[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

Li Ling Chen

This was not what he'd signed up for. An RV full of friendlies that wanted to get to know each other. His friend being assaulted with relationship requests. His other, almost-friend speculating about his own relationship status. Relationships...bah. Those aren't necessary. As he popped another chocolate, Li Ling silently watched Mr. Friendly get up from the floor and walk over to the passenger seat with his luggage. He closed his little gaming device and sat down next to Hei, pausing to buckle his seat belt. Li Ling could feel his jaw clenched in irritation. I will survive this trip, somehow. Sighing quietly through his nose, he closed his notebook and slid it back into his backpack.

There was no way he was going to wander off into Prose-land and risk having the two chumps up front get anywhere near the stage of 'romantically involved'. I will literally tear Mr. Friendly's heart apart, if it comes to that. As if prompted by the murderous thoughts being directed at him, Mr. Friendly pipped up in a frustratingly cheery voice. "With me as your co-pilot, I guarantee you won't fall asleep or become bored in any way, shape, or form. Because that's kind of who I am." Li Ling could practically hear the tortured screams of his sore eye muscles as he was forced, yet again, to roll his eyes at the obnoxious outgoing nature of Mr. Friendly. Said subject of eye rolling continued to speak. "To be honest, I don't really know you. But considering we'll be driving together for awhile, we could try getting to know each other a little more. I'll go first, if you want." He's making his move already? Doesn't feel like he's the 'deep relationship' type. Steepling his fingers together, Li Ling mentally seethed at the aggressive position Mr. Friendly was taking in order to befriend his BAFF. Careful, Hei. He's going for a conversational kill.

But he knew that, despite all his warnings, Hei would still skip up this relationship stairway with a candid happiness. The friendly was still prattling on. "I'm Oliver, as you know. I'm 23 and currently employed at Google, I'm on their creative design team. Besides that, I'm an aspiring writer. I enjoy video games, like Pokemon and..." As he sat there, listening to Oliver's long-winded speech, Li Ling wondered if he was being a bit too obtrusive of his friend's relationships. It's not like everything that happened to you will happen to him. His expression darkened as a bitter smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. He should still watch his step. People are assholes.

Oliver finished up his introduction, looking over at Hei expectantly. Li Ling was also wondering how his friend would respond. He's a serially shy guy, hopefully he'll kill this friendship with his conversational ineptitude. Perhaps Li Ling was just having an extremely unlucky day, perhaps the stars had aligned in his disfavor, or perhaps his BAFF was merely in a very amicable mood. Whatever the case, Hei opened his mouth and gave a shockingly long speech of his own. The gods are mocking me...Li Ling thought, as he took off his glasses and rubbed at the crease in his brow. The knot was almost a perpetual feature of his expression ever since this road trip had started.

Despite his frustrations, he still listened in on his friend's introduction, worrying that Hei was going to give out his address or social security number. That's a bit of a stretch, but...he looked up at his BAFF, chattering away about his personal details, in happy oblivion. "My name is Hei, you know. Full name is Hei Ian Chau, but please don't call me by my English name, Ian. I am twenty-two, fairly young..." Li Ling scowled at that statement. You're already giving out your age and English name? Then his expression of frustration deepened, as a rather uncomfortable thought dawned in his mind. Wait, wait, wait. If Oliver is 23, and Hei is 22, that means I'm the youngest out of the three of us. Li Ling put his glasses back on, frowning with displeasure. But there was no way Oliver was going to know about his age; Li Ling would never tell him. I'm going to sit here and not say anything.

At this point, Hei finished introducing himself to Oliver and turned around to look at the rest of the RV's occupants. "Hey. Everyone ready to leave." His voice was on par with a normal speaking volume. Li Ling raised an eyebrow in mild surprise. He must be pretty excited, shouting like that. But he doubted the people in the way back would hear his friend's pitiful excuse of a shout.



(Looooooong post. Careful everybody...Li Ling is cynically listening to your conversations...)
Felice smiles at Jerylin's attempt to be seductive, it was quite adorable, especially when she laughed at herself. "You know you can have mine whenever you desire" She gives a wink, seduction was second nature to her, especially since she had practice.It brought in tips at work, even if it got exhausting and old. But she was having fun with Jerylin. "I'm up for watching anything. I don't have anything specific in mind so whatever anyone else would like" She continues to stare at Jerylin for a few moments. She was a very pretty girl and her "rockabilly" style made her unique which was hard to come by with everyone following the latest trend in magazines, she was guilty as charged. She bit her lip, all she needed wass some confidence about it and she'd be very sexy if she let herself be. She turns her gaze away from Jerylin as it was starting to seem as if she was gawking at her. @NessieAlways

Her attention turns towards Li Ling raising an eyebrow at his sour expression. "You're on vacation love. What on earth could you be upset about?" She asks curiously and offers him some cracker jacks too, a meager attempt at a peace offering. @Trignome


Maude, sitting down on the floor by the driver's seat, had nodded off and been for the large part been left alone. She was woken by her mother's ringtone emitting progressively louder from her phone. For a solid five seconds she simply made a whining noise, but after that her eyelids snapped open and she had the phone to her ear before it could ring one more time.

"H-hullo?" She was painfully aware of the other people on the RV who could be listening, but her mother wouldn't call if it wasn't important.

"Hey," said her mother. Already Maude could hear the worry.

"What's up?" she said apprehensively.

The woman on the other end started to cry. "It's the restaurant, Maude... There was a fire."

Maude felt like she had swallowed ice and it had fallen into her heart instead of her stomach. Her entire body twinged in pain. "How bad...?" she asked, but she couldn't make out the answer through her mother's sobs. She heard some clunking noises and then her father's voice. He must have taken the phone.

"The whole place is charred, Maude," he said in a strained voice. Maude unsuccessfully fought the tears slipping over her eyelids. "We know how excited you were about this trip, but we really need you here baby."

Maude nodded and wiped her steadily wetter face, embarrassed and scared, before realizing her father couldn't see that. "Yeah, Dad, I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll see you soon."

They said their goodbyes and hung up. Maude pointedly ignored what stares were directed at her as she got up to talk to Jisa.

"Jisa, I'm so sorry... I need to go home. Like, as soon as possible. Is there somewhere we can stop to drop me off so I can take a cab home?"



Oliver is glad that Hei is open to his idea. To Oliver, Hei always seemed like a shy guy (no Mario reference at all xD ) and Oliver wasn't at all sure how Hei was going to react. He had hoped they wouldn't be driving in silence, and now it looks like they won't be. Like most things, Oliver just went for it head first, and it paid off this time.

As Oliver talks, he notices Hei paying attention to his words. That's good. He doesn't want Hei to be uncomfortable, and causing the guy to sweat to death would not exactly be the best thing he can hope for. He notices Hei smiles a little bit more when he mentions Pokemon. Good. Oliver silently adds that to his mental list of conversation topics. He finishes the introduction out, hoping Hei doesn't think he is rambling.

Oliver is more than slightly relieved when Hei begins speaking in return. Honestly, he wasn't sure what was going to happen- whether Hei would actually open up or politely decline. He listens attentively to what Hei says.

"My name is Hei, you know. Full name is Hei Ian Chau, but please don't call me by my English name, Ian." That would be awful, having your actual name and an English name. Oliver knows Hei isn't the only one either, his uncle married a woman from Mexico who's name was Paola. Her name is "too hard to say" according to her coworkers, so they gave her the English name 'Angie'. She hated that name so much, and asked everyone (besides her coworkers, they just weren't having it) to learn her real name. Oliver silently sympathizes with Hei for a moment, it must be difficult dealing with cultural stereotypes and people who don't care enough to learn your real name.

"I am twenty-two, fairly young I know. At the moment, I am currently employed at a bookstore, but I'm off to medical school soon to become a pediatrician."
A pediatrician? That's neat. Sometimes I wish there was an actual solid career I would want... Oliver thinks. Truth is, there is no career that fits him as perfectly as writing does. He's plenty good at what he does at Google, but the office atmosphere can get very tedious, even though Google isn't your typical office. He'd much rather be out in the sunshine writing. But it's hard to make it in writing, so he can't 'quit that day job' yet. "Other than that, I'm a free-lance artist in my spare time." Oh, then he probably gets it. Yeah, he definitely gets it.

"I love video games, especially Pokemon or anything Mario Bros. Yeah, something's I can't let go."
Video games will always be a love of Oliver's; from Pokemon to Mario to Zelda. Sure, he plays some Halo or COD Zombies, but his loyalties will always lie with the timeless classics. "I read a lot and watch animated movies or anything Marvel/DC." Animated movies, huh? Oliver thinks for a moment. He enjoys Disney movies and other animated films, his favorite being Peter Pan. "As for music, I listen to anything with that falls in some category of Indie, Alternative, or some pop. I like bands with their own edge, as well. I don't eat a lot, so I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food. I enjoy Vietnamese of Chinese cuisine the best, for obvious reasons. Although, anything is good if I try it. That about ends it for me...."

"Well, where do I begin? We have quite a few similarities. What's your favorite Pokemon starter?" Oliver asks.
Evelyn 'Eve' Dewitt Evelyn overheard the conversation in between Maude and her mother and felt her stomach leap. She knew something was wrong when she saw the tears roll down the woman's cheeks; though she didn't want to pry.

Sitting cross-legged on her bunk bed she sighed and slouched down until she eventually found her self laying on the bed instead of sitting. She extended her legs and covered her face as she sighed into it. Removing her hands from her face she stood up but not before reaching into her purse for her phone and pair of headphones.

Putting on the headphones she headed to the kitchen area and decided to make herself a small meal to suffice her hunger. "Does anyone want a cheese sammich?" She asked whilst using her left barefoot to scratch her right leg, hands busy with opening the bag of toast in order to take two for her own self should no one want a meal for themselves.

She pulled open the kitchen drawer and took out a small jar of liquid cheese and a spoon. The silverware sunk deep within the cheese briefly before being pulled out with a ball of cheese on the spoon. The sight just makes Evelyn's mouth water in anticipation to devour this.. Lovely meal. No no, this wasn't a meal to her! This was 'simple' art. Mhm. Art. She wanted to devour this piece of art but not before adding some more paint to it; cheese! She spread the cheese back and forth across the piece of toast before finally sealing it with the other piece. "Mine to devour; Mine to devour! Nyahahha..-" Hoping no one heard that, she put the spoon away and took the sandwich within her grasp and brought it to her mouth for a bite.

"Mmmhh." She exhaled as she began chewing on the sandwich slowly; munch after munch. The taste was heavenly! For some reason her mind printed an image of a sandwich book? She was thinking of two books with cheese in-between. But that wouldn't be tasty nor healthy. Eating books that is, yeh. Not a single bit near healthy.
"... Go..."


"... Its your turn..."



"Chill man Im thinking. Im a little tipsy so chill..."

The two had been sitting in the path to the queen bed for a couple minutes now playing checkers. They had a jar of corn moonshine and shot glasses next to the board and had been taking shots for every checker they lost to one another. Well when they had a queen of course... not normal soldiers... theyd probably have food poisoning by then. By the time it was senior year, Charlie was moonshining like a pro, after many failures. Thankfully youtube had a a nice set of tutorials to teach him how to make some the proper way. It was expensive to buy all the corn, but the weekend parties brought great profit. He also sold legal drugs and prescription from friends he made at the nearby pothead college. He sold lean, adderol, Kratom, Kava. Occasionally molly and coke... never weed though since hed be tempted to smoke it. He always had money to spend but was always careful to not expose that. He kept his circle tight and his haters tighter. He treated his would be enemies with favors and kindness to dissuade them from ever exposing him. He was political and smart.

Manny knew how he hustled, but always let charlie do his thing. He liked having a business minded like friend who learned numbers on the streets rather than the books. Charlie had such a hard time in his ACT/SAT math, yet he was making hundreds every week with his small business. Manny wanted him to be on his team when he got his degrees, but knew that Charlie would never join him. He would go off on his own and try to make his own legacy. He was always competitive but was mostly all talk when they were kids. Now he was like a lion and manny liked the competition.

Manny finally took his turn and burped.... Charlie smirked drunkenly... "You're about to lose in about two turns man..."


Jerylin winked at Felice when she returned the flirtatious joke and then zoned out for a bit thinking about her mother. She hadn't seen her mother in almost a month. Living on her own, having a job, and studying full time had only left Jerylin with enough time for a few phone calls to check up on her mother, but now that she was out of school she should be with her. Jerylin stopped flipping channels leaving the TV in animal planet, stood up from her spot in the couch and excused her self for a bit. Jerylin headed over the bedroom and took out her phone to call her mother.


"Mom! Hey it's me Jerylin."

"Oh hey lovebug! How are you? How's the trip going?"

"I'm fine mom, were almost in Vegas. Hei and Oliver are driving."


"Hei...the Asian kid and Oliver...the ummm gay one."

"Oh! I love that Oliver kid! He's always so happy, unlike that Asian kid. So grumpy and sour. It's like his parents only gave him lemons when he was a child."

"Oh no mom, wrong Asian! You're thinking about Li Ling. Hei is the other one, you know shy nice and a bit awkward...and Li Ling isn't that grumpy or sour...he's just...misunderstood."

"Ah yes...that one...someone needs to get him laid so he isn't that awkward anymore."


"It's just a joke Jerylin. Geez loosen up a bit. You're like my mother."

"What are you talking about I am loose."

"Oh yes of course. Anyway I have to leave you. Patrick is coming over in a bit and the house is upside down."

"Patrick? You mean that old fool who owns the gas station down the street? Since when were you buddies with him?"

"A lot happened while you were away lovebug, but that's a conversation for another time. Have fun on your trip, say hi to Esben for me and don't come back pregnant. BYE!"


Jerylin's mom hung up the phone before Jerylin could protest. Jerylin smiled and rolled her eyes a bit. Her mom had always been very extravagant. Unlike Jerylin, her mom loved to live life on the edge. Always taking risks without a second thought. Even though Jerylin did take risks most of the time, she did think things through all the time. Jerylin went back to the living room and reclaimed her spot on the couch. "So! What now?
Li Ling Chen

As Oliver carried on the conversation, asking about Pokemon starters, Li Ling drew a short line on the blank page of his notebook. I am this close to snapping. He frowned, then drew a shorter line. Actually, it's closer than that. He drew another line, and then another, shorter and shorter and shorter until he was dotting the page with minuscule blips. Chewing on his pen's cap, he gazed curiously at the little menagerie of ink blots he'd made, wondering if, perhaps, he'd already snapped. Immediately, he dismissed the thought with a derisive snort. If I was crazy, what would that make the 'others'? Li Ling grimaced. Normal.

It was hard for him to believe, though, that the RV's other occupants were so. The pot-head and the knife-guy were getting drunk on the queen bed. There was a girl eating a cheese-slime sandwich in the kitchen, and Jerylin was...well, she was doing something relatively normal, chatting on the phone with her mother. Except, considering her expressions and gestures, it was probably an awkward conversation, anyways. "...and Li Ling isn't that grumpy or sour...he's just...misunderstood." Li Ling furrowed his brow as he heard what Jerylin said about him. Misunderstood? Under what circumstances did I ever fail to communicate how much I dislike the lot of you? Sighing in exasperation, he couldn't help but shake his head when Jerylin exclaimed into her phone, "What are you talking about I am loose." Can you not tell how insinuative that sounded? But before he could decide whether or not to tell his almost-friend about her suggestive conversation, Jerylin had already hung up and sat down on the couch.

"So! What now?"

Li Ling sat up and smiled sardonically. "We shall band together 'round the fire, drink mead, and make like Robin Hood's merry men." Then he gave the brown-haired girl a pointed look. "Essentially, you're all going to run around in Vegas, get drunk off your asses, and then take turns serenading the porcelain god with your unintelligible vomituoso." Li Ling tapped his notebook twice. "I'm going to sit in the RV and pretend I don't know any of you."
Felice looks at Maude, obviously distraught from the phone call that she caught bits and pieces of. Not that she was ease-dropping but an RV didn't make for much privacy. "I'm sorry Maude. I wish the best of luck to you"

Felice smiles at Li Ling's summary of what vegas would entail. "Well isn't that the point of vegas? To be drunk or to gamble, or both? I bet you'd be a fun drunk" She laughs and gets up from where she was sitting, knowing Li Ling wouldn't agree. She makes her way to the hall where the two boys were playing checkers. "Excuse me boys" She takes one long stride over the game before making her way back to where she had put her stuff on the gap on her side of the bed. She grabs a bottle of her vodka from one, filling the now nearly half empty cherry pepsi bottle up with it and a book, The Fox and the Hound, from another bag. She gently turns the bottle upside down and back a few times before taking off the denim jacket she was wearing, stuffing it in a bag before plopping down on the bed on her stomach. She takes a sip of the drink, closes it, and opens her book. She was still listening to the conversation in the RV but figured it'd be a bit until they got to Vegas, and watching the scenery, which was mostly desert, go by had her bored. Though she enjoyed Animal Planet, there was nothing good on at the moment. She was more than willing to converse if anyone wanted to but she figured there was plenty of time to make small talk on this trip.
"SHIT! Fuck you man."

Suddenly Manny laid across the hall on his and covered his eyes with his hat. The board made it obvious that he had lost. Stumbling getting up, Carlos raised a wobbily leg over manny. This was a fail however as he promptly stepped on the mannys stomach. With an "uff" Manny twisted his body and fell asleep.

"Sorry dude." Carlos chuckled a bit as he moved to the back and laid on the bed next to Felice. "Sup roomie hahahahah." He laughed as he reached in his backpack and grabbed some water. As drank from the bottle he looked at the tv. Animal Planet. "Ahh.... shark week..." He laughed when a shark gulped a small fish whole.
Felice glances over at Carlos as he moves onto the bed. "You didn't think you'd get a bed this big all to yourself now did you?" She laughs before looking over her book at the TV. "Tiger shark.... pretty amazing fish actually. The second most deadly shark, the great white is obvious number one " She blushes a bit at her random gushing of a useless fact and turns her gaze over towards Manny laying on the floor. "Is your friend going to be ok? I don't think he handled that game of checkers too well. Or I should say the moonshine. I haven't had moonshine since my senior year" She laughs at remembering it, apparently moonshine made her lose common sense, jumping off a bridge in the middle night probably wasn't one of her most intelligent choices.
"Hahahaha ooh man. Yeah Manny is usually the first one to go. Im surprised he lasted that long in the game to be honest. Dude was drunk by the third shot." His smile grew wide as he watched her blush. "And yeah moonshine is really interesting and I REALLY find it fun to make. Made good profit in college Ill tell you that. Sold 8 dollars per bottle. Not bad at all. That stuff will get you stumbling real quick if you arent careful." He looked at the clear liquid bounce beside Mannys hat, the only thing saving his leather being the glass jar.

"Tiger shark huh? I wonder what shark tastes like... Ive cooked crocodile... Its really good actually." He said with a nostalgic nod. He thought of his middle school days in Florida, heading out to the swamp once in a while with his best friends dads shotgun and draggin in a gator or two.

*RING RING* Not long after Anabelle had gotten inside of the RV, her phone ringed. She checked it quickly, thinking it would be Tatiana telling her she had forgotten something. Instead, her screen flashed 'CAROL'. With a sigh, she pressed ignore and put the bags she had brought inside in a corner where they wouldn't be noticed. The phone ringed twice again and she ignored it. *BUZZ*

Anabelle, we heard you were going to some trip. I know you don't want to talk, but I am your mother and I have a right to know. Since you aren't answering I'm texting this to you. Me and your father wish you a good trip.
Here are some articles you should read:

Anabelle rolled her eyes as some links on the dangers of sex, alcohol and drugs. Not knowing if to be happy or angered by the text, she teared open a chips bag and began eating her emotions away.

Not having talked to her family in a couple of months, or was it more than a year now?, Anabelle was glad that her mother cared enough to call when she was going away on a long trip. But, she never told her mother, or anyone else in her family, that she was going on a trip. Probably Tatiana, she thought. Her friend was always trying to get Anabelle to talk and make peace with her family. Anabelle reached for another handful of chips, but found the sack empty. Overpriced bags of air she thought irritated and decided to check on the articles her mother had sent her.

A good amount of time later, some pictures of infected body parts were shown in the middle of the last article made her get off her phone. Her mother obviously knew that the pictures would revolt Anabelle which is probably why she sent them. Plugging her earbuds on, she rummaged around one of her handbags and took out her drawing stuff(sketch book and pencils).

As a soothing piano began to play, Anabelle drew almost without thinking. The outline of a face, eye
and mouth. She thought of previous memories she had of Carol. Her mother had actually been the one who tried to accept her rebellious daughter. Sometimes even fought with her husband for him to not be so harsh on their daughter. Though when she wanted to go to a University across the country in California, her mother put her foot down and wouldn't let her, telling her she wouldn't pay for the university. This is the primary reason why Anabelle hadn't spoken to her mother when she moved.

Breaking out of her reverie, Anabelle looked down at her drawing and a single tear slid down her cheek and dropped into her drawing, smudging it a little. She took a deep breath as she looked at the sketch of her mother. It was half her face actually, but
she would recognize it anywhere. I miss her. Anabelle quickly wiped her tear as she shook her head and closed her sketchbook swiftly, putting it in her bag with her phone and buds. Grabbing a quick @ArtisticKwittyKat234 @NessieAlways @Bombielonia @LionsForLambs @BrokenStrings

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"Or jumping off bridges. Not one of my smartest moments though it was tons of fun" She closes her book. "I had thresher shark once, disgusting. I hear black tip is supposed to taste the best but I don't think I'll try shark again. That or duck. I hate the taste of duck, too gamey for me. And I've never had crocodile but alligator is absolutely delicious. That I know." She laughs a little at herself. "There's not much I haven't tried or won't try. Though my favorite food would have to be lasagna. You can't go wrong with any Italian food but lasagna would have to be my favorite" She pushes herself up off her stomach and sits back on her knees, leaning over to grab her cracker jacks, starting to munch on them since listening to all this talk of food made her a bit hungry. She offers the bag to Charlie if he wanted any before taking a sip of her drink.
Rosie face brightens. The drama that had happens earlier had subsudrd. They were finally on there way to las Vegas. "Yes!! Ooh, I'm gonna get my drink on.. What should we do first guys? " rosie looked at everyone on the RV.

@xx0mittens0xx @YoungDreamer @LuckyMisfortune

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