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Fantasy Trapped

"Uwaaa! So cute!" Cynthia cheered on, picking up the kitty and embracing him in her arms. "It's nice to meet you all!" Deep inside, Cynthia was still worrying about where Ava ventured off to. "Do you two want to join me in my hunt for sweets?" she proposed. "I'm hungry, and I want food! Cake, chocolate, candies!" The more she spoke about it, the hungrier she got. Her stomach grumbled, Cynthia was almost starving!
Shanol mumbled a bit before replying,"im looking for my brother actually....And I should try and find him as soon as possible..."he wasnt a sweets kinda guy anyway, though his brother was and would probably like some.
"Then, to compromise, we can search for sweets AND your brother!" she beamed. "Does that sound good? We can all team up, hooray!" Cynthia didn't want to search alone, a team was always better, in her opinion. She eagerly waited for Blak's response, gently placing Nathan on the ground while doing so after giving him a good pat on the head.
"Umm...Okay?...Why not." He wasnt so sure how this would go nor how his brother would react woth all them but he figured it wouldnt hurt. 6 eyes were better then 2, he just hoped hey found Husk soon."My brother has red hair and is pretty tall...he should stick out well with all this green and brown..."
"While we're at it, we'll search for my friend Ava, too! She's a really pretty girl with green.. er no, maybe red eyes? She has long, wavy-ish brown hair! And an array of roses adorn her head! Now, off to search!" she declared. Cynthia began to venture along the forest grounds, looking for an area with sweets, Blak's brother, and Ava. "Sweets~! Blak's Brother~! Ava~!" she yelled, loud and clear, hoping for a reply somewhere. She kept going on, shouting the three aliases over and over.
''Got it.'' Nathan said

Nathan then went down the path where he found Red.(Nathan is still cat form)
Blak watched Cynthia yell and wondered why she was calling out for sweets,he knew those wouldn't reply back. walking behind the two Blak looked around hoping to spot his brother,he kept in mind the other two things though with the way she was described Blak really didn't want to run into Ava. His shadow pet followed along as Blak walked off a bit in another direction to make sure they weren't going to pass Red.

Red was still with Malaya unsure what to really do with her,He knew he needed to keep looking but didn't want to let his guard down with her here. Hearing movement Red turned his head worried more trouble was coming,but to his surprise it was only a little cat.
(Sorry for being so inactive)

Amalia heard yelling, and switched back to her human form. She decided to follow whoever it was, so she started running, stopping when she saw a guy and some shadow.. She paused, unsure of what to do. She pulled out a pocketknife and took a step forward.
Cynthia trailed after Nathan, it wasn't a good idea to leave a neko alone, after all. Soon, she caught up with the cat-boy, and noticed the tall, redheaded male, who matched Blak's description perfectly. She also glanced at the elven woman beside him, as she greeted both of them with a wave and a smile. Of course, by now, her screams have ceased, since one of the targets have been found. "Hello!" Cynthia turned behind her to look for Blak, but oddly, he wasn't there. "Huh? I could've sworn he was with us, too... Anyway! My name is Cynthia! And I'm pretty sure you're Blak's brother, right? He was looking for you!" she elucidated, keeping her cheeriness.
Blak was looking around mumbling to himself and hadn't heard Amalia,many more things were on his mind at the moment and he was getting tired of all this running around. Not to mention the stress he had been feeling was killing him, but it's gradually eased up now that he wasn't completely alone anymore and had help finding his brother. His pet how ever had heard Amalia come towards them and stared at her with it's ghostly white eyes,seeing the knife it glared and growled softly stepping in-between her and Blak.
A presence lingered around you're group, as if waiting and watching. It wasn't threatening, however, it just seemed to be a spectator to these turn of events.
Red stared at the cat who suddenly spoke,then a strange girl came up after it and he got confused. Though as soon as she mentioned Blak he quickly walked up to them."Blak? Where is he? I've been looking everywhere for him."He growled looking around though didn't see him.
Cynthia grinned, glancing up at Red. "I'll tell you for a chocolate bar! Or a lollipop! Or anything sweet! I'm starvinggggg!" she complained. As we all know, most children had little to no patience. It was only natural. Cynthia was eagerly awaiting for some food, but she knew that Red probably didn't have any with him, which was unfortunate.
Suddenly, a quick dimmed flash of orange light washed over a few trees near the group of people, from which emerged a young girl. Her blue eyes were moderately squinted, like she was judging to see if she liked anyone here, then decided to lean against a tree and sigh.
Promptly, Cynthia was distracted by the glimmering illumination, and so, she ran off to the tree where the light emitted from, not bothering to hear out Red's reply. She noticed the female, immediately waving with an innocent smile. "Hello there!" The more friends, the better.
Red grumbled again at her request though before he could do anything she ran off,dumbfounded for a moment he snapped back to reality and watched her."Oi!"He yelled after her though huffed when she didn't stop,if they knew Blak then he figured his brother wasn't far away so Red started off to look for him in the direction the cat and girl came from.
The young looking preteen looked at her and smiled. "Hello there! Who might you be?" She asked with a twinkle in her eye. "Wait a sec..." She looked troubled, but then seemed to push the thought down. She continued looking at the youth, waiting for a response.
"My name is Cynthia! Nice to meet you! What's yours? Want to be my friend? Oh! Would you like to help me on my quest to find my other ally? Her name is Ava! And she's really pretty, with long, brown hair green or red eyes, flowers adorning her head... And I'm also looking for sweets! Because they're delicious!" she explained without stopping, swarming the adolescent with inquiries.
Red quickly turned around after hearing Nathan fall,with a sigh he helped the little boy up."You okay?..."He had already known the cat wasn't normal so it turning into a boy didn't bother him.

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