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  1. Ember Bare

    owo ready to join groups~

    owo ready to join groups~
  2. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    (>.< Sorry I haven't been able to be active,been busy lately :/ ) Walking by Blak heard a lot of noise and getting closer he soon could tell they were voices,walking over to where he heard them he looked to see some familiar faces and smiled. Running up he noticed Cynthia finally got her...
  3. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    ( O.o I lost myself for a moment there xD at work so wont be able to reply till about 6 :/ ) Going back the way the others had went,Blak looked around confused when there was no one there."huh?....gone?" First thought he had was he was left behind, though with no more strangers around he...
  4. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    (Night~~ I'll be going to bed too~) Red gave a light smile down to the boy as he picked him up to his feet,"You were with them right?...Would you know where Blak is?"
  5. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Red quickly turned around after hearing Nathan fall,with a sigh he helped the little boy up."You okay?..."He had already known the cat wasn't normal so it turning into a boy didn't bother him.
  6. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Red grumbled again at her request though before he could do anything she ran off,dumbfounded for a moment he snapped back to reality and watched her."Oi!"He yelled after her though huffed when she didn't stop,if they knew Blak then he figured his brother wasn't far away so Red started off to...
  7. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Red stared at the cat who suddenly spoke,then a strange girl came up after it and he got confused. Though as soon as she mentioned Blak he quickly walked up to them."Blak? Where is he? I've been looking everywhere for him."He growled looking around though didn't see him.
  8. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Blak was looking around mumbling to himself and hadn't heard Amalia,many more things were on his mind at the moment and he was getting tired of all this running around. Not to mention the stress he had been feeling was killing him, but it's gradually eased up now that he wasn't completely alone...
  9. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Blak watched Cynthia yell and wondered why she was calling out for sweets,he knew those wouldn't reply back. walking behind the two Blak looked around hoping to spot his brother,he kept in mind the other two things though with the way she was described Blak really didn't want to run into Ava...
  10. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    "Umm...Okay?...Why not." He wasnt so sure how this would go nor how his brother would react woth all them but he figured it wouldnt hurt. 6 eyes were better then 2, he just hoped hey found Husk soon."My brother has red hair and is pretty tall...he should stick out well with all this green and...
  11. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Shanol mumbled a bit before replying,"im looking for my brother actually....And I should try and find him as soon as possible..."he wasnt a sweets kinda guy anyway, though his brother was and would probably like some.
  12. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Shanol jumped back when she extended her and towards him, but realizing she just wanted him to shake it he did so." meet you..."
  13. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    This girl was moving way too fast and acting way to friendly for Shanol,"Sha- I-I mean name is Blak..."he stuttered. Only Red was aloud to use Shanol's name and Shanol was he only one to call his brother Husk, it was a rule they made as soon as they left home.
  14. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Shanol watched the girl very confused as she rambled on,""he wasnt really sure what else to say. Looking over to his pet with a confused look, his shadow was simply sitting beside him at ease as it wathed what was going on.
  15. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Shanol once again freaked out after hearing another person pop up, though he restrained himself from running and hidding again."h-hello...."he grumbled not feelig to comfortable now with these new people popping up.
  16. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    "Going?....Oh."Shanol was a bit confused by the question at first but figured out what he meant,"I'm. .uhh....looking for my brother....speaking of which, have you seen a guy with really red hair, kinda tall, probably has a angry look..."he described hoping the boy had seen Red.
  17. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Shanol freaked out when the cat turned into a child, jumping far back he hid quickly behind his pet. Though quickly recovered realizing how he must have looked, he stood up staight taking somewhat of a deep breath as he tried to ease up which wasnt working. "H-hi...."he whispered shyly as he...
  18. Ember Bare

    Fantasy Trapped

    Hearing noise behind him Shanol quickly turned around to see a small cat, his tension slightly eased as he bent down."Hello?..."he stared at the cat curiously
  19. Ember Bare

    Yes~~~ if you could send a link I'll join!

    Yes~~~ if you could send a link I'll join!