[Across the States and Back!] Leaving Home!

Manny raised his eyebrow at the Zelda comment. He knew nothing about video games his whole life. He worked hard the moment he could stand and enjoyed every minute of it. Good honest work that made his skin tough and his ancestors proud. Plus he was home schooled. He only used the game as a reference and has heard so much about it so much from the kids at his church or whatever other geek situation he had come across. To be honest he was so much into his own little world that he hadnt seen a movie for months. He wasnt really updated on the world either. He was all about money and hard work.

Having nothing to say about the alcohol, he shrugged and put his hat in front of his eyes for a moment before getting up and getting the coffee for the driving Charlie. Saying per miso first of course.

"Thanks hermano." Charlie said as he was handed a cup. He was invested on the road but the music was beginning to hate this commercialized music. "Bro... please... put on PND i cant take anymore of this." As Manny changed the song on the ipod he smirked at the Zelda comment knowing exactly what is was all about. He quickly wiped off the smirk though when the PND mixtape started. "thanks.... yes! Relax With me Yes!"

As soon as manny saw the booze he went escaped from the Jerys just in time. Charlie smiled at her question. "Our dads know eachother. Its simple really. His dad wanted to be a rapper in new york. This failed miserably. My dad met him and they roomied together for awhile living in Washington Heights. Ghetto Dominican place. Lots of mexicans there nowadays though. It was fate. So hes a childhood friend of sorts." Charlie said bobbing his hand to one of his favorite artists.
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Hunter polietly excused himself from the fray, nodding to both Oliver and Rory before disappearing into some dark, hidden expanse of rv where no one would see him for a while.

(Sorry, folks, gotta get to bed.)
Rosie bit her bottom lip and smiled at every one who had said hello and introduced themselves." Hi!!!!" she says again going to go make a cup of coffee. Once she poured it into her cup and added some sugar and some French vanilla coffee creamer. She settle down in a corner, sitting on one of the sofas in the dinette, that's when she got bombarded by questions.

"Hallooo, Hanna! I don't know you either. No I do not. Nope, never been. It really is!" She smiles and sips on her coffee. " I can tell we're gonna be good friends. " She smiles once more, sitting back. "Hi hunter~ I'm Rory, as I said before, quite loudly. She smiles when he smiles at her, before he had to go.

Mentions: @BrokenStrings @LionsForLambs
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Sat on the lower bunk bed.

With eyes widened, Evelyn dragged herself on the bunk bed until she sat against the wall with her legs crossed. Everyone was energetic right now; moving back and forth all excited like! Though sadly Evelyn had no clue on how to approach any of them, so she simply pulled her brief case besides her and unzipped it, flipping the top part over she opens it to reach over for her Ipod.

Putting the 'headphones' on, she let the ipod play on shuffle while she reached over for her book, holding it with both hands as she reads the title, a smile appearing on her face. Her eyes eyed up left and right before she opens the marked page to begin reading.

With music playing and her eyes set on the words on her book, Evelyn was rather distracted in her own little world right now to know most of the things happening within the RV. She would've joined them, but she was too nervous for now.
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Now, now, the alcohol still existed only in conversation. Even Hannah wasn't that quick to start drinking. Really, she saved the drinking for parties, and even then, she wasn't much of a drinker. She knew she had a pretty low tolerance and for all her social butterfly-ing, she liked to remain in some control of herself.

She was busy trying to talk to everyone all at once. It was a bad habit when she was in a crowd. She didn't want to miss anything. Alas, she didn't actually have the ability to be a part of everything, so she settled for bouncing in between conversations, inserting herself here and there regardless of invitation.

She took a seat opposite Rosie, sitting on the edge of the seat so that her legs stretched out into the isle. It was part of her master plan, you see. Anyone that wanted to walk past would have to, at the very least, acknowledge her. "I'm always in need of good friends! Let's shake on it!"

She held out her hand to Rosie cheerfully @ArtisticKwittyKat234

From this vantage, perched on the edge of her seat, she could still see mostly everyone, even if she couldn't hear everything. Some part of her, the rarely seen pensive side of her, noted that it was likely to get tiresome every once in a while, all these people cramped up together in this little RV. Human nature.

She shook her head free of those thoughts and sighed happily. She hadn't ever been on an adventure like this, and she was looking forward to great things. And so, thus lost in her own thoughts, Hannah managed to settle herself down, because really. At the end of the day, who wanted to trapped in a little space with a spastic bouncer?

(And that's me, bowing out for the night. Thanks to everyone, for all the fun!)


Jerylin nodded at Carlos's comment and drifted off in thought about how she had managed to meet everyone. It was odd really thinking back to the very first moment two people met. She couldn't help but think if meeting them had been faith for something more to come, like this trip perhaps, or if it was just simple coincidence. Jerylin didn't believe in coincidences. She believed that everything happened for a reason, even the bad things. But she couldn't help and doubt her beliefs when she couldn't quite place the reason for her befriending such odd people.

Odd in a good way of course. Being odd makes you unique which isn't something to be ashamed about. Although most of her friends had perky attitudes they were all very diverse. Each had their own story and their own personality that she wondered if it had actually been a good idea to stuff them all into a metal can on wheels. The thought worried Jerylin a bit, but she didn't fret on it much. All she could think about was the road ahead of them and the fun they would have at Vegas.

"Okay.. "Rosie mumbles before propping her feet up and falling asleep at the dinnete.

(Night guys!)
Felice looks at Hannah. "I also love tequila. I can see we're going to get along splendidly" She laughs at Manny's comment about margaritas. "I love margaritas and I brought some silver tequila myself it seems we are well stocked" She gets up from the couch to make herself of a cup of coffee, leaving it black and smiles at the aroma. She makes her way to the back of the RV and sits on the queen bed, setting the coffee down briefly before grabbing out her ipod. She slips the headphones in her ears before leaning back against the pillows, letting one of her favorite songs . She liked to enjoy her coffee with music and wasn't really one to converse over coffee. She liked to feel as the caffeine hit her, putting her in a better mood almost instantly, one of the side affects of dreaded caffeine addiction. (Back to work for a few hours and then I have a party tonight I should be able to respond between the two and hopefully later tonight if shots aren't in the picture)
Hei was practically invisible the whole time he was on the RV. He didn't take up much space or make much sound. Him boarding wasn't much, considering he was tiny and just stood in the large crowd of people. There were a lot of people..... Hei sighed to himself as he made his way into a tiny corner of the RV. He popped his Ravenclaw headphones into his ears and started up his phone. Hei then started playing a few of his favorite songs. "Nothing like A little P!ATD to cheer you up....." He whispered to himself, laughing a little. The other seemed like they were having a blast. Hei didn't want to get into that stuff at the moment. There were a couple of new people and he didn't want to make a fool of himself. Why was he such an awkward and shy person?

Hei was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the bathroom door open a little ways away from where he was sitting. Welp, let's hope he can converse with whoever was in there. His eyes widened when Li Ling showed his face. Hei turned his music off and stood up silently. "Umm, hi, Li!" The way he talked sounded very very out of place. He rubbed the back of his head a little as he looked him in the eye. The two were around the same height, Li was a little taller, though.


(I don't know what to say, I woke up and here I'm met with three pages of posts.... Hahaha,heh)
Li Ling Chen

Alcohol. Is this really all they can talk about? Shaking his head at the ‘others’ conversation, Li Ling slipped out of the bathroom and glanced about for somewhere to sit. Somewhere to hide from these alcoholics… Just as he was wondering if there was anybody normal on this RV, Li Ling heard someone tentatively calling to him. He briefly considered just walking away, feigning temporary deafness, but thought better of it as he saw who it was. Relatively normal. I suppose I can settle. He raised a hand in greeting. “Hey, Hei.” Walking over to his ex-BAFF, Li Ling raised an eyebrow. “You’ve gotten taller, again. Tell me the secrets of your growth spurts. Is it tonic? A spell? Padded shoes? How have your tutoring sessions been with the pot guy? Have you read any good books lately? Looks like you're excited about this trip, did you remember to pack drawing supplies? What’s your girlfriend’s full name?”

He gave Hei a look of mildly disdainful interest. “Just answer that last question, actually. It’s the only one I’m interested in, at the moment.” Folding his arms, Li Ling waited for Hei’s response. If she ever breaks up with you, I'll kill her. He paused in his murderous thoughts, frowning a bit. If you break up with her...I'll still kill her.

@LuckyMisfortune (Li Ling is a bit overprotective, isn't he? >_> Hei's life must be so difficult, with such a temperamental BAFF.)
Li returned a greeting with a raised hand. Hei was about to respond but was cut off. “You’ve gotten taller, again. Tell me the secrets of your growth spurts. Is it tonic? A spell? Padded shoes? How have your tutoring sessions been with the pot guy? Have you read any good books lately? Looks like you're excited about this trip, did you remember to pack drawing supplies? What’s your girlfriend’s full name?” Hei's head was starting to spin. He opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, and closed it. This action made him appear as a fish. He started to sweat alittle, unsure of how to answer.

“Just answer that last question, actually. It’s the only one I’m interested in, at the moment.”

Thankfully, Li saved him answering all the questions he asked earlier. Wait, how could the person who inflicted th action save you from it. Hei shook his head mentally and instead responded, "Umm, what girlfriend? Li you know I couldn't pick anybody up with all this." Hei gestured to himself in blandly stating he was in no shape to pick up girls or boys in his own awkwardness. He'd hope to have some luck traveling around. Hei waited for his response, but examined him. Oh glob, was he thinking of murdering someone. He totally was, BAFFS were slightly telepathic.


(Yes, you're probably right! XP But, he'd practically would be the only person who would really understand him... XP)
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You’re an idiot. “You idiot. I’m referring to Maudinara.” Then, trying to comfort his friend, Li Ling gestured at Hei. “You know what I see? A scrawny, wimpy, awkward, Asian guy who couldn’t find his way off a mountain even with a map, compass, and down-flowing river. But that’s fine. Some people actually like the hopeless type.” Li Ling briefly considered the entirety of his compliment. He nodded in satisfaction. Good enough. “You’re welcome.”

Glancing at the rivers of sweat sliding down Hei’s face, Li Ling cocked an eyebrow. That is disgusting. Is he really that put out by my question? Walking over to an open seat, he set his duffel bag and backpack down on the floor. Then he sat on the edge of the seat and looked up at his almost-ex-BAFF inquisitively. “So? You and Maudinara. How long have you two been dating?” I wonder if you'll cry if I murder her?

@LuckyMisfortune (It's a mutual understanding, of course. I feel so sorry for Hei...)
“You idiot. I’m referring to Maudinara.”

Hei almost let out a sigh. Maude was just a friend who comforted him once in a sudden bout of depressing self hatred. All she did was make that delicious dessert every time he was upset with himself. Was it that big of a deal. Also, she wasn't his girlfriend! "Wait, Li-" Hei had started, but was cut off.

“You know what I see? A scrawny, wimpy, awkward, Asian guy who couldn’t find his way off a mountain even with a map, compass, and down-flowing river. But that’s fine. Some people actually like the hopeless type," Li had said in an effort to help him feel better. He smiled softly, knowing this was the way Li talked to try and boost his confidence. Li then nodded and said, "You're welcome."

Hei nodded softly and responded, "Thanks, I needed that, sort of." Hei wiped his brow, okay he may or may not have inherited gross sweating from his dad. Hei laughed in his own head, knowing Li was probably very disgusted by it. Please, Hei knew him pretty well after their meetings. Hei watched as Li moved over to an empty seat and sat down.

“So? You and Maudinara. How long have you two been dating?” Li's question caught him off guard. Hei sighed deeply and sat down next to Li.

Hei opened his mouth to say, "First off, Li, Maude isn't my girlfriend. Second, are you offended by her. And third, did you try to speak with me in the parking lot before when she went up and hugged me after I yelled to her?" He knew the right things to say, realizing Li had been there before him. The mess was enough to explain.


(Yes, yes. XP Hei can put up with him, though)
Li Ling Chen

Li Ling gave a mild sigh of relief at Hei’s disclaimer. Stretching a bit and settling into the seat, he raised his index finger and gave his friend a pointed look. “First off, good. I hope you two never start dating.” He added a second finger. “Two. I’m not offended by Maudinara, I just break out in hives every time I see her.” He let his ring finger join the party. “Three. I wasn’t trying to speak with you at the park. I was casually standing there and dying as you fraternized with the enemy.” Sighing in exasperation this time, Li Ling put his hand down and opened his backpack, scrounging around for his notebook. At times like these, it’s best to avoid speaking to any idiots. He considered the guy that stood before him. ...or continue speaking to any idiots.

Pausing in his search, he patted the open seat next to him in invitation. Then he pulled out his notebook, a pen, and an MP3 player. Pressing the power button, Li Ling waited for his playlist to come up as he mused about how average this road trip was rapidly becoming. I am stuck in this mobile box with two half-decent people, several friendlies, and a whole bunch of 'others'. He frowned despairingly at the flickering screen of his MP3.

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"How do I choose?!" He replies to Hannah's surprisingly serious question. "Majora was the first game I played, out of order, I know, and the nostalgia and wonderment at the game is strong with that one. So I believe I will have to choose Majora's Mask over Ocarina."

A thought sobers Oliver from his obnoxiousness. Lord of The Flies. He read it when he was in 5th grade over the summer because his father told him it was a good book. His father was never a reader, and isn't smart in the creative department (though he is wicked at math), and likely didn't see everything in the book that Oliver did. But, even at the young age of 11, Lord of The Flies intrigued him. The idea that a group of civilized boys minds could unravel so quickly both unnerved him and piqued his curiosity. And that's what his thoughts landed on, because their situation is much like the book's. Although they aren't isolated or stranded, they would be trapped in a small RV for awhile. Nerves are going to be fraying, and it isn't fair for Oliver to annoy everyone right off the bat. He will give them time to get used to him first.

He notices an interesting conversation happening between Hei and Li. The first thing that catches his eye is Hei's Ravenclaw headphones. Oliver is both a geek and a nerd, and Harry Potter was one of the first things that exposed him to the nerdy side. Not to mention Oliver's love for a variety of music is definitely prominent. So it is with innocent curiosity that Oliver reads Hei's lips. Reading lips is a skill that Oliver learned early on in his childhood, when he went through a Spy phase. He still employs the things that he learned from that phase, and they have come in handy more than once.

"Panic! At The Disco..." Oliver whispers to himself, a small smile forming on his lips. He would definitely have to become friends with Hei, anyone that listens to P!ATD with Ravenclaw headphones is definitely a friend to Oliver. Oliver slowly approaches the two guys, not intentionally eavesdropping. When neither of them are talking, Oliver begins speaking, in a slow and quiet manner, as he didn't want to startle them.

"Hey, I'm Oliver. I just wanted to say that your headphones are awesome. And Li, isn't it, I don't think we've ever really talked before." Oliver sat on the ground, Indian style. He wanted to make it clear that he had no intention to leave or intrude on their conversation, although he intended to join. He did not want to offend either of them, they seemed like the most level-headed people on board.


(Sorry, been at the beach all day. I am extremely tan.... As in I don't want to tan anymore, I tan too fastXP)

Hei I Chau

Hei listened to Li's explanation and sighed softly. He didn't like Maude and she didn't like him in conclusion. Li was also, so called, allergic to her presence. He learned that Li didn't like him interacting with Maude. With his explanation, Li put his hand down and started rummaging for what seemed to be his notebook, possibly. With that, he stopped talking. Hei figured Li wanted some alone time. Instead, Li paused his search and patted the vacant seat next to him. Hei smiled a little and sat down next to him and placed his suitcases somewhere underneath his seat.

Next thing, Hei took off his Marvel messenger bag and placed it next to him on the chair. Was it just him or was the chair really big. He looked at everyone else and now he figured it was just him. Man, he was a skinny asian. Hei shrugged and took out his sketchbook and a pencil. Suddenly the new guy, Hei didn't quite catch his name, walked over to them. Hei stopped his music, which he miraculously started a few minutes ago.

The other man began to speak, "Hey, I'm Oliver. I just wanted to say that your headphones are awesome. And Li, isn't it, I don't think we've ever really talked before."

Hei began to get flustered, a little. "Ah, nice to meet you Oliver, I'm Hei. Thank you, it was, um, a gift from a friend. I just love Harry Potter, I always considered Ravenclaw as my house," He responded, everything careful and a little stammer could be heard in his tone. Oliver had just sat down on the floor, Indian style. He smiled sheepishly and silently observed him. Oliver was definitely taller than him, kind of cute, in a totally not romantic way. He shrugged and started playing around with his pencil, a nervous tick.


Li Ling Chen

As the first few beats of Coloris finally began to play through his earbuds, Li Ling glanced over at Hei, who'd taken off his comic bag and sat down next to him. His friend was almost freakishly thin, or perhaps the seat was just very big. Li Ling bounced experimentally on his own seat. Oh, it must be that the cushions are over-stuffed. He turned back to his notebook and flipped to a clean page, clicking his pen open in anticipation of a relatively undisturbed ride.

Just as he was about to start writing, Li Ling peripherally spotted an unrecognizable person approach from the right. Some strange guy...is he a friendly? Furrowing his brow in annoyance, he stared at the intruder that now stood in front of Hei's seat. Though Li Ling couldn't hear what they were saying, their mutually friendly expressions were enough to tell him that this was not a conversation he'd want to join. So instead, Li Ling sat there silently, completely ignoring the other two guys as he became preoccupied with the swaying of Hei's pencil tip. It's irritating, yet oddly mesmerizing. Reaching out a hand, he nabbed the eraser end and yoinked the pencil out of his friend's hand.




Day 1/11:45 A.M./ Highway to Vegas

Jerylin opened her eyes to see the trees swooping fast next to her "GAH!!!!". Jerylin had fallen asleep on the reclined seat with her body towards the window. Thanks to the scare it took only a matter of seconds for Jerylin to be fully awake instead of the usual 10 minutes.

Now that Jerylin was fully awake and aware of the fact that her dream about falling off a cliff was just a dream, she remembered where she was, the RV. Jerylin turned to her left and saw Carlos behind the wheel. Oh shoot I'm supposed to keep him from falling asleep and I fall asleep. Good job Jerylin. Good job. Jerylin scracted her head and spoke up wit a raspy sleepy voice that complimented the red spot on her cheek caused by the it being pressed on the seat for almost an hour.

"Where are we? Was I out for long? Are we still on track? Do you have gum?"



Maude had gotten onto the RV uncharacteristically quietly, feeling a little lost in all the hustle and bustle. She laughed and nodded when Jisa alluded to her cooking while talking to Oliver, nodded as everyone introduced themselves, but otherwise took her time in adjusting to the huge influx of people, some of which she knew and some of which she didn't. She had taken up residence in the top bunk, carefully placing her stuffed animal next to the pillow. In this spot, snatches of conversation rose to her ears from most spots of the RV. Including Li's and Hei's.

She furrowed her brow and seethed for a minute or so before she, placing her knees firmly on the mattress and her hands firmly on the bed frame, stuck her head out and down, looking at the Asian duo. "You could at least keep your opinion of me a little quieter, since you can't seem to remove your thumb from your bum, Li. I only have to take your abuse when I'm at work. And anyway, just because you can't seem to provide emotional support to anyone doesn't mean no-one else can without dating each other! Also, hi Hei." She waved cheerfully at the "good" Asian. Like the good witch and the wicked witch of the west. Maybe those would be her new titles for them from now on!

She noticed the other boy sitting near them and frowned. "Sorry, did I interrupt something? Oliver, right?"



Hei I Chau

Hei awaited Oliver's answer while still playing with the pencil. Back and forth, perhaps going along to the beat of the song he was listening to. Northern Downpour was quite catchy. "Sugar cane in, the easy morning. Weathervanes my, one and only," sang his headphones. Suddenly, Hei was knocked out of his thoughts when Li grabbed the pencil right out of his hand. "Hey!" He said, surprised. His groove was thrown off. Hei looked at the culprit and sighed. He shrugged and realized Li didn't want any part in this conversation.

"You could join in the conversation, you know," he said, placing his hand on the armrest. They were sort of like a married couple, haha.

Hei jumped when Maude decided to join. "Oh, hey Maude!" He exclaimed after listening to her insult Li. He chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. They must really hate each other.


(I'm going to head out for a while, so my response may not come 'till late... Sorry!)
Carlos looked straight ahead as he rapped along with his young roddy mixtape. "We passed East LA which lies miles west of the highway. About one hour till barstow then I can chill." He stopped before rapping a couple lines again. He was on the gas slightly so to be honest they might be there in about 40 minutes or less. He was loving the feeling of the drive, of the vroom and quiet. Driving was like meditation to him. While she slept he attached a police tracker on the mirror/ Whenever heard it beep he slowed down and resumed his speeding.

He looked to his right at Jery. "Hmm... cute." He took his thumb and wiped the corner of her mouth it, rubbing it in with his palm before putting both hands on the wheel again. "You fell asleep on me. Not a good co pilot at all tsk tsk." He teased her. "And no I dont have gum. Got bud though if you want me to slow down and let crack open a window."

Manny had fallen asleep on his position in the couch. His hat was tipped over his head as he snored slightly.


Jerylin stuck her tongue out playfully at Carlos. "Am not! I am the best Co-pilot in the history of Co-pilots! Jerylin spoke with a fake snobby voice with an ever faker British accent. Jerylin titled her chin up proud and batted her eyes while she spoke until she just burst out laughing." And no thanks my Jane days were over when...they were over a while ago." Jerylin smiled leaned forward to turn the air down a bit "Bit chilly don't you think? Never been a cold weather person. I love my sun way too much." She kicked her legs up on the seat and hugged her with her arms, while she stared off to the road ahead.

"Nice accent hahaha." Carlos chuckled as he looked ahead but at the same time glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "One of the first times ive done jane since my last break in the academy, and i dont have to worry about drug tests this time. So Im gonna enjoy it and do as much as possible. Hope yall dont mind." He pressed the gas a little bit to pass another RV on the weather. "Its shouldnt be cold to you. Its 12 pm in nevada.... in the summer. Maybe it the A/C. Or maybe you can just get warmed up on my lap. haha. Anyways it will get cold at night, since las vegas is in the desert basically... I dont mind it. Colorado forced me to like the cold or be miserable." He said remembering basic training at jacks valley then the 2 week mountain hike... not fun. He lost 10 pounds of hard earned muscle on that mountain.


Jerylin smirked and gave a little head nod as a thanks for his compliment although she wasn't completely sure if it had been sarcastic or not. Either way a compliment is a compliment.

"Haha be my guest, but no dealing! I don't want to go on prison visits. I mean have you seen those places? Some one needs to introduce them to Wayfair seriously." When Carlos mentioned Jerylin warming up on his lap, she couldn't help by laugh."Trust me if you weren't driving I'd take you up on that offer. " Jerylin stretched out her hands to close the air vents and curled up tighter. "What exactly did you do in Colorado? I mean I know you were in training and what not, but how was it? What did they make you guys do? Jerylin was genuinely interested in his story at Colorado since that was the time she didn't hear from him at all.


Still perched on the edge of her seat, Hannah shook herself out of whatever little daydreams she'd been in and blinked around at everyone. Her smile was quick, maybe a little too quick.

"Hei! Have you drawn anything pretty lately? You weren't stalking any other girls, were you? Cause I think I'm the only girl you're allowed to stalk! And Maude. I think you can stalk Maude, too."


She was, clearly judging by her expression, playing around. It was a casual reminder of the first time they had met on the beach. Her eyes slid passed Hei and settled on Li. She knew his face. She was good with faces, but just then she couldn't quite remember. Her eyebrows furrowed, she bit her lip, and a slender finger reached up to scratch at her head lightly. She just couldn't place him... "I know you from somewhere....." @Trignome

And even though it's out of order, Hannah turned to Oliver with the biggest and fakest pout she could manage. "Majora's Mask? I just.. I don't think I can bear to even look at you any more!" She looked away quickly, but very briefly. When she looked up at him again, she was grinning. "Ocarina was my first. I think everyone's first is always their best, but there's not hate. No hate at all for another Zeldite! Zeldtoid? Hylian?" She wasn't sure if she had ever heard of a single cohesive name for Zelda fans. @Vitez

And then her eyes slid back to Li, still trying to remember.

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