[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

Evelyn 'Eve' Dewitt "Vegas?" Eve shook her head left and right. "Nope, I haven't. I actually have never been out of California before apart from that one time I visited my aunt."

She looked at the woman before she frowned at herself, thinking she's being rude. She patted the empty spot on the bed next to her. "Help yourself."

"You can borrow it if you can give me another in return, by the way. If you like it." Evelyn then said, offering a friendly, polite smile.
Charlie simply smirked at maudes nudge and comment. He slowed down and turned right on the highway. It was the getting more near to nevada so the terrain wss getting flatter. It was obvious that they were pulling in a truckstop. He rolled in next to a walmart trucker in one of those long parking stops. "First stop guys. I dont care what you do just be back in time for lunch. Maude and i will make something out of whatevers in the fridge. So stretch your legs, use the restrooms and buy some stuff. Beware of stinky horny truckers, and smelly loud children. Oh and the police. I dont want to pay bail tge first day. Dismissed." He turned up the hip hop music on the bus and checked the gas. He frowned and yelled to manny.

"Yo compadre! Aye!!! Go get grab a gas tank from the side and fill up. Por favor. You pay first. Lets go. Use my board." Charlie said resting back and feeling the a/c and the beats, ready to get up and help when maude started the food. Manny grumbled from his seat before he got up amd grabbed the skate board. He jumped on the board with the tank in hand once outside.
ArtisticKwittyKat234 said:
"Sounds interesting."Silence filled the room. She flipped the pages reading little bits in parts of the book. The black lettering on a white page is what she really loved to do in her free time.
"So. Have you ever been to las Vegas? I think it will be an interesting experience. "

((100 post Woo!))


Day 1/12:15 A.M./ Gas Station in Barstow

After seeing the sign that indicated that they were already in the town were their first stop would be, Jerylin couldn't help but bounce up and down with joy. Once they reached the gas station and Carlos gave the dismissal, Jerylin stood up and ran towards the RV door. "I have a bottle of strawberry vodka hidden somewhere in this RV. First one out of the Gas Station with exactly 20 dollars worth of snacks wins it! Ready Set Go!"

Jerylin didn't wait for the others to process what she said and ran out the RV door. Jerylin fumbled over her feet a bit as she ran down the stairs, but nothing to major. Although she already knew about the bottle and could have easily taken it before anyone noticed, it was still a fun idea to raid a gas station. She had seen it in movies and read about it in a few books. Now it was time for her to actually participate in a Gas Station raid. Jerylin ran into the gas station making some people look at her weird, but she didn't care. Jerylin grabbed a basket in the front and ran towards the candy aisle.

1x food (5$)

3x soda (6$)

4x candies (6$)

3x chips (3$)

Evelyn 'Eve' Dewitt With what Jerylin had said, energy rushed up Eve and she quickly reached her hand within her bag and took out her wallet before she rushed outside and might've hurt herself by slamming her toe against the edge of the entrance to the R.V, ouch.. But that didn't stop her from rushing to the gas station.. She might've pounced on her foot after hitting the other against the wall.

"Ow, ow ow ow!"

But that didn't stop her from eventually reaching the door to the store, going in Evelyn almost instantly grabbed a basket.

She ran over to the dried food section she began dropping some of the food in the basket, mostly nuts worth around five dollars! (5). She then rushes over to the fridges to drop a couple of soda cans into the basket, three in total(6). Afterwards she took a quick glance down at her basket, "Nygh! What elllseee-.. Oh! OOH!" Heading over to the other side of the market, Evely went to drop some of the chocolate bars. Two twix bars and two mars bars, yum. (1.50 x4 = 6) She then found herself another chance to check on what she would be missing, if anything: Still need around three dollars worth of snacks.

"Crisps! I mean chips!" She yelled out, which rather attracted some attention. Evelyn wasn't herself right now, but hey, she needs to loosen up. She yet again ran over to the isle which offered some chips, taking three salt flavoured potato crisps and put them in the basket.

Finally, she rushed to the cashier and took out a single hundred dollar bill from her wallet and received her eighty dollar change. Grinning widely, she turns to Jerylin should she be there.

Looking around her, she only now noticed the other travellers looking at her weirdly. "Owh skittles." She muttered as her face turned red. As nervous as she is, she tried to keep 'her cool' by smiling nervously towards Jerylin, trying to keep her mind off the fact that she might've weirded out some of the customers.

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((I know @Trignome and @LuckyMisfortune aren't here, so we'll just pretend whatever they say in response to Oliver came before what Oliver is going to do next. Because I am dying to post.))

"Strawberry Vodka sounds nasty by itself. But I'm going to enjoy this challenge!" Oliver says as he bounces out of the RV. He pulls a 20 out of his back pocket, he makes it a point to keep money in his pockets because he can never remember his wallet. He dashes towards the gas station with the bill crumpled in his fist, the attendants throwing him annoyed looks as he bursts through the door.

In college, Oliver had participated in gas station raids before, and he knew roughly what to get. The fun part is adding a little variety. Most gas stations are laid out similarly, so all Oliver has to do is take a glance in each aisle. Finding the one with the junk in it, he starts grabbing.

2 boxes of Lofthouse cookies, a staple. Brings him to about $5. 2 sleeves of donuts, one powdered sugar and one chocolate. Each $2.50, brings him to 10. 5 bags of Combos (Oliver is a big fan of the cheese ones) to make it 15. Add a big slim jim and a bottle of tea to make it $20. Oliver nailed all of the road trip food groups to the wall. Sugar. More Sugar. Cheese. Meat (usually heavily processed). His wares held in his arms, he drops them on the counter in front of the open mouthed cashier.

"Don't ask questions, but this equals $20. Scouts honor. I'm kind of in a hurry, so can you take my word for it? I added it up in my head." Not waiting for the shocked employee's answer, he grabs the scanner gun. He had once covered his friend's shift at a gas station in High School, so he knew how it worked. Scanning all his items and placing the 20 on the counter, he printed a receipt. "Thank you, have a nice day!" He said as he ran out the door- heading towards the RV in a victorious finish. Making his way back inside and dumping his stuff on the couch.​
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Posting for BrownBear at his request:

As everyone bought stuff charlie stepped out to stretch and smoke on that blunt again. Manny watched the crew run towards the store as he made his way back with gas with a frown. Weird. He came back and filled up the gas as carlos was stretching his back out on the the asphalt. Manny whistled as he filled up and when he was done he put the empty tank in the side of the rv. He smiled and jumped on the board riding towards charlie. He bent down as he rolled and swiped the blunt from his lips then he went ahead and did a kick flip. Charlie smirked and ran inside to grab mannys dummy by the queen bed. He threw him out the door and swiped mannys blunt as he manualed by. He then began punching the dummy from a muay thai stance. The two seemed to be enjoying themselves what with theur blunt amd physical activity.
Hannah watched as the some of the others all crowded off the bus, waiting until the mad rush was over before grabbing her wallet and following behind. She wasn't particularly interested in strawberry vodka, or any vodka really, but she wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to use a regular bathroom, or purchase... whatever struck her fancy, really.

So she climbed out of the RV and lifted her arms straight up in the air, stretching. The lace shirt lifts with her arms, revealing her flat, tan stomach. With a bright smile, and a little happy noise, her arms fall to her side and she makes her way into the store.

Quite on purpose, she passed Jerylin in an aisle, turning and walking backwards. "So sorry, Dearie! I didn't see you there!" She grinned and she took a few more backwards steps before turning and making her way to the refrigerators on the back wall. @NessieAlways

After purchasing a few iced tea's for the road, Hannah stepped back into the hot sun outside. Oh, how she loved the sun! She stood with her face turned upwards and her eyes closed for several long seconds.

Li Ling Chen

For the remainder of the drive, Li Ling had stared intensely at the blank page of his notebook. Though, from an outsider's vantage point, it seemed as if the Asian was zoning out to his music, said Asian was actually pondering how the process of subconscious recollection could be so fleeting and unreliable. Was I going to write a poem? Or was it a story...maybe I was going to doodle, or something. Furrowing his brow, Li Ling chewed what remained of his pen cap into a black, plastic pulp. Perhaps it's the atmosphere that's disturbing my focus. Since he'd decided to ignore the friendlies that had been assailing him with pointless questions, the volume in the RV seemed to have increased, somehow. Slowly, Li Ling began drawing a spiral, over and over and over the black loop wound across the page, each rotation evenly spaced from the previous ring.

By the time he'd finished several pages of circles, Li Ling realized that the most of the more obnoxious people were getting up from their seats and racing for the doors. He glanced through the curtained window behind him and watched as a gas station pulled into view. Oh...it must be a resting point. A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth as half of the RV's occupants tumbled out and raced for the gas station's dingy little store. Does the store have candy? I want a candy bar. Bending down and reaching for his duffel bag, Li Ling tugged a large bag of Hershey's kisses out of a side pocket. He popped one into his mouth and stuffed a handful into his jean pocket as he stuffed the bag back into place. The chocolate was slightly warm, as the candy had been sitting in his luggage since this morning, but Li Ling didn't mind. The RV was relatively quiet, the friendlies had left for some bizarre sort of spending spree, and the kisses were helping him remember what he'd been planning to write. Contentedly humming along to the sonata that was playing on his MP3, Li Ling started writing the first few lines.

And then the flirt burst into the RV, rushing over and dumping an armload of cheap snacks all over the couch. Fate is a sadistic bastard. Li Ling promptly closed his notebook and sat there, giving Hei's admirer an impassive stare.



Oliver carefully packs his snacks into his luggage, although he is hungry, he doesn't feel like eating now. Not wanting to bother anyone, he pulls out his leather bound journal and a Blackwing 602 pencil. He sits down on the floor and opens the cover, the scent of warm leather emanating from the book. Tapping his pencil eraser against his lips for a moment, he collects his thoughts before he continues to work on the story. Once he believes he is ready to begin, he presses the point of the pencil onto the paper. He always loved the feel of writing with a 602, it almost helped him write in a way.

The time flies as he writes, the ideas flowing from his brain to his hand as easy as water. He makes few mistakes today, and seldom stops for anything. These types of writing moments are fleeting, maybe it is the atmosphere in the RV that is giving him luck today. As much as anyone will contend, writing is an art, not a science, and its success depends on mood and atmosphere and other gray areas. He finishes a chapter with ease, and stops himself from writing more. If Oliver writes more than one chapter at a time, his writing doesn't turn out the way he wants. It's better to write a chapter and wait for fresh inspiration.

He packs away his journal carefully and returns the pencil to its box. He grabs his phone and headphones and heads over to an empty area against a wall. Plugging in, he turns to one of his favorite playlists and hits shuffle. The music hitting his eardrums will be a lovely mix of Panic! At The Disco, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Cage the Elephant, Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Smashing Pumpkins, The Beatles, and Queen. He notices Li staring at him and he knows why, but he doesn't care. Let him stare. What's he going to do about it? He's already made it clear he doesn't want to talk. Oliver knows that listening to music by yourself is an invitation for anyone to come up to you and strike up conversation, but he doesn't mind. He could talk to anyone.

Hunter finally materializes out of the mystical black hole called mun-dom, making his way towards the front of the RV. The whole stopping thing had got his attention, and he stood in the open door of the RV, reaching up to grab the ledge above him.

He squinted into the sunlight and watched as Hannah emerged from the store and turned her face to the sun. She was always doing stuff like that. At least this time she wasn't standing in the middle of the road. Shaking his head, Hunter moved back into the RV and took a seat across from Li and Hei. He didn't speak though. Just watched. He lifted his arms and rested the back of his head in his hands, leaning back with aquite, gruff sigh.

Hunter may like the idea of seeing new places, but it was the people that he was looking forward to. The inevitable emotional rollarcoasters, those are what he looked forward to. Not because of any partiuclar desire for gossip or to snoop, but because it was, in his opinion, the best way to gather material. And he was always gathering material.
For awhile the two young men switched between skating and boxing in front of the RV. By the time they finished the blunt Carlos had smoked in the park before the trip started Charlie was feeling nice and relaxed, whereas the lightweight Manny was feeling... well stoned. "Bro... you know what I have to do?... I have to take un pee pee hombre. Could you come with me?" Charlie just stared at him with a wide grin before nodding. He put the board inside RV next to the drivers seat while waving to the others inside. The two men left the dummy outside and walked towards the pit stop. Inside Charlie watched his companions race as leaned against the wall, waiting for manny to finish in the bathroom.

Li Ling Chen

Silently watching as the other guy packed his snacks away and sat down on the floor, Li Ling mentally berrated himself for staring. Careful there. You don't want to seem interested in starting a conversation. Sighing and looking back down at his notebook, he prepared to ignore the person on the floor. Except such a menial task was rapidly becoming a royal pain, as the friendly turned up the volume of his music and began writing furiously. The scratch of the pencil tip in the paper was seriously irking Li Ling, and he ground his teeth in frustration. I need a longer playlist. Or earplugs. Just as he restarted his collection of songs, another person materialized, almost magically, and slipped into a seat across from Hei.

Li Ling frowned, studying the new arrival with an air of frigid distrust. He's not saying anything. Maybe he's the quiet type. Sucking the chocolate off of his teeth, Li Ling shook his head in disbelief. No, he's probably waiting for the best time to clobber me with a question. Just look at how focused he is, watching our every move. Glaring at the perceived threat, he paused his music and slipped a hand into his jean pocket. Two can play at this, sucker. I'll attack first. Giving the other guy a wry smile, he held out a Hershey's candy. "Want a kiss?" Inwardly, Li Ling was maliciously chuckling. An innuendo/smile combo, doubled by the stranger bonus, and followed by a candy finish. At least 8 points of social awkwardness. Can you recover from that?


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Felice casually makes her way out of the RV and into the gas station. She had brought more than enough vodka and tequila for herself even though strawberry vodka did sound delicious. She grabs herself a couple bottles of cherry pepsi to mix with the vodka she did have at some point. She watches as the others race around her, chuckling a little. A little competition apparently got to some of them. She makes her way through the snack aisle trying to decide what she wanted. She grabs some cracker jacks after a good couple minutes of staring at the selection, she hated having too many options, she could never decide what she wanted. She pays for her items and returns them to the RV, putting all but one of the pepsi's in one of her bags and the cracker jacks on the table next to the side of the queen sized bed she claimed as her's. She makes her way back off the RV having no intention of being stuffed in it again until they were heading out. She leans against the RV opening her cherry pepsi and takes a drink, enjoying the warm sun and a bit of fresh air.


Kazooles, Jolly Ranchers, and Nerds. That was all Jerylin cared about. She stuffed 3 packs of Kazooles, 5 boxes of Nerds and 2 bags of Jolly Ranchers into the basket. Jerylin winked at Hannah as she passed by her and apologized although Jerylin hadn't noticed her in the first place since she was too busy with her basket of diabetes. @BrokenStrings

She counted all the items in her basket and smiled content that she still had five dollars for drinks and chips. Jerylin headed over to the fridges and got two raspberry Arizona teas. With a dollar left to spend she went towards the chip aisle and got herself some lemon chips. Jerylin stared at her basket content with all the goodies she had and headed over to the cash register.

Once out of the store Jerylin saw Manny filling up the RV. Jerylin sent a wink and small wave at his direction before going inside the RV. She walked in just as Li was asking someone if he wanted a kiss. Jerylin stared at Li in shock. She had never thought that he out of all people would be so straight forward with his romantic pursuits. Then again Li did seem like the type to hate people who beat around the bush. "No comment." @BrownBear @Trignome

Jerylin made her way into kitchen to put away her snacks. She took a pack of kazoozles and plopped down on the couch. "Candy? Anyone?" Jerylin opened the pack of candy, took a strand of candy out and handed passed the pack around.​
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"Want a kiss?"

Hunter continued to look at Li for a a second, calm as you please, and then he leaned forward, and elbow on the table. He held his open hand out, palm up, but the closed it quickly. "Well, now. I suppose it depends. What do you want in return?"

Because nothing was ever free, and Hunter wasn't picky about paying prices.. though he was picky about what he paid them for. He arched an eyebrow and in that moment, serious as always, he looked remarkably like his sister. It happened from time to time.


Li Ling Chen

Damn...he countered with a calm front, negating at least half of my attack's effectiveness. It didn't help that Jerylin had walked by and commented on Li Ling's apparent flirtation. She definitely took it the wrong way. Maintaining a casual air, though his ears were turning red at the situation that'd rapidly turned on him, Li Ling delicately balanced the chocolate candy on his opponent's closed fist. Sitting there, returning the other guy's look with a frown, he attempted to feign nonchalance. "Nothing. Just...wanted to give you something sweet." Mayday, mayday! Time to bail, the jet's going down with the bomb. Li Ling sat back, wondering how he was going to recover from his mistake. Obviously, more innuendo was NOT how he was going to win this duel. Then, what do I say?

"I..." He paused, hand still hovering over the Hershey's chocolate. "...so..." Glancing at his hand, Li Ling inwardly sighed in relief. "Shake my hand." He kept his face impassive, trying to regain control of the situation. "That's what you can do, for a kiss."

@LionsForLambs I'm turning in for the night. Have fun with the awkward situation! :)
(Sorry!! I went to youth group... ^^))

Rosie turns her attention to Jerylin. "Ooo! Strawberry vodka. Sounds so good! "She laughs running to her book bag and running out the RV door. She had some cash in her back pocket, 23 dollars and one random quarter in her back pocket. Opening the door she feels the cool AC pierce her skin, it felt nice.

With food on her mind and a rumbling stomach, she grabs; 3 big bags of lays chips, I six pack of Angry orchard beer, 4 slim jims and 1 box of cookies. Satisfied and knowing she wasn't going to get the vodka she walks up to the cash register who had an astonished look on her face she laughs figuring it was the guy she just saw run out the door and bound back to the RV. She pays the cashier and runs back to the RV and puts her food in a little corner in the back of the pantry.

Rosie went to sit by her best friend, Jerylin. " Ooh! gimmieee gimie. " laughing she takes one then bites it, letting it hang from her mouth in a lazy fashion @NessieAlways
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Hunter laughed a little, real quiet like. He wasn't sure if Li knew that he looked a little panicked, but he did. Hunter took his hand back and started to unwrap the candy. "Well thanks. One can never go wrong with a little sweet."

The worst part- even though he was speaking in a manner that implied joke- he was serious. It might have had soemthing to do with his general happy outlook on life though. He didn't hesitate to eat the candy, a nod to Li, further thanks.

"I... so... Shake my hand. That's what you can do, for a kiss." And of course Hunter offered his hand without hestiation. "I don't know, Li-" He remembered the guys name though they'd only ever met at a party or two. And they certainly had never spoken beyond casual formalities. "Handshakes seem awful- contrived, don't you think. As if trying too hard to prove a point?"

He kept his dark eyes trained on Li while he waited for the reation. There were several ways, he supposed, that his woulds could be interpretted.
After going to the bathroom himself the two walk in silence towards the RV. "...K...kkkk" Manny is smirking and trying to hold back a laugh. Soon charlie does the same until eventually the two are dying of laughter for no apparent reason. "OOoooh my god broo... mm... my hands smell good. I washed em. Smell em they smell so gooood." Manny reached up to Charlies nose to which he replied with a nod of approval. "haahaha yo theres your model chick. Hehehe shes standing right by my dummy.... damn bro look at how shes drinking that... mmm mierda que sexy. You go hit that up. Im too blazed to try right now hahaha. Dont forget my dummy dummmy.... hahahaha." Manny laughed and made his way in the RV. He kept his hat low as he walked past the group and to the queen bed. He laid on Charlies side and turned on the tv in that room. Charlie smirked as he made his way to felice. "Yo. That cherry? You should really share that. Its tradition to share in a desert. Or have you given some to the dummy already?" He asked leaning against the RV with her.
Li Ling Chen

Trying to prove a point? You mean the point that I'm going to win this battle. Yes, I'm proving it right now. Gripping the other guy's hand firmly, Li Ling gave a solid, business-like handshake, as his father had often instructed him to do. He couldn't help but smirk a bit, though he knew this probably made him look like a contentious prick. "I just thought a handshake might be the best way to end this...pleasant conversation." Pulling his hand back, Li Ling glanced around his seat for his MP3, spotting it on the armrest.

He attempted to begin writing again, but a small detail from his exchange with the enemy was bothering him. Pulling one of his earbuds out, Li Ling tilted his head and gave the enemy a blank look. "Do you actually know my name, or did you pick the first stereotypical Asian syllable that came to mind?" Have I met you before? Definitely not. Unless it's from on of those horrid parties that Jerylin was constantly dragging me to. Leaning forward in his seat, Li Ling called over to the girl that was bustling around in the kitchen. "Jerylin, who is this guy?" He jerked his thumb at the threat.


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Although Oliver is just trying to relax, a scene keeps catching his eye. It involves Li and that other guy he met, Hunter. Not to mention the music in his playlist is starting to bother him- 'Bullet with Butterfly Wings' is not what he feels like listening to at the moment. So, resigned to watching the battle, he flips the song to 'Comfortably Numb' which would be the background music for the scene he is currently viewing.

Li looks at Hunter. Oliver perceives Li as sort of animal in nature, he sees everything as a threat and attacks. This time Li's end goal is for the situation to become awkward. Li's good at what he does, but Hunter is better. I guess I was wrong about Li and Hei being the only level headed people on here. Hunter definitely places there. Li looks a bit shocked at Hunter's reaction, I guess it wasn't the one he was going for. No. It definitely wasn't. Li wanted things to be awkward so Hunter would leave them alone, but the truth is, it's not working. The tables have turned, what will be Li's next move? Oliver pauses in thought. This is almost like watching chess. Li decides a handshake is the best way to counter. Not bad. He recovered fairly quickly with a little bit of stumbling, but not bad overall.

Just when Oliver thinks it's over, it's not. Li sits back up, "Do you actually know my name, or did you pick the first stereotypical Asian syllable that came to mind?" Ouch. Oliver decides to stop watching and instead enjoy some of 'Comfortably Numb'. There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ship's smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves. Your lips move, but I can't hear what you're saying. When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse...

As David Gilmour finishes the lyrics, Oliver thinks about Li staring at him. God, at this rate I'll be more hated than Maude. He laughs a little to himself, not audible to anyone else. Especially if he catches me witnessing his exchange with Hunter. But what do I care? He leans back against the wall and listens as 'Comfortably Numb' turns to 'Brain Damage', the next song on this particular playlist.


Felice watches Manny go inside the RV with a small chuckle before turning her gaze on Charlie as he approached. "Indeed it is. And no, the dummy was quite rude to me so he has not gotten any." She laughs before holding out the bottle for him. "It seems your friend is a little blazed. Must be a lightweight I suspect" She smiles before glancing up at the sky, using her hand to cover her eyes. At least so far it looked like clear skies, no foul weather at least from what she could see. "So what have you been up to? It seems like I haven't talked to you in forever." She turns her gaze back to him. "I mean other than your rather impressive list of things you've accomplished already. Just asking how life's going for you in general"

"Yeah he is! He rarely does it. Rarely drinks too. Says thats for after his wins which is short lived since hes always looking for the next challenge. Very... up and at em. " Charlie explained carefully. "His energy makes me jealous sometimes. I have trouble getting of the bed for a simple run. He doesnt even need coffee for everything he does. And me?.... I dont know. Its been good but you know it was hard. I had my asskicked a couple times. Ive been caught doing minor things and have been punished for it. I dont know just in general Ive experienced a lot of... life. I really like that you know? So now Im just relaxing. Im young. I make more money than most 23 year olds and its only getting better. Im good."
"Yeah I'm definitely not much of a morning person. Though working until 2-3am doesn't exactly help. All I can say is thank god for coffee. And I wouldn't believe you if you said it was easy. School and work that's all I've been doing lately so I figured it was time to go have some fun before I get back into that routine again. Though I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do when I'm done with school. I've done it for so long it's going to be weird having to get a real job, whatever that means" She laughs and takes her pepsi back to take another sip of it. "But I'm glad to hear you're doing good"


Oliver sighs, looking at his phone with disdain. Shuffle failed him, picking all of the wrong songs in the wrong order. He ended up listening to the entire playlist anyway. Honestly, Oliver has no idea why he even selects shuffle anymore, he organized his songs a specific way for a reason. And listening to them out of order always put him in a bad mood.

He gets up and walks over to his suitcase. Shuffling through his stuff, he sets a bag of combos next to him on the floor. He opens the side pocket, where he keeps his headphones when...no way! He finds his DS! Before the trip he had been looking for it everywhere, unbeknownst to him it had been in his suitcase all along. Pulling out all of his games, he quickly finds the one he wants. Pokemon Pearl. He could also play SoulSilver or Black, but for some reason he really wants to play Pearl.

Restarting the game, he picks Piplup, as usual. He had picked Piplup every time out of the numerous times he'd restarted the game, for whatever reason. He names his character BUELLER, mainly because of the shirt he wears. And it would be funny to have all of the in game people call him that. That lovely Pokemon music begins to play around him as BUELLER starts his adventure from Twinleaf town.​

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