[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!


Jerylin gladly handed the pack of candies to Rosie laughing at her enthusiasm. She stared at Rosie as she took a bite of the candy imagining her as a little girl at a party anxiously waiting for the candy bags to be passed around. Jerylin put her arm around Rosie and gave the girl a big hug. @ArtisticKwittyKat234

Just as Jerylin let go of Rosie she saw Li stretching out his hand to Hunter. Huh I guess Hunter's letting him down easy. Poor Li...even he deserves someone who loves him. Jerylin thought that the two guys shaking on it was the end of the Hunter and Li relationship, but when Li spoke again, Jerylin's eyes widened. So I guess Li isn't giving up...He's trying his best to continue talking to Hunter. How cute! I shall give Hunter a pep talk on how he should give Li a chance. Yes I'll make sure Hun-- Her thoughts were interrupted by Li's sudden question.

"Jerylin, who is this guy?"

Jerylin thought for a moment. Did Li literally mean who he was or did he mean how do I know him. "He's Hannah's twin brother Li. You know, always smiling, works at the movies. I introduced you to at that one party. Both of you arrived at the same time. Hannah and I left you two talking while we went to go get drinks. 'Member?

Jerylin smiled mischievously as she remembered that night. Hannah and Jerylin had left the both of them at the door to fetch some drinks. When they both came back they were standing at the same place awkwardly. At first Jerylin thought that it was normal since Li loved taking the upper hand and making things awkward, but after hearing him offer Hunter a kiss, Jerylin began to imagine that maybe something happened between them while she and Hannah were away. The smile grew on Jerylin's face thinking about what they could have possibly done in that short amount of time to make them both stand so awkwardly when the two girls returned. Now that she thought more and more about, the two guys didn't seem awkward at all, they seemed to be hiding something. Oh this is so cute! Li and Hunter! Who would have thought!

@Trignome @LionsForLambs
Rosie took the bag and shoved two pieces of candy in her mouth. Hugging Jerylin back she passed the bag of candy back to jerylin. She turns to her, "So. Tell me about everybody here!" She smiles chewing on her price of candy and still having one in her hand. She notices Jerylim staring imensly at Line and hunter.

"Ooh. Are they a thing? " she shoves more candy in her mouth. She was really hungry. She didn't understand why. Shrugging it off she gets a beer out of the fridge taking the cap off the special her old boyfriend taught her before he left for collage before her, she was still in highschool, senior year to be exact. She sits back down beside Jerylin taking a sip of her delish beer @NessieAlways

Li Ling Chen

So it was a party after all. Li Ling nodded slowly, carefully filing away the information in his mind. Hannah's twin brother. Got it. Glancing over at the guy seated across from him, Li Ling couldn't imagine him smiling. Or standing behind a concession stand. "You're awfully tan for a popcorn scooper." At least I was right about the party. He chewed on his bottom lip, silently studying Hannah's brother for a moment. See, now that's another thing that's bothering me. Li Ling frowned as he turned towards the kitchen again. "...Who's Hannah?"

Even as he asked his question, he heard the other girl's commentary. Are who a thing? Turning to give the friendly on the floor a dirty look, Li Ling mentally reassured himself that Hei wasn't being attacked again. Then who is she referring to? There's only me and...His eyes widened behind his glasses, reminiscent of a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Belatedly, he realized just how suggestive his earlier behavior had been. A monster truck. A bull elephant. A fighter jet. A crowd of demon worshipers. Anything but this. Li Ling mentally reigned in the urge to punch the first person he could reach. I can't do that. The closest person right now is Hei. Instead, he impassively gazed at the oblivious girl that was still happily snacking away next to Jerylin.

His words were deliberate. Cold. "I have standards, bitch."


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Jerylin took a bite of her candy and was about to answer Rosie's question of who everyone was when she asked about Li and Hunter. Jerylin giggled hinting that they might be. She looked at the two of them and although they might look odd together, opposites attract. Well Rosie, if they aren't a thing...they will be. I'll be sure of it! Jerylin turned to answer Rosie when Li's comment cut through the air like a blade.

Jerylin snapped her head at Li. "Li Ling! Manners!" Jerylin rolled her eyes and shook her head. She wasn't offended by Li's rudeness towards her friend since she new him well enough by know to know that he was always like that. Cold and cruel, but Rosie didn't know that...unless she figured it out by now. "She was just pointing out the obvious crush you have on Hunter, Li Ling." Jerylin knew that she had just played dirty. Announcing someone's crush in front of the crush was always foul play, but if Li was going to be rude to her friends, Jerylin could play along. @ArtisticKwittyKat234​
Rosie blinked. She opened her mouth to say something but Jerylin cut in. She laughs at her comment about pmsing. She could be cold to. But, that was no way to make friends.

"Well ,Bitch, I just asked." She smiles at him.

She merrily starts sipping on her beer and getting more candy and eating it.


Li Ling Chen

He was now incredibly confused. Jerylin's telling me to mind my manners? She should be used to this by now... Li Ling sighed in exasperation. It's probably just commentary to comfort her 'sensitive' friend. The same one that oh-so-subtly speculated about my romantic involvement with guys. He gave Jerylin a pointed look. "Don't tell me you think that rock over there and I are a couple? I know you're not smart, but I highly doubt you're an idiot." Leaning over to pick up the pen that he'd dropped on the ground, Li Ling bitterly wondered if he could hitch a ride back home before this ridiculous trip resumed. Or maybe I should wait until the RV starts moving again, so I can just end it all by jumping out the window. He shook his head, brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. I shouldn't get so emotional, or I'll end up being a pessimist.

Before he could resume his writing, Li Ling noticed the chatty girl was speaking again. "Well, Bitch, I just asked." Then she continued to stuff her face with beer and candy. Li Ling almost wanted to cry at the lack of originality in the girl's comeback. Where is the intellectual stimulation I was promised in exchange for attending this trip? Giving Jerylin a brief glare of annoyance and utter betrayal, Li Ling addressed the girl that was currently preoccupied with chugging down another beer. "Excellent. I've heard that pigs taste delicious when their blood is thickened with alcohol." Smiling humorlessly at the girl, Li Ling opened his notebook again and resumed his MP3 playlist.


(Li Ling being a bastard, as usual. He doesn't even need a knife, with that cruel streak of his...)


"Ay dios mio!"Jerylin smacked her forehead with her hand and looked down frustrated not knowing whether to take his last comment as an insult for being called 'not smart' or as a compliment for being called 'not an idiot'. So Li is trying to play off not liking Hunter. That's fine I can roll with that, for now. When she heard Li's comeback for Rosie her eyes went wide with fear of how Rosie would react. She loved Li and she loved Rosie, but they were going to tear her apart between both of them. "Li, Honey, why would you eat a drunk pig. That's just disgusting. Jerylin turned to Rosie "Chica, There's no need to continue the name calling especially when you're drinking...things might turn ugly.

Jerylin kept glancing between Li and Rosie waiting for guns and cannons to come out and a battle beginning. Li would be wearing a fancy old style battle uniform carefully planning his next attacks while Rosie would paint two black streaks under her eyes and go Rambo on him. Oh yeas Jerylin pictured it perfectly, not really knowing which way the battle would turn. Before anything happened Jerylin turned to Hei. "Hei...you're BAFF is about to engage in a nuclear war with Rosie...need some help here."


(Sorry! I was exhausted yesterday! I went to the beach after my cousin's party. My aunt accidentally put his shoes on the wrong feet so I had to carry him down....while having a beach chair strapped to my back and a few boogie boards in my other hand. So yeah, tired.... I'll just pretend Hei drifted off into sleep, by complete accident after him, Li's and Oliver's convo....)

Hei nodded in response to Oliver. "I agree. My taste is differs depending on my mood, to be honest. 'Miss Jackson' has to be a favorite. Actually, I love all their songs equally. It would be unfair to give better treatment to the others...." Hei said, rubbing his chin a little. Despite his intense embarrassment, he had some strength to continue the conversation. Well next thing he knew, the conversation had dwindled down.

As he dozed off, Hei barely caught Oliver's last conversation. Something about leaving him because he felt awkward and nervous. "No it's fine...." Hei mumbled as he slipped off into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, when he was asleep, Hei missed all the fun. Arguments, A CONTEST, Hersey kisses, and such.

Next thing he knew, Hei woke up to the sound of Jerylin.

"Hei...you're BAFF is about to engage in a nuclear war with Rosie...need some help here."

Hei snorted awake. "Huh, wha? Oh glob, Li," he said, starting realize what was happening. With a big sigh, he knew Li was picking fights again. Or was it she, Rosie, was picking fights with him. He'd probably need to hear the whole problem first. "Okay, fill me in. Then I shall judge all fairly," Hei spoke with quiet seriousness. He would be the judge here and probably the peacekeeper.

Li Ling Chen

Li Ling heard Hei stir slightly in his seat, and before he could fully turn around to look at his friend, said friend had already sat up and was blearily glancing around the RV. "Oh, glob, Li," Hei began, then following with an inquiry about what had happened in the RV. Li Ling glared at Jerylin. Didn't she know that interrupting REM sleep is unhealthy for the mind? Frowning in dissaproval of Jerylin's shouting, he shifted in his seat so he was facing Hei, then put his notebook down with a sigh. You want an explanation? Is "bitches will be bitches" good enough for you? But he knew his BAFF was too sweet of a guy to react well to such a comment. In fact, he'd probably end up crying, and Li Ling had a strict policy about his friends crying. Kill the bastards that made the tears fall. Li Ling reached a hand out and started smoothing down the cow licks that'd cropped up in Hei's hair. "You need a horse-brush for this..." He tugged at a monstrous tangle as he continued his explanation.

"I was preying on the weak-minded mortals that dwell in the oblivious idiocy that is this road trip." Pausing to pat down a particularly stubborn curl, Li Ling shot a malicious, calculative look over his shoulder at the piggy girl and Jerylin. If you agitate him any further, I'll murder you both, and mail a little piece of your corpses to your parents every month. "Just kidding. I was pissing people off, as usual." Satisfied with the state of his friend's hair, Li Ling sat back and picked up his pen again, trying to continue writing.

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Jerylin caught Li's insulting glace and just stuck her tongue out at him and smiled. Yes, he was rude. Yes, he was cruel. Yes, he was mean. Yes, he was a pain in the butt. Yes, he was probably on Asian demon, but apart from all of his negativity and pessimism, he was still Jerylin's Spicy Asian Sensation. She had seen a good side of him, the side he only shows Hei now. Even if it was only for a second, Jerylin had been able to get to Li. She had no idea how since their friendship foundation was build on a debt, but Li had found her worthy of his friendship and she really appreciated it. Not that she wanted to be worthy in the first place, but if she was special enough for this cold hearted ass of Asian to stick around, well them she was really something. (Ehh I can save it for later)​
Hei turned to Li when he heard him sigh. With that, Li tried to pat down the cowlick a that had formed. Stupid stubborn hair. Sometimes he just wanted to shave his head, stubborn, stubborn hair. Although it was fluffy and soft. That was the only good point about his hair. "I was preying on the weak-minded mortals that dwell in the oblivious idiocy that is this road trip," Li started. His BAFF then paused to pat down a particularly big and stubborn curl. His head bobbed down a bit at the pressure. He wasn't protesting it, though. In fact, it was nice to have someone do it for him. Hei never really knew how to tame his locks. "You need a horse rush for this...." Li had said as he attacked a particularly stubborn knot.

Li then gave a look at Rosie, was it, and Jerylin. Hei sighed, but continued to listen. "Just kidding. I was pissing people off, as usual," Li said. Soon after, Li stopped petting down Hei's hair and gave a look of satisfaction. Soon after, Li sat back and returned to his notebook.

"Oh Li.... You shouldn't do that, it isn't very nice," Hei stated, sounding very innocent and perhaps almost childlike. Hei then turned to the others to apologize for Li's actions. "Sorry, don't mind him. It's a huge habit. Sorry Jerylin, Rosie," Hei said, bowing his head a little, considering he was sitting. Hei's tone was truly apologetic and kind. Gosh angelic tendencies are truly convincing. Hei then patted Li's shoulder a bit as he waited for a response.

@ArtisticKwittyKat234 @Trignome
Rosie turned away and sipped her beer. She didn't even wince. She look at line, then to Hei then to jerylin. She hated fighting but she hated it even more when people disrespected her or insulted her.

"What ever.." She scoffs turning around on the couch. " Great.. You haven't even talk to these people onced and now your having a fight with them. What is wrong with you rosie!!" Rosir takes another sip then another then another. She used alcohol as an escape, most of the time.

Rosie gets up and walks to pantry and gets a bag of chips. Then sits back down on the couch next to rosie.


@Trignome @LuckyMisfortune
(Talk about worst possible time to be busy! )

He, of course, shook Li's hand. Firmly, but casually. "I just thought a handshake might be the best way to end this...pleasant conversation." Hunter chuckled, no put off one bit. "So's getting up and walking away. Or not making eye contanct."

"Do you actually know my name, or did you pick the first stereotypical Asian syllable that came to mind?" Hunter would have, of course, answered pleasantly, if Li hadn't adressed Jerylin. He just wanted as the rest of it unfolded. "Ooh. Are they a thing? "That's amused Hunter further. As did Li's "You're awfully tan for a popcorn scooper."

"That's owing to the lifeguarding. And while I'd always be happy to scoop popcorn for such an amiable fella such as yourself, it's a hard thing to do from the projection rooms."

Hunter would probably have been happy to let the conversation drop as that seemed to be what Li wanted, but some things cannot be ignored. Such as comments referring to women as bitches. It came from helping to raise 5 sisters next to Hannah. You just.. learned better. Hunter tended to be protective and while Rosie was not one of his sisters, he still didn't like the language.

"I have standards, bitch." Hunter reached forward and patted Li's cheek, no sign of a smile in his eyes. All the good nature gone. There was no force in the touch, like someone patting a childs cheek. "It's alright, Li. So do I."

He pulled his hand away and pushed up from the seat. "I would appreciate it, all things aside, if you refrained from speaking to the ladies like that. It's in poor taste, really." And he would have said no more, not about anything because it really was all just that amusing...

"Excellent. I've heard that pigs taste delicious when their blood is thickened with alcohol." Well, now. That was just a step too far in Hunters opinion, and he would have stopped his movement toward the back of the RV and gone right back to force an apology out of Li if Jerylin hadn't so expertly difused the situation. Calling on Hei was probably the best choice in all situations. Who could keep it up with Hei around?

He stopped in the door of the RV to check on Hannah, protective mode on, and, satisfied that she was safe, moved to stand near Rosie and Jerylin. "Welp, that was interesting..

@ArtisticKwittyKat234 @LuckyMisfortune @Trignome @NessieAlways @BrokenStrings
Hannah saw her brother as he leaned out of the open RV to check on her. She smiled and shook her head at the same time. Sometimes she found it endearing that he was always checking on her. And sometimes she hated it. It would have been different if she were one of their. Although, even Hannah knew that Hunter had good enough cause to check on her. Sometimes she was a little too act and then think.

With a happy little sigh, Hannah made her way back to the RV, bag of drinks in her hand. When she stepped up inside, the tension was palpable, and she looked around at everyone before her eyes settled on her brother. She mouthed the words what gives?, before moving and dropping into a seat near Rosie with a friendly, open smile.




Jerylin watched at Hei tried to reason with Li. If she didn't know any better, Jerylin would say trying to reason with that guy was pointless, but there was some sort of connection between Hei and Li. If Hei couldn't get Li to reason, then not even a miracle could get him to.

Jerylin sighed and went towards the fridge to grab her raspberry tea. She popped the can open and took a big gulp of the fruity goodness. She gave a satisfied grin and leaned against the kitchen counter when Hunter joined her and Rosie. "Welp, that was interesting." The comment made Jerylin laugh. "They're already picking fights and we only left a few hours ago. This will most definitely be a lot more than interesting pal. So much more..." Jerylin took another sip of her drink and tilted it in Hunter's direction offering him a sip.

Hannah came out of the blue clearly having missed the little fiasco. Although it wasn't much to worry about, it had stirred up things a bit. Oh well...what's done is done.



Oliver continues guiding BUELLER through the game, his DS hiding the giant smirk on his face. He can't let Li know he is extremely amused by the situation he is caught in the middle of now. It all started with a stupid Hershey's kiss...Heh. He unplugs his headphones, allowing the music of Pokemon Pearl to sound throughout the RV. It isn't horribly loud, but loud enough to let everyone know what he is playing, and maybe grate Li's nerves a little bit. Hopefully.

He almost forgets about his bag of Combos. According to Oliver, Combos are the food of the heavens, and while many college students lived off ramen, he lived off of Combos. The fake cheese snack surrounded by either pretzel-y or cracker-y shells was enough to keep him full and focused for classes- but that was mainly because his stomach had shrunk from skipping meals. The smell and taste of the Combos always brought him back to college days, and most of the time that was a good thing.

He opens the bag and pops one of the almost dog treat-like snacks into his mouth. "Anyone want one? They may be 100% artificial, but they taste great!" As he crunches, the fake cheese dissolving in his mouth, he turns to Jisa. "I'm co-piloting next, right? Who's driving?" Looking briefly down at his game, he sees BUELLER's Piplup level up. If only everything were as easy as this game. I'd have no worries for real. But life is fun- this road trip is fun. And Pokemon is fun too.



Rosie smiles back at Hannah. Taking, another sip of her beer and munching away on her bag of chips what were sitting on her lap" Hey Hannah." She says. " What's up?" She asks just trying to have a causal conversation. She notices what Hannah mouths to her brother. " Oh nothing.. Just me screwing up a yet another friend ship that could have happened in the future.." She sighs and eat more of her Lays chip and sipping on her beer. She was half way done with the bottle. Luckily she had 5 more.

" Welp, that was interesting." She heard Hunter say. "Oh hi hunter.. And tell me about it.."



Li Ling Chen

Everybody is getting on my nerves. Though, considering the situation, Li Ling had to admit it was at least partially his fault. Why am I so insensitive towards other people? He thought about this, briefly, before nodding his head decisively. Because they're annoying. What irked him most was the commentary that the other guy, Hannah's brother, had given after nearly every retaliation Li Ling had thrown at the beer girl. Refrain from speaking to ladies in that matter? My comebacks were in poor taste? Don't tell me that guy's some sort of delusional chauvinist. Sighing down at his notebook, Li Ling decided that, at moments like these, he needed something to steady his nerves a bit. Gently brushing Hei's hand off his shoulder, he bent down and retrieved his backpack from the floor.

Glancing about cautiously, he quietly slipped a hand into his backpack and pulled out just the top of a crumpled, ziploc bag. Reaching into the plastic, Li Ling pulled two pen caps out and gently placed the bag back into its little side pocket. He started on the blue pen cap, nibbling a bit at the tip before popping the entire cap into his mouth. Black ones still taste better, Li Ling thought, as he continued to grind the plastic into a pulpy mess between his back molars. He kept his mouth tightly closed, and from a observational standpoint, it appeared as if the Asian was simply chewing on a wad of gum. Now, think you idiot. Closing his eyes, he focused on the tension in his jaw and mentally zoned out as he attempted to find a solution to his social predicament. How do I avoid butting heads with Maudinara, Chauvie, Piggers, Jerylin, and Mr. Friendly? After chewing meditatively for a few more moments, Li Ling slowly frowned. There were only two solutions he could see. Either shut up, or shut out. If I can't deal with them, then there's no point in trying. Sighing, he got up from his seat and walked over to the garbage can, picking the remains of the pen cap off of his tongue and tossing it in the trash.

Heading back to his spot beneath the RV window, Li Ling glanced over at Chauvie, who'd approached Jerylin and Piggers. Well, I suppose friendships are forged in the face of adversity. Rubbing at the spot on his cheek where Chauvie had patted him, Li Ling smiled humorlessly. I wonder who the adversity was...Before he could sit down properly, Mr. Friendly began waving a bag of chips around in the air, offering them to the other RV occupants. Li Ling found his eyes rolling upwards in exasperation as he finally settled back in his seat. Even if I promise to let sleeping lions lie, obnoxious people will always be obnoxious. Pulling out the black pen cap he'd saved, Li Ling silently opened to his last entry in the notebook and began reading.




(The pun with LionsForLamb's user name and character...I couldn't resist. >.> Also, I hope no one thought Li Ling had drugs in that bag, did they? He's definitely clean...barring the ink.)
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(Sorry, sorry! I was dragged off to the boardwalk to go on the rides. I screamed a lot tonight, but had oh so much fun!)

Hei sighed as everyone started disappearing. Okay one down for Judge Chau mode. People, his friends, often asked to solve problems for them. I mean, he guessed it was only in situations with Li. Well, there were a lot times.... Hei sighed softly through his nose, inaudibly. Now that he thought of it, he sounded like a elderly person before. Oh glob, he was aging to fast or more like starting to act like one. Another sigh brought more gray hair, his father once said. Well, Hei was sighing a lot. Li gently brushed his hand of of his shoulder, knocking Hei from his worried thoughts.

He smiled softly and rolled his eyes in a quick little way as he knew what Li was doing. Hei watched Li grab a small ziploc bag. Pen caps helped Li think, in what Hei knew, anyways. His BAFF zoned out for a quick few moments. Probably thinking. Next thing he knew, Li got up and threw it out. What was left of the cap, I mean.

Hei suddenly heard the music of Pokemon Pearl. His eyes darted to Oliver. His face broke into a huge grin, but he didn't say anything more. He had Pearly and his own Pokemon had been a Piplup, Empoleon more like, named Emperor, not very original. "Anyone want one? They may be 100% artificial, but they taste great!" Oliver exclaimed holding the bag of junk food in his hand.

"No thank you, but thanks anyways," Hei said. Although, this skinny ninny could use all the food he could get. He just never felt like eating. Attending college, he'd lost all of his appetite. It used to be just coffee in the morning and a salad at night. He was loaded on studying and spending time with friends. Hei barely ate in those years. He swore he never weighed less in years.

"I'm co-piloting next, right? Who's driving?" Oliver spoke up startling Hei. He'd completely forgot it was his turn and they'd been at the gas station for a while.

"Shhizle! Oops, it's me, I should probably get my skinny caboose up there!" Hei said, flushing slightly. The awkwardly went up there, almost tripping on his own feet. He grabbed the side of Li's chair to straighten himself. "Haha, clumsy meeee...." He mused softly. Hei then went up towards the driver's seat and plopped himself down. Was the chair just too big or was it him? He didn't know or care anymore.



(Heading off to bed, post tomorrow! Sorry, exhausted)
Li Ling Chen

So Mr. Friendly is going to sit up front. That's okay, I suppose. Li Ling glanced up to look at Hei, who was saying something in response. "Shhizle! Oops, it's me, I should probably get my skinny caboose up there!" This is not okay. This is definitely not okay. Li Ling stared in disbelief at his friend, who was stumbling out of his seat. Then he looked over at Jerylin, who was still casually eating in the kitchen, as if she hadn't just passed Hei's innocent, romantically virgin heart to a demon. Said demon was still sitting on the floor of the RV, playing some sort of game. Li Ling could just imagine all the bounding and good times the two were going to have while driving. And then they'd go out touristing together, and then they'd start spending the night together, and then eating dinner privately at a 5 star restaurant, and then...the ring. Oh gods, not the ring.

Quickly, Li Ling slung his backpack over his shoulder and made a mad dash for the front section of the RV, slowing down as he approached the seat Hei was currently sitting in. He attempted to feign casual interest in the ceiling. "Don't mind me. I'm just going to...sit with you guys." Lowering himself to the floor, Li Ling wondered, with faint annoyance, how Mr. Friendly had managed to stay so comfortable on such a hard surface. Doesn't matter. It must be some sort of trick only friendlies know.

Glowering at the guy fiddling with his little electronic game contraption, Li Ling pulled a Hershey's candy out of his jean pocket and tried to calm down. Sweetness, my savior from all things emotional. Let's calm down. Calm...He took a deep breath and opened his notebook again, attempting to continue writing. But as the candy melted down on his tongue, Li Ling suddenly had a vision of a chocolate wedding cake, with two little miniatures of Hei and Mr. Friendly on top. Nope. That's not happening. He frowned and tried to concentrate on the tip of his pen, the words on the page.




(I'm going to be dragged around by my relatives today, so Li Ling's just going to stare at his notebook for a long. long time. Bye, guys!)
xx0mittens0xx said:
"Yeah I'm definitely not much of a morning person. Though working until 2-3am doesn't exactly help. All I can say is thank god for coffee. And I wouldn't believe you if you said it was easy. School and work that's all I've been doing lately so I figured it was time to go have some fun before I get back into that routine again. Though I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do when I'm done with school. I've done it for so long it's going to be weird having to get a real job, whatever that means" She laughs and takes her pepsi back to take another sip of it. "But I'm glad to hear you're doing good"
"Oh. hahaha." He laughed at himself, forgetting to give the soda back. More like kicking himself. "And its hard doing what you do. Working honestly till three in the morning haha..... Then going to school. Nah. I probably wouldve enlisted.... or stayed selling." Charlie said looking up at the sky through his shades. He smiled and looked to her. "And yeah. Coffees my life. The one drug I couldnt live without.... as long as we have that I think we'll be fine... Cmon lets go. I think we've rested enough." He looked at Felice for awhile then smiled again before picking up the dummy and heading inside.

What he said was true though. Working like that and going to school? It wouldve been too much work. No matter how much the Phoenix would tell him the try. Carlos would convince the Phoenix to take the easy way out like that. So going to the academy was actually like therapy for him. He learned about hard work and that sometimes... theres no loophole or easy way out of a situation. It seemed that he would always struggle with the realization that carlos was just some selfish, non-committal fuck. Thats why he created a persona to become, because to him, being himself was not sufficient.

Charlie threw the dummy on the sleeping manny, passing the talkative crew. He went back to the wheel, started the the RV, and plugged some Gym Class Heroes in. "Oh.... my jam.... Aye! Is everyone here?! Im about to head out!" He yelled towards the back.
Felice laughs. "Yeah so now I'm on this trip to have as much fun as I can before I do it all over again" She follows Charlie back inside the RV. "Hey! easy with the bed. I'd like it to last the entire trip" She says with a laugh as Charlie throws the dummy on Manny. She makes her way over to her side of the bed, grabbing her cracker jacks. She takes a seat near Jerylin at seeing her basket of wonderful sweetness. "I'll share mine if you share your's" She smiles offering her bag of cracker jacks while grabbing a couple pieces of jolly ranchers. She pops an apple flavored one in her mouth. She looks around at the others, noticing the slight tension in the air. "It's a vacation, no fighting allowed!"




Hmm, Hei is driving. Oliver muses, trying to think what kind of driver-co-pilot experience this is going to be. Hei seems like he would be a pretty good driver, so I don't have to worry about dying. If they put Li behind the wheel...that would be another story. Plus, we seem to have similar interests, so it should be a pretty good experience overall. Oliver watches Li's every move as he briefly panics and heads in their direction.

"Don't mind me. I'm just going to...sit with you guys." Heh. Oliver keeps his eyes trained on Li, the Pokemon battle music sounding from his game, as Li squirms a little on the floor. The floor had always been a comfortable spot for Oliver, sometimes he would secretly abandon his bed for sleeping on the floor. The hard surface is comforting. Li does not seem to share the same feelings.

Although Oliver is focusing on his game, in the background he can sense how uncomfortable Li really is, not just physically. And he feels a flash of sympathy for the guy. But it dissolves quickly, Li doesn't seem the type to accept sympathy readily.

"Well, if we're going to continue with the trip, I might as well assume my position as co-pilot." Oliver stands up, grabbing his backpack and suitcase, dropping them in front of the passenger seat. It had always been a habit of his to pack light, so he could have everything near him. Closing his DS and setting it next to him, he buckles his seat belt.

"With me as your co-pilot, I guarantee you won't fall asleep or become bored in any way, shape, or form. Because that's kind of who I am,"
Pausing his speech for a moment to run through a mental checklist, he continues. "To be honest, I don't really know you. But considering we'll be driving together for awhile, we could try getting to know each other a little more. I'll go first, if you want."

"I'm Oliver, as you know. I'm 23 and currently employed at Google, I'm on their creative design team. Besides that, I'm an aspiring writer. I enjoy video games, like Pokemon and Legend of Zelda, books (I'll read anything), movies," At that he pulls on his 'Save Ferris' t-shirt to demonstrate. "Music, trying new things, and food. As far as musical tastes go, I'll listen to any sort of rock (indie, experimental, classic), but I favor songs and groups that sound different, that have their own edge. As far as food goes, I enjoy eating from different cultures. I promise to try any food anyone puts in front of me. Okay, I've seriously been talking for hours, so you can go, just share whatever you want to share." He smiles at Hei, wondering what he will say. He is also secretly wondering what Li is thinking.




Oliver's question about who was driving next was quickly answered by Hei before Jerylin even had a chance to process the question thoroughly. Jerylin just smiled and nodded as if she hadn't been caught off guard with the question even though she had. Jerylin wasn't the smartest of the group. Although she was an engineer and had actually managed to graduate with her class, Jerylin was a bit slow understanding things. The only reason she had her degree was because of all the extra hours she spend at tutoring and at study groups. She could have never survived college on her own. @xx0mittens0xx

Jerylin shook her head while still smiled and headed over to the couch. She sat down and reached for the remote control. "What do you guys feel like watching?" She asked to anyone who was listening while she started flipping through channels thankful that the RV had working cable and wifi.​
"Don't mind me. I'm just going to...sit with you guys," Hei had heard as his BAFF sat down on the floor. Hei, being completely oblivious, didn't sense Li's true intent. If only he could realize Li was protecting. Alas, no. Besides, Oliver was a nice guy, so far. He watched Li sit uncomfortably. Hei tilted his head a little, wondering why he would go through such measures if he didn't feel pleasant or comfortable.

"Well, okay then," he said, smiling a little. Hei did not hear Oliver's words and instead, only shown his attention when he walked up. Hei smiled softly and watched, not in any way being a stalker, as Oliver put down his bags and put on his seatbelt.

"With me as your co-pilot, I guarantee you won't fall asleep or become bored in any way, shape, or form. Because that's kind of who I am," Oliver had started. Continuing after his pause, "To be honest, I don't really know you. But considering we'll be driving together for awhile, we could try getting to know each other a little more. I'll go first, if you want."

Hei smiled and said, "Thank you!" He enjoyed the politeness of Oliver. It was nice to meet new people that were so kind. Hei then reminded himself not to talk like a grandma. "Okay, sounds great! I don't mind," Hei responded Oliver's second statement. This would be nice. The pair, plus Li, would be sitting for a while. Driving was nice time to converse, though.

"I'm Oliver, as you know. I'm 23 and currently employed at Google, I'm on their creative design team. Besides that, I'm an aspiring writer. I enjoy video games, like Pokemon and Legend of Zelda, books (I'll read anything), movies," he then showed his t-shit, saying 'Save Ferris', "Music, trying new things, and food. As far as musical tastes go, I'll listen to any sort of rock (indie, experimental, classic), but I favor songs and groups that sound different, that have their own edge. As far as food goes, I enjoy eating from different cultures. I promise to try any food anyone puts in front of me. Okay, I've seriously been talking for hours, so you can go, just share whatever you want to share."

Hei was thinking the entire time he conversed. Oliver was twenty-three, a year older than himself. Works in creative design for Google, but otherwise a writer. Interesting. Hei's smile brightened when Oliver said he loved Pokemon. That was his favorite, as was Zelda, but Pokemon was still the best. Books, well of course, he liked to read too. A fast one at it, not to brag. Movies, Hei liked, but only Marvel or DC related, though. Disney was fun, hush he was still a child at heart, a little. Music, new things, food. Hei hated to go out of his comfort zone, but it was worth trying if everyone else was trying. Musical tastes, hmm, Hei's were similar. He himself enjoys Indie, Alternative, sometimes a pop mixture with both of them. In truth, Hei liked anything with that uniqueness as well. Food from different cultures, huh? Hei was thinking he'd find a Vietnamese restaurant to show everyone the culture he was closest too. He wasn't as close to his Chinese heritage. He'd have to get them to try pig's blood, but that's another day. Well, probably won't show/let taste Jerylin or Hannah, or a lot of other girls. Oliver finished and offered for Hei's turn.

Hei nodded and took a deep breath, "My name is Hei, you know. Full name is Hei Ian Chau, but please don't call me by my English name, Ian. I am twenty-two, fairly young I know. At the moment, I am currently employed at a bookstore, but I'm off to medical school soon to become a pediatrician. Other than that, I'm a free-Lance artist in my spare time. I love video games, especially Pokemon or anything Mario Bros. Yeah, something's I can't let go. I read a lot and watch animated movies or anything Marvel/DC." Another breath. "As for music, I listen to anything with that falls in some category of Indie, Alternative, or some pop. I like bands with their own edge, as well. I don't eat a lot, so I'm not very adventurous when it comes to food. I enjoy Vietnamese of Chinese cuisine the best, for obvious reasons. Although, anything is good if I try it. That about ends it for me...." Hei panted a little, he'd never done so much talking. Wait, he'd opened up! Yes, score for becoming less shy! Along the way talking, Hei managed to start the RV.

"Hey! Everyone ready to leave!" Hei shouted, as best as he could. He was a pretty soft guy.

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