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  1. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    (Talk about worst possible time to be busy! ) He, of course, shook Li's hand. Firmly, but casually. "I just thought a handshake might be the best way to end this...pleasant conversation." Hunter chuckled, no put off one bit. "So's getting up and walking away. Or not making eye contanct." "Do...
  2. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Out of Character

    No wonder why I always feel like I'm replying at odd times. It's already 1 am here!
  3. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Hunter laughed a little, real quiet like. He wasn't sure if Li knew that he looked a little panicked, but he did. Hunter took his hand back and started to unwrap the candy. "Well thanks. One can never go wrong with a little sweet." The worst part- even though he was speaking in a manner that...
  4. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    "Want a kiss?" Hunter continued to look at Li for a a second, calm as you please, and then he leaned forward, and elbow on the table. He held his open hand out, palm up, but the closed it quickly. "Well, now. I suppose it depends. What do you want in return?" Because nothing was ever free...
  5. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Hunter finally materializes out of the mystical black hole called mun-dom, making his way towards the front of the RV. The whole stopping thing had got his attention, and he stood in the open door of the RV, reaching up to grab the ledge above him. He squinted into the sunlight and watched as...
  6. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Out of Character

    Yes dear. Right away dear. Sorry for the lack of posting. Got really busy with work and, ya know, stupid hours.
  7. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Hunter polietly excused himself from the fray, nodding to both Oliver and Rory before disappearing into some dark, hidden expanse of rv where no one would see him for a while. (Sorry, folks, gotta get to bed.)
  8. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Leaning against the wall near the back of the crowded comman area of the RV, Hunter watched. Of course he kept an eye on his sister. It was just what he did. So where Hannah failed to notice Manny looking her up and down, Hunter didn't. He arched an eyebrow, but managed to stand his ground...
  9. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Hunter smiled his quite smile at Jerylin when she ran up to him and Hannah. He probably would have said something, but she was already moving on. He figured he's chalk it up the road trip excitment. He watched her go and purused the gathering crowd for just a moment before turning and unlocking...
  10. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Out of Character

    Working on my post now... just have to read through everything first. So's you know.
  11. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

    Hunter Day 1 - 7:30 AM - San Diego, CA Hunter, ever the responsible one, had made sure that there was absolutely nothing that needed to be done before he went to bed the night before. All of his equipment had been packed away in the car, including his single very tightly packed backpack...
  12. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Wait, what? I have to catch up! I'm confused! Ah!
  13. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Meet and Greet!

    Um, yeah. Hi. Lions, lambs, Chris.. whatever, they all apply. I have no pets, unless you count @BrokenStrings. We grew up together. Our initials are both CR so we were always next to each other in classes and stuff. She's like a hedgehog. Adorkable, but prickly. S'why I call her my pet. Since...
  14. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Go to bed, C, you're drunk.
  15. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    I have a life, unlike you, dearie. Busy stuff. Not sitting around all day... Besides, what would you do with yourself without your favorite childhood pal... Just remember. All favorite childhood friends are replacable.. I just have to make one up!
  16. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Haha.. yeah. She's useless on her own...
  17. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Sorry, I didn't see this one first. I'm so slow. This idea works just fine or me. Cause Hunter is totally the type to step in and try to be all responsible and protective even of strangers.
  18. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    @NessieAlways. Hunter + Anabelle- Their work places being near to each other, they often caught glimpses of each other during breaks and on the way to and from work. Hunter stopped to make some quirky remark about her wrist tattoo one day and they became casual aquaintances and then friends as...
  19. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Hunter was a film student. Maybe she was caste in one of his short films? Or, you know, the whole he's a lifeguard thing.
  20. LionsForLambs

    [Across the States and Back!] Relationships!

    Nope. That works for me.