Pokemon - Shattered Truth (Ages 13+)


The Overseer
WARNING - Blood and Gore is permitted in this Role Play. Reader discretion is advised.

Team Galactic has succeeded. In these days of turmoil, all we can do is fend for ourselves.

View attachment 10793

Harnessing the absolute power of Dialga and Palkia, Team Galactic have unleashed their legendary abilities to wipe out the human and Pokemon populations alike, in their attempt to start a fresh new world. However, they had yet to master full control of their newly acquired tools. Palkia, reluctant to destroy the planet in favor of eradicating emotion, instead merely destroyed the majority of the planet's population, killing many Pokemon Trainers and Team Galactic members alike.

Thus breaking free of their grasp, the two legendary Pokemon fled from Team Galactic, and sought to defend those who survived. Unfortunate, however, was the power which Team Galactic still had over the remainder of the population. Under their overwhelming power, they seized control over the majority of the Sinnoh region, destroying towns and cities to form their districts. Those that survived were enslaved. Pokemon were captured and forced to fight against whatever rebellions came to fight, and any surviving humans were forced to submit to "voluntary" labor.

Pokemon and pokeballs alike were corralled and kept by Team Galactic, stealing those or destroying what other trainers possessed. In times such as these, Pokemon have adapted to their more animal like tendencies, and have thus gained much hatred for the human Galactic members who despise them so.

Though Team Galactic has taken over significant control, rebellions still remain. Forests and outskirts have been taken over, and war continues to wage between those that desire peace, and those that desire unity. Those that fight in the Rebellion only possess a single Pokemon, because of their lack of pokeballs and trust with such animals. In Team Galactic, such Pokemon are distributed as weapons and tools. Fodder for the fire. Among the Rebellion, Pokemon are chosen. Trainers spend their time in the forest, getting to know each Pokemon individually, creating a bond with a single creature.

Team Galactic may have a force to be reckoned with, but they lack the power possessed by friendship. By kindness. While the single Pokemon from the Rebellion can fight multiple enemies with ease, Pokemon of Team Galactic lack the strength and knowledge to fight for themselves, or for very long.

But Pokemon are not the only ones who fight. Oh, no. In such an age of war, tools have been gathered and divided when the absence of Pokemon is present. Knives, staves, swords, hammers; all taken and used to fight in personal battles. A battle these days no longer consists of two Pokemon fighting until one
faints, Pokemon fight each other to the death while their trainers fight each other. Pokemon kill Trainers, Trainers kill Pokemon, Trainers kill Trainers, Pokemon kill Pokemon; this truly is a world of havoc and disarray.

Map -

(The coloration isn't the best. Orange is Red, Brown is Brown, and Dark Blue is Blue)

View attachment 10794

Rules -

Violence is allowed. War, death, loneliness, depression, hopelessness; that's the name of the game. Blood and gore is permitted.

2) Romance and love is permitted, however, keep it PG. Relationships between a trainer and his Pokemon is permitted, but it's also disturbing.

3) Only Fourth Generation Pokemon and earlier Pokemon are allowed. Fifth edition (and eventually above) are not allowed unless you can give me a good reason why I should allow them.

4) Cursing should be at a minimum, though I don't mind if you utilize a curse word from time to time.

5) No Godmodding. Your Pokemon cannot be legendary. Your Pokemon start in their original form; they cannot be evolved yet.

Character Sheet -

Name -

Age - (Any age above 16, please)

Gender -

Appearance - (Pictures would be best)

Weapon - (Daggers, swords, shields, hammers, axes, bows, staves, etc.)

Personal Pokemon -

Appearance of Pokemon - (A picture would
really be best)

Personality -

History - (The population of the world was eradicated 20 years ago. Team Galactic starting taking over 19 years ago. Team Galactic took over Sinnoh region 16 years ago. And the Rebellion was born 13 years ago)

Motivation - (This is a dark world filled with hatred and evil. What is your motivation?)

Scar - (This "scar" should physically effect your role-play. Seeing hallucinations, mood swings, random seizures, scared of blood; these are all examples)

Name - Mordekai "Kai" Mercer

Age - 29

Gender - Male

Appearance - View attachment 10796

Weapon - Hatchet

Personal Pokemon - Aron; "Lucky"

Appearance of Pokemon - View attachment 10797

Personality - Determined, Overprotective, Motivated, Stubborn. Will never back down from a fight, especially when the life of others is on the line. Enjoys the occasional joke, however.

History -

Rather than dreaming of Pokemon and adventure, Mordekai always only thought of friends and allies. Protecting them, talking with them; be it what it may. He enjoyed being with his friends. However, when such death was brought upon the world, his entire family perished. His only friend was crippled, leaving her to be easily killed off when Team Galactic struck. Unable to defend her, Mordekai fled, hating them for what they have done. He would never forgive himself for being unable to protect her. He would never forgive himself or them. Never.

When the Rebellion was formed, Kai was sixteen years old. Though having yet to obtain a Pokemon for himself, he was simply given the position as a scavenger. His job was to look throughout the ruins of what was left, finding pokeballs and food. Such was the case for several years, finding what resources were left, looking for whatever was available to use and provide. Though weapons were plentiful, the need for food and medical tools were always to be required. And so, his job progressed.

However, many years later, at the age of twenty-two, Dorian had found the strangest sight within the rubble; a Pokemon, caught under fallen debris. Careful to free the frail creature from such bonds, he slowly pulled him away, trying to save him as much pain as possible. Soon after, he hid the Pokemon; keeping him to himself, nursing him back to health. With lack of resources and supplies, it took several years for the small Pokemon to fully recover.

By the age of twenty-five, the Aron had fully recovered. Deciding on a name which he never had given him before, Kai had decided with the simple title of "Lucky," as he thought that it fitted him well. Kai had found him injured in the rubble by chance, and the Pokemon had barely survived thereafter. It took him three long years to recover, though he was in good shape now. And, since such was the case, his secret was soon to be released. Within time, many had discovered Mordekai's possession of a Pokemon, and thus supplied him with a pokeball and a weapon; a hatchet, though rusted, was easy to clean.

Immediately thrown into the war front, Kai had no choice but to fight alongside Lucky. Though four long years have passed since they were first recruited to the force, Mordekai has avoided as many battles as he could. Battle was never the answer, and surely, such easily scarred Mordekai for life. His only condolence was Lucky, keeping him company as the long hours of night passed. Lucky was his only friend.

Motivation - The protection of his Pokemon is very important to him, along with his allies and friends. He looks to the ultimate protection of others, and his friendship with his Pokemon.

Scar - Too much blood has been spilled. So much death, so much loss. His nights are filled with nightmares of bloodshed and death, and he often awakens in cold sweat and fear. Along with this, he has a horrible twitch; a forced habit. Whenever he sees blood, he will hesitate, almost become sickened. He is in no way blood thirsty, and does not care for war. However, his allies must be protected.
I'm surprised no one has jumped onto this RP yet. I'd like to join though if thats cool , I would hate to see such a cool idea die.

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