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Fantasy Trapped

Ava Roux ~ Vampire

Ava's eyes slowly opened as she regained consciousness, and quickly screwed shut again as the piercing light of day made her hiss in pain. Opening her right eye just a fraction, she looked around and found herself on a sandy beach, her black parasol strewn beside her. She quickly retrieved it, and opened it above her, relaxing a little. She stood and dusted herself off, and shakily walked into the shade of a nearby tree. Ava leaned heavily against it as she calmed her unsteady breathing, as she closed her eyes and thought back to what had happened.

((Aaa, I hope this is okay Q.Q))
Malaya stood on the outside of the forest. The wind blew gently on her, making her smile at it's touch. Her hand caressed the trunk of a tree that stood near her. "Vanimle sila tiri" she said softly to it. (your beauty shines bright). Her black eyes closed, inhaling the scents around her. Suddenly, she picked up something that wasn't familiar. Her eyes opened and she looked down the cliff. A person was walking on the shore. Malaya figure it was female from the dress. Her head tilted curiously as she watched the person. She sat on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the shore below her.
Ava Roux ~ Vampire

Ava stood still for a while, then sighed and lifted her head, slowly observing her surroundings. Her keen eyesight made out a figure on the cliff, and she stared at the person, their otherworldly appearance making her forget herself. Ava blinked twice, and lifted her hand to wave at them when she saw the person looking towards her, offering a smile that obscured her fangs.
Malaya noticed that the girl below was observing her surroundings. Her head tilted, watching...waiting. Suddenly, the girl waved to her. Malaya had never been waved to before...She tilted her head again and waved her hand gently back. A small purple flower suddenly grew at rapid speed next to the fully dressed woman. Malaya tilted her head again, curious to see what she would do.
"Shanol!!!!"Yelling at the top of his lungs,Red ran through the forest repeating his call forhis brother in slight panic. Pausing real quick he held his hands out by his sides," Win-tris."He spoke as he spun around creating a wind tunnel under him. It shot him up in the air high enough to see over the trees at least, and with all his might yelled again."Shanol! Where are you!?" Before falling back down to the ground, with a huff he looked around for a more clear area. He was already feeling tired from using the magic he has so far, he really didnt want to push it cause he never knew when he'd run into trouble. Taking off in the direction he though lead out of the forest, Red continued calling for his brother hoping he'd hear his calls.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava chuckled softly to herself at the person's slightly odd reaction. Unexpectedly, a pretty flower grew at her feet and she jumped in surprise, but as she saw it was just a flower she laughed at her frightened reaction, and knelt down to look at it. A soft smile played across her face as she gently touched the petals, marveling at how it had sprung up so quickly. She looked to the person atop the cliff, assuming that this was her doing, and smiled brightly, hoping to convey how wonderful she thought that magic was. She looked to the forest as she heard sounds of a disturbance, but couldn't see anything, suddenly, her eyes turned red as she smelt someone with human blood nearby. She closed her eyes, and tried to push down the blood-lust.

((I'm off now, but I'll be on again tomorrow;3))
((ok!)) Malaya gave a small smile as she watched the girl. Her head turned slightly as she heard someone yelling. Gently, she stood. She moved through the forest like a leaf on the wind.
Continuing at his pace till he ran out of breath, Red stopped and leaned forward trying to catch his breath as he looked around."gees...what's with this place..."with a deep breath and a sigh he stood back up straight, he paused as he listened around thinking he could have sworn he heard some thing move."hmm...."
The person running through the woods was obviously not trying to hide. Because of that Malaya was very intrigued by the creature. As she moved closer she could study his features more and you definitely seem to be out of breath. She was curious so he definitely looked like he was lost or looking for someone. Her black eyes stared at him as she stood behind a tree her green skin almost making her invisible.
Seeing nothing around, Red felt a belit uneased but started jogging off as he continued the way he was going but not as fast as before."Shanol!" He started yelling again, he was running on empty but he couldnt stop looking. Who knew what Shanol could be going through now.
Malaya begun to follow him. Suddenly, she caught wind of his scent. He smelled a bit like a human, and that made her blood boil. Vines whipped out from below the man. They wrapped around his ankles and attempted to pull him up so he would be hanging upside down.
Red had heard movement again but reacted a bit to late and was grabbed, causing him to fall forward and hit himself in the head as he was dragged upside-down.Holding his forehead Red grumbled before looking down noticing he was off the ground, then looked up at what had done it."what the?"
Malaya moved from the shadows, her black eyes fixed on him. The vines pulled him up to her eye level. She poked him with one of her clawed nails, feeling the softness of his skin. "Human" she hissed. He still smelled a bit different, but he looked enough human for her.
Red stared back at the creature, she was obviously female and he could have sworn he had seen something similar in his books. From the way she seemed and sounded he guessed she didn't like him, or humans at least."mmm....partly I guess you would say..."he grumbled as his arms hung down."though I am not a human your thinking of...." he frowned.He couldnt admit he wasnt human,since Wizards were pretty much human but with a magic core which made them different and a 'creature' in human's eyes.
Malaya's nose flared but she let the vines drop him. She believed in people's word, but she would still watch him. Her arms crossed as she watched him fall. Her black eyes studied him. She hadn't met many wizards.
( O.o my post didn't sent....my bad..)

Having his hands under his head Red caught himself and easily flipped over onto is feet,staring at the girl he slid his messenger bag that was over his shoulder so that it hung in front of him. keeping his eyes on her to make sure she didn't do anything he went through his bag and finally pulled out a book,raising it up a bit for her to see he or it was no threat. He flipped through it a bit and stopped after a moment and smiled,"Knew I've seen you before...."He whispered.
(Sorry for start so late)

Amalia was walking along a pathway in the woods, since she preferred to stay near the trails and such. She smiled around at the nice weather, and shifted into her cat form. She continued to prowl on the trail, sniffing plants and flowers. She paus in front of a huge tree, then climbed it, looking at everything below her with wonder. She scrambled a little farther up, hoping her claws would keep her safely attached to the tree.
Nathan came out of his house in cat form and climbed up a tree
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Walking around through the trees Shanol looked around nervously as he was followed by his not so tense pet, he wasn't used to being alone and didn't like it what so ever. With every sound Shanol jumped and looked around, making his pet snicker. Shanol glared back,"this is not funny...."he grumbled walking over and stood close to his shadow pet."lets just hury and find him okay?...."
Hearing noise behind him Shanol quickly turned around to see a small cat, his tension slightly eased as he bent down."Hello?..."he stared at the cat curiously
She continued to sit in the tree, until she became bored and jumped down, shifting into her dog form and continuing along the path. She sniffed, and smelled a cat. Strange. Probably just a regular cat, though. She continued to walk along, and the smell got stronger. Yep, definitely a cat. She continued walking and then saw a person, and the cat. She stood a few feet away, unsure if she should run off or approach the person and cat.
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

Cynthia was suddenly awoken; she regained consciousness. She was on a field of grass somewhere. In the vicinity, nothing but plants surrounded her. She sat up, glancing at herself. Noticing that she was utilizing her true form, she quickly shapeshifted into her child-like appearance. As a kid, she was only 4'3/131cm tall. Eventually, she stood, having a sudden craving for sweets.

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