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Fantasy Trapped

Ava ~ Vampire

Ava waited until she'd suppressed her blood-lust, and then chose to venture into the forest, as she'd noticed that the person from before had left. She looked around for signs of life, and came across a clearing. Ava saw an young girl and forced a smile onto her face, trying to ignore the sweet smell of blood, as she spoke softly, "Hello, I'm Ava, who... are you..?"
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

Cynthia looked up at the female with her bright, innocent blue eyes. She was bewildered at her sudden appearance, but she smiled back cheerfully. "My name is Cynthia!" she responded. "Nyuu.. I'm hungry. Do you have sweets?" Cynthia wasn't too sure where she was, but her craving for food was too strong to question anything else. "Or anything, really! Cynthia doesn't like bitter stuff, though, so none of that, please!" She was hoping that the soft-spoken lady actually had something with her.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava was taken aback by this child's lack of concern for their own welfare, and she took a moment before answering. "I'm afraid I don't have anything..." It was natural for a vampire to never carry around human food, though this child's appearance was odd, and Ava came to realize that this child probably wasn't human. "Do you know where this is? Are you... human?" She added on hesitantly.
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

Cynthia frowned for a split second before regaining her happy nature. She responded to the girl's statements without hesitation. "Mm, that's a shame. I really want some food. And, nope~! I have no idea where we are! Is Cynthia human, you ask? Maybe, maybe not. It's up to your own imagination, Miss!" Indeed, as a child, the demon was much easier to approach and talk to, because of her personality. "I don't think you'll tell me the truth, but I might as well ask! Are you a human?" she queried curiously.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava could have laughed at her foolishness at believing that a child would give her a straight, honest answer, but pushed that thought down in favor of muttering, "I too, am starving.." Ava frowned slightly at being called a liar, but Cynthia's innocent eyes were disarming and she replied honestly. "Well, whether I'm human or not is a little bit of a secret, so you're free to believe what you like."
Shanol freaked out when the cat turned into a child, jumping far back he hid quickly behind his pet. Though quickly recovered realizing how he must have looked, he stood up staight taking somewhat of a deep breath as he tried to ease up which wasnt working. "H-hi...."he whispered shyly as he looked down at the boy. His pet only sat there and snickered, feeling no treat from the boy.
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

"Let's find food together, then! Maybe there's some shelter nearby. Cynthia really wants some candy, or chocolate, or even cake and pie!" she beamed. "By the way, what's your name, Miss?" Cynthia extended her hand in a friendly manner for a shake, just to officially solidify their new friendship, or something like that. As a child, she desired friends to play and have fun with.
"Going?....Oh."Shanol was a bit confused by the question at first but figured out what he meant,"I'm. .uhh....looking for my brother....speaking of which, have you seen a guy with really red hair, kinda tall, probably has a angry look..."he described hoping the boy had seen Red.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava couldn't help but smile honestly at Cynthia's cheerful and innocent nature, and quickly agreed to search for sweets despite her doubt that this island had anything so convenient. "Oh, my name's Ava Roux... Pleased to meet you" She added on playfully as she accepted the handshake. Despite her efforts, the desire to sink her teeth into Cynthia's flesh was difficult to control, and this hunger could just about be seen in the depths of her usually green eyes, slowly becoming a deep red.
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

"Ava! That's a really nice name!" Cynthia twirled around in a full circle happily, before refocusing her gaze on Ava again. "Sweets, sweets, sweets! Hooray for sweets!" she cheered, excited to hunt for food. The demon had taken note of the lady's eyes suddenly transforming into a reddish colour. In case anything disastrous transpired, Cynthia was ready to alternate back to her real/teenage form, which wasn't revealed very often.
Ava ~ Vampire

"Thank you," Ava chuckled "I think your name is very pretty too, Cynthia." She felt totally refreshed by such carefree cheeriness, and decided that she didn't mind this island too much. "Do you know where we can find anything nice?" she asked, cocking her head slightly. It was a genuine question, as she had no clue where to even start looking for sweets on what appeared to be a deserted island.
Cynthia - The Petite Demon

Cynthia was glad to have a new friend that was kind and caring. "A place with nice things in it..." she pondered, then shrugged. "I just woke up on the grass a little while ago, so I dunno!" she exclaimed. "Sorry! But, we could always just wander around, right? Cynthia thinks that's a good idea." She certainly had her hopes quite high for something valuable within the island. The items that would be more 'valuable' than anything else would be none other than sweets, of course.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava looked around to see if she could see anything that might hint at where they should go, but saw nothing but trees. "Mmm, I guess wandering around is the best plan we've got..." She pointed in a random direction and declared, "This way is as good as any!" and began to travel through the woods.
Cynthia giggled childishly, walking alongside Ava. As they strolled along the pathway, she began to hum typical children's songs, such as Row Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc., without much of a reason. She paid much heed to her surroundings, however, because of the potential things they could find. As they traveled through the woods, Cynthia spotted two or three figures: a gloomy-looking adolescent with dark black hair, and a small child embellished with cat ears and a tail. Hurriedly and without thinking, she approached them with a huge, friendly, bright grin. "Hello!" she greeted with a wave.

@Mesh @Ember Bare @WoodenZebra
Shanol once again freaked out after hearing another person pop up, though he restrained himself from running and hidding again."h-hello...."he grumbled not feelig to comfortable now with these new people popping up.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava walked without worrying took much about where they were going, but kept her eyes open to the surroundings. The familiar tunes that Cynthia hummed put her into a good mood, and she briefly contemplated singing along. She spotted the figures at the same time as Cynthia, and swallowed nervously, she stayed back, resolving to slip away and find some mammal to quench her thirst.

((aaaa I've got to go now;3))
"Do you two happen to know where we are?" she inquired. "Oh, and do you guys have any food with you? Preferably sweets? Or, do you two know where to get some?" she smiled. "My name is Cynthia! Nice to meet you! And this is..." Cynthia turned around to check on Ava, who disappeared from sight. "Huh? She's not here... I wonder what happened?" As usual, the child was being as hyperactive as ever.
Shanol watched the girl very confused as she rambled on,"uhh...no?..."he wasnt really sure what else to say. Looking over to his pet with a confused look, his shadow was simply sitting beside him at ease as it wathed what was going on.
"Aww. Cynthia really wanted some sweets, too." she frowned for a moment. "Well, off to a new subject! What are your names? The more friends, the better! One more thing, what species are you guys? I don't think you two are human, but I could be wrong!" Cynthia giggled, waiting for a response. 'I wonder where Ava went...' she thought. The petite girl was worried about her other friend, it was only normal, after all.
This girl was moving way too fast and acting way to friendly for Shanol,"Sha- I-I mean Blak....my name is Blak..."he stuttered. Only Red was aloud to use Shanol's name and Shanol was he only one to call his brother Husk, it was a rule they made as soon as they left home.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Blak!" she extended her hand for a shake. Cynthia was eager to meet new people, being the physically-8-year-old she was. Her eyes were dazzling with excitement, as long as she wasn't alone on the island, that was enough. Three others were within the stranded island with her, therefore it was all the better. This form of Cynthia absolutely detested loneliness.
Shanol jumped back when she extended her and towards him, but realizing she just wanted him to shake it he did so."nice....to meet you..."

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