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  • Users: TongneJinglish
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  1. TongneJinglish

    Realistic or Modern Doux Deluxe Cafe: A Sweet RP!

    "What have I missed?!" Vaughn burst through the door of the Doux Deluxe Cafe, not paying any mind to Monsieur Timmens. His hair was dripping wet from the shower he'd just had and there was an untied plain black tie around his neck. He had only checked his emails a few minutes ago to see he'd...
  2. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    ((I have to leave now, so excuse me while I fade out of existence until tomorrow or so...))
  3. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    "Or blood?" Grace asked with a laugh. If she laughed, it would make her sound less serious and everyone would think she's a normal human.
  4. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    "You can teleport too?!" Grace was extremely impressed by his display. Although, she wasn't really one for Chinese food, or any food really; this was still absolutely amazing.
  5. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    "Huh..." Grace looked very interested by Zero. He was so cool with his clones and black squidgy stuff that came out of his legs. She was just simply Grace, hardly anything special about her. "I am Grace-Lynn." She answered Draco with a pleasant smile.
  6. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    ((Ahem... I knew that...))
  7. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace poked all three of the Zero's. "Can you feel this?" She punched one of the clones in the face, hard.
  8. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace stood there, staring. "What else can you do?!" She started examining him and touching him all over the place, seeing if anything interesting happened.
  9. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace didn't know what to do. All of these people were suddenly appearing and someones legs were broken! "Would you like me to break your arms to take the pain away from your legs?" She suggested.
  10. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    "I actually just got here." She smiled. It was mostly true, the rest of her story was just too boring to waste anyone's time with. "I guess you did too...?" Grace glanced up to see a magnificent dragon flying around. "I wonder if that is normal..." She was mumbling again.
  11. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    "I am Grace-Lynn." She gave her a toothy grin. Her vampire fangs always stuck out when she smiled and it was a little embarrassing but there wasn't much she could do about it. It was a little odd how she was dressed, in a warm coat and scarf. It wasn't cold at all to Grace.
  12. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace picked up her pace so she was walking with the girl now. "Moriko... I like that name..." She mumbled to herself. "It sounds foreign." Her name was very normal and generic, she didn't really like it.
  13. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace didn't want to be left alone with him, so she quickly followed after Moriko. She looked like she new where she was going, and that was great. She didn't even think that it might seem weird that she was following her.
  14. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace covered her mouth with a delicate hand and giggled. She examined this new lady who had bumped into him too. She looked nice, and really pretty.
  15. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace took a moment to think about, for a moment she'd forgotten her own name. "My name is Grace-Lynn, sir." She couldn't stop apologising profusely to the man.
  16. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    ((Zero, I guess. I didn't realise you had written that for Nonalaka, sorry.))
  17. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace was slowly walking backwards. This day was not going well for her at all. That was when she bumped into someone. Grace spund around only to come face to face with a very scary man.
  18. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    The gun shots Grace heard sounded surprisingly close. Everything seemed to deserted, it was almost a relief to hear her killer practicing his aim. She ran towards the loud noises she'd heard.
  19. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Grace-Lynn had been wandering around aimlessly for hours on end. She was starting to get a little paranoid she'd starve to death and never see another person again, either that or she'd be eaten by all the creepy animal she knew were watching her and plotting her demise. (I had no idea how to...
  20. TongneJinglish

    Fantasy Highschool Life

    Maybe they should just meet up? I can't think of anyway they would know each other...