[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

Charlie looked at Felice. "Roommates huh? hahaha." He simply smiled and laughed it off saying said nothing at all. He did look at her through his ray bans a bit though. She was hot. Lets be honest. The only girl on his mind during that photoshoot was her. Afterwards they spent time together too. After a whole day he decided he wouldnt make an attempt with her. He spent too much time with her and already cared for her. He quickly turned to the noise of a newcomer....


"Hey whats up." He nods with a friendly laugh to oliver who quickly greets Jery and heads his way back outside. "Hungry guy hahaha." He looks outside and sees a pick up truck in the parking lot with a little man inside of it. The little cowboy man lowers his luggage and a.... dummy to the side of of the road and jumps out, with a dramatic roll at the end. He turns around, throws up a thumb, and with that he fixes his hat and heads over to the RV with his things.

It looked like most were already settled inside, since a lot of unfamiliar faces were congregating out on the parks grass next to the RV. He tipped his hat to the group as he stepped on the RV

"Manny look at you!" Charlie said surprising him with a bear hug. "Gimme that dummy! Idiota!"

"AYYYEEEE Carlos Jimenez! The only man whod be my rival if he were.... 50 pounds lighter... fat ass hahahahhaha fuck you man! Hahahahah!" The two men do a

then he helps him get settled in. Carlos and him are at one point just laughing all jolly like and uncontrollable as they talk in the RV.
"Ho.... hoo... hehe.... ok. So you can have my mattress caballero.... come on. Lets get some tacos and head out with the others si?" The little man punched the back of his much taller friend lightly and playfully as Charlies grabs their tacos and they stepped out. Charlie nods with a half smiled at Felice as he leaves. Manny with a wide grin and hat tip...

"Hey guys. My friend Manny." Charlie said with a smile.

"Hi Everyone." Manny tips his hat to the group. "Hey Jery right?" He said looking only slightly down at the young tattooed woman. This actually pleased him, though he really didnt take height into account often. "Thanks for letting me aboard miss." He said with wink and hat tip.

"And this is......." Carlos goes through all the names. Finally the two take a seat at a table nearby the group and began eating their tacos. They begin speaking in spanish, saying how all though these were good Mannys moms were better. Then they start talking about dominican food. Then food in general. Manny makes fun of Jimenez' accent. The two laugh and it just goes on like that.

Day One // 7:45am // San Diego, CA

The smell of cooking bacon filled the kitchen, drifting through the doorway so that it could slowly fill the apartment with it's wonderful scent. Tawny, dressing in nothing but a large white t-shirt, stood behind the stove impatiently waiting for the food to finish as she stared down at the meat and eggs squished onto the pan. Above it's sizzle was the faint sound of the TV in the other room, early morning cartoons. A smile brushed across her face as a delicate wave of giggle reached from the living room. It made her chest swell strangely, understanding that she wouldn't hear that perfect noise for the rest of the summer.

"Elly, breakfast." She called, scooping the eggs and bacon onto the two awaiting plates. "Eleanor." There was a shuffling of feet, the TV going silent in the other room before the pad of footfall announced that Eleanor was on her way. She arrived moments, probably seconds, later; her head of golden hair bouncing as her eyes peaked gleefully over the edge of the counter at her food.

"Looks yummy..." The six year old mused, hands snaking up to try and grab her plate but unsuccessfully. Instead she watched as her mother lifted both, carrying them over to the table so that they could eat together. Their soft chatter, Elly talking more than her mother, filled the room and drifted out the open window where the street below was finally coming to life. The sounds of summer were almost musical, no matter how common they were. The buzz of a lawn mower, the noise of car, and even the sound of running children was something that she couldn't get enough of.

"Don't feed the dog, sweetie." Tawny scolded, not looking up from her own plate as she collected her daughter. Of course Elly was baffled, her hands shooting back as she shared a look at the Labrador looking at her expectantly. Fee had joined their family not long ago, they had found him laying in the parking lot and had asked the landlord if they could keep him. Luckily enough for the dog, the landlord had a particular soft spot for Elly and had agreed.

"Mom, it's 8:09." Elly announced, Tawny's eyes shooting up as a string of curses escaped her lips. "Mom said a bad word."

"Yes, and you should never repeat it!" She hissed, dumping the dishes in the sink as she hurriedly went about gathering the rest of the things. "Come on, I still have to drop you off at Grandma's house." It took 15 minutes to get to her mother's house from their apartment and another 15 to get to the park. There was also the matter of saying goodbyes to Elly and Fee, both very unhappy with the situation. By the time she was there, huffing as she pulled her stuff out of the car, it looked as though she was the last there. Dragging her things up to the large RV, she swung open the door and peaked inside.

"So sorry I'm late!" She cried, flinging her arms around Jerylin's neck to hug her. "I lost track of time this morning.


Oliver walks back into the RV. "Jeez, I'm walking back and forth so many times I could lose weight." He nods towards Charlie. He doesn't know the guy that well, but he hopes to soon. He notices that Charlie drifts somewhere in between talking in English and talking in Spanish. Oliver does know a few languages, but his Spanish is a bit rough around the edges. He can understand the gist of what they are saying though.

Turning around, he greets Esben. "Hey! I haven't seen you in forever it seems!" Oliver respects Esben. He has the guts to do almost anything, and Oliver can't even come out to his parents. Oliver also likes Esben's personality- his honesty is a really great quality. Oliver has been friends with him since high school and in this time has come to know a really great guy.

A woman bursts into the RV and hugs Jisa, in Oliver's surprise he takes a step back. He can feel the woosh of air blow past him along with the scent of perfume. He puts an open hand next to his face, a pale, awkward version of a wave. "Hi, I'm Oliver." He's trying to tone himself down for the time being, once the RV gets rolling everyone will see his real, out-there personality. Some will like him and some will hate him, he knows how it is. But Oliver has never been one to hide his true colors, except from his parents.


Hunter smiled his quite smile at Jerylin when she ran up to him and Hannah. He probably would have said something, but she was already moving on. He figured he's chalk it up the road trip excitment. He watched her go and purused the gathering crowd for just a moment before turning and unlocking the trunk of his car. Slowly and deliberately Hunter pulled their bags out of the back and set them on the ground. He only had his backpack, his things packed with precision to fit.

Hannah, of course, had wanted to pack several bags, but Hunter had given her a limit. One suitcase, one backpack. He didn't have any illusions about Hannah's spending habits. She'd been saving for this trip for forever, and there was no way she wasn't going to spend money on clothes at some point. Probably at several points. The thing about Hunter- it didn't matter how annoyed or angry Hannah got with him. It didn't matter how much she yelled or pouted. He remained calm and stoic and waited for Hannah to get over it. She always did too.

From the trunk, Hunter also pulled a large bag that held his uber-camera. That's what he called it. That and Annie. The way he figured it was if he was going to spend that much money on something, it better have a name. Throwing his backpack on his back, this camera bag over his shoulder and slamming the trunk closed, Hunter turned at looked at his sister. "Ready?" (@BrokenStrings)

He didn't wait for a response, however, just made his way to the group that was slowly filtering it's way onto the RV. He was in "watch mode", his go to when confronted by a large group of people, even the one's he knows. Watch, study, figure out the dynamics. He knew nearly everyone present in relation to himself and Hannah, but not how they interacted with each other.

He offered hello's to everyone as he passed, quiet and polite, and made his way into the RV.


Day 1/10:30 A.M./Leaving San Diego

"Tawny! Glad you could make it!" Jerylin returned the girl's enthusiastic hug and counted everyone one last time. "Looks like we're all here so we can finally leave!!" Jerylin clapped her hands and bounced up and down with glee. After a moment she cleared her throat and put on a serious expression which unfortunately didn't last long. "Okay before I go and start my co-pilot duties...There's food in the kitchen, just remember to ration yourselves. There should be movies...somewhere. There's two TVs the one you see before you *motions to the TV in the Dinette* and the other one in the bed room. Make yourselves comfortable!

Jerylin took a last look around to make sure eveyrone had heard her although she new that trying to control a crowd this big was like trying to stay dry in the rain...impossible. Nonetheless she would still make the effort.

"Charlie...we leave on your call! Vegas baby here we come!

@asduskfalls @xx0mittens0xx @ArtisticKwittyKat234​
Hannah was pleased as punch when Jerylin gave her and her brother the half hugs, and it took more than a little of her will power to stop herself from bouncing like a crazy person. Instead, she watched as her friend moved away with a hint of longing. She couldn't just traipse off like that! She had to get her bags and be responsible.. Ugh. Hunter always made her be responsible.

She reached up as Hunter threw his backpack over his shoulder and ruffled his hair, affectionately. "You Ready?" She blinked at him for a moment as he started to walk away and her face went all shocked! @LionsForLambs

"What? Hey! Wait for me, stupid!" She threw her purse over her neck- it was more of a bag really- and snatched up her backpack and then her old suitcase. It was heavy even empty, but filled with her stuff? Best intentions aside, there was no way she was catching up to her brother. So instead she tried to scowl at his back as she made her way towards the RV. She had to use both arms to carry her suitcase and even as she stepped onto the RV, her backpack slid down onto one arm... Teach her not to wear it properly.

"Umph..." She dropped her suitcase in as out of the way a place as she could find and then... she started her bouncing! "Holy banana's, Batman, this is so awesome," She exclaimed as she looked around the interior of the RV. She squeaked, forgetting to greet people as she started exploring, opening cabinet doors, the bathroom door, slipping into the back of the rv and, eventually, returning back to her brothers side, her face rosy from excitement.

"Seriously, did you guys check this place out! It's amazing! I'm so excited! I can't believe it's finally time!" She barely paused to breath as she spoke, her hands balled into fists and waving in front of her in tight little circles. She stopped to take a deep breath and grinned at everyone. "Oh, yeah. Hiiiiii!"

And then she paused in her over-excitement to listen to Jerylin. She nodded her understanding and then she was bouncing all over again, literally doing a happy dance as she said in a moderately quite voice, "Las Vegas, Las Vegas!"


(Okay, so I didn't take notes. Sorry!)
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Felice couldn't help but grin at Manny's hat tip watching as he and Charlie made their way out of the RV. She bites her lip for a brief moment before returning her attention to her muffin, delicately breaking off pieces to pop into her mouth rather than taking awkward looking large bites into it. After she was finished she cleans up her mess of crumbs, placing them in the trash. She watches as Hannah bounces around the RV and couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "I think we may just be going to Las Vegas" She chuckles. "You look much different out of your scrub tops" She states to Hannah. "I like your style" She says with a friendly smile.


"Vamanos!" Charlie yelled out chugging his taco down with water. He swaggered up the steps with Manny and his own distinctive cowboy walk trailing behind him. As Charlie stuck the keys in the ignition manny walked to the right side of the queen bed, in front of the night table, where Charlie allowed his dummy to stay and watch over him at night. Manny jumped up slightly, feeling his boots upt hen got in to a boxing stance. Suddenly he let out a surge of punches, dodges, and even an elbow or two for some dirty fun. For being so small he seemed to pack quite the punch and with a speed far greater than Charlie could ever hope to compete with. Satisfied Manny grabbed his Investment book, found the couch by the two front seats, took off his hat, (resting it on his lap of course) and switched the tv on to the Telemundo channel. A novela based around cowboys was on, and so he dropped the remote to his side as he began reading.

Charlie started the car, feeling a bit nervous since he never drove anything this big. But he kept reminding himself that he was the smoothest and coolest cat there was nothing he couldnt do. Did James Bond have helicopter training? No. But he did it. Indiana Jones? He did shit like this all the time. Frank Sinatra would be cool about it. So The Phoenix was all about that life. Just need to get pumped.... Charlie put on his ipod and began playing some music.

Then he would play young roddy. Then end it with some cloud rap. All good. Niiice.
"Is everyone in!? WHOS READY FOR VEGAS?!" He yelled in excitement.
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Hannah had no problems with hugging or touching, or otherwise inhabiting other peoples personal space, so when she noticed Felice, she stopped her happy dance so she could run to the girl and give her a tight hug. When she stood up straight she look down at herself and then grinned a goofy little grin. @xx0mittens0xx

"You know, it totally never occurred to me that you've never seen me out of scrubs before!" She gave Felice a quick, sloppy curtsy in thanks and was then distracted when Manny sat and turned on the TV. Telemundo, huh?

Regardless of the book, Hannah flopped down onto the couch next to him- probably too close. Remember the lack of boundary awareness? She leaned into him a little, brown eyes still on the TV. "Is this any good? What are they saying?" @BrownBear
"... haha... uuummm." Manny smiled wide as he closed his book and looked the extremely social girl up and down. Most people find this a weird habit but its really an Estrada habit. A bad one sometimes. Makes them look like either pigs or guys ready for a fight. But it really was to look at a person, see what they were about, and how they would respond to a moment of obvious checking up. She was about an inch taller than him and very close. If they were on a train hed think she was trying to rob him or offer special services. He softened his smile as he looked at her for a bit and then at the tv. "Classic Damsel in distress episode. The main characters girl has been captured and the guy is simply saying a big Fuck you to the moon and stars that he'll get her back tonight. Soon a big Ass gun fight will happen and shit'll be all goood. Think Popeye or Mario or what do you guys call it... Legend of Zebra." He smelled her secretly since she was leaning in so close. Not bad.

Charlie looked behind himself at the three. Felice, Manny and Hannah smirking... he was coming down from his buzz but was after burning


"Wait a second, Jisa?! You mean to say we need to ration our food?! I'll starve!" Oliver says over-dramatically, and just for extra fun he puts a hand on his chest and looks to the roof of the RV. But he can't stop the smirk that crosses his face. Then he realizes there are people in this RV he doesn't know. Social situations are never a problem for Oliver, his witty humor can usually coast him through anything, although he does have anxiety issues if there is a scenario where he could be reprimanded. But today he has no worries as he leans against the RV cabinets.

"Hello everyone, I'm Oliver. You'll probably never meet anyone like me- you might like me or you might hate me, but it's okay. There's one more thing you should know before I leave you to your own judgement- I'm homosexual. I'm cool with it, so feel free to make jokes- don't hold back. Hell, I even make jokes about myself. So, yeah, nice to meet you all!"
He smiles, his green eyes bright. His eye color always reflects his mood, when he is happy and excited they are bright green and when he's sad or sick they fade to a greenish gray.

Oliver relaxes against the kitchen cabinet and waits for a reaction to his introduction. Everyone is usually taken aback when he tells them he's gay. But honestly- it bothers him more when people treat him with kid gloves. So, I'm rainbow, get over it and treat me like a normal person. That's what he thinks to himself. This bothers him more than people being homophobic. People naturally resist change, but pity is just distasteful. It makes him feel like he has a disease. He's comfortable with his homosexuality and he would like everyone else to be too.​
Rosie took a taco out of the bag and slowly started eating it. It was good. Rory savored every little bite. After finishing her taco she wipes away the crumbs , making them fall from her lap and shirt to the ground. Rosie watched as everybody, they were all being social butterflies meanwhile, she wasn't. She was sitting at the dinette, being a complete loner.

"Hmm.. I should go and shout my name.. Um.. Maybe to maybe not.. " she put a finger to her chin and taps it. "Well.. If I'm going to be stuck in this RV with all of them I might as well be social. " she stands up and sighs.

Manny jumped at Rory for a little bit then chuckled before turning to Oliver. "... Am I allowed to say when somethings gay.... and you wont take it personally?" Manny smiled wide. "Youre brave for that! I had no idea!" Its true he didnt. "But whatever tigre. Do you, you know? Me. Im Manny. Manny Estrada. I'm Mexica, My moms texan and Im a true cowboy, rancher, vaquero take your pick! I ride bulls, I race horses, and I fight all while going to school for business! Im going to go to school for two more years until I can start taking on the business myself! Its nice to meet you all. You to Rory haha."

Charlie sat sideways on his seat and watched the group interact with concentration.


Jerylin laughed at Oliver's comment "Don't worry my Olikins I'm sure Maude will take great care of you wont you Maude?" Jerylin sent a wink to both Oliver and Maude. If Oliver was still the huge food beast she remembered, Jerylin could definitely see a great chemistry between both Maude and Oliver. Both her friends had a thing for food just like she had a thing for coffee...which reminds her. Jerylin walked past the group an into the kitchen to do what she does best...brew some coffee. She started heating up the water in the microwave since the dumb butt of her forgot a coffee machine and looked through her bags for her stash of caffeine

Jerylin smiled at seeing Hannah chatting with Manny and at hearing Rosie introduce herself. This was going to be great. Just her, her closest friends, and the long road ahead of her. After preparing her coffee Jerylin returned to the front of the RV and plopped down on the passanger's seat placing her coffee mug in the cup holder. "So what music are we going to be tortured with for the next couple of hours?" She said jokingly to Carlos. Jerylin grabbed the map from the glove compartment and leaned the seat back. Jerylin opened the map which had all the streets neatly mapped out with post it's on specific directions for every location, all Jerylin's doing. She had been extra excited for this trip every detail was important to her.


"Oh that reminds me!" Manny jumped off the couch, ran to his suitcase and came back out with a brown grocery paper bag. In it was stock full of....

"CAFE BUSTELOOOOOOOOOO" Charlie practically jumped out of the drivers seat.

Manny jeered "Ayyyye I got you man!" He said as he prepared the powder, and water into the machine, before returning to his seat

"Thats... wow... thats some real ass coffee. Cuban. Its great." He said picking another playlist since he didnt think he should show the group his music tastes just yet, since they were slightly everywhere. He chose the famous songs playlist on his iPod. With that done and the smell of cuban coffee in the air, Charlie started the engine and hit the streets. Eventually they hit the highway going north towards Las Vegas. Here we go....


Oliver faces the girl who sounds like she is sighing loudly when she speaks. The way she looks, she shouldn't have anything to sigh about. Sure, Oliver isn't interested in girls, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know a pretty girl when he sees one.

"Hi Rory, nice to meet you. Like I said before, I'm Oliver. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Oliver extends his hand for her to shake. He enjoys meeting new people more than anything, because people are the most intriguing of all creatures. Sure, there are animals that may look cool and are smart too, but no being has as much depth or is as complex as a human. There were layers and thoughts that another human being couldn't reach, hard as they tried. And that's what makes each human special, like the lines of code he occasionally writes for Google. Most of the time he does creative work, but he's pretty handy at coding as well.

He turns around to face Manny, a smile on his lips and in his eyes. "No, I don't take things personal. When I was in middle school one of my friends taught me a very valuable lesson; you're far less likely to get hurt if you're able to laugh at yourself. I'm not brave, I was born this way and I embrace it. I honestly make gay jokes all the time. It's a pleasure to meet you, Manny. Unfortunately, I am not as masculine as you. I'm currently working a nice job at Google on their creative design team and I am pursuing a career in writing though I haven't gotten far with that yet."

He looks at Jisa. "I don't know, Jisa, I'm not like you straight people. I have a whole rainbow to feed inside of me!" He laughs. Smelling the irresistible aroma of Cuban coffee, he heads towards the source of the smell. "I'm going to need a cup of that. Not because I need the caffeine by any means, but it smells so good and I love the flavor."
Felice stiffens a little as Hannah hugs her, not having expected it. She wasn't one to give or was used to receiving hugs, especially as tight as the one Hannah gave her. She soon relaxed and and smiles before watching as she went to go chat with Manny. She turns her gaze to Charlie. "I'm definitely ready for vegas!" She glances around the room and lets out a small sigh at realizing she was the tallest girl there and there were still only a few guys taller than her. It felt like high school all over again, her senior superlative was "tallest girl" after all, real creative. At least she now embraced her height, her mother was disappointed she ditched her modeling career but you can't be a model forever. It's better to have an education to fall back on.

She looks over at Oliver as he introduces himself, impressed by his bravery. She jumps slightly at Rory's introduction, placing a hand on her chest as she calms herself, she would definitely be memorable. Felice listens to Manny's introduction, glad the cowboy persona was true and not just a "look". She hated city folk who dressed up because they liked the idea of it but were in no way what they dressed as. "Nice to meet you Oliver, Rory, and Manny" She watches as Manny gets up to grab and brew coffee, the smell hitting her immediately and creating a smile across her face. She was definitely going to get herself a cup. Cuban was definitely her favorite.. She turns her attention back to the group. "I'm Felice Ferdinand by the way. I'm a bartender, licensed and all, so if you ever need an awesome drink you know where to find me" She gives a wink and a laugh. Where else would they find her, she's stuck on an RV with apparently some interesting people, in a good way.
Hannah didn't notice Manny eyeing her. She was too busy watching the drama unfold on screen.. She made up her own dialogue in her head, not speaking more than 2nd grade spanish. Still, she laughed a little at Manny's explination. "Zorro, I think." She turned to give him a big smile and then was immediately distracted when Oliver started speaking.


Really, she probably should be on aderall or something, the way her attention was flipping here and there. It was a negative side effect of her excitement. Maybe? Hearing Felize mention the whole bartender thing, she turned to her real quick, half her attention still on Rory, and pointed at her. " Do you know how to make the Hufflepuff Badger Blaster? (Yes, that is a real drink!) Or how about the Pan-Galactic Gargle-blaster? Cause if you can make those, I am your new bestest friend!"

Felice laughs at Hannah's enthusiasm. "I can make a Hufflepuff Badger Blaster, an Avada Kedavra, which by the way is my favorite but I don't recommend it to beginners, butterbeer, hufflepuff shot, slytherin shot, you name it" She says with a grin, having a soft spot for the whole Harry Potter series herself. "Though I've not heard of a Pan-galactic-whatchamacallit but if you tell me what's in it I can make it for you" She makes her way over to the couch to sit down at the end of it, figuring standing while the RV was in motion should be kept at a minimum for fear of losing her balance and falling on her face.



Oliver focuses on Hannah and Manny's conversation. "I heard Zebra and Zorro, but isn't it Legend of Zelda? Unless you're talking about something totally unrelated of course." Oliver swings his hands with Hannah's. She is very excitable, but so is he, so he can't be agitated with her. Some people find Oliver downright obnoxious and he knows it. But why should he change for anyone?

"A bartender, Felice? That's an interesting one, considering I love to drink. I find mixology so fascinating, you know? The possibilities are limitless, and some of the drinks are so wild." Oliver takes a moment to recollect on all of the downright insane drinks he'd seen or tasted over 2 years of being legal. But somehow the drinks before he was 21 were even crazier, mostly because it was illegal at the time and they had to get a little creative. His parents had always offered him to taste their alcohol growing up, because they said 'We'd rather have you know what it tastes like now so you don't go insane when you're 19.' He never even liked the taste of alcohol until high school, of course, all he had before that were tiny sips, legal under the consent of his parents.

He wanders over to meet the Hunter that Hannah talked about. "Hey, I'm Oliver. Nice to meet you. You seem pretty cool." @LionsForLambs
"Hahahaha!" Manny enjoyed the company so far. And it looked like his gifts for Charlie would be taken advantage of hereon out. "So google aye Oliver? Id say holding the worlds info in your hands is good enough hahaha... oh." The towering Felice suddenly came and sat on the other end of the couch as Oliver went to talk to hunter. He was caught between two taller girls on the couch now.... niiiice. "Bartending? I got some alcohol for you then senorita Felice! Tequila and margaritas all the way!" He laughed a bit leaning back and looking at maude watch the tv. "This is my moms favorite show. its cheesy though."

Charlie simply chuckled softly under his breath as he watch oliver make his way to hunter in the mirror and Manny stuck between the two girls. One of them was really invested in the Novela. Hannah it was.
Leaning against the wall near the back of the crowded comman area of the RV, Hunter watched. Of course he kept an eye on his sister. It was just what he did. So where Hannah failed to notice Manny looking her up and down, Hunter didn't. He arched an eyebrow, but managed to stand his ground.

She was a big girl. And wandering eyes were hardly something he needed to get involved with. He watched Carlos and Jerylin in the front seat. He watched Oliver as he gave his speech and he watched as Rory seemed to take the tim to muster up her courage before speaking. And then there was Hannah again, flitting from here to there in the way she always did. All he could do was shake his head. Still, finally pushing off from the wall, he moved forward to throw himself into the fray, as it were.

Rory was closest, so he stopped and gave her one of his placid smiles. "My sister is crazy. Certifiable, really. I'm Hunter." @ArtisticKwittyKat234

When Oliver approached, Hunter turned so that he, Rory, and Oliver made a litte circly thing. He laughed a little, and introduced himself again. "Hunter. I don't think anyone has ever called me cool, but I can roll with it."

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Seriously, there was too much excitement. Hannah was pink cheeked with it all, and her bouncy-ness had not abated. On the one hand, she heard the reference to Zelda, and with a very, very serious face, she turned to Oliver, and asked one very serious, very quiet question. "Ocarina or Majora's Mask?"

The quintessential question to a possible lifelong geekship! @xx0mittens0xx @BrownBear


Jerylin looked up from the map and saw the road ahead of her. They were still in the city, but getting closer to the outskirts by the minute. A rush of adrenaline hit Jerylin realizing that she had never been outside of San Diego. Yes it was true, this 22 year old had never been outside of her hometown. Although she had had the opportunities to go with school or friends, she always stayed behind to help her mom out and work. This road trip was sort of like her escape from the real world. It was a chance for Jerylin to finally live life outside of home. It was her new adventure.

Jerylin bobbed her head slightly to the music Carlos had chosen. Not really her cup of tea, but then again nothing from this decade was. She craned her neck to the back of the RV surprised that they had already brought out the Alcohol. Well that was faster than expected.

A smile grew on Jerylin's face as she turned to look out the window seeing her town fading away with the distance. This was it. They were on the road and on their way to Vegas. There was no turning back now. Jerylin turned and looked at Carlos wondering if he would be up for small talk. "What rabbit hole did you pull Manny out? He seems to be fitting in pretty well."

Li Ling Chen

He sat there in the bathroom, rather uncomfortably. As soon as Jerylin had given everybody permission to board, Li Ling had waited for the initial crowd to pass, then slipped into the RV’s bathroom and locked the door. I’ll change into some clean clothes, then find a quiet corner in the RV to read. But just as he finished tugging down a clean shirt, and taking his gadgets out from his dirty pair of jeans, the unmistakable sound of the ‘others’ blared through the thin, wooden door. I guess I’ll just… Li Ling turned about, looking for a place to sit. Here is fine. Bundling his stained clothing neatly and tucking it in a corner of his duffel bag, he made his way over to the porcelain god. I’ll just wait for them to settle down. Almost immediately after he sat upon the deity of alcoholic retribution, a thin strain of pop music slipped in through the crevice of the bathroom door and the floor beneath his feet began humming gently. It shouldn’t take too long now.

Li Ling was still acquainting himself with the toilet 10 minutes after the RV started to move. It was just his luck, all he could here was the hauntingly genial conversation of Jerlin’s merry crew of friends. I’m one of her friends too. Li Ling shook his head has he stood up and slowly picked up his luggage from the floor. I’m one of her acquaintances, too. Sighing, he unlocked the last, physical barrier between him and a world of painful socializing.

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