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  1. Ibinoth


    I'll have to slink away as well, I'm afraid. The time difference is so significant that I'm almost always asleep when the rest seem to be the most active. Keep having fun, gang!
  2. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire

    I think I might have to back out. Not because I've had limited contact with you guys, I've actually been having fun kinda doing my own thing! =] The issue's more the time difference, I find that when people are active here it's like 5AM at my place, makes it very difficult to properly...
  3. Ibinoth

    Stranded [Inactive]

    Another voice? At least she wouldn't be facing a lonely death then. She afforded herself to relax somewhat now, knowing help was on the way. Deep breaths, she told herself. For some reason they always take deep breaths. Probably... probably speeds the healing process or something, right...
  4. Ibinoth

    Stranded [Inactive]

    "Here! Over here," she yelled in response as she heard another voice, then toppled over again as pain shot through her ribs once more. Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to ignore it as she hoisted herself up against a nearby rock, managing to position herself in a sitting position...
  5. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Bree's face whitened as she heard the news. "The king, dead? Then who's going to pay me, huh?!" "I don't know," the guard replied meekly as he shrank away from her outraged stare. Bree shook an almost empty purse in the man's face. "This is all I've got left, y'hear? Barely 'nuff for a...
  6. Ibinoth

    Stranded [Inactive]

    Flapping her arms in wild, thrashing motions, Amanda's first sensation upon waking up was sheer panic. It was dark, it was wet and she couldn't breathe. A sharp pain shot through her as she turned herself sideways and filled her burning lungs with air once more, and she lay there gasping in pain...
  7. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Having at last found a measure of contentment again by resting up at a local tavern, Bree was enjoying a snack and a stroll down the street when she heard the castle bells chime. She heard scattered shouting and panicked outcries among guard and citizen alike. Something was up. "One'd think...
  8. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    At the crack of dawn, a sweaty, stinking Bree made it back to town at last. The sun's glare made her wince, and though she was relieved to gaze upon the towers of the castle again, the bitterness of her failure was hard to swallow. That little runt, running about in the woods like some damned...
  9. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Though Bree was lying underneath a couple stairs, out in the cold, she felt surprisingly warm. And wet. And... "NO! HELLS NO, DAMMIT!" She kicked the startled dog that had until now been busy peeing on her, sending it scuttling and yipping down the street. This had turned out to be one of...
  10. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    "Bet you didn't see this coming," Bree's gravelly voice sounded the moment before her fist connected with his face. With a savage grin she watched as he slumped to the ground, face utterly destroyed by her fist. The fat purse he carried in his belt burst open, and gold, silver and countless...
  11. Ibinoth


    Name: Amanda Rivers Age: 18 Gender: Female Skills: Shouting - Being a trained contralto singer, she has the lung capacity and volume to be heard over most arguments. This skill proves invaluable whenever she expresses her outrage over something, which is quite frequently...
  12. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Emptying her latest flagon of ale, Bree let out an inebriated belch. "Ruddin' soddin' wretch, runnin' off like that..." Her blurred vision went back to the window. "Ruddin' soldiers, plannin' to take off with my money..." She noticed a patron inside the tavern staring at her as she went on...
  13. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    "Gimme some grub," Bree growled at the innkeep as she slumped down by a suitable table. It was a small, sleepy town, perhaps even cozy to some, but to Bree it was just another backwater hamlet. At least it left pote.ntial refugees with few places to seek shelter. She grinned. The poor sod...
  14. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    She finally emerged from a particularly thorny patch of underbrush, cursing and swearing as she did. Countless thorns had buried themselves into her hide as the "shortcut" had turned out costing her several hours rather than saving her one. "Next time I'm bringing a damn ranger," she said as...
  15. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    "There's the stream..." Bree glanced around, but saw little more than the carcasses they had left behind earlier. They were starting to stink, and a swarm of flies took flight at her approach. "It was a long shot." She loafed around the scene for a few moments, clueless as to what her next...
  16. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Pausing briefly in her pursuit, Bree knelt down next to some disturbed soil, digging her fingers through the dirt. With a thoughtful expression she watched the sand and dirt trickle down, then turned her head to the northeast. Too bad I don't know jack about tracking, she thought and sighed...
  17. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    "Got errythin' I need right here, majesty," she said, the plates on her gloves clicking together as if to emphasize her words. "I'll get that head. Or as much of it as I can salvage..." She stared into the woods, where several guardsmen had already began to pursue the woman. She had to act...
  18. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    "Majesty," she said as she hurriedly went down on one knee, making sure not to make eye contact. As the king made mention of coin, and lots of it, her startled expression gave way for one of avarice. "Uh... ho-hum, damn, that's... how could I refuse a royal order yer majesty," she said...
  19. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Approaching the drawbridge, Bree stared at the castle guards as they rushed past. "Oi," she yelled at the them. "I hear there's some coin to be earned bashin' a few heads in! Where do I sign up, eh?"
  20. Ibinoth

    Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

    Spotting a dubious shape leaping and running across the roof of the nearby castle, Bree reckoned something was out of the ordinary around here. "Oi! I know you," she yelled after squinting her eyes, now recognizing it as the young woman from the woods. "What're you doing runnin' around on the...