The World Divided, and Powers Rampant


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!


The world wasn't always like this. So divided. People used to get along fairly well, wars here and there, but it wasn't common. Now a worldwide battle has broken out, the good versus the bad, Heroes versus Villains. Who shall rise? Who shall fall? Who will rule the world? No one knows, but the world is suffering. They have always been around, people with powers, so it is no surprise to see them, but suddenly there has been a huge increase in the number of them, and no one knows why. Ones who were once a rarity are becoming almost the norm. Abilities like flight and strength are almost bland now. For some reason the doors have opened, are you a major player? Will you end the warring, or just make it more destructive? Both sides are always trying to get new recruits for their sides. You are either new to all this, and just got your powers, or you are a veteran superhuman... or you could just be normal, and caught in the middle of everything. You can try to make peace with the other side, or try to take control. Be wary when you cross one another's path.

Area and the World Around You:

The world has become partly in ruins from all the battles. The government has all but collapsed. There is one main city that the Super-heroes protect, and another city that the Super-villains control. There is a group from both sides making the decisions, the best of the villains, and the best of the heroes. The heroes and villains tend to not go into each other's main city, but anywhere else is more than fair game, and they are always fighting over land and power.

Though this division is all over the world, this part takes place in what used to be North America, and the United States. Now it is split, the East being where the Heroes mostly dwell, and the West being Villain territory. There are some pockets in between of either side, but mostly, in the middle is the ruins. The places that got caught in between. It has been one hundred years, plus, since peace was enacted between sides. One hundred years since the US and old governments had any say, or even existed.

Character Sheet:

Full Name:


Race: (Optional)



Hair: (Optional if you have picture)

Skin: (Optional if you have picture)

Eyes: (Optional if you have picture)



Appearance: (Picture, anime or otherwise, it doesn't matter. Optional, but you need a description otherwise)

Place of Residence: (Optional)

Place of Birth: (Optional)

Fashion of Choice: (Optional)

Armor of Choice: (Optional)

Weapons of Choice: (Optional)

Special Abilities:

Alignment: (Hero, Villain, or neither?)

Sexuality: (Optional)

Personality Overall:

Positive Personality Traits: (Optional)

Negative Personality Traits: (Optional)

Misc. Quirks: (Optional)

Interests: (Optional)

Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

History: (Good amount of back-story please)


Accepted Characters:

Charlotte Renee Isabella James (Nikki Rodgers)

Jacob Dean Edwards (thekagekaton)

Kayla P. Jennings (kinadra)

Jessica Lynn Edwards (thekagekaton)

Byron Merton (Mitaku)

Jetison Eugene Black (Panther_Queen)

Bruce Banner (Bruce Banner (Hulk))

Jordan Reeves (Seveer)

Aidan Jones (Aidan)

Alexander Sebastian Tyrannus (Tyrannus)

Clark reeves Kent (Clark)

Drake Manslik (kinadra)

Loki Laufeyson (Loki)

Haru Aketchi (HaruAketchi)

My Characters:

Full Name: Drake Manslik

Race: Pureblood Vampire

Gender: Male

Age: unknown

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 150

Appearance: kredo....its a man.jpg?rdrts=38032718

Place of Residence: Ruins

Place of Birth: Overseas

Special Abilities: Vampiric strength, speed, intelligence, etc. Also the ability to, for a short period of time, gain the ability of whoever he drinks from. Once the blood is out of his system, he doesn't lose the ability, but it is severely weakened.

Alignment: Neither

Personality Overall: Dark, lonely, apathetic unless you get close to him personally

History: He was born a long time ago, in a place few remember existed. He was born how he is, and deemed a "Vampire" by humans. At first he hated the name, and found it repulsive... He eventually gave up, and accepted it as a name for what he is. Throughout all his years, he has only changed one person, a girl who he cared for deeply. Drake then had to kill her because she had become too bloodthirsty and too dangerous.

Over the years, he has slowly lost his emotions with age, but hopes someone will bring them back. He knows that the girl he fell in love with before wasn't the one for him, but he still holds that pain with him, using it to remember his own humanity through the years.

With all this talk of Super Powers, he figured he could blend in, that maybe what he was could be called a super power. Drake was afraid to merge with society once more though, to walk amongst all the humans, and especially tasty smelling super humans. To him, there were no Villains and Heroes... there was food, and people who might actually be worth not draining.

Full Name: Kayla P. Jennings

Nicknames: Kay-Kay, K, Kay, or in some cases, Jen.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 120


Place of Residence: Villain City

Place of Birth: A ruined city

Fashion of Choice: Neo-Victorian

Special Abilities: Sorceress, specifically dark sorcery. A few downsides, spirits will not leave her alone, and she can see a person's time that they have left alive above their head. She cannot see her own timeline, however.

Alignment: Villain

Personality Overall: Snaps easily, and doesn't like to be ordered around, rather she likes to be the one making the orders.

History: Her mother and father are gone. They haven't been seen since her birth in one of the old ruined cities. Lucky for her a man found her and raised her as a Villain, one of the daughters of the one of the main council of villains. She knows he is not her father, but calls him so regardless, as she owes him her life. One way or another, she has lived a life of privilege, and hates the Heroes with all her heart, she feels like it is their fault that she got abandoned, as per what her "Father", James Jennings, has told her over and over again. That the only reason that she got abandoned as a child was because the Heroes didn't want her, and didn't find her good enough.

Full Name: Charlotte Renee Isabella James

Nickname: Charlie

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Height: 5'10

Weight: 125

Place of Resident: Hero's city

Place of Birth: Villian City

Alignment: Neither

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Fighting, Sarcastic, Cocky, Crazy, Funny

.Likes: Puppies, Kitten's, Chocolate, Music, Singing, Fighting.

Dislikes: Posion, Nuts, Police.

History: Charlie was raised with her mother. Her father was Killed by Police. Her parents had taken a risk with Charlie. Saddening to Think her Father was a Villian and Her Mother was a Hero. They had fallen in love, had her. The city threatened to take her away. But Charlie's Mother Fled to The Ruined city to raise Her. Charlies father was killed, when somebody had captured him and demanded to where his Daughter was. He simply refused. He was killed for his deciion. Charlie grew up inthe ruined town, hidden in the shadow's until Her mother passed frm an illness. Charlie decided it was time to Live her Life, she had dyed her hair and worn Contacts until she could be cleared as an Citien. She even Lie's to her friends.Other: She is Allergic to Nut's and A Type of rare pollen that is found in rare places.Appearence: Original Hair Color and Eye's were Golden Blonde and Icy blue Eye'sView attachment 13009
You can start whenever you want. I need to add my charries and a link later, but the Rp already has a thread. You can do your first post whenever you wish ^.^
Full Name: Jacob Dean Edwards

Nicknames: Jake, JD

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Hair: Blonde

Skin: Tan

Eyes: Green

Height: 6 foot

Weight: 150 Lbs

Place of Residence: Villain City

Place of Birth: Villain City

Weapons of Choice: His hands

Special Abilities: He can manipulate his very bone structure and heal rapidly, though not instantly. Using his ability allows him to cause his bones to grow in ways they normally wouldn't. coupled with his quick healing time he can cause his bones to protrude from his body he can then use them as a weapon from hand to hand combat, throw them like knives, or even cover areas of his body in a kind of armor.

Alignment: Villain

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Overall: Cocky, Easily Angered, Doesn't Talk Much

Interests: Training

Likes: A good fight

Dislikes: Small Children

History: He was born and raised in what is commonly referred to as the villain city. His parents were your run of the mill workers with no abilities themselves. His powers came to him at the age of 4 when his leg grew a kind of exoskeleton. He then quickly began to develop his abilities into something he could really use, using it for normal everyday things such as opening cans or boxes. It wasn't until he was much older, around the age of 16, that he began using it as a weapon. Though he has never taken a life he has wounded many people who stood in his way.

Other: He has a soft spot for females, not being able to fight them without a lot of provocation.
[MENTION=4639]thekagekaton[/MENTION], Accepted. That power seems familiar O.o Did you get inspiration from anywhere?
I did actually, it is largely based off of the Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku from Naruto, though with a few tweaks :)

And a quick question, i am sitting here staring at my computer, bored stiff, permission to post in the role play? :bigsmile:
Completely! I just haven't done a charrie sheet or first post for myself yet xD Go ahead and post, just make sure its a reasonable length and pleaseeeee no text speak or anything. I don't think you would, but I just have to mention. ^.^
I completely understand you there, and I tend to put as much detail that I can into my posts, if I feel it is too short then I just try to do more, without skipping over a prospective reply spot :D but i'll jump right on my post! quick question, do we have most of the things we do now? Electricity, some kind of currency, that sort of thing? Don't want to start writing anything that goes totally the wrong direction :P
Actually I was thinking almost futuristic. If you think about it, in a world controlled by either heroes or villians, there would be a lot of masterminds making new tech every day. Think a little steampunk maybe... if you look at the pics for the cities, you can see the general feel for them. :) Thanks for asking.
That's the feeling i was getting from them, but I always am a little...paranoid? That seems to be the best word to describe it :P , hence why I usually find newer RPs to join, I can ask all my questions and not feel as bad about them :D

And i'm OFF to post!!! (insert villainous laughter here)
First post is up :D and while I was typing I got this crazy idea for a sister, then I got this crazier idea to ask about doing two characters, are you opposed to that at all? It would SERIOUSLY keep me occupied, coupled with my other two RPs I have going on another site I think I would actually be able to kill my boredom for a little while :D
>.> I have no limit for charries. If you want, you can friend me on here and PM me more questions.
Full Name: Jessica Lynn Edwards

Nicknames: Jess


Age: 21

Height: 5 Foot 7

Weight: 110


Place of Residence: City of Heroes

Place of Birth: City of Villains

Weapons of Choice: Daggers

Special Abilities: Speed, She is capable of moving and comprehending at an inhuman speed.

Alignment: Hero

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Overall: Light Hearted and fun, she would rather talk out a disagreement than fight

Interests: Music, Dancing

Likes: Watching the clouds

Dislikes: Fighting

History: She was born in the city of villains and was raised as one. He ability came around later than most, not truly developing her skills until age 17. Though while she developed late, she learned to harness her skills rather quickly. Within 2 months she was able to move so quickly she could play catch with herself, and with even more practice she mastered the ability to leave an after image of herself for just an instant before appearing in another location entirely. It was using this skill that she was able to get out of the city to explore, and what she found changed her forever. She came across a small group of people, some heroes, some normal people. At first she was going to attack, but she decided to watch. The heroes were showing these people, who seemed to have no relation or any sort of connection with them, extreme kindness, something she wasn't entirely used to. After conversing with the heroes, who showed no hostility, she decided to leave her home and come join them.

Other: The complete polar opposite of her brother Jake.
I had a question before I submit my character. I was thinking about someone who maybe grew up before the whole place was divided & ruined. But first I need to know about how long the world has been like this.
No more than a hundred years, which seems like a long time, but with powers, it could not be. Before there were the normal countries like the US, etc. Now its no countries, it is either controlled by Villains or by Heroes. Each try to stake their claim. Fights between places are common. If you want your charrie to be before the division, they would either have to not age, age slow, or have been frozen in time until now. ^.^ I hope that helps.

Oh, also, in general it takes place where the US used to be, in North America. The West is controlled by villains mostly, the East the Heroes.

I edited the first post for more information.
[MENTION=4382]Seveer[/MENTION], Totally! ^.^ Its always accepting, regardless of your experience level.
Full Name: Lily Grey

Nicknames: She only goes by the name "Rain" now, no one knows her real name.

Race: Unknown, but looks like a normal human

Gender: Female

Age: Unkown


View attachment 13309

Height: 5 feet

Weight: Unknown

Place of Residence: Anywhere (She wanders all over)

Place of Birth: Unknown, but it is believed her original home is amongst the ruins.

Special Abilities: Temporarily stopping time and being able to move within the frozen space. Anyone she touches can remain unfrozen so long as they keep contact with her body somehow. It is very temporary, allowing her to freeze time only up to one minute. Whatever she does in that time seems to happen instantly, which is why she is so rarely seen - this is the perfect escape mechanism.

Alignment: Unknown

Sexuality: Unknown

Personality Overall: Most people know absolutely nothing about her. She was one of the first people to quickly and randomly develop powers. Her ability to stop time also seems to have something to do with her decreased aging speed. She is only one year older now than she was when her powers were discovered 10 years ago. Most people don't actually see her, but hear about her through others' stories. She also keeps herself hidden to the best of her ability. She is quiet and loves to read, whenever she can find a good book.

Positive Personality Traits: She seems to have a strong sense of justice, so many people think she's aligned with the heroes. She appears when bad things happen and all of a sudden (people don't know about her ability- everyone that knew it is now dead) things sometimes get better.

Negative Personality Traits: Many other people think she is a villain, because bad things tend to happen in all of the places that she is sighted. She is actually trying to help, but things often go awry and people tend to blame her because she is the 'unknown' element.

Misc. Quirks: Unknown

Interests: Unknown

Likes: Books, the night sky, the ocean

Dislikes: Unknown

History: When she was about 16 years old (no one in this time knows for sure how old she is, but in truth she is now 17), her powers were discovered. During a fight between her parents, she was able to stop time and leave the room. She ran outside crying, not knowing what was going on. She had never used her power before, and she didn't honestly know she had it. When she ran outside, she saw men by the door, still frozen in place. She didn't know who they were or what they were doing here, but when time started back up again she could only watch from afar as the men went into her home, killing both of her parents where they stood. She has never stayed in one place since, has never trusted anyone, and has barely spoken a word. She is not afraid of something bad happening to her, and she isn't afraid to die. However, she uses her ability to help when she can and over the years has become a veteran of sorts. People call her Rain, because she 'supposedly' brings tears and unhappiness where ever she goes. In all reality, she is doing her best to help everyone, but since she's so mysterious, they simply blame her for the problem happening in the first place. She believes that the men who killed her parents are still out there. They may or may not know her when they saw her, since she doesn't know why they'd come after her family, but she only knows that if they still exist, she wants them dead.

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] My apologies, I didn't realize quite how enormous the photo was when I uploaded it.
[MENTION=4654]PlaguedAcarophobe[/MENTION], of course. Just make a charrie please.

[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION], Accepted! :) Post whenever
I am going to create a character and if you don't like him, you don't have to use him. I am aware he probably doesn't suit the story well. (also I often can't figure out how a character is going to be until roleplaying as them for a while. so I'm just giving a brief description, and I'll figure him out more later)

Name: Zachary Zhock

Gender: male

Age: eighteen

Hair: dark, thick curly brown hair that folds over his eyes and often looks like it's been fried by lightening.

Skin: pale, pasty skin.

Eyes: dark green eyes

Height: five foot five (he's really short)

Weight: 120"

Appearance: he looks like he just got out of surgery, considering the nasty electrical burn along the side of his mouth. but he covers himself up in a lab coat. He is scrawny, and not much to look at, but his grin is wicked and devious, and he always looks like he's up to something. He wears combat boots, with black dress pants and a white undershirt with a long black tie. he's always wearing safety glasses and has cuffs around his wrists which cover nasty burns as well.

Place of Residence: he resides in the Hero's city, mostly in private.

Place of Birth: unknown

Fashion of Choice: he isn't fashionable, but doesn't like to admit it. his choice of fashion is anything that he can move around in

Weapons of Choice: anything, but mostly his own experiments.

Special Abilities: he can control electricity and often uses his gifts to create inventions

Alignment: anti-hero

Sexuality: currently unknown (I'll have to roleplay with him first.)

Personality Overall: anyone who knows him is well aware that he is frigging insane. Years of isolating himself to his own private world have caused him to have inept social skills and a lack of respect.

Positive Personality Traits: he's very honest, perhaps a little too honest. and when he cares about someone, he really cares about them. he doesn't let someone down and always keeps his promises (even if they're bad promises)

Negative Personality Traits: well, he's unpredictably insane.

Interests: he is fascinated by the ruins, and travels there constantly.

Likes: he loves seafood, and romantic novels. (I'll figure more things out about him as I roleplay him I think)

Dislikes: he doesn't like the sound of ticking clocks or anything tapping. it makes him angry.

History: Unsure who his parents were, the boy grew up on the streets of hero-city with big dreams and no place to put them. he was always teased by his peers which left him introverted and paranoid. Suffering from auditory hallucinations, he spent a lot of times thinking that light bulbs were speaking to him which made him even stranger than usual. At sixteen, he dropped out of school and got a job making toys at a toy factory until he was fired for being too "destructive." Tired of always trying to do good, the boy gave up on himself and has been living the sheltered life of isolation ever since.

Other: he can see electrical waves on a new level, and often spends his time speaking with them, and gazing at them-looking like a complete psycho to the rest of public.

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