[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

Hai guys!! Sorry I went to Busch gardens with my family.. ))

Rory awakes with a crick in her kneck. Popping her fingers she stands up to put her mug in the sink. Hanna had moved away from her seat. Smiling she goes to sit back. She didn't really gave anyone to talk to other than, Hanna and Jerylin... But, both of them are busy she sits back and daydreams about being a famous artist and having the perfect boyfriend. She could only dream.
Felice looks up from her coffee after finishing it glancing around at everyone. She was able to examine the scenes at play sitting in the of the RV. She couldn't hear anyone over her music but could examine everyone's posture and facial expressions. It was definitely an interesting group of people. Her attention turns to the coffee pot seeing some still left. She climbs off of the bed and heads up to refill her cup. Once she had her cup filled she made her way up front to make a bit of small talk and check out where they were so far. "You're not getting us lost are you Charlie?" she asks teasingly before looking at Jerylin. "Though I doubt Jery would let that happen. I have no doubt she has this planned to the most minute detail"




"You know me too well my Dear! Not that you wild geese do anything I say anyways. But I still love you all!"Felice was most in fact right. Jerylin had planned everything out to the second. She had a list of all the times of arrival and departure with a 30 minute time gap in case of traffic. Although all this planning seemed useless now since they were behind schedule and they should have already arrived to Barstow for a pit stop. But Jerylin wasn't mad that they weren't on schedule. She was extremely OCD when she planned things out, but plans, just like rules, were made to be broken. That was the way of life, at least in her point of view. The plans she made were just back up in case they reached a point of not having anything left to do.

Jerylin took the map which had fallen to the floor and opened it up. "According to the map we should be reaching our pit stop in half an hour!" Jerylin held the map up so Felice could see it. It was marked with various colored markers indicating every turn, road and stop they should make. It had taken long hours of planning, but with all the excitement Jerylin had been bottling up, the hours of planning went by in a blink of an eye.



"No idea what we Zelda fans are called. But I like Z-Tards." Oliver laughs a little. Then he turns to Hei.

"Harry Potter was my gateway drug into reading and being a nerd. But I have never, not once, looked back. I don't know what house I'd be in, I'd like to find myself in Ravenclaw as well, honestly. What are you listening to?" Oliver smiles at Hei, it was obvious he was a little nervous. "Hei, I know I'm a lot to take in, my magical gayness and all, but there's no need to get worked up around me, really. Last time I checked I don't bite." He wants Hei to feel a little more comfortable around him, and what better way to lighten the mood then to joke.

Li looks completely uninterested in the conversation, and Oliver isn't offended in the slightest. Li's personality doesn't exactly scream happy. And Oliver understands that. But his whole life is built around a strong inner lotus of happiness, because you only get one life and he would rather die happy than anything else. He won't force Li to like him. But he is interested in his notebook.

Oliver is a writer too, and although he would never DARE touch Li's notebook without his permission (Oliver is freakishly anal about who touches his writings) he is intrigued on what thoughts Li scribbles. He won't say anything out loud, Li seems to be a man of few words, his outside persona is just the tip of the iceburg. But if Oliver looks closely at him, he can see a well-oiled machine of a mind ticking away right behind Li's eyes. So Oliver lets his eyes tell the story as he looks at Li's notebook.​
As charlie was about to answer her question about colorado, Felice came up front to check up on them, grabbing extra coffee. He chugged the last of his coffee and stepped on the gas a slightly more, going past traffic. "Id say ten minutes." Charlie smirked baring his fangs slightly as swerved past a mini van smoothly. Seeing his radar beep, he slowed down and passed a couple cops.... once far enough he picked it up again.

"Yeah... Felice is really good about that stuff. Makes a good business partner heh." He smirked referencing their old selling days. She was the only one he trusted with money. A real ride or die. He did many favors for her because of that. Whenever she wanted something, hed always offer to buy it for her. He glanced at her, then over his shoulder at felice for moment before speaking again.

"I went through bootcamp. I shot guns. I jumped out of planes. I traveled to different countries. I started my own club there. I made brotherly bonds. I made it a point to be the best and chose fighting as an example since there were already different martial arts teams. I held tournaments for the mma, boxing wrestling, and other fighting clubs. I partied hard over the weekends finding things other than weed that would be out of my system by the time monday morning swang. Now I got the chance to go to Harvard and study law and history after our road trip. It was and is a unique experience. Nothing like anyone of you guys will ever have. Not to brag. Its just its different not being a civilian anymore." He spoke loud enough so just the two girls heard. "I visited home whenever I could. We hung out breifly you guys... youd think i told you all this." He slowed down a bit as traffic lessened
Hei was starting to get overwhelmed. Everyone was popping up and talking. He started to grow a little dizzy and he pulled at his beany in reassurance. Li stole his pencil, so yeah. He had to let out that nervousness somewhere. Hannah had just popped up and started to speak. Why were the Asians interesting all of the sudden? Hei couldn't help but ask himself this. Everyone was minding their own business until Li's question. He was not going to have any lucky luck with his likeness anyways.

"Hei! Have you drawn anything pretty lately? You weren't stalking any other girls, were you? Cause I think I'm the only girl you're allowed to stalk! And Maude. I think you can stalk Maude, too," Hannah said, throwing Hei off his game. Her expression was harmless, though. Hannah was probably remembering the day they had become friends. It was awkward at first, but eventually turned out a-okay.

"Yes, actually, I'll show you. I was working on a page on drawing flowers. I started drawing this rose you see, you know what, I'll just show you. N-no, seriously! But, I guess so if you say so?" He said, smiling softly. He, almost reluctantly, opened his sketchbook and handed her the picture. Upon the page held a garden. A plethora of flowers were drawn down to precise details. Examples would be: Roses, Daffodils, Blue Bonnets, and Forget-Me-Nots (His favorites, shhh). Hei never boasted his skills, however, he was way too modest.


"Harry Potter was my gateway drug into reading and being a nerd. But I have never, not once, looked back. I don't know what house I'd be in, I'd like to find myself in Ravenclaw as well, honestly. What are you listening to?" Oliver said as Hei turned his attention to him.

"Hei, I know I'm a lot to take in, my magical gayness and all, but there's no need to get worked up around me, really. Last time I checked I don't bite," Oliver continued, obviously noticing his nervous tick. It was that obvious? He smiled in return.

"Haha, really? In your terms, I'd have to say it would be the same for me. Cool! I don't know, it would seem Ravenclaw is least loved. Everyone wants to be in the other houses, especially Hufflepuff. What I'm listening too? Well, Panic! At The Disco, don't know if you've heard of them. They're great! I was just listening to Northern Downpour, one of my favorites!" Hei started to ease up a little. "Nah, I'm always nervous. I'll absorb all of that. Wait that sounds wrong.... Anyways, it's a tic, you know?" He responded, smiling that precious angel smile.


((Sorry, boardwalk. My feet kill, but it was worth it! Imma head to bed, so yeah, see you in the morning! (((Ps, please don't kill me with posts [totally optional])))))
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Oliver smiles. In this cramped RV he'd found someone with interests in common. Cool. "Definitely. Ravenclaw is so under appreciated. Their minds are on point but they are also super helpful. The Wizarding World could not survive without them." Oliver grounds himself before he gets carried away. "You like Panic! At The Disco?! No way! I love them. Especially their earlier albums like A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Vices and Virtues. Though all of them are fantastic. 'There's a Good Reason' is totally my theme song." He can physically and mentally see Hei relax. Good. Oliver always tries to make people comfortable.

"You're always nervous? How do you have any fun?" Oliver feels more than a little bad for this Asian guy. It is obvious to Oliver that he feels uncomfortable in his own skin. Oliver has been there and done that, and he knows how awful it feels. "A tic? Of the nervous sort? I have those, doesn't everyone? I do this weird sort of swaying thing- you just have to see it." Hei smiles and Oliver wonders how he couldn't be self confident. Although there isn't much of him to look at, the skinny rail he is, he is sort of cute. It's rare for Oliver to really think about having a relationship with a guy- in the early days of discovering his sexuality there were days where he thought he was asexual. Oliver isn't obvious about any of this, he makes no physical move whatsoever, and does not look Hei over with his eyes. For now, his thoughts are thoughts alone.​
Felice chuckles at Jery's comment. "I have to say I've been called a lot animals, chick, fox, kitten, but I've never been called a goose" she kneels down to look at the map Jery displayed, glad she had as Charlie steps on the gas, able to balance herself instead of being lunged forward. She listens to Charlie as he lists off the many things he's done in his life. "I have to say you've lived a rather unique and full life. That's rather impressive. And a lawless man going to learn law. Suiting." She gives a teasing smile at the last part of her statement but was impressed at what he was choosing to study. "So is this a final let loose before you settle down for college life?" She asks with another uniquely her grin. She turns her gaze back to Jery. "Thanks for inviting me by the way. It's definitely a once in a lifetime trip even if it's only a few hours in I'm enjoying it"


Jerylin just shrugged her shoulders when Carlos mentioned that he should have already told them the story. He might have mentioned bits and pieces, but Jerylin loved hearing it. She was a sucker for adventure stories. People traveling going places. Their stories would fuel her adventurous spirit while she was stuck behind the counter at the book store. She had heard many people talk about going cross country, sailing to another continent, and even flying around the world. Now it was Jerylin's turn to make her own story.

She smile sweetly when Felice thanked her. It filled her heart with joy knowing that her friend was enjoying the trip. "No need to thank me Fel! We're like family and we stick together. I should be thanking you for coming."

Li Ling Chen

Flicking Hei's pencil back and forth in his hand, Li Ling wondered if anybody would sincerely care if he stabbed Maudinara with it. But the tip wasn't very sharp, so it was questionable as to whether or not the attack would be worth it. Sighing into his hand, he ignored the girl that'd popped her head over the top bunk bed and admonished them for talking poorly of her. Would you prefer I spread nasty rumors behind your back? I can do that, if you want. Li Ling considered the idea for a moment, but eventually shook his head and tried to concentrate on the blank page in his lap. That'd be too much work.

Thankfully, Maudinara didn't seem too interested in being a friendly, at the moment, and Hei was preoccupied with the guy that'd approached them from earlier. He carefully slipped his friend's pencil into his backpack, mentally noting that he would return it later. Then Li Ling put the tip of his black pen to the notebook in his lap, prepared to jot down a few ideas he had. He hadn't even begun writing, when he was interrupted.

Irritably, Li Ling looked over to the girl seated across from him and Hei. What's that, I look familiar? He pulled out an earbud, which was momentarily useless because his playlist was transitioning between songs, and stared as blankly as possible at the girl that had inquired about him. "Do you actually know me, or are you trying to find some poor excuse of an excuse to talk to me?" The next song was starting, so Li Ling didn't wait for the girl's response, just put the earbud back and picked up his pen. He hadn't even begun writing, when he was interrupted again.

This time, it was the guy that had previously been talking to Hei. Sighing in exasperation, Li Ling sat there and did nothing. I am a rock. Don't talk to me. I am a rock. Don't talk to me. I am a rock. Don't talk to me. I am a rock. Don't talk to me. He frowned. Don't kick me across the ground, either. Or throw me in a large body of water. Or try to start a fire with my head. Or...By the time Li Ling was done sympathizing with the plight of rocks, the friendly had lost interest and turned back to prey on his friend, Hei. So Li Ling tried to pick up where he'd left off, namely, the very beginning of the page. He hadn't even begun writing, when he was interrupted, yet again.

But this time, it was his own fault. From the corner of his eye, Li Ling had been watching to make sure his hopeless friend didn't become too overwhelmed by the strangers in this RV. It was odd, though, that so many people wanted to talk to the nervous, shy Asian. Can't you all see the poor guy's about to sweat himself into a puddle? Grinding his teeth together, Li Ling silently seethed at the people that were approaching his friend so tactlessly. You're all on the List. After Maudinara and a few choice individuals, but your names will be there. What had really drawn his attention, though, was the almost imperceptible glimmer of interest in the male friendly's eyes as he chatted with Hei. What are they talking about? They're not dating, are they? Is he going to ask Hei out?

Li Ling furiously chewed on his pen cap, trying to think of a way to protect his friend from the painful harassment of a relationship. Tugging out both earbuds this time, Li Ling leaned forwards in his seat and glared at Hei's admirer in stony silence. Try to be polite. Tact is the key. He took a deep breath and addressed the friendly before him. "If you do anything to Hei..." Tact. Be Subtle. Polite. "...I'll murder you on a satanic alter, so I can kill you again after you've been demonically reincarnated." Although he was vaguely aware of the fact that his comment had been neither tactful, subtle, or polite, Li Ling was satisfied that he'd made his murderous intentions clear. Resuming his auditory activity, Li Ling sat back in his seat and pensively glowered at the blank page in his lap. What was I going to write? I don't remember.

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Flicking through the pages whilst she is laying on the lower bunk bed, she let the book fall on her chest as she looked at the people conversing around her. She spoke, hopefully someone would hear her, "How long is the trip?" She asked, out of curiosity.

Evelyn never admired being in small space for too long, especially moving small space.. The RV wasn't that small, yes, but with all of the people in it.. It sure felt like it. Though that didn't make her hate this trip, she never had been this excited about going out.

Bringing her index finger to the middle of her glasses, she pushes them up her nose bridge and wrinkles her nose, pouting her lips.
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"Definitely. Ravenclaw is so under appreciated. Their minds are on point but they are also super helpful. The Wizarding World could not survive without them," Olvier said, almost holding back. Hei shrugged, mentally. Oliver was probably holdi back for a good reason, there are too many things in Harry Potter to discuss in one sitting. Hei shook off his thoughts as Oliver continued, "You like Panic! At The Disco?! No way! I love them. Especially their earlier albums like A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Vices and Virtues. Though all of them are fantastic. 'There's a Good Reason' is totally my theme song."

Hei nodded as he spoke. "I agree completely. If anything, no one would be able to survive without the brains. Brawn, strength, etcetera are great, sure, but someone needs to think things out," Hei started, he also stopped himself. This would've turned into a completely logical discussion on Harry Potter in a whole. Hei was really opening up, this was one of the reasons he went on the trip. He'd have to become more social in some way. Moving on, Hei started again, "Like? No love, haha! It's nice to have a similar music interest. Those are brilliant and I do have to agree I love all their songs! Mm, 'There's a Good Reason' is a good one. I still love Northern Downpour, but 'This is Gospel' has a permanent place in my musical vault."

"You're always nervous? How do you have any fun?"

Hei swallowed a pressure that was starting in his throat. Oliver had seemed to read him just like *snap* that.

He smiled sheepishly and started, "Yep. Well, I- I was hoping to find that freedom on this trip...."

"A tic? Of the nervous sort? I have those, doesn't everyone? I do this weird sort of swaying thing- you just have to see it," Oliver said, appearing to try to make him feel better.

Hei laughed a little and responded, "Yeah..." He let loose a small smile, bashful to say the least. He hadn't realized Oliver's mental nothing, he was pretty good a hiding it.

Until now, Hei had ignored Li for most of the conversation. Hei's eyes wandered as Li leaned forward. What did he want? Was it something Oliver said to him? Did he find this conversation annoying? Hei was trying to think of all the logical possibilities there could possibly be. He heard his friend take a deep breath and begin a threat, although he hadn't known in those few seconds. "If you do anything to Hei..." There was a slight pause as Li started,"...I'll murder you on a satanic alter, so I can kill you again after you've been demonically reincarnated."

Hei immediately pulled the beanie down and tugged on its sides. It was to hide the brightness on his cheeks. "Li......." Hei started feeling embarrassed. It was an endearing action, in its own way, but it screwed any chance of having a relationship with anyone. Li was like that protective older brother he never had. After his...interesting statement, Li went back to his notebook. He seemed to glower at it, passively. Li probably forgot what he was going to write.


Rory starts to play with her long brown hair, braiding it and twisting it. She does then when she is bored or, tired. She walks around looking at the interior of the RV it was pretty nice, not an ugly color or anything, it suited the place well.

A peice of hair got stick in between her finger nails. Laughing to herself she untangles it pretty quick and smooths down her hair, with a smile of satisfaction with her hair she wanders around the RV looking at every little nook and crany. She walks past a girl who was flicking through the pages of a book, then she spoke.

How long is the trip?

Rosie took the opportunity and awnsered the girls question.

"All sumer and a little silver of fall." Smiling she extends her hand. "I'm Rosie, call me Rory. And you are?" She asks in a polite tone with a smile plastered on her face.

Mentions: @Bombielonia
Hannah looked at Hei's drawings, and just like the first time she'd seem them, she loved them. Being talent-less when it came to artistic endeavors, she'd always been jealous of those who had the skill. She took the page from him and admired it. With complete sincerity, her voice help a hint of awe as she said, "Hei, it's beautiful! Really beautiful!"


She admired the sketch for little longer before handing it back to Hei. Hearing the conversation, Hannah just couldn't help but chime in quietly, almost unobtrusively. "For the Glory of Hufflepuff."

"Do you actually know me, or are you trying to find some poor excuse of an excuse to talk to me?" First Hannah laughed. She laughed because he enjoyed laughing. And she laughed because she found it amusing. But let's face it, she found most things amusing.

"Maybe it was you that had been looking for the excuse seeing as you spoke to me first." She arched an eyebrow at him, her brown eyes all shiny with her amusement. "Besides, I never need an excuse to speak with a person. I just speak to them. You do seem really fa miliar, though. I just-can't quite put my finger on it. She pulled her lower lip between her teeth and worried it a little as she spoke. It was right there on the edge of her memory.

She was still thinking about it while Oliver and Hei spoke, until she heard Li again.

"If you do anything to Hei..... I'll murder you on a satanic alter, so I can kill you again after you've been demonically reincarnated." And Hannah laughed. She laughed so hart she snorted. When she finally stopped laughing, wiping at her eyes to make sure she hadn't laughed herself to tears and while she tried to catch a breath, she said to Li-

"You have to explain that one to me! How do you kill someone in a Satanic Ritual? Do you need special tools? Do you speak latin? Do you preform a Satanic Ritual in latin? Or is there some other language? What about the instrument of death? What do you use?"

She probably would have gone on and one, but for once she restrained herself. It happened from time to time and it was more to live Li the chance to catch up.

Evelyn stood up and reached for Rory's hand and shook it with a light grip. "I am Evelyn, or Eve. Whichever you are comfortable with." She smiled, and after shaking she didn't release the hand, too distracted by looking at the woman she's speaking to."

She then smiled. "All summer? Awesome." But then she pouted. "I should've brought more books, heh."
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Li Ling Chen

Though faintly aware that his BAFF was extremely embarrassed by what he'd said, Li Ling decided it was collateral damage. I just don't want to see you cry over something stupid like a broken relationship. He wondered if he should explain himself to Hei, but decided it was best not to be too soft. Now the only problem was the obnoxious friendly that had wandered over and started looking through Hei's drawings. She was clearly impressed. As she most certainly should be. Hei may not be the brightest, but he does have considerable talent in the art department.

But now the girl's attention was directed at Li Ling, and he was not pleased with this new development in the least. He could barely hear her mindless prattling through his music, but what little snippets of phrases he could make out was pissing him off. Me, trying to talk to you? Now who was the person that told me I was awfully familiar? Oh, that's right. you did. Trying to ignore the girl, Li Ling continued staring down at his blank notebook. What was I going to write?



(Also, I really have to go...the fishies are calling to me. Bye, everybody. )
Rory smiles. "Eve, I like it. But, what about Evie?" Letting go of her hand she plays with the strings on her shorts.

"So. You like to read? What are you into? I love reading! I brought a bunch of books in my duffle bag.. Which is in storage.. Plus, I have some on my phone." Taking out her phone she shows her the big collection.

"Reading is an escape to me. It let's me go into a different world. What about you?"


"Weeehll." Evelyn looked away she pondered. "Reading is just.. well. I uh.." She was lost with her words, but she tried muttering something smart out, rather than getting herself embarrassed "It's like travelling. Or, if I wanted to go cliche: It is like dreaming with your eyes open."

Blood rushed up to her head as her cheeks went red, embarrassed about her cheesy words. "I never liked having them on my phone." She pouted. "Staring at my phone gets my eyes all red.." "Well this book is called.. Lost Boy. I still haven't been far into it to judge it."


"Yes, my musical tastes tend to favor the obscure and different- which is why I love Panic!. No one is quite like them. Ooh, 'This is Gospel', that's an easy favorite. Along with 'Miss Jackson'. Honestly, although their sound has changed throughout the albums their song quality has stayed strong." Oliver is very passionate about his music tastes, and he is forever grateful for finding someone in this RV that shares his. It is a fate worse than death to find yourself in a small room with a bunch of Top 40 listeners.

Oh shit. He had done it with that short, honest remark. Hei looked like he wanted to disappear. Oliver felt horrible until his next comments got him to laugh a little. But it didn't make him look any less like a cornered animal with everyone trying to talk to him.

"If you want me to leave, so I become one less person overwhelming you, just say so. I won't be hurt, I promise, I've been where you are." Oliver smiles at Hei. He had been exactly like the nervous guy in front of him in the days where he was figuring out his sexuality, and he knows how it feels.

This whole time Oliver had been using his peripheral vision to look at Li occasionally. The guy reminds him of the glacier pictures, where only the tip of it is showing and the rest is underwater. He is definitely smarter than he lets on, and only some of what he thinks comes out of his mouth, it seems the full story is in his head. And he is great at really looking instead of just seeing, it makes Oliver wonder why he wants to be left alone. Being alone is great for a vantage point, but it gets lonely.

"If you do anything to Hei...I'll murder you on a satanic altar, so I can kill you again after you've been demonically reincarnated." Instead of laughing as Oliver would with anyone else, he just looked at Li.

"Point taken."
He says seriously. Underneath, Li is a very protective brotherly figure, and Oliver has nothing but respect for that. Li is smart enough to discover his mental nothing, and he is smart enough and good enough to protect Hei, as much as Hei is embarrassed.




Muade had settled back into her bed, pouting about being ignored, but she couldn't stay in one place for that long so she slid off the top bunk, neglecting to use the ladder. It was only a few steps to the front seats, where Charlie, Jisa, and one of the girls she only just barely remembered were talking. If she'd had tact, she would have waited until their conversation was in a lull.

Unfortunately, she did not have tact and did not wait. She walked right up to them. "Guys, I'm boooorrreeeddd." Turning to the blonde, she added, "Felice, right? I think I remember meeting you at a party. But it wasn't one of my better days, soooo...."
Felice looks over at Maude and laughs. "Good memory. Yes it's Felice. And parties aren't exactly the place memories are made and indeed are usually never remembered. Except by everyone else. And if I recall correctly it Maude right?" She asks scooting over to make room so she could officially join in the conversation. "According to Charlie we shouldn't be far from our first pit stop"


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Maude smiled and nodded, occupying the new spot next to Felice. "Ya got me!" She waved at Jisa and Charlie then stared at the road for a moment, noting how tall the RV was. However, she was soon distracted by a rumble in her stomach.

"Oh geeze!' she exclaimed. "Hey, guys, anyone know what time it is? I might make lunch soon if everyone's up to it and a few people help me. ...Maybe while we're at the pit stop? It'll be like in middle school, Charlie," she said, elbowing him gently and grinning.

Rory took he book in her hands, slipping her phone in her back pockect. " ya.. But, when I'm at a party or, at some social even I don't wanna be at. I can just read on here." She smiles, noticing her deep blush. "I sometimes like cliche. Hmm.. Its kinda like being predictable. I hate surprises." Little giggles come out if her throat. "I've never read that. What's it about?"

Evelyn "That makes you and I. Sometimes I make the worst excuses to avoid being in a party, but owf it never works." She said, before answering her to her question..

"Well, so far I only know it's a thriller, crime and all. It's been recommended by many to me."
"Sounds interesting."Silence filled the room. She flipped the pages reading little bits in parts of the book. The black lettering on a white page is what she really loved to do in her free time.

"So. Have you ever been to las Vegas? I think it will be an interesting experience. "


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