly guy to being a very hated & feared man. & the slightest little thing can set him off or calm him down. He doesn't have a high opinion of women & it takes him a while to trust them as opposed to men.

Positive Personality Traits: Can be sweet, caring, kind, fun-loving

Negative Personality Traits: Mood swings, can be a jerk, has low opinion of women, self conscious about his appearance

Misc. Quirks: Jet himself is a misc. quirk.

Interests: He has a natural curious nature which can be said he's a kid/teen in an adult body. That being said, he takes interests in things or people, sometimes getting him into trouble.

Likes: Oldies music, video games, cars (his anyway or at least the one he used to have), adult entertainment, & older technology (like 8-track & record players)

Dislikes: People who treat him like a kid, who make fun of him, or who try to control him in some way

History: Jet was born in a time before the war to a normal human couple, the Blacks. The Blacks were your typical rich couple who shunned anyone who was different &/or poor. When Mrs. Black became pregnant the news hit the papers. When she was told that her child would be born with a 'deformity' she had no idea what to expect. What she got was a winged newborn. Disgusted by this the Blacks blamed each other's bloodline & traced their family tree back as far as they could, only to find no other member with the same discrepancy. They had tried to get the boy's wings removed, but they're connected to his spine. The Blacks had no luck finding a doctor, for any amount of money, that would sever an otherwise healthy infant's spine for purely cosmetic reasons. So a device was created for him to wear under his clothes in order to hide his wings from the world, which constantly needed adjusted as his wings grew with him. The passed him off as a humpback. After all, it was better to have a deformed human child than a freak of nature.

Jet lived his life as a humpback, never understanding why he couldn't show the world who he really was, but accepting it nonetheless. He spent most of his time with his mother's servants, learning things like cooking, cleaning, driving, & other useful skills a rich boy shouldn't need. His mother always put him down, telling him how awful & horrid his wings were & how if his claws hadn't have torn up her birth canal disabling her ability to have more children that they would've put him down & tried again.

Eventually, Jet met a woman whom he thought would be the love of his life. They married, despite his mother's protests that she was a lowly day care teacher. He didn't even tell her about his wings until their honeymoon, leading her to believe that he was in fact a humpback. That night she became his first & was furious with his parents for suppressing him. It was because of her he learned to fly & use his wings in the first place. All was right with his world.

One day he came home early, having taken a job to get out of his mother's shadow, not wanting to be a spoiled rich boy. His thought was his wife wouldn't be home. Imagine his surprise when he found out she was not only home, but in a very compromising position with another man on their couch. Needless to say an argument ensued. The argument got so out of control that out of frustration she picked up a hand cultivator & swung it at Jet. The gardening tool raked across his face, leaving him scared & his left eye so severely damaged nerves & all had to be removed.

He was willing to take her back after her cheating. He was willing to take her back after she scared him. He was willing to take her back despite losing his eye. But he wasn't even quite out of the hospital yet when he was served with divorce papers. It sent him over the edge & caused him to have a nervous breakdown. He snapped & went completely insane.

Once out of the hospital he decided to take what he believed was rightfully his. He followed her to her job & once the kids were all outside playing he cornered her in her classroom & raped her, making her his first victim.

He was caught & placed in a mental institution. Thanks in part to his mother's money & her requests, they never checked under his shirt & thus had no idea he even had wings. Eventually, he flew out of the place when his meal was served. He would have moments of rage where he would rape any woman he could & moments of clarity where he'd realize what he was doing was wrong. Slowly he started to believe that the women were 'asking for it' & that they 'got what they deserved', which is his belief today. The media, not connecting him to the rapes yet, dubbed him the 'demon rapist' on account of his wings & appearance.

Eventually he was caught again & placed back in the institute. He was ordered therapy & liquid castration medicine. Upon his release he was also ordered to be on a form of house arrest. He would have bouts where he would have to be held down & drug off to be locked in his room. This is where he developed his shriek. It had more than likely been something he was born with that his mother had suppressed. But now there was no suppressing it & he couldn't control it.

The therapy didn't fully help. His mind is still not as it once was. The liquid castration had left him with a case of erectile dysfunction that can't be helped without medicine. (it would have to be something or someone pretty hot to make him 'stand & salute' naturally). He moved in with a group of other misfits, but never could quite get out of his mother's shadow.

She had paid off his victims to ensure no children were born to him, but being as how she had no grandchildren she needed a way to continue the Black family name after she would leave this earth as she was getting up in years. While on a visit to her place she drugged him & had him placed in a cryogenics chamber, thus freezing him in time to continue on her legacy.

Now, about a century later he has been awoken in this time, this place, to find everything around him destroyed. To find those he once loved long gone. He has taken up residence in his mother's mansion, that is now in ruins along with the rest of the city. He wanders this futuristic land alone. His shrieks of sorrow & rage can sometimes be heard throughout the land.
LOL, not too many people tend to feel bad for rapists. But I guess it's different when you know the story behind why they do what they do & what made them who they are in the first place.
Well! ...-sigh- Its not the rapist part I feel bad for. That part I despise because I can relate at least a little bit to it... but anyways, its all the rest that is sad.
Bah. Once you are accepted, usually you can just post. :) You can ask for guidance of course, if you are stuck.
O.o didn't realize how many others we got in here until i got on to post earlier... :D this should get good :D

@PlaguedAcarophobe I actually really liked your post, it gave me a sense that he was really cooped up, maybe even scared of what was going on, or just really annoyed with the sounds in his head, please note that i also read it at like 4 AM last night and am going off memory...that's not usually a good idea, i don't really even remember what i hope i didn't go totally strange on you guys O.o that happens to me sometimes....OH and on a side note i noticed you're in Hero City, one of my characters is there, if you would like some interaction i could throw her into the mix :D
Full Name: Bruce Banner

Nicknames: (Hulk)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Height: 5'8 when transformed 7'0

Weight: 150 when transformed 600

Appearance: View attachment 13338

Place of Residence: Ruins

Place of Birth: Unknown

Weapons of Choice: (Hands)

Special Abilities:SuperStrength, Superspeed, Healing factor. Gamma enhanced senses. He can only use any of these if he transforms by rage.

Alignment: (Neither)

Sexuality: (Straight)

Personality Overall:Bruce: Smart, Kind but shy. Hulk: Brutish with no self regard for others.

History: Bruce was born in hero city to his parents. His dad was a scientist and his mother a common house wife. After many years of college and a few odd jobs he took a job in the ruins. Bruce was a scientist working for a corporation dealing with gamma energy for nuclear bombs when his lab assistant Rick was attempting to measure gamma radiation. He took the gamma radiation blast creating the beast known as The Hulk inside of him. The Corporation bulding crumbled from the blast inside what is known as the ruins. He lives with the sorrow of losing the family and friends within and deals with the beast that lives within him. He constantly wanders the ruins where he use to work because the memories keep him sane and control the anger keeping the beast inside at bay.
Full Name: Jordan Reeves

Nicknames: Jay

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Height: 5'3

Weight: 101


View attachment 13339

Place of Birth: City of Heroes

Place of Residence: City of Heroes

Weapon of Choice: Bare Hands

Power: Can manipulate/create electromagnetic fields

Allignment: Neither

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Energetic and annoying to almost everyone around him, motor mouth, trouble maker, papas boy, curious, rebellious, and extremely stubborn.

Interests: Exploring, Fighting

Likes: Sparring with friends, eating half his weight in junk food, and afros.

Dislikes: Sleeping, doing nothing, cry babies, people insulting his hair, being compared to his dad.

History: Hard to make a name for yourself when your mom is an inventor and could probably make a rocket out of a pen cap, and your dad . . . your dad can lift tanks without even touching them. Born in the City of Heroes, Jordan discoverd his powers at the age of 10 (accidentally magnetising a spoon to his tongue). After a lot of practice and help from his dad he managed to grasp the basics of how to use his powers he could stick to walls , and could sense people near him magnetic field. At the age of 12 he had gained a record of public disturbances like, fighting in public, bubble gum theft, trespassing, and starting a school riot. An all around trouble maker and a public menace Jordan is an up and coming hero in his dads' shadow just trying to make a name for himself.

(Hope this is ok Q~Q)
[MENTION=4382]Seveer[/MENTION] While i have NO say in the matter, I like him, though I personally would like to hear more about his past, yet at the same time I understand how it could be difficult to write much more than that about a 14 year old...This is why I can never be in charge of anything >.< but anyway, my two cents...Good job :D
I know I really wanted to expand on it but it would either be too long in my opinion or too short xD
Full Name: Aidan Jones

Nicknames: Spark


Age: 15

Height: 5'8

Weight: 117

Appearance: View attachment 13341

Place of Residence: City of Heroes

Place of Birth: City of Heroes

Weapons of Choice: Hands

Special Abilities: Heat, Creation and Manipulation.

Alignment: Hero

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Overall: Energetic, Curious, People person, Kind but ill tempered if angered.

Interests: People

Likes: Fire, Candy, Sweets.

History: Spark was raised in an orphage in the outskirts of Hero city. He doesn't know much about his parents because they died when he was just a baby. The orphanage has always been his home until he discovered his powers at the age of nine. He set the orphanage on fire by accident and was outcasted by the elderly woman who owned it. His nickname spark was earned from the accident because it only takes a spark to start a fire. He stays in trouble because of the constant accidents from the lack of knowlege with his powers that he continues to work towards the improvement of his powers.
thekagekaton said:
O.o didn't realize how many others we got in here until i got on to post earlier... :D this should get good :D
@PlaguedAcarophobe I actually really liked your post, it gave me a sense that he was really cooped up, maybe even scared of what was going on, or just really annoyed with the sounds in his head, please note that i also read it at like 4 AM last night and am going off memory...that's not usually a good idea, i don't really even remember what i hope i didn't go totally strange on you guys O.o that happens to me sometimes....OH and on a side note i noticed you're in Hero City, one of my characters is there, if you would like some interaction i could throw her into the mix :D
thanks! Zachary kind of needs someone to approach him. right now his biggest accomplishment is getting out of his frigging apartment to get himself a burger.
[MENTION=4665]Bruce Banner (Hulk)[/MENTION], accepted, but make sure to make him not OP like the hulk usually ends up being, and be creative with him.

[MENTION=4667]Aidan[/MENTION], accepted.

[MENTION=4382]Seveer[/MENTION], accepted.

[MENTION=4639]thekagekaton[/MENTION], Wanna help me accept people? T.T I am getting a little overwhelmed with everything, and don't seem to be on when everyone else is.
My character is free to interact if anyone is in the Villain city. She won't say much and based on your post may be scared off but it's still nice to be able to make new posts lol
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION], that is no problem at all :D , though if i seem to be a little too harsh just let me know... :D

@PlaguedAcarophobe Well then i have no problem throwing Jess your way, would be good to post as her anyway

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] Last i checked Jake was still conversing with Kayla, though I think i could come up with something to pull you in :D

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