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Fantasy Trapped

Claudia gasped, "Whoa! 2 Creatures? The's fantastic!" She then looked a little abashed, and said "Well, I'll just tell you what I am. I'm a familiar..." She looked down ashamedly, "Though I have no right to call myself that..." She looked up again. "My animal form was lost once my 'master', as that witch liked to call herself, died. I was left weak, so I came here..." She drifted off, feeling she had said too much. Maybe they had no idea what a familiar even was? She couldn't leave, as she had spent all her astral energies coming here, but still. Maybe she was wrong to come here...
(>.< Sorry I haven't been able to be active,been busy lately :/ )

Walking by Blak heard a lot of noise and getting closer he soon could tell they were voices,walking over to where he heard them he looked to see some familiar faces and smiled. Running up he noticed Cynthia finally got her sweets and there were more people he didn't know. Looking around a bit more though he noticed the face he's been looking for was't here"Gees...is it always this hard to find someone?...."He grumbled to himself as he joined the little group.
"Woo-hoo!" Cynthia took out a chocolate bar and handed it to Claudia. "This one is for you!" Then, she grabbed another one and began to munch on it after removing and disposing of the wrapper. "Omnomnomnom...~" She finished the chocolate fairly quickly, licking the bits around her mouth. "Thank youuuu!" she smiled. "Cynthia wants to switch now!"


A bright light soon emitted from her, blinding the people in the locality. When the illumination disappeared, the little girl wasn't there. Instead, in her place, was a girl who seemed to be in her teens, looking similar to Cynthia. It was almost like the figure was an older version of the petite female. "Ah. That chocolate was great~ Thanks, again." Her voice was a bit lower than Cynthia's, being older and all.

((Refer to my character skeleton form-thing for the appearance. ouo))
"Whoa. That was bit unexpected... So, which one is the real you?" Claudia asked wearily, as she did not know how temperamental this new teen was. She looked at her chocolate bar for a moment, gauging whether it would make her change too. She decided that that would be stupid, and nibbled on it.
"Hmm, that's an excellent inquiry~ This is who 'Cynthia' really is, however, I prefer my child-like form most of the time. It's more entertaining to be a kid, anyway. But, I'll take a tiny break from that. Any other questions?" She held the bag of sweets in her hand, with a smug smile.

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