[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!


da bomb diggity

Meet the Group!

  • Name: Jerylin R. Hazen

    Age: 22

    Role: The Mediator

    Zodiac Sign: Cancer


    Loving and protective, Jerylin is the one to take care of her friends and family although this may cause her to be a bit clingy once in a while. She is very emotional, which can be both good and bad, and often sympathetic towards other people. She doesn't like taking sides, so she is very cautious about what she says when she is mediating fights. Jerylin has a very wild imagination and can be very intuitive at times. Overall she is sweet and loves to be around her friends.

    Born from a single mother who got a sperm donor, Jerylin technically never had a father. Her mother had gotten married at a young age, but the man died in a car accident before they could conceive a child. Jerylin's mother waited for several years to see if she could find someone else, but her heart belonged to her diseased husband. However, Jerylin's mother yearned for a child, so after 4 years of her husband's death, Jerylin was born from subject#108245. She was never rich, but she had enough money to survive. Jerylin began working at a young age selling her baked good around the neighborhood. She then started helping out at a small take out restaurant at the age of 16. All the money that she earned she saved for college.

    After many years, Jerylin was finally able to attend college where she met her group of friends. During her studies to become an Electrical Engineer, Jerylin began working part time at her local bookstore and in the on campus computer store. After four years of hard work and surprisingly good grades, Jerylin was finally able to graduate.










    Jerylin: Friends when kids, Jerylin and Rosie used to play with the same kids at Recess in there elementary years. They had a strong friendship, but when Rosie moved away that was the last they heard from each other. After several years Rosie returned home and met up with Jerylin to recover the lost time. Now Rosie, along with Ginger and Penny, is Jerylin's roommate.

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I used this as a starter post for the first time I started this...please don't kill me for it. I tweaked it a bit, but if I wrote a new one I was going to end up writing the same thing..


Day 1/8:00 A.M./San Diego, CA

The sun peaked out of it's hiding place coloring the sky in bright shades of pinks and blues and casting a bright light through the half-parted curtains in Jerylin's room although it would take a lot more than the sun's presence and a brighten up room to wake this sleeping beauty. The soft ticking of the alarm had clicked at a constant tempo until the second hand reached the twelve. The alarm burst into a cacophonous shrill as the tiny metal rod vibrated between both metal bells. Startled by the ringing of the alarm, Jerylin sat up in a jiffy leaving behind a small pit in her pillow from where her head had been.

It took a while for Jerylin's mind to catch up with her body. While Jerylin struggled to pry open her eyes, she swung her limp arm towards her alarm clock to turn of the ear-piercing ring and let out a loud groan when she hit the table lamp with her hand instead of hitting the alarm. After a couple of tries Jerylin was finally able to shut off the alarm and fill her room with quiet. Jerylin rubbed the sleepy out of her eyes and with a loud yawn and a cat-like back stretch, she kicked her feet off the bed and into her batman slippers and groggily headed into the restroom to shower and get ready.

After applying the last bit of mascara to her eyes, Jerylin placed her make up bag, as well as the rest of her toiletries into her backpack and looked at herself in the mirror. She had tied up her hair into a messy bun and was wearing a loose white shirt with the words, "We Are Young" and a pair of studded, light blue, denim shorts. Jerylin grabbed the blue vans that were next to her dresser and sat on the edge of her bed to put them on. From where she was Jerylin had a clear view of her driveway and the RV that was parked in front of it. A smile spread across her face as the thought of spending a whole summer out on the road with her friends danced around her head.

When Jerylin was done getting ready she grabbed her phone, her suitcase, her backpack, and her batman plushie and headed down stairs towards the kitchen. One of her roommates, Ginger, was already making breakfast.

"Mornin' Jisa. Want some ham and eggs? Still hot."

Ginger had a thick southern accent that complimented her fair freckled skin and her bright red hair.

"Ging I thought we'd gone through this already...I'm vegan. I'm going to grab something on the road. Are you sure you and Penny don't want to come? Rosie and I would be love to have you girls."

"Nah we don't want to ruin your time with your friends. Besides, not all of us are lucky enough to get a full summer off of work, ya know."

Jerylin laughed at the girl's comment and hugged her goodbye.

Jerylin headed up to Rosie's room and banged loudly on the door.

"You better be up chica we're leaving in ten! I'll wait for you in the RV."

Jerylin returned to the kitchen to see Ginger had probably taken breakfast to her room since she wasn't in sight anymore. She made her way around the cabinets grabbing everything she needed to brew herself some coffee. With full cup in hand Jerylin knocked one last time on Rosie's door before heading out towards the RV.

Jerylin opened the door of the large vehicle and took in the smell of brand new car. She climbed on the RV and automatically went towards the storage. She placed her bags away with the tent that she and some of the other girls would be sleeping in and then headed towards the driver's seat. She placed the key in the ignition and jumped up and down with happiness as the engine roared to life. Jerylin reached into her back pocket and took out her flip phone.

Group Message
Meet @ Mission Heights Park in 10. Don't be late! -Jisa

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Day 1 | 8:10 AM | San Diego, CA

Maude had been up for an hour, but the length of her morning routine was not to be underestimated. She was nowhere close to ready. The hour had been spent cooking and eating breakfast, of course. She was polishing off her third cinnamon roll and was about to start on a stack of french toast when she smacked herself on the forehead (leaving a smear of cinnamon sauce there). She had forgotten!

How could one have breakfast without home-brewed coffee?

She hummed a little as she donned her apron once more and got out a kettle. Catching sight of the oven clock, however, gave her pause. Then it hit her. "Nina?" she said loudly, horrified.

"Yeeessss...?" was the sleepy reply from the next room over.

"It's today!"

Maude could actually hear Nina bolt upright in her bed. "Today?!"

"In twenty minutes."

Nina swore. "You better love me for this!"

"You know I do! Best Roommate of the Year Award goes to Nina! Who else could I count on to drive me to the Park? I just... have one more teensy favor to ask...."

In response to Nina's groan as the black-haired girl emerged from the bedroom hastily braiding her hair, Maude continued, "Could you please clean up here while I go clean up me?"

Nina shot Maude a glare, but took the plate from the table. Maude thanked her hastily and bounded her way upstairs, turning the shower on and getting in before it had even warmed all the way. She was thorough, or tried to be, but she was out of there in record time and quickly dressed herself in some capris and a loose blouse with a cat on it. After pulling her hair into pigtails and glancing in the mirror briefly, Maude decided she was ready to go. She stuffed her necessities into a toiletry bag and grabbed her purse and the suitcase she had had ready for a week. She called down the stairs, "Ready!"

"Get in the car!" Nina ordered shortly.

She piled her things in the back seat than collapsed in the front. Nina got in the driver's seat and Maude said hopefully, "At least it's only ten minutes round trip. I mean, you can just go right back to sleep when you get home."

Nina, however, did not look any less cross. Maude checked her phone and saw a text from Jisa. She was only a couple minutes behind schedule. And they'd never leave without her, anyway.

They drove in silence for a few minutes, until Mission Heights Park came into view. Nina pulled over and said, "Get out."

Maude made a very sad, mopey face at her friend. She got out and got her stuff, but not before Nina's face softened and she said, "Send me a postcard or something."

She grinned and nodded, waving goodbye as the girl pulled away. Maude turned around, searching the crowd for a familiar face.
Hieu I Chau

Day One/7:00 AM/San Diego, California

The sun had just begun to rise as Hei's phone spouted it's annoying noise. The sun hadn't woken him, so this would have to do it. The sound was ringing in his ears as he struggled to get out of bed. His whole right side was smoothed into the bed. Not to mention, his feet and blanket hung over the side of the bed. Hei wiped his mouth, trying to get rid of the trail of drool that had been formed since he hit the hay at twelve. He had been making sure everything was packed for the road trip last night. He had no idea it would take as long as it did. Yawning, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Slowly, Hei grabbed his glasses by the side of the nightstand.

Oh right, road trip! Hei's eyes snapped open as he stood and turned his alarm off. Jerylin would be pretty mad if he was late. Hei made his way to the bathroom of his friend's home. It was a while away, Stanford I mean. His childhood friend, who had taken vacation in Cali, allowed him to stay the night in the house he rented. Once in the bathroom, Hei sighed at his bed head. All of his hair managed to shift to the right side of his head and managed to defy gravity. His mane currently looked like it wasn't moving anytime soon. Hei huffed, ignoring it, and started to brush his teeth. After brushing, he washed his face and applied his medication. It sucked, his acne was as bad as a hormonal teenager. His skin was pretty bad. Hei turned the lights off in the bathroom and went back into his room, swiftly.

Hei smiled a little as he thought about all the awesome things they would do on this road-trip. He hoped nothing too bad would happen, but still have fun. "Maybe loose my virginity...." He thought, snickering at the thought. He got out his clothes. A gray beanie, gray jeans that showed his ankles, and a Jake t-shirt that said "I love you dude!". He slipped them on, all a little baggy on his form. He had to wear skinny jeans if they were to fit right. Hei was probably one of the skinniest guys on the planet. Moving on, Hei slipped a pair of white converse on. "Alright, better get ready to go," he said, smiling, adjusting his beanie to cover the horrible bed head.


Hei's attention was directed to his phone still on the nightstand. He picked it up, looking at the text.

Group Message
Meet @ Mission Heights Park in 10. Don't be late! -Jisa
Gotcha! -Hei

Hei switched his phone off and stashed it into his pocket. Okay, he'd have to get Raymond awake then. Hei grabbed his messenger bag and stashed his charger in it. He then moved his worn pjs into one of his suitcases. Hei left them there for a second to grab Raymond. "Hey, Ray!" He yelled, walking downstairs. Hei then smelled croissants and his mouth watered ever so slightly.

"Morning, Hei. Better get going soon, it's almost nine and there's probably traffic. Eat this while I grab your bags," Ray said, cutting Hei off before he said anything else. Hei closed his mouth and nodded.

"You're awesome, I owe you one," he responded, heading over to the table. Hei sat down and looked at the breakfast Ray had provided. He really made a good choice being his friend. The croissant was a golden brown and the coffee beside it was light. Hei's favorite. He immediately dug in ripping the succulent smelling golden crescent. He smiled and took a gulp of the coffee. Next thing he knew, Ray brought down his bags and into the hall, next to the kitchen. "I'll clean up, I'll join you in a few moments," Hei said, getting up and cleaned up after himself. Hei dried his hands after washing the dishes.

Hei walked out of the door and closed it behind him and hopped into the car. "Thanks let's go, Mission Heights Park," he said. Ray merely nodded and the two sped off. Traffic was bad, so the two didn't make it until 8:30. Hei squinted against the sunlight as he got out. He looked around for some sign of his friends. Finally, his eyes landed upon Maude. He smiled a little and turned to Ray. He nodded as Ray popped the trunk and Hei pulled out his suitcases. He then proceeded to yell, running towards Maude. "Hey! Hey, Maude!" He yelled.
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Day 1 | 8:30 | San Diego, CA

Maude felt a laugh bubble to her throat as she heard a familiar voice call her name. She had to search a little to pick him out, but there was Hei, running towards her. She hadn't seen him in a while and she felt a swoop of excitement as she moved her bags more firmly onto her shoulders and speed-walked to meet him.

"Hey Hei!" She yelled, making something of a squealing noise as she got closer. As she slowed to a walk, she said, "Gosh, it's been a while. You look good, how have you been? Want some dessert later?" She smiled and opened her arms for a hug. With Hei, she was never quite sure if the gesture was okay. She had learned by experience not to completely glomp him, but the urge was strong and resisting it wasn't in her strong suits. Still, she had made up her mind to be good today.

Li Ling Chen

Day 1 / 8:05 AM / San Diego, CA

The thick liquid dribbled down the rough bark of the tree, its foliage providing a gentle shade that starkly contrasted the pulpy, red mess of soft flesh at the base of its trunk. The early morning joggers did not give the scene so much as a glance of sympathy as they passed by the Asian boy that slumped resignedly against the tree. His glasses were splattered with the juice as well, and his white T-shirt was a much more crimson hue than before. Li Ling sighed, looking down at his clothing in mild chagrin.

“Tomatoes. Deliciously deadly.” Taking off his glasses, he proceeded to eat the fruity remains that still stuck to the crevices of the black, rectangular frame. Can’t let my breakfast go to waste, Li thought to himself as he slung his backpack onto his shoulder and picked his black duffle bag up off the concrete sidewalk. Ready to continue his walk, he slid his glasses back on his face and finally flipped open his phone to check the message that had forced him to stray from the path of righteousness. The path of righteousness is a sidewalk. Li snorted derisively as he opened his inbox and read the text.

Meet @ Mission Heights Park in 10. Don’t be late! –Jisa

Don’t be late. THIS is the brilliant, Holy Grail of texts that led me into that sinful tree? Pocketing his phone again and then wiping his watch on his jeans, Li read the time from the analog face. 8:05 AM. He stopped and looked back at the sign next to the malicious tree that had attacked him. “Welcome to Mission Heights Park,” it lettered cheerily at him. …This is just…He cocked an eyebrow.

“Stuff like this only happens in the movies.” Shrugging, Li swung around and shambled over to the sign, then stood there, waiting for the others to arrive. Of course, Jerylin had insisted that he attend this trip to meet other people, but Li wasn’t sure what sort of people this vague ‘others’ entailed. Serial killers. Pedophiles. Cannibals. Malicious trees. He exhaled slowly, mentally steeling himself for the worst possibility of all. Friendlies. The bright sunshine and flitting of chirper little birds in the sky only aggravated the dark dread that gnawed at Li’s gut.

He glanced at his watch. 8:12

Pushing his bottom lip up in a, self-proclaimed, manly pout, Li Ling leaned against the bold, white paint-letters on the park sign, sighing. The sign broke off from its two, splintery legs and collapsed on the tidily trimmed flower bushes that kept it company. Li Ling lay on the ground and rubbed frustratingly at his mulched face. This sign must be a brethren of the malicious trees. Picking himself up from the ground, he patted his clothes down the best he could, brushing away the few grass strands that weren’t stubbornly sticking to the tomato juice on his shirt. With the red fluid and the dirt streaks on his rumpled T-shirt, Li Ling humorlessly noted that it looked like he’d just finished burying a dead body. He wiggled his glasses, to make sure they weren’t broken. Doesn’t seem like any of my stuff got damaged, besides my face.

He glanced at his watch. 8:15

Glowering at the miraculously clean surface of his Rolex, Li Ling slid it off of his wrist and put the watch in his other jean pocket. Liar. My watch is a liar. Now he stood, battered, bruised, and red stained, next to the broken park sign. Muttering almost inaudibly to himself, Li Ling folded his arms and waited for the ‘others’ to arrive.

“If a police car comes along now, I think I’ll jump in front of it.”
Day 1/ 7:00am /San Diego

"... Mi hijo... what. the. fuck... who are these uuhh...."

The familiar low voice and and constant tugging made Luis jump up and grab his fathers wrist, as if ready to fight. His time in Colorado taught him to be a light sleeper, or risk falling victim to pranks by friends and underclassman... this cautiousness also really sprang from his major selling days in high school. He scratched his messy curly hair and slight beard as he wakes up in the infamous blue cave he created so many crazy memories in. His first smoke out, his first girl, and his first stash spot. The room however would never have been expected to have such a past, as it looked squeaky clean and well kept... much like Carlos.

There was nothing on the floor and there was no furniture, leaving a bare wood floor with just a bed, a chair and essential things for clothes and stands. It was obvious it was constantly cleaned with no marks or scratches in sight...very military... this made this father proud... he looked at his son with a frown at this moment however....

Luis looked to both sides of his queen sized bed. Two beautiful women asian and black were just rising from their slumber. One of them gasped and fell out of the bed naked. Luis' father turned his back and let the girls change as Luis smirked and watched. He stood out of bed naked, full of pride, and smiled at them when they dressed. He kissed them both on the lips . gave them cab money, and opened the window from which they all had snuck in the early morning after clubbing last night. When he closed it he had already slipped on his underwear and spoke to his father.
"Cion papa." He said with a smile heading out of his room, totally comfy in his skin... well he should be... his father as well was in his boxers accompanied by sandals.

"Dios te bendiga...I wont tell your mother... just get ready. Get cleaned up, lets eat, then Ill drop you off at your road trip... be ready." Luis father patted his sons back and turned the corner with a smirk as Luis went in the shower. He couldnt believe how his son turned out to be. But at the same time he did. Even in his fatty years he was a confident kid with potential so it was almost expected. He was glad his son found a new found love for himself by the end of his high school career but this new confidence lead to other things. Drugs use and selling, sneaking out, and getting into fights occasionally. Both his parents believed he was a changed man after the academy.... well he was.... but still not too far off.

By the time the two men met up in the kitchen they were clean, shaven, and dressed. Father in uniform and son in well...
his attire. "Cion mama." Carlos kissed his mom on the cheek who was sitting down and reading a book waiting on them. On the long wooden table lay a spectacular Dominican breakfast. She smiled proudly as her son dropped his jaw at the food while sitting down. "Dios te bendiga mi hijo." This is how its been like for the past week or two since he graduated from the academy. Right now hes on leave for about 2 months so everyday hes been eating, laughing, reconnecting with old friends, and best of all fucking all sorts of beautiful Californian women. Oh and... and praying too...

".... Amen." Carlos was not all too religious like his parents but he respected it and was knowledgeable, even praying rarely. As he ate he looked at his parents and smiled. They were good ass people. His dad moved here after middle school to take a high ranking police department position, and his mom was a doctor. Strange combo, but his dad... his dad was a real charmer. They talked for a bit switching between english and Carlos' extremely rusty spanish. Looks like didnt have enough mexican girlfriends in Colorado... they talked about his older brother and the road trip. They asked about the friends hed be with. He didnt say anything about them except Jery. He didnt mention Esben who they knew all too well that the two were partners in crime from the danger days of high school.

Eventually he kissed his mom goodbye thanking her for well everything. Hed always been the devil child. He slipped 1000 dollars in her purse as he left... He promised to call and that hed be back for another visit soon, most likely after the road trip. The two identical looking men got in the the police SUV and went on the streets of san diego. His father knew the place and the two played salsa on the way there.
"... What do you have back there? An army? Two suitcases. A backpack. Your boards. and your guitar. Oh and an air mattress... Its like your going into hiding." He asked

"Heh... maybe I am pops..."

"... You got your knife right? Both of them? The illegal ones?"

"Yeah. The balisong and switchblade."

"Illegal gun?... drugs?"


"... to which one?"


"... Only use em when you have to... though i know for a fact youll just be playing with the butterfly one...."

"Heh.... dont worry.... you know i can handle myself... youve seen me."

"Hmm... just be careful... youre not dumb, youve never been... and youve gotten less reckless... more aware... I like that. Your ma doesnt notice though..."

"I know. Yall shouldnt worry. Ill check in."

The two men drove in silence as they arrived at the destination. Once there at the Heights Park they parked and unpacked by a wooden bench under some distance away from the parking lot. They hugged for a long time, and his father kissed his cheek, something he rarely does.
"Dont get too stupid... Stay icy, and dios te bendiga." Carlos waved the man he respected the most in this world drove off. His hero was heading straight to work.

Carlos watched his father leave and laid his back across the table, his stuff at his feet, apparently missing Hei, Li, and Maude who stood in the distance. He sat back up, feet resting on the bench seat, and reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a metal cylinder, taking out a cigarillo. He also took out a lighter, an ipod, and his butterfly knife. He picked

, lit up. and began playing around with his

. He wore Ray Ban shades as he looked around cautiously with one ear bud in while nodding his head to the music. He wasnt going to get blasted... just get a good buzz. He didnt know but he was late by 20 minutes...
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Day 1 - 7:30 AM - San Diego, CA​

Hunter, ever the responsible one, had made sure that there was absolutely nothing that needed to be done before he went to bed the night before. All of his equipment had been packed away in the car, including his single very tightly packed backpack. Hunter was a minimilist when it came to clothes. He just didn't care that much.

Hunter was something of a morning person and when his alarm went off, he was up in a heart beat. Rolling out of bed, he ran his fingers through his hair roughly two or three times, rolled his shoulders and moved the bathroom to take his shower. He didn't bother to brush his hair- it wasn't quite long enough to matter, he hummed to himself as he dressed in jeans and a form-fitting t-shirt. Glasses on, he walked down to the end of the hallway and pounded on his sisters door loudly. "I'm getting in the car and leaving in 20 minutes. If you aren't there, you don't go."

He spent the next twenty minutes making sure he had everything in place, that there were no dishes in the sink, and otherwise just keeping himself busy. He hummed to himself as he made his bed- yeah. He made his bed. He wanted it to be all pretty when he got back home. When the twenty minutes were up, he hollared down the hall at his sister, who he had not seen since he knocked on the door. "Hannah! I'm going down now! You have, 2 minutes!"

He left the small apartment and made his way down the three flights of stairs and to his car. He climbed in and turned the keys in the ignition and turned to look at the door, tapping his fingers impatiently.
clothes ref.

Day 1 | 6:00 A.M. | San Diego, CA.

Anabelle woke up to the faint ringtone of her phone. She looked out the window and saw that some light was already showing. She threw on some shorts, a crochet top and her loose boots, tying her hair up in a messy bun. She searched for her room for a few accessories and went to the bathroom while arranging her ear cuff. The girl brushed her teeth and later put on a little mascara on her eyes and balm on her lips.

"Where are you going?" asked her sleepy roommate.

"Just out and about, today I travel, so I'll be back soon"
She said as she rummaged quietly for a granola bar and left with her Fuji camera in hand, phone in her back pocket and music softly playing from her ear buds.

Riding her bike towards the beach, Anabelle inhaled the salty breeze as Of Mice And Men sung Love, Love, Love.

She parked her bike, put a safety lock on it and walked toward the shore. She sat down on the driest part near the water and closed her eyes, as the song changed into Dirty Old Town by Craig Cardiff. She opened her eyes and watched the sun quietly while thinking about miscellaneous things. She stood up after a few minutes and walked around, taking some pictures here and there.

Day 1 | 8:00 P.M. | San Diego, CA.

In the middle of I Don't Mind by Defeater, Anabelle's phone buzzed. She was startled for a second, but when she saw the text she muttered a curse. She ran back to her bike and paddled back to her dorm room as fast as she could.

"Hello? Yes, I need a cab, and quick if you can please" She quickly stated her address as she hurried up to her room.

Only now was she grateful she had finished packing early. Her roommate, Tatiana, was standing in front of their door with her arms crossed, making disapproving tsk tsk's.

"I was wondering if you were ever going to show up! You have no time to change, it's almost time. I'll help you with your bags." The girls had to go in and out for a few times, but they managed to do the job quickly. The driver helped them put Anabelle's bags in the trunk and soon later they left to Mission Heights Park.

"... And I know you like to do crazy things, but please be careful!"

Tatiana talked, more like lectured really, all the ride to the park. Anabelle rolled her eyes as she got off the cab and organized her bags a little bit outside the park with the help of the driver.

"I'm going to be fine, mother" She said sarcastically. Anabelle took a look at Tatiana and sighed. She walked over to her friend and gave her a hug "I'll send you lots of things and when I come back, I'll have lots of gifts! My parents money is just begging to be spent." "I'll miss you Banana" whispered Tatiana jokingly. "I'll miss you too Tic Tac" Anabelle whispered back and they pulled away from the hug. Tatiana left soon after.

Anabelle sighed as she looked at her bags. "Now how am I going to carry this on my own?" She shook her head and grabbed most of the bags she could inside the park, people around her looking at her strangely. She put on her ear buds and clicked the play button, the music drowning into her own world as she dragged her bags.
Esben J. Floor

Day One // 7:23 A.M. // San Diego, CA

The loud pumping of the music from his headphones was coupled perfectly with the satisfying sting of his muscles, the usual feel of his morning work out. His body flexed, his legs moving opposite of his arms as the tempo of the treadmill began to slow. Esben's music quieted for less then a second to give way to the soft trill of a bell signaling that it was time to cool down, his run was over. As the belt beneath his feet slowed, so did he. Working his way down to a comfortable jog and finally a walk before he reached out to tap the red stop button.

Slow. He thought, glancing over the number blinking on the screen as he rubbed sweat from his neck with one of the various towels that had somehow found their way to his machine. It was normal enough, seemed that most of the gym-bunnies did him a favor by getting him the towels. No way could he complain about something like that, who in there right mind would? Spotting a group of them looking, Esben flashed a grin and waved. A nervous wash of giggles and they were gone, disappearing into the Pilates room.

How cute. He couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, an amused one. It wasn't like he was interested in any of them but girls didn't usually treat him like that on a normal basis. It was just the gym-bunnies that fawned, probably because he was at the gym more than he was anywhere else. If there was one person that the ladies flocked to, it was his buddy Charlie. The guy had moves that would have made Casanova jealous. Anyways, things being like that it was only at the gym that the girls seemed to swoon.

Heading down the steps, Esben entered the locker room to the usual greetings of the regulars. There were often times when it was crowded, January and April the most notable times because people want to get into shape. it being summer, most of the less dedicated couch-potatoes had given up and left the locker room with a very comfortable population number. Stripping off the shorts he wore, Esben flipped through a collection of playlists before picking one and turning up the volume so that it rang through the showers.

"Hey, Esben. Heard you won't be around much for the rest of the summer." Jim, a regular, asked slapping Esben on the shoulder as he took the shower next to him. "What's that about." Esben shook Jim's hand, using his other had to lather the shampoo in his hair.

"Road trip with some friends." He said easily, "I'll be back in the fall." That wasn't the end of the conversation, others had heard and demanded details. Sometimes the men at the gym were as bad as gossiping housewives but Esben enjoyed it. Twenty minutes later, he had finished dressing and headed out with a wave goodbye at the cute girl behind the counter at the front. It took no more than ten minutes to walk to the apartment that he rented for pretty cheap. Unlocking the door, he entered and brushed passed the pile of supplies he had back the night before. He had prepped everything in consideration of his neighbor, and co-worker, who had offered to give him a lift to the place that Jisa selected for the meet-up.

Ah, speak of the devil... He mused, after feeling the vibration of his phone in his pocket.

Meet @ Mission Heights Park in 10. Don't be late! -Jisa
So bossy! Maybe i'll be late on purpose ;P

After sending off his response, he went to knock on Victor's door. He was a nice guy, Victor that is. He worked at the law firm with Esben, they had started around the same time even though Victor was in his early thirties. The poor guy was the very essence of a sad bachelor. He'd probably never marry, or at least not into a happy marriage. It made Esben want to hook the guy up with some pretty - but cheap - whore; if he was going to be a sad, lonely guy forever he might as well get some head and a good fu-

"Esben!" His head shot around, waving to the son-of-a-b*tch as he pulled his car around and helped Esben pile his stuff into the trunk.

"Thanks a lot for this, man." Esben said sliding into the passenger seat. "I owe you, how about drinks when I get back? My treat." Victor laughed, agreeing happily as he was the kind that would never refuse a drink. Pulling into the parking lot, Esben looked around at the various SoCal mothers and their children before spotting someone familiar.

"Ah, that's my group so I guess I'll be going." He said, giving Victor a good handshake. "When I get back, we'll go drinking. I swear." With that they unloaded the stuff from the trunk and Victor was gone, driving off in his tin-can.
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Day 1 8:02 AM San Diego, CA

Beep Beep Beep Beep. The alarm had been going off for nearly fifteen minutes and Hannah was barely aware of it. She'd been having a dream about Zombies.. And paper cuts. As her brain worked it's way towards consciousness, the details were already starting to fade.

Hannah was a good sleeper, the kind that could just pass out anywhere when she decided it was time to sleep. She was also a sprawler, a talker, and
occasionally a drooler. And she was unrepentant about all of it.

Beep Beep! Hannah groaned. Her mouth was dry. She struggled to roll onto her back tangled in her blankets as she was and she ran the back of her hand across her mouth. Finally awake enough to be irritated by her alarm, she felt absently around her head for her phone. When she found it she cracked an eyelid open just enough to turn off the alarm before letting her arms fall back onto the bed limply. Waking up was always the worst part of the day!

"I'm getting in the car and leaving in 20 minutes. If you aren't there, you don't go." The knocks had startled her, but her brothers voice, always so cheerful in the morning, irritated her. She lifted a pillow and chucked it at the door, but it fell short. Very short. Still, he had reminded her. Today was the day and she was excited. So she sat up, her long brown air tangled and sticking out in just about every direction humanly possible. After a jaw-cracking yawn and a long and leisurely stretch, Hannah managed to drag herself out of bed.

Hannah was the shower at night sort, preferring to get into bed clean, so when she shuffled to the shared bathroom, still bleary eyed, she wasn't worried about the time. Her hair took a while to brush out. It always did. When that was done, she was far more awake, and even more so when she finished washing her face and brushing her teeth.

She worried little about makeup, applying little more than a neutral eye shadow and some mascara. Her hair tied up into a messy bun high up on her head, she finally moved to her room to get dressed. Short jean shorts and a lace t-shirt that hung off the shoulder- sorta like comfy clothes for her.

Hunter had made her pack everything away the night before. He would have made a great boy scout if their parents had believed in the organization...

"Hannah! I'm going down now! You have, 2 minutes!"
Shit! Scrambling around her mess of a room, Hannah grabbed her purse and every other thing she could think of that she might possibly need, slipped her feet in her flip flops, and tore after her brother. She made sure to lock the door behind her. Their other roommate, Jen, had yelled at Hannah more than once for forgetting to lock the door.

She slid into the seat next to her brother, her arms full of her stuff, and lifted her foot to rest it on the dashboard even as Hunter pulled the car away from the curb and started driving. It was a quick ride to the park, and Hannah, now that she was a little more awake, was excited.

Hunter didn't try to talk to her, he knew better. Instead, Hannah slipped her handful of bracelets on her wrists and stretched several times. She pumped her arms as if running in place, bounced a few times, opened her mouth to make a few funny noises, and finally settled down, her morning pep routine complete just in time for Hunter to pull into a parking spot right across from the RV.

Hannah jumped out of the car, suddenly ready to be in the best of moods! She half ran across the street, waving like a crazy person and shouting joyfully, before stopping and turning back to help Hunter with the bags.
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Day 1/ 8:10 A.M./ San Diego, CA

Jerylin was patiently waiting in the RV for Rosie while jamming out to "Take On Me" by A-Ha.

She rocked her head back and forth while she sang out loud with her chicken scratch voice.

"Taaaake Oooon Meeeeee!! Take on me! Taaaake Meeee Oooon!! Take me on! I'LL BE GONE!!!! IN A DA-- Her horrifyingly beautiful chorus was interrupted by a very concerned neighbor tapping on the window of the RV. Jerylin was startled out of her pop star fantasies and lowered the window to see what it possibly be that the neighbor wanted.

"May I help you sir?"

"Oh I just wanted to see if you were okay. I saw you squirming around and I heard weird noises coming from the vehicle. Thought you were dying or something.

To this Jerylin only opened her mouth in protest, but thought better of it.

"I'm fine sir, thank you for your concern."

The man walked away and Jerylin slumped back down in her seat muttering that she wasn't a bad singer even though she knew she had the worst voice any shower head had ever heard.

Jerylin raised the volume of the radio a bit higher and checked her phone. It was now 8:15 and Rosie still hadn't shown. Jerylin replied to Hieu and Esben and decided to wait a few more minutes.

See ya in a bit!-Jisa

So bossy! maybe i'll be late on purpose. ;P
You better not mister! I will hunt you down! -Jisa

After several moments Jerylin looked back at her phone 8:20. She hated rushing Rosie, but if she didn't get her bottom inside the RV soon they were never going to beat 9 o'clock traffic.

(With @ArtisticKwittyKat234 's permission) Jerylin got off the RV leaving the key in the ignition and dragged Rosie out of the apartment. She shoved the girl into the RV and placed her stuff with hers in the storage. "Sorry chica but I needsta getsa movin' and you were taking forever"

Jerylin made a quick stop at the gas station to fill up the RV and get some tacos and drinks for her friends, some coffee and a bagel for herself, and several bags of chips for the road. With the RV full and the food nice and warm Jerylin drove the massive vehicle out of the neighborhood and towards the park. After almost running someone over and nearly crashing into a mailbox, Jerylin got the hang of driving something other than her small Volkswagen.

She arrived to the park and saw that some of her friends were already there. Jerylin smiled at the sight of the group and greeted them with a loud honk of the RV as it turned the corner and came into view. Several of the joggers turned around to see what was making such loud noise which Jerylin only responded with laughter. She parked the RV and got off very enthusiastically to greet her friends.

"Maude! Hei!"

She ran up to the two and embraced the two people that always made her smile no matter what in a tight hug

"Li Ling you actually came!"

Her voice was a bit toned down as she talked to him knowing that he was...sensitive to ecstatic emotion. Instead of greeting him with a hug, Jerylin gave him a slight bow respecting his personal space.

"Charlie good to see you man! You remember all of them, right? I introduced you to some at that one party."

Jerylin went over to Carlos and took him in a warm hug. She remember where there had been an awkward feel between them since he was her ex, but all the drama was gone now.

"Need some help there princess?"

Jerylin gave a hug to Anabelle and took a bag from her hands hoping it would ease the weight.

"My brother from another motha!

Jerylin dropped the Anabelle's bag and ran up to Esben and jumped on top of him wrapping her arms around his neck. Esben had always been like the older brother Jerylin wanted.

"Eeek! Hannah! Hunter!"

Jerylin hopped off of Esben and ran to the twins. She wrapped an arm around each one and gave them a tight hug.

After greeting her friends Jerylin grabbed the bag she had taken from Anabelle, looked around and placed her empty hand on her hips.

"Alrighty there's tacos and drinks inside if anyone's hungry. Just don't touch the bagel that is mine!" Jerylin smiled and looked around to see who was still missing, We're missing Felice and Evelyn. I'm sure they're on their way.

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~Day 1/ 7:30 A.M./ San Diego, CA~

Felice was blow drying her hair after a shower, still rather sleepy as she was not much of a morning person. She turns the hair dryer off and pulls her hair up into a high ponytail and does her make-up. She checked her phone to check the time and reads Jerylin's message and proceeded to get dressed. Wearing this she proceeds her way down the hallway to her guest room, knocking on the door loudly. She preferred to live by herself, it was just the way she was so an RV trip with several people was going to be an adventure in itself for her. "Felix if you're not up already I swear I'll-" She stops in mid knock seeing that Felix was making his way down the hall.

"Jeez sis, relax. Perhaps I shouldn't of agreed to house sit and watch GiGi while you're gone. So rude! but toast is in that machine that makes toast by the way"

"A toaster?" She says with a laugh and watches as Felix gives a shrug. "And yes because I'm sure having a house to yourself, rent free, is such a terrible thing. Just not too many house parties and no one goes in my room! Now please could you grab my things and place them in the car? We need to get going soon. And I left Gigi's instructions on the fridge as well as emergency contacts if something happens." She makes her way past him to the kitchen to grab herself some toast and a banana. She was never really much of a breakfast eater and would be content with just a cup of coffee but she figured she should have something in her stomach, after all she did get cranky when she was hungry. After picking up Gigi, an all black cat, and giving her a hug and a few kisses, as well as getting an annoyed small grumble of protest from said cat, she puts her down and goes to help her brother with her luggage. She makes her way back inside to do a final run through going through in her head that she had all the important stuff. She nods to herself, locks the door, and makes her way back to the car, getting in with Felix. She hands him her key to the house before leaning back in the seat as he headed towards Mission Heights Park. "Now Gigi gets a 1/4 cup of food twice a day, her insulin twice a day, and make sure it stays in the fridge. The vet's number is on the fridge and if you need to pick up more insulin or syringes just give them a call I told them you'd be caring for her. And please do not trash my apartment this summer" She glanced at her phone once more seeing it was 8:30, she frowns at the fact she was late. She had every intention of being early but apparently hit snooze one too many times this morning. "Thanks for the ride! Have a good summer, you have my number if you need me!" She gives Felix a hug after he helped her get her luggage from the trunk and over to the RV.

She smiles at spotting Jerylin. "Hey love. Sorry I'm late I had every intention on being early and well.... yeah that didn't go as planned. I didn't mean to hold everyone up" She gives an apologetic smile before looking over at everyone, placing in her mind why their faces looked familiar and soon the memories came to her.

Li Ling Chen

Day One / 8:10 AM / San Diego, CA

Li Ling eyed the motley crew with obvious distaste. Though, if it was motley that he was thinking, he really had no reason to be complaining. He stood there in his stained and rumpled clothing, watching the ‘others’ that had already arrived at the park. First, it had been ‘Maudinara’, that crazy girl from the restaurant. He’d stood there, silently, fuming over the rotten luck he seemed to be having this morning. But a familiar face eased his frustrations, somewhat. Hei, his fellow Asian acquaintance, had gotten out of a car and walked over to the park. Not the most talkative guy, but that’s really the best sort of person. Nodding slightly at his approaching friend, Li Ling was beginning to feel a bit relieved that there were at least two people he knew he wasn’t going to hate. And then Hei started running towards Maudinara and yelling HER name. ”Why…” Li Ling hissed under his breath. You’re fraternizing with the enemy. You know what? Forget it, you are no longer my son. You’ve completely shamed me.

Carefully, he stepped back from the two arrivals. No way was he going to talk to either of them, now. Just as he was regaining his composure, some Mexican dude arrived in a police vehicle, slipped out with his luggage, then sat at a bench and proceeded to pull out a knife, a lighter, and an ipod. Noting the cigarette-thing in guy’s mouth, Li Ling shook his head in exasperation and wistfully glanced at the SUV that continued on down the street. There’s the police car, and now’s my chance to escape from these crazy people. Crazy people. Yes, especially the drunk that was walking over to the park group now. What was his name? Erin? Eisle? Eric? Eppin? Excel? Sighing, Li Ling slowly took a few more steps away from the entrance of the park. At this point, he was already a good 10 feet away from everybody else, but this was still too short a distance from the ‘others’. And the ‘others’ included the barista that had served Jerylin and him coffee during their meetings. He had no idea what the girl’s name was, and he rather preferred the situation stayed this way. All the girls I know are obnoxious. He paused, thinking about Jerylin, then nodded his head in affirmation. All the girls.

And here came another one, running across the street and screaming like a crazy person. I desperately want to go home. Glancing down at his luggage, Li Ling decided it wasn’t worth the literal weight to carry both his duffel bag and his backpack back to the bus stop. So he stood there, now 15 feet away from the gradually accumulating crowd of ‘others’, wishing he had never agreed to this ridiculous idea.

Day 1 / 8:42 AM / San Diego, CA

Jerylin and another girl finally rolled into the park’s parking lot and ran over to the people waiting around the broken park sign. Tensing up as Jerylin ran over to Maudinera and Hei, giving each of them a tight hug, Li Ling sighed in relief when the cheery girl walked over to him and simply gave him a slight bow. Good. He then watched impatiently as his friend went about and greeted everybody in the group. I want a taco.
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Hieu I Chau

Hei smiled as Maude let out a strange squealing noise. The smaller girl began to speed walk over to him, getting close real fast. To be honest, he was kind of glad there were people who were shorter than him. But, what didn't help was he fact that they were all girls, he was the shortest guy on the trip. He smiled as she slowed down to a walk. "Gosh, it's been a while. You look good, how have you been? Want some dessert later?" Maude said, smiling and gestured for a hug.

Hei, awkward as ever, had to put his bag down and return the hug. It was okay to hug, even glomp him. Except, he'd probably fall over in embarrassment or surprise. Hei could be a little jumpy. He smiled a little and responded, "Yeah, it has! I've been great, thanks for asking. Umm, sure!" Hei was stumbling over his words a little, having been bombarded by questions. "How are you?" He asked in return.

Hei jumped when he heard a particular loud honk from a certain RV. "What the-" Hei started but didn't get to finish.

"Maude! Hei!"

Hei squinted, cursed his glasses for not being able to see further, and then realized Jerylin was the one who called them. Next thing he knew he was pulled into a tight hug by the shorter girl. "Oh, hey Jerylin!" He responded trying his best to hug back. It wasn't easy, Jerylin was pretty strong, or he was pretty weak, and she had his arms pinned against his sides. He smiled as he realized everyone else was gathering 'round.

"Hello all, got here okay?" Hei asked, trying to be polite, but it sounded plain awkward. He laughed nervously and looked for an escape. Finding none, he decided to start talking to people. His eyes landed upon Li. Gosh, his fellow Asian looked horrible. Hei didn't even want to ask. Li's shirt was splattered with what looked like tomato. His once white shirt was a crimson-y hue.

"Hello, Li. Umm, something happened earlier, something unfortunate?" Hei said, trying his best not to sound like a total douche. Well, in truth, his tone of voice was more cautious, quiet, and still awkward. I've said awkward too many times, what's a better word? Embarrassing, amateurish? No, it's awkward. Hei smiled that awkward smile everyone would like to keep for themselves.
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Day 1/6:23 A.M./San Diego, CA

A hand reached for the smartphone, with a finger wipe the alarm was snoozed.

Evelyn's vision was very blurry once she had opened her eyes to the dim-light room, even after her eyes fixed to the environment, the blur only lessened but the girl was still blinded to it. She patted her hand on the nightstand next to the bed, searching for her glasses on which she eventually found and put on.

A relieved sigh escaped her tender parted lips as she could now see proper, up high on the ceiling was a poster of Hobbits, heh, she was always a fan.

She raised her head from the sky-blue pillow and reached her left hand's index finger and thumb to rub her eyes under her glasses, before withdrawing it only a bit to poke the glasses up her nose bridge with her index finger before sitting up proper. Her feet slipped into her morning sandals, which were rather comfortable, one of those fluffy sandals.

Shuffling her feet to the bathroom, and on her way there she reached a hand into the back and scratched her butt.. Extending her left hand she opened the water tap and soaked her hands, smiling in relief as she realized the water was rather warm, it was summer. 'Wait a minute..'

"It is today!" The girl suddenly had a load of energy run up her spine as she forgets about washing her face and decides to take a shower already, taking off her pair of pajamas first of course. After the lovely, hot shower she decided to try put on something fashionable, even though she barely had any fashion sense. She always had bought plain clothes, flicking through the small wardrobe she just gave up and took a random pair of jeans and a T-shirt, putting them on, buttoning her T-shirt she took out some more clothing and put them on her bed.

Slamming her wardrobe shut, the energetic girl went on all fours and peeked under her bed, extending her hand to reach for her brief case whilst biting on her tongue and closing one eye as her eye peered up at the ceiling.. She grinned like the chicken from Chicken Run when she felt the handle of her briefcase, she yanked it out and lifted the small briefcase up onto the bed and opened it, putting the clothes in.

She narrowed her eyes as she pondered what was missing.

"Thinky think whaty what..." She reached for her hair brush and held it upside down, as if it was a microphone she brought it to her mouth. "Whaat whaaaaat what whaaat..-" She began 'singing' into it, heh. She reached for her Ipod, shoes, everything she required to put in her bag.. And of course, a book she was reading. All of those she put into her briefcase before closing it rather easily, it wasn't over filled.

The typical Samsung Galaxy whistle tone when receiving a message could be heard, on which Evelyn rushed to her phone and wiped her finger across the screen, opening the newest message she's received..

Group Message
Meet @ Mission Heights Park in 10. Don't be late! -Jisa
I'm there in about an hour or two! So excited!!! <3

Putting on her sneakers she pulled up the handle of her bag and pulled it behind her until she reached the apartments' door, she kept it by the door before going to the small kitchen within her small apartment. Overly excited about reaching the R.V, she opened the fridge and took a simple chocolate bar and then went downstairs.

"Good morning Jack." She told the door keeper as she left, whom replied "Good morning Miss Evelyn! Going on a trip?" Evelyn responded: "Indeed I am! I will be back in a couple of weeks, but for now, uh.. Take care and er..- Uh." She blinked, not really knowing what to say.. But the kind man responded, not wanting her embarrassed. "You take care girly." He said with a bright, white smile. Jack knew Evelyn, she's lived here ever since she started college, he knew her too well.

Evelyn raised her hand and waved for a passing taxi, opening the back door she put her bag on the seat next to her as she sat inside. "Heights Park please."

And so she was driven off to the meeting point!

Day 1/10:04 A.M./San Diego, CA

She arrived later on outside the RV, paying the taxi driver she left with her bag behind her, being her, she knocked on the side of the door should it be open, should it be closed, she'd stand outside and knock on it.. In both cases she'd call out: "Hello?"

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Day 1\8:20 A.M\❤

Rosie awoke to being dragged out of her bed. She was never a morning person and was very grumpy in the morning if you woke her up earlier than 10.

She grabs her teddy bear and holds it by its neck with her elbow. Mitts, her kitten, was sitting quietly on her bed, sleeping peacefully.
"Ginge!! Don't forget to feed mitts! Please and thank you. " She really wish she could take mitts with her. But, jisa would never allow it.

Rory grabbed a her back pack and her phone and an outfit so she could get changed in the RV so they wouldn't be late. She kisses mitts in the head once then flies out her bedroom door. Shutting it behind she flies down the stairs and out the front door. The RV was sitting in the driveway. Jisa was putting Rory's luggage away. "Be careful with those Jisa! I don't wanna break my art stuff!!!" Rory yells from their front porch. Running over to her she gives Jisa a behind hug, I quick one then jumps into the passenger side, putting her teddy behind her.

As Rory waited for her best friend to drive off she settled back watching a few people from across the street and listening to the sweet low sound pouring from the radio.

When Jisa got in and took off she started playing a game on her phone, sandbox, a picked game where you have to make things out of elements, like worlds, people and buildings.

When Jisa stopped at a gas station Rory got beach bag and filled it with snacks, cookies, sweets, chips sodas etc.
" I hope it's okay that I bought some stuff." She smiles going into the bathroom. Taking a shower then putting on some ripped tights combat boots with a see through lace shirt with a little camisole underneath. Then, she put on her winged eyeliner and dark mascara.

Satisfied with her self she went to go sit back down in the passenger seat, helping herself to a twix candy bar that was in her bag.

Rory, once that got to mission heights got out and sat down on a bench playing with her phone munching on some candy.

((I'll be making some changes in the driving shifts since we got new characters. the first 2 will stay the same so we're good for the first few hours. Also if you see your times change a bit, it only because I think they'll run better with the RP))


Day 1/8:50 A.M./San Diego, CA

"Oh hey! I almost forgot. This is Rosie my roommate. You guys remember her right? She helped me pass out finger foods at that one party."Jeyrlin introduced her roommate to her friends hoping they would also make quick acquaintances and long term friends.

Jerylin waited outside for the two last people to arrive while the rest of her friends settled in. It was a nice day outside surprisingly. The warmth of the sun was just beginning to penetrate the earth, but the fresh San Diego ocean breeze was doing it's job and keeping things cool. That along with the help of a few clouds that decided to join them today made up the perfect weather for a road trip.

From the distance Jerylin saw car driving their way and a very familiar face in the passenger's seat. When the car was closer, Jerylin could make out the familiar face as Felice's which brought a smile to her face. Felice got down and went towards Jerylin greeting her. Jerylin welcomed her with a hug and a laugh.

"No worries linda, you aren't the last one...surprisingly. There's breakfast inside so make yourself at home!" Jerylin waved off her friend and let her settle in. Jerylin looked down at her phone and saw a new message from Evelyn "I'm there in about an hour or two! So excited!" Jerylin looked at the time and rolled her eyes. 9:00 So much for beating traffic...

Since there was still about an hour left for Evelyn to arrive Jerylin decided to join the others in breakfast. She made her way inside the RV and grabbed her bagel which she was surprised was still in the bags. Jerylin sat down at the driver's seat and turned on the RV to let the AC freshen up the vehicle. Jerylin took a sip of her second cup of coffee and took a bite of her bagel before turning up the music.

"Gos I lov ths sng!"

She said in a mouthful and turned the music up to "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel.

Jerylin swallowed the bite of her bagel and began to sing at the top of her lungs.

"Uptown girl! She's been livin' in her uptown world!"

After a while Jerylin looked back down at her phone to see the time 10:00 Great! Evelyn should be here any minute! As if on cue a taxi turned the corner into the park. Jerylin turned the music down and yelled out to everyone.

"Alright guys let's get this show on the road! Evelyn is here!"

Jerylin got out of the drivers seat and tossed the keys towards Carlos. "You're driving. I call shotgun though!"Jerylin walked out of the RV and yelled out towards Evelyn who had just arrived. "I said meet IN ten missy not meet AT ten! Come on rapido! We got to get our butts on the road." Although Jerylin's tone of voice was rushed there was still a smile on her face so Evelyn wouldn't think she was mad at her. Jerylin hurried everyone who wasn't already inside the RV to go inside while jumping up and down with excitement.


Day 1/10:03A.M./San Diego, CA

Evelyn was never this embarrassed.

When Evelyn was announced; she winced and inhaled a sharply, raising to her tip-toes that brief moment. her face turned as red as a fresh picked tomato. She must have misread the part about meeting them IN ten for at ten. She was flustered when she spoke, "I am so, so so sorry." But that didn't stop her from muttering a couple thousand 'sorry'.

She went to put her bag on the lower bunk bed as she saw it empty, sitting on the bed quietly as she looked around her self at the familiar faces. The right side of her lip tugs up, before the opposite; smiling at the thought of seeing places around America.. Especially with them.

She didn't unpack just yet, she kept her bag on the lower bunk bed, for now.
"Hehe." When she hugged Jery he felt a familiar warmth and smelled a familiar smell from her. Theyd been close once, but he never wanted to take it any farther. Most things Charlie noticed, were his doing. He smirked as glanced at her bottom as she went back towards the group, no one seeing of course since he was wearing his glasses. He accidentally dropped his blunt and knife as she went for the hug, so he took a couple more puffs, blew the ash off the top, and put the blunt into a metal cylinder in his pocket. He took out the earbuds and ipod putting them into his jean pocket and began looking at the group from a distance. He was trying to remember their faces, who they were, personalities and likes. Just bits of information before he went over and started getting friendly.

He unconsciously began @asduskfalls @xx0mittens0xx

Rosie.... one of Jerys friends.... cute.... hmm....


"Whirl... Whirl flips, snap, snap, whirl SNAP."

He closed his knife, caught the RV keys, and jumped off the bench. He grabbed his two suitcases, placing his boards, guitar case, and air mattress on top of each and rolled them towards the RV.
"Hey guys... nice to see y'all again." He smiled before grabbing his things and entering inside the RV... Whoa... place was like a presidential suite on wheels. He spotted the queen in the back and quickly wheeled over there. Playas gotta sleep good! He put his suitcases against the bed on the floor, and his guitar on top of the bed. He put his boards and mattress inside a small closet that was in the room and smiled. He jammed to Jery's billy joel music, feeling the music nicely since he smoked some ganja just before this.

He moved his way upfront, squeezing past anyone who happened to be walking through, took off his jacket, and sat at the nice comfy drivers chair. He liked the music, but wasnt too sure if it was something hed like to drive to for an hour or two to. Not a problem now though, he had to wait for the others to settle. He sat sideways on the big seat twirling the keys in his hand as he waited..... oh he remembered something....

"Oh Jery.... remember when I said I might want to bring someone along? ... I think he'll be coming for sure... thats ok right?" He asked her as she watched the others settle in like a supervisor.

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Day 1\ 10:15\ San Diageo

Rosie smiles and calmly waves her hand. She hopes that she will gain new friendships along the trip, hopefully no huge drama. Rosie sits back on the bench and continues to play and eat. She watched a crowd of people jumble into the RV. Sighing she walks slowly towards the door putting her phone in the back pocket of her shorts.

Rory had been kinda of a mystery to these guys, she had only ever talk to Jerylin before. This brought a smile to her face. She kinda liked been the mysterious one. She smirks to herself. She sits at a table fiddling with her fingers.


~Day 1/ 10:30 A.M./ San Diego, CA~​

Felice makes her way into the RV after stashing not so important luggage in the storage and bringing what she'd need most into the RV. She blows some hair out of her face as she stands at the entrance of the RV, looking in at it. "Jeez Jerylin, this is one hell of a RV." A little relieved they wouldn't be traveling in cramped conditions like she had envisioned. She had RVed when she was younger but never in something this nice. She turns her attention towards the back watching as Charlie claimed the queen bed. She narrows her eyes slightly since she had wanted the queen before a smile comes to her face. It was big enough for two after all. "I hope you don't mind having a room mate" She gives a teasing wink to Charlie before laughing as she went to place her things on the other side of the queen bed. She looks over at Jerylin. "Great taste in music by the way. I don't care what people say, nothing bad ever came from the 80s. In terms of music" She states as she made her way to grab herself a muffin from the assorted breakfast items Jerylin had so graciously brought."And when she's walking she's looking so fiiiiine. And when she's talking she'll say that she's miiiiine" She sings along briefly before chuckling a little at herself before leaning against the wall as she takes a bite into her muffin, waiting on whoever else was climbing aboard this house on wheels.


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Oliver snoozes his alarm again. And again. And again. He doesn't even wake up. Oliver has done many things in his sleep in the past, walking up and down stairs, texting, and eating, but this is a new one. As his body slumbers, his hand rests on his night stand, swiping his phone's screen when the alarm begins to blare. His hand must have committed the simple motion to muscle memory and now he'd never be able to wake up. That is, until the sun gets brighter

8:59 AM

The sun finally wakes Oliver up, and he jumps out of bed with a start. "ROAD TRIP!" He yells, covering his mouth immediately, but the damage is done. Oliver runs on his impulses, and his brain follows behind them. When he looks at the time on his phone, his jaw drops. He is going to be very painfully late. And Jisa will not be happy.

He sprints to the shower with a start, and is in and out quickly. He is famous for taking quick showers, mostly because his hair repels water anyway. The water starts to bead up on the shiny curls as soon as he jumps out. Pulling on a 'Save Ferris' T-Shirt, mustard yellow jeans, a beanie, and his favorite Osiris shoes, he carries his already-packed (thank the lord) luggage down the stairs, throwing it down the last two steps. Thank the heavens for protective Swiss Army bags. However, he does take his time putting on his lucky necklace, being careful not to break the twine. The key hangs perfectly between 'Save' and 'Ferris'.

Oliver races down the stairs, jumping the last five. It is his condo, well, his to rent. He only rents it because it's close to Google, he likes to be within walking distance of his workplace. Cars are not his style. But he will be taking one today- he is late enough as it is. Opening the fridge, he pulls out some yogurt and fresh bread, shoveling it in his mouth. He grocery shops in local neighborhoods, at mom-and-pop bakeries and groceries of every ethnicity. It reminds him of a market he once visited in Cleveland, Ohio (some family members live near there), and the food always tastes delicious. Calling the cab service between mouthfuls of the yeasty goodness, he jumps in the cab.

"I'll pay you double if you get to Memorial Heights park on the double. I don't care how, speed or whatever. I need to be there ASAP!" He says to the driver, who floors the gas. As the park comes into view, he sees his goofy collection of friends. He doesn't know many that well, but that's okay. They'll get used to him soon enough. The only ones he is really close with are Esben and Jisa.

He hops out of the cab and jogs to the RV, his stuff in hand. He is quiet, not sure what to say. He's not punctual (except for work) but he's never THIS late. So it's not time for shouts and laughs right now. He heads into the RV and drops his stuff on the sofa. It wouldn't matter to him if he slept on the floor. He jumps back out and joins the gathering of his friends on the grass.

7:00 AM



Day 1/10:16 A.M./San Diego, CA

"Of course Charlie! The more the merrier! He's just gonna have to camp out on the floor, unless he wants to crash in the tiny dinette couches." Jerylin smiled and led the guy inside the RV.

Jerylin got in the RV and took a mental roll call. If it was true and Carlos's friend was coming they had to wait for him. Jerylin looked around and realized she had forgotten two people..."Oliver and Tawny! Oh mi gosh how could I possibly forget them." Jerylin whipped out her phone and texted both her friends.

Oliver, Florette
Where are you guys? We need to leave pronto! -Jisa

She was about to press send when Oliver burst through the door of the RV "Look who finally decided to show up! Jerylin went up to Oliver and gave him a tight hug. "Go ahead and settle in. There's breakfast in the bags in the table." Jerylin dismissed Oliver to let him settle in and went back to her phone. She deleted the message she was about to send and started to key in a new one.

Hey Princess are you on your way?






Oliver returns Jisa's hug. Him and Jisa had been close for a long time, and hugging her felt as natural as breathing.

"Well, Jisa, my hand decided to learn how to snooze my alarm in my sleep!" He grabs his right wrist with his left hand. "Maybe I have alien hand syndrome! Maybe it has a mind of its own!" He starts moving his right hand towards his own face. "It's going to kill me!" He drops his hands, laughing. "Seriously though, it did. I've done a lot in my sleep, but that's actually pretty problematic. I'm going to eat tacos, considering the only thing in my stomach right now is yogurt and bread." He hustles over to the bag and grabs a taco, chewing slowly. Then he wanders back out to the park again, so see Esben and meet some new people.​

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