Deadman Wonderland: Vegas ( CS Signup and OOC Thread )

Well, if you'd like to join, feel free to make a character. Though you've yet to post in Shinobi Rising, either. Hotaka is kinda waiting on a post from your character. If you'd like to talk, please use the shoutbox. This thread is for character signups and Out of Character discussions relating to the DMWL RP.
Name: Ryan Egan Flinn

Nickname: Chimera

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165

Class: Work for Undertakers

Appearance: (Photo preferred, Anime or Real)

View attachment 12322

Likes: Candy, jokes, and all things fun

Dislikes: What he is usually told to dislike from the higher ups

Strengths: Smart and cunning, Always Positive, Driven by Emotion

Weaknesses: His sister, and most of all his lack of killer instinct. Always Positive, Driven by emotion. (double bladed sword)

Hobbies: Eating candy, talking with people and playing pranks. playing video games and watching movies.


What would you have done if the sister you loved vanished from your sight never to be heard of again. She was just trying to feed you and your mom that doesn't make her a criminal that this so called justice labeled her. A murderer killing her own friends Ryans sister never would do that. She believed in the honor of relationships and doing the job the way it should be done.

Taken away from the family Ryan's sister Eryn now imprisoned somewhere. The Police froze all of the assets the Flinns had acquired and raided their house taking everything from them. His mother was driven to madness and took her own life leaving her boy to walk alone. What is justice what is the rules for this world? Ryan took it upon himself to perform his own justice. Finding the spy that set up his sister, he went to the turncoats Hideout. There were countless gang members armed with guns all he had was a simple butterfly knife. As he approached the gang members pushed him away asking him what he was doing there. He told them he was there to kill them for his sister. After the guards knocked him out Ryan awoke in a room in the house surrounded by gang members laughing. The girl was there... the girl he had been searching for. She plunged the his own knife into his gut and then slammed it down into his right thigh where it stood poking out. blood dripping onto the floor, spreading all around. The gang members laughed at his screams and cries. The girl told him how they were going to kill him. She then began to tell him of how she betrayed his sister his own blood and how she wishes she actually was dead. Enraged by this he watched as the gang members fell to the ground their laughter finally silenced their eyes glasses over. The girl was the only one who remained standing falling backwards onto the floor trying to get away from Ryan. Standing up from the chair he limped towards her as she cried in fear. Ryan took his hands and cupped them around her throat and strangled her as her cries were muffled by gags then disappeared completely. Ryan limped out the building with the girl dragging from his left hand with it still clasped firmly around her neck. The police arrived and took Ryan into custody. He submitted and followed everything they said. He never stood trial and or was sentenced, he was immediately transported to Deadman Wonderland in Las Vegas.

Branch of Sin Name: The Misshapen Harbinger

Branch of Sin Description: Named after all the tools at his disposal to kill never to defend. Adding extra appendages and such to the user.

Name: Bearing Fangs - rank B- blood seeps from somewhere on body usually the fingers into sharpened nails hardening into destructive claws 3.5 inches or longer (can move and fling the hardened blood at opponent range 39 feet)

Name: Serpents Respite - rank A- From the chest or back centered near the heart forms blood into a hollow tube that can be compressed into a condensed spear and hardened or extended out of the body (Based on the amount of water in the body mixed with blood to change the range and amount it is made with the blood) can grab enemies and or "bite them to fling" acts as extra appendage (range anywhere from 5-15 feet) (spear throw 70 feet)

Name: Bellerophons demise- Rank S- Due to his blood and a different blood type and genes sharing the same type as his sister and it taking after his sister, making him a real human chimera. With that same blood line as her blood it has become a super sticky adhesive (like gorilla glue and super glue) that can change itself from a solid to a liquid and back. "If only the beast had a net, the hero would have died" -Warden
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION] try using [noparse]

Embed your image here,with text citing changes

[/noparse] for your appearance,and [noparse]

insert history here

[/noparse] for your history. I find manually typing the spoiler tags to be more reliable.
Humor; your still human (just with the ability to control your blood); if your speed is faster than human YOURSELF cant comprehend it. That is at least what i'm excepting the head GM to tell you once you fix your spoilers (though i've already seen the contents of both myself thanks to manually parsing the source code of the website)
Really couldn't have said it better if I tried, PD. I'm all for it making you faster, Humor. But yeah... if a normal human can't comprehend the speed, neither can you. This isn't DBZ.
Yea i typed it going "hmmmm it probably seems a little over zealous." just typed what I wanted to portray.

but yes I entirely agree with you by the way so i changed its wording.

Thanks for the info by the way on the spoilers i will be doing that with different titles from now on. A good nugget of knowledge for the new guy thanks a lot.
Super Human speeds are still a bit much. How is anyone supposed to stop someone who is superhumanly strong and/or fast? I understand what you're trying to say, but it needs phrased in a proper manner.
We already have a Wolf ( Gauru ), Your history is WAY too short, you use the same appearance for every character ( saw your submission in Shinobi Rising ), you can't "take out most of the competition" in any way shape or form just by saying it happens, Your Branch of Sin is terribly generic ( which in and of itself isn't an issue, but you don't specify what type of sword... short one of 1m or less to a 2 hander at 1.75m+ that would take enough blood as to render such a light person anemic... and conjuring actual pistols? Why not just fire the blood from your palm/finger/eyeball/whatever, like Ganta? ). 2-Paragraph minimum for your History, please... and pick a new animal. Fix those two things, and it should be acceptable. But please do refer to the rules in post 1 of this thread. I'd like more thought put into the Branch of Sin, as well... but if you're so against doing so that you'd rather not, then I'll let it slide.

And yeah, I know for a fact I've seen you on RPGuild. You used the same pics for stuff there, too. AnD all your names are adaptations of Talon, Flood, or both. Hi Floodtalon. I remember you. :3

I'm sorry if I seem rushed, angry, or otherwise impolite. I'm quite busy right now, preparing myself for a move to a new home.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION] I redid the 3rd power got rid of the super speed and just turned his blood into an adhesive.
[MENTION=4543]Humor[/MENTION]: Your history explains nothing about your Branch of Sin, nor even hints at it from what I read. It is an ability gained from exposure to what is called a "Red Hole" incident. This disaster causes a "Radiation Poisoning" in some people. It's not really a poison so much as it is a mutation of sorts. It's called the "Nameless Worm". It's not in people's bloodlines or families, either... so I'm not really sure where you were going with that one ability.

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