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Fantasy Trapped

Somehow, the young preteen seemed to catch the gist of it, nodding through her crazy talking speeds. "My name is Claudia, and I'd be thrilled to help you on you're adventure! Just a small question... Do you have to be human to go on this adventure..?" She asked in a small voice.

((Alrighty, bye!
(Night~~ I'll be going to bed too~)

Red gave a light smile down to the boy as he picked him up to his feet,"You were with them right?...Would you know where Blak is?"
MoltenLightning said:
Somehow, the young preteen seemed to catch the gist of it, nodding through her crazy talking speeds. "My name is Claudia, and I'd be thrilled to help you on you're adventure! Just a small question... Do you have to be human to go on this adventure..?" She asked in a small voice.
((Alrighty, bye!
"Nope!" Cynthia replied with a smile. "Pssst. I'll even tell you a secret about myself!" Her voice soon grew to a quiet whisper. "I'm not human either! Hooray!" she cheered. "So, are you still interested in going on the adventure?"
The adolescent nodded eagerly, as if she had been waiting her entire life for this. "Luckily ya don't have to be human, cause.. Uh, hehe, I ain't one." She looked a little embarrassed but recovered. "Alright, where shall we start?"
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava had separated herself from the group of people, and walked around silently, searching for signs of prey. Though human blood was always sweeter, animal blood would do. She cursed the fact it was still daytime, and how unpracticed she was in catching her own prey. She caught the scent of a small mammal, and carefully followed it. Once she was close enough, she set aside her parasol and leapt at it, a feat only possible due to her enhanced abilities and blood-lust driving her. With the animal in her hands, she snapped it's neck and wasted no time before sinking her teeth into it's flesh.
Claudia turned around at the sudden pop she heard, swiftly trying to find its source. As stealthily as she could in human form, she followed the sound to a patch of clearing, where a girl with black hair littered with roses stood, with something in hand... "AGH!" Claudia fell backward out of surprise, as the young lady was holding a poor creature with 2 puncture wounds.
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava heard people and froze, the limp animal dropping from her hands. Her mind went blank and she stood, stiff, saying nothing, the expression on her face like that of a deer caught in the headlights. Her red eyes had faded back to green, but she felt sick and panicky. She stood, unmoving and and mute, waiting for her fate.
Claudia got up, smiled, and said "Eheh, sorry. I wasn't expecting... What I just saw. So, are you a vampire? Or... A human who enjoys feasting on meat?" Claudia's face lit up with realization as she snapped her fingers like she'd come up with a reasonable hypothesis. "Oooh! You're the person the little girl, Cynthia, was talking about!" She smiled "I'm Claudia. Nice to make your acquaintance." She exclaimed, holding out her hand as a sign of peace and good-will.
(ugh i need to be more active sorry guys)

Amalia had made her way to her home, and was licking blood from her hand; she'd cut it walking on the pathways. It was odd, how simple everything seemed. A cut, nothing more than that. She shook her head, trying to clear it from that distracting train of thought. She sniffed, and oddly smelled blood other than her own. Most likely an animal's. She sighed before crawling into bed, and falling asleep.
Amalia woke up to a thump, and sat up to see what it was. She glanced around, seeing nothing. She did, however, smell something quite strange.. No, it was probably just her imagination. She got up and stretched, yawning as she did so. She changed into her cat form and jumped up onto her windowsill, as she liked looking outside. She then changed into her dog form so she could smell better and see if there was any food around.
Cynthia was following Claudia, and soon, she saw Ava. Without thinking, she ran up and hugged her, with her usual childish grin. "Ava!" she shouted happily. "I made some new friends while you were gone! Where have you been?" Cynthia was glad to reunite with her again, even though they weren't separated for very long. "Oh, and thank you for helping me find her!" The child glanced at Claudia, then at Ava again. "We still need to continue our quest to find sweets!"
Claudia looked pleased, and smiled at the young girl's reactions. She looked at Cynthia, and said "Shall we be on our way then? Off to find the place with sweets?"
She was sniffing when she caught wind of that smell again.. it was coming from inside. She sighed before changing back to her human form and saying loudly and calmly, "Whoever you are, come out now. And if you intend on hurting me, then go right ahead." She then waited silently to see who had come after her now..
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava was just about to nervously accept Claudia's handshake, when she was hit with the force of Cynthia's hug, and upon seeing the girl who embraced her, Ava smiled and hugged her back. "Cynthia!" Ava hoped that, at least, Cynthia had not seen, "Is... Claudia... one of your friends?" She turned to pick up her parasol, and laughed, "Hehe, still no sweets to be found?" She turned again to Claudia, "Thank you, I'm Ava."
Luckily, Cynthia hadn't witnessed Ava's bloodlust that caused the unfortunate animal's death. "Mhm! I just met her!" she explained. "We still can't find the sweets... But we will someday!" It was as if her eyes lit up with excitement, eager to feast on the delicacies. "I met some other people, too! But I dunno where they went..."
Ava ~ Vampire

Ava rested the parasol against her shoulder, smiling down at Cynthia. "Hmm, you seem to attract all kinds of people." Ava noted, hoping that the young girl's carefree nature wouldn't put in the way of harm. She glazed over at Claudia, trying to gauge whether or not she'd tell Cynthia what she'd seen.

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