The World Divided, and Powers Rampant

Full Name: Jyxter Firmah Maddox

Nicknames: Whatever his friends assign - loves being given names but will not title himself

Race: Human (Mostly)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Hair: Very Dark Brown (people confuse it with black)

Skin: Very Tan

Eyes: Yin-Yang for pupils

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Place of Residence: Tenebrae

Place of Birth: Unknown

Fashion of Choice: Emo

Weapons of Choice: Anything with a Blade (particularly throwing daggers though) or for non-mortal combat he uses his staff

Special Abilities: Functional 18' span of pitch black feathered wings makes him fast in flight... Also has a slight magical inclination: Can conjure small things such as throwing blades or small (dinner plate sized) shields.

Alignment: Villain

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Overall: Hopeless Romantic and an unhelpfully a shameless flirt. Jyxter is very friendly to those he feels to be. While he believes in balance he hates the beliefs of the "heroes" and therefore aligns himself with the villains

Positive Traits: He is a lover and a fighter, which could be considered negative but he fights for what he loves and for what he believes. He is loyal and honest (to his friends). He does not enjoy taking lives.

Negative Traits: Jyxter is a very emotional person and his emotions get the best of him and they aren't always the most positive emotions. He is very quick to anger and is difficult to stop once he is in rage mode. If he feels it necessary he will kill with no second thought and no remorse. He is very deceitful and a skilled liar (to his enemies).

Quirks: OCD, Borderline psychotic (Considers himself "A healthy level of insane.")

Interests: Languages, Music, Technology, and Combat

Likes: Wolves, Rock (*Linkin Park, Trapt, Breaking Benjamin, etc), the night, and rain (especially storms)

Dislikes: Cats, the light/day, hypocrisy, and discrimination

History: Jyxter has been alone ever since he can remember. At the age of two he started sprouting his wings, and by age 4 he was flying (clumsily) through the skys of Tenebrae. By age 9 he was a very skilled flyer. At age 12, while dutifully training himself in combat, he discovered he could conjure. He was sharpening his skills as a blade thrower and was so focused he was not paying attention to how many he had thrown. It then occurred to him that he had thrown more than he owned. So he watched as he placed his hand into one of his forearm sheaths (empty) and pulled out hes every favorite, black titanium throwing dagger. He then fetched into his pocket and thought of a wicked dagger and when he removed his hand... The dagger was there. So he developed this mage ability to conjure and though he could do nothing else he did learn how to conjure small shields for some light defense. As he has been training ever since he could throw a kick, he is also a skilled fighter. In fact this was how he met his closest companion - Jacob Dean Edwards. Jake came across Jyxter while he was training one day and was intrigued. So he challenged Jyxter to a spar. Ever since that first match they have been the closest of friends - getting into random "scraps" (as they call them) at any given time of day. In this way they better each other, and in a match allied together versus an opponent... They are a great and massive force to be reckoned with.

Other: JD is the closest friend Jyxter has. Jake helps him through everything andhe does the same for Jake. There are very few secrets between these two soul brothers (if any at all) that do not eventually come to light.

Side Note: HI! I'm friends with thekagekaton IRL and he got me interested. I've been following the RP and REALLY like it... So much in fact I decided I wanted to give this a shot :) . Hope you like Jyxter!
[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] I think the person up there ^ is waiting for approval lol. Also, do we need to post our characters location and mood on our actual posts or just here?
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], I'm just coming up with the little format thingie for my posts cuz i like to be different, but if anyone wants to join me in it then i can come up with something for you...i'll be messing with fonts and stuff next :D
Full Name: Devin Frost

Nicknames: Frost

Race: Mutant

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Weight: 135

Appearance: View attachment 13638

Place of Residence: Ruins

Place of Birth: Villian City

Special Abilities: Ice, Manipulation/Creation. Climate change with ice properties

Alignment: Neither

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Overall: Confident, Outgoing, psychotic

History: Is there much history to that of a Psycho?? Yes there is. Frost was born in villian city. His mother, A psychiatrist and His father a murderer locked in an insane asylum. He was very timid kid when he was young until his tenth birthday. He was visiting his father with his mother when suddenly something snapped inside of him. He felt something cold and before he knew it, He had frozen his father completely leaving him like a statue. He had become a killer. He enjoyed the feeling he had when he killed his father. A few years later, on his thirteenth birth day he didn't like the attention his mother was giving him so he froze her as well, but this time he shattered her into pieces with a demented smile on his face. He abandoned his home and started wandering the ruins. Will you be his next victim or this psycho's new friend?
Full Name: Gajeel Redfox

Nicknames: Gajeel

Gender: Male

Age: 20


Weight: 200 Ib

Appearance: View attachment 13773

Place of Residence: Ruins

Weapons of Choice: Hands

Special Abilities: Iron manipulation. He can cover his body in metal.Form weapons with his body like turning his hand into a sword or iron club. any weapon he can form. He has a heightened sense of smells. Very exceptional Parkour abilities.

Alignment: Neither

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Overall: Cocky in your face with a sweet side.

History: Gajeel was raised by animals in a forest outside the ruins. His parents had died when he was young. At the age of six, he discovered his powers and his attitude towards people started then. He had killed a few protecting what was dear to him but thats the only reason why. He had a cold side to him but was really nice. He had left the woods at the age of twenty after mastering his body and powers to an extent. Now he wandered the ruins looking for friends and to explore the world outside his own.
I was wondering if I could do a temporary withdrawal for a couple of days. School and a few other things have been kinda taking my time hostage lately which is the reason I havent posted anything so far xD . Sorry if it causes any inconveniance
Full Name: Loki Laufeyson

Nicknames: Loki

Race: Asgardian

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Height: 6'4

Weight: 525 Ib

Appearance: View attachment 13843

Place of Residence: Villian City

Place of Birth: Jotunheim

Armor of Choice: Asgardian

Weapons of Choice: Hands/ Scepter

Special Abilities:Superhuman strength, resistant to terresterial diseases, Sorcer which includes flight through leviatation, astral projection, energy blasts like lightning, illusion casting, teleportation, and shapeshifitng but he is very acceptable to physical harm.

Alignment: Villian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Overall: Cocky Arrogant Maniacal Trickster

Likes: Power, Besting his brother and supreme control

Dislikes: His brother Thor.Odin. Asgard. Anyone who stands in his way.

History: Loki is one of several powerful beings from the magical realm of Asgard, who have been worshipped as gods. Odin, once the ruler of the Asgardian gods, led his subjects in a war against their enemy, the frost giants from the land of Jotunheim (one of the nine worlds of Asgard). Laufey, king of the frost giants, was slain in battle and the giants were defeated. Surveying the spoils of war, the Asgardians discovered a small Asgardian god-sized baby hidden at the giants' main fortress. The infant was Loki, whom Laufey had kept hidden due to his shame over his son's diminutive size. Odin remembered his father Bor's dying words to adopt the son of a father killed by his hands; Odin adopted Loki into his own family, raising Loki like a son along with his biological son, Thor.

In childhood Loki greatly resented the fact that Odin and the other Asgardians favored the young Thor, who already had a nobility of spirit and excelled in all his endeavors. As a boy Loki began studying the arts of sorcery, for which he had a natural affinity. He became infamous for his mischievousness, but secretly resented Thor and the love that Odin lavished upon him. When Odin was preparing his greatest gift for Thor, the enchanted hammer Mjolnir, Loki interfered with its creation, causing its handle to be forged too short. Loki was envious that Thor would one day wield Mjolnir, and over the years repeatedly crafted schemes to make Mjolnir’s power his own. Odin banished Loki to Villian city to live out his life.
[MENTION=4752]Loki[/MENTION], Ok. Accepted. If you misuse him, I will not hesitate to bump you from the Rp though.
I accept your regulations and will follow your rules as respected. No issues or i will bump myself.
[MENTION=4794]Flabbysaurus[/MENTION] Use the character skeleton that is listed at the beginning and fill out a character sheet. Kinadra or the host of the thread will check after you post it and tell you if you can =)
Full Name: Haru Aketchi

Nicknames: Haru

Gender: male

Age: 16

Hair: long, down mid back

Skin: slightly pale

Eyes: dark brown

Height: 5,10

Weight: 155lb

Appearance: a teenager with long black hair that stretches mid back. at first glancehe would slightly resemble neji or ulquiorra from bleach. he carries a sword on his left side and a small dagger on his right.

Armor of Choice: light armor, steel, with black underclothes.

Weapons of Choice: short sword, staff

Special Abilities: he can materialize weapons and other things made of steel out of thin air. he can manupulate steel in almost any way. which gives him the advantage saying that he needs not to carry any type of equipment.

Alignment: neither

Sexuality:hetero sexual

Personality Overall: thoughtful, quiet, caring, detatched, he tries to remain detached and distant. but from time to time his emotions get in the way of his decisions and cause him to act rash.

Positive Personality Traits: sympathetic for others

Negative Personality Traits: quick to anger

Misc. Quirks: he has trouble telling people no

Interests: he is interested in the ancient art of alchemy, and learning to control his abilities better

Likes: he enjoys watching the stars and clouds

Dislikes: he dislikes work, he likes to rest and spends most of his days asleep

History: he has no memories and calls himself haru because the name was on a note in his pocket when he woke. he discovered his abillities while searching for survivors in the ruined city. he doesnt know if he has any family or freinds, and since hes awoken, hes been in the ruined city.
Full Name: Alexandria Kali Phosphoric

Nicknames: Lexia Lexi Alex


Gender: Female

Age: *none*


Place of Residence: Villain's City

Place of Birth: Created in ruins

Fashion of Choice: Normal armor

Weapons of Choice: Blast sword, when fully charged by blood the sword can emit a blue ray to protect the user

Special Abilities:

Slow repair: Her body slowly repairs itself

Heat Vision: Can sense all heat emitting objects,.

Alignment: Made Villain

Sexuality: None. :3

Personality Overall:

Positive Personality Traits: Always listens to command by remote

Negative Personality Traits: Take the orders to full seriousness

History: Made by an old man using spar parts in the Ruins her creation was long and tedious. This man spent his whole life to make her a perfection. He stole items from the Hero's city to make her. She was put a command chip inside of her back head to obey to whom has the remote. The remote is hidden in her body and only responds to certain voice commands. But if the remote is removed and used manually she can be controlled too. After cleaning up some of the ruins the Villains took interest and captured her and stole her blue prints. She now follows their orders with no judgement. She was made to destroy. But she can rebuild the earth if used right.

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