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Fantasy Trapped

Amalia turned around and sniffed, then glared at the bed. "Out. Now. I don't care who you are, show yourself," she said, walking over in front of the bed.
( O.o I lost myself for a moment there xD at work so wont be able to reply till about 6 :/ )

Going back the way the others had went,Blak looked around confused when there was no one there."huh?....gone?" First thought he had was he was left behind, though with no more strangers around he was more at eased. Figuring itd waste time tying to hunt them down he continued back the way he was going to tey and find Red.

Just missing him Red had ran down the way the group had came from to run into Blak, but he never did."what the?...."Red continued on wondering where Blak had run off to.
Seeing the cat triggered her, and she nearly changed into cat form. She managed to stay in her human form however, and picked up the cat, cradling it in her arms, a small smile on her face. "Aww, you cute thing," she said, smiling.
She smiled and said, "Cool. Well, I think I might have some, if you want to take sweets to your friends." She then went over to a container and pulled out a bag of assorted candies that she had taken when she was sent here.
Her smile got wider and she handed the bag to him. "There you go. If it is not too much to ask, may I come with you?" she asked, leaning against a wall.
Claudia snapped out of her train of thought and smiled at Ava. She didn't seem to be a threat, but then again... Well, she was a vampire, so she had to drink Something... Claudia was just glad she didn't try to drink hers or Cynthia's. She suddenly wondered what Cynthia was, as she said she wasn't human... Enough thinking! "So... Ava, was it? You're not human, are you..?" Claudia asked
((Wee sorry I'm in France right now and there isn't any wifi in the room((in a cafe right now)) so I won't be able to be on basically at all until Saturday, which is when I get back. Sorry!))
Mesh said:
((Wee sorry I'm in France right now and there isn't any wifi in the room((in a cafe right now)) so I won't be able to be on basically at all until Saturday, which is when I get back. Sorry!))
((It's okay! ^^ Have fun on your trip, and stay safe!))

"Myuu..." Cynthia lightly sniffed the air, only to smell... sweets?! She quickly turned around, only to notice Nathan and another female approaching them, with a mysterious-looking bag. 'It must be in there!' she thought. Promptly, she tackle-hugged the girl, since Nathan was a bit too small for the gesture to be performed on. "SWEETS!" she shouted, a wide grin on her face.

@Rose Baker @WoodenZebra
Claudia's attention shifted to the girl with sweets, smiling at them. "Yay for sweets!" Claudia said excitedly, throwing her hands up in the air. She look at the girl holding the sweets, and said "Cynthia has been looking for sweets for a long time, and you might've just made her day!" Claudia held her hand out to the stranger, to help her up. "I'm Claudia, by the way."
"Heh, yeah..." Claudia laughed. She then had an idea. "So... Are you human? Cause I'm almost certain that everyone here isn't... Including myself." She said the last sentence with a little uncertainty, but still wanted to know all the same.
"Sweets! Sweets! Sweets!" Cynthia chanted. "I want the sweets!" She was extremely happy now that they were in plain sight, waiting to be devoured by none other than herself. "Thank you, kind Miss! Cynthia's name is Cynthia!" Then, she proceeded to chant once more in repetition. "Sweets! Sweets! Sweets! Hooray for sweets!" The little girl was being quite a bit too rowdy, but that's probably natural when you mix kids and candy.
Claudia smiled at the young girl's chant. "Yup, that's Cynthia. She enjoys sweets, if you couldn't tell." Claudia explained. She then looked over at Cynthia. "Oooh! Can I have a piece of chocolate?" Claudia asked politely.
Amalia smiled and handed Cynthia the bag of sweets. "Enjoy them," she said, and added, "No, I am not human." She then promptly changed into cat form, then dog form, then back.

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