

The Apple Queen
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Claire Addams






•She's a rather excellent cook, it was a hobby for her back at home.

•Claire also was captain of her track team, she is athletic.






•compassionate people


• Thunder storms

• Anything Bitter

• Party poopers

• Feeling confinded


Claire is a lovely girl with an independent heart. She has pretty eyes that seem to dance, like a fire was blazing beautifully within her. Claire has a free-spirited heart and mind and isn't afraid to speak her thoughts or stand up for herself. She is daring and bold and won't back down, and won't stop until its over. She can be kind, caring, passionate calm and understanding. She would take her time in things and won't rush if it would burst the pressure. Sometimes, her mind will race and it would be very difficult for her to think- but that rarely happens. She listens to others and seems to understand them- though you probably won't ever understand her and her history. She also doesn’t judge others, She takes time to know others and understand them. She doesn’t pick one side to a story in an instant. Claire listens to both sides but will also investigate about the unknown. The calmness and being able to understand others makes her smart. A most Gentle, kind, and a caring individual. She likes helping others. She’d do anything to protect anyone, even if the other person did something that they regret, even if it's someone that is cowardly or evil. She’d rather protect everyone and try making peace than live in a chaotic place with no harmony and peace. The individual you see seems like someone that would make you feel like you belonged. Claire is a pleasure to be around, she is almost never shy or quiet. When you get to know her she is a loving and very friendly. She never blurts out or fusses. Claire is very protective of her family/ loved ones. She rarely ever lies about any thing, always tells the truth.. even if she tried to lie, she could never pull it off. Claire never seems to panics about anything, she's very calm, collected, and self centred, as well as a great person with a generally loving personality. She will speak her mind and thoughts and isn't afraid to show what she thinks is right, even if it means putting her foot down. Claire has a beautiful, eye catching personality and is almost not afraid of anything. She speaks the truth and obeys rules. Claire has a heart crusted in gold and filled with love. Claire never gives up on anything. Her voice is soft and calming, makes you feel relaxed and better. There doesn't seem to be even one tinge of darkness inside of Claire. Love her compassion and bask in her light.


Claire grew up in a small town in Ireland, living in a cottage with her dad because her mother passed away in child birth. She had always felt rather guilty about that, but her father always ruffled her hair and told her not to think that way in his thick, gruff voice. When she was 16 she moved to a small beach town because her father got laid off from his job since the company was downsizing.

There they bought a small bakery called the 'The Lunch Box' for a reasonable price, and Claire worked as a waitress, and on her breaks and days off would go spend hours at the beach. Sadly, her father died when she was 18, from a car accident, from then on she was all alone. She tried not to show how upset and scared she was, but eventually she just wanted to get away from that place, the memories of her father drowning her. It was time to start fresh.

Getting onto a plane she was heading for her new life, but then, disaster struck...


Name: Emmie Greenbrier

Age: 16

Gender: F

Skills: Herbs and Medicine

Personality: In one word: Calm. Emmie had always taken pride in remaining calm in stressful situations, but that is not to say she never gets mad. She is also quite opinionated and stubborn, but gets along with others fairly easily.

History: Emmie was raised by her grandmother, who was a well respected Medic in her small village, which is where she got her skills from.

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Adrian Ellivants






  • First Aid - His strongest skill of the bunch. Seeing as Adrian's mother was a nurse, she taught him a wide variety of methods, treatments, and procedures on how to treat a large range of injuries or illnesses. Ever since he was young, it fascinated him, and just as his mother taught him, he built his knowledge in medical information on his own, as well. It's rare to find such experience in young men his age.

  • Sprinting - A lean frame makes for long legs, and he loves to run, anyways. These make for a very fast, and not easily tired, sprinter.

  • Knife Play - Adrian, to add a little bit of excitement to his life, put himself through many wounds and tears to learn how to do knife games, and really handle a knife. Today, he loves to show people his fluidity and skill in the knife games he taught himself so gruelingly, as well as his actual experience with using small blades in general {whether it be to kill someone or just hold}.


  • Quiet people.
  • Quiet places.
  • Reading, sometimes.
  • Rabbits.
  • Knives {he tends to not tell people about this one so openly}.
  • Soft, warm colors, mostly deep reds or browns.
  • Coffee.
  • Simplicity.
  • Real talk {speaking without sugarcoating anything, basically}.


  • Loud/obnoxious people.
  • Loud/obnoxious places.
  • Loud/obnoxious anything, really.
  • Beer.
  • Cigarettes. He tried one once and nearly coughed up a lung, it was horrible.
  • Superficiality.
  • Ignorant people.
  • Self-centered people.
  • Condescending people.
  • Liars.
  • Overly bright/neon colors. They hurt his eyes.
  • Overly repetitive sounds. They drive him absolutely mad.
  • Hard rock/metal music.
  • People claiming to 'love' other people who aren't family. It's a complicated philosophy that he has about the term 'love', so the only way to really understand is to notice his hatred for the word and ask about it.


Adrian, to some, is usually described as a cynical, sarcastic young man, but with a touch of sympathy hidden deep down. He has a large number of pet peeves, as you can plainly see, and gets irritated by any of them quite easily. He can be rather snappy and vicious towards people he has on his bad list, completely disregarding any politeness whenever he finds himself in their company, remaining distant and cold on his own accord. To people who have a neutral view to him, he acts a bit grumpy, and has his usual dry humor and sarcasm, but doesn't act quite as venomous, seeing as they haven't done anything to him to provoke him in such a way. There are very few in his life that have achieved the honor of being one of his friends, but any who have are pretty damn lucky to be close to him. Only for them will he feel any touch of care or kindness; you'll see that his natural bitterness is toned down significantly while he resides in their company, even though he still holds that grumpy aura of his. They are really the only people who can calm him down or keep his independent, acidic nature at bay. Anger is translated into a more sadistic, vengeful emotion that no person would want to come face to face with, so just keep yourself from triggering his temper and you should be fine.


He was born to a single mother, who worked as a nurse at their local hospital. Though being a nurse didn't provide the most ideal pay, it was enough to support just herself and her son. For some reason or another, Adrian's mother launched into teaching Adrian how to defend himself, as well as on how to treat others the way she has to, helping him learn the knowledge she so attentively had to study. He never really found out why, but he suspects that it had something to do with his father - she became very flustered and avoided the subject whenever he asked about it. As any normal life would go, he went to school and picked up a few unique interest along the way, including his interest in small blades. He was especially talented in P.E. classes, whenever the bane of other students {running laps/miles} reared it's ugly head. He would finish any miles or any number of laps quite quickly, earning him a good reputation in running with all of his P.E. teachers.

At eighteen, he found his newly begotten freedom as exciting. He felt like he wanted to go everywhere, travel to many places without having restrictions. He begged for his mother to help him get enough money to take a trip overseas to Europe, where he's always felt would be interesting to visit, and she agreed under the condition that he find a job and get some of his own salary to help as well. He agreed to the condition, and sniffed out small jobs like waiting tables and working in grocery stores, the typical jobs that any high school or college kid would do to earn some money. Eventually, he built enough money up to pool in and use for his trip, and with the added money his mother agreed on lending him, he'd be more than set to go. Now, twenty and nearing twenty one, he has gotten onto a plane to excitingly travel to his desired destination -

- only to crash on this godforsaken island. Great.



- - -


Evelyn {Eve} Caine






  • Climbing - Eve has always loved to climb trees, houses, anything that can give her a challenge. She's become very talented in finding alternative paths as she climbs, as well as climbing swiftly and with remarkable agility.

  • Emotionally Connecting - Despite her own tendency to crack easily under pressure, Eve is a very empathetic young woman who, with bonding, can connect and feel what others are feeling emotionally. She's a good person to go to for some love and comfort.

  • Singing - She's a gorgeous singer. Though it won't help all that much in physical survival, it could help in keeping the spirits of her fellow survivors high.

  • Skinning/Cooking An Animal - A singular talent, Eve was taught by her father as a little bonding time on how to skin and sort out various animals for materials and food. Though the knowledge she learned could apply to any mammal, he also taught her how to prepare snakes and fish to be eaten.


  • Rain.
  • Chatty people.
  • Sweet people.
  • Cuddly people.
  • A good book or movie.
  • Various YouTube channels.
  • Various video game franchises {Halo, Portal, CoD, The Elder Scrolls, etc.}
  • Beaches.
  • Nature.
  • Trying new things.
  • Creativity.
  • A wide range of animals.
  • Peace in an area/situation.
  • Hopeless romanticism {she's a hopeless romantic herself, you see}.
  • Hugging people.


  • Extreme pressure in a situation.
  • High expectations.
  • Nasty people.
  • Heartless people.
  • Close-mindedness.
  • Neon pink/green.
  • Bigotry. Huge dislike for bigotry.
  • Racism.
  • People who have no idea when to stop.
  • Strong alcoholic drinks {vodka, beer, whiskey, etcetera}.
  • Bullies.
  • People who do seriously harmful or problematic things just for attention.
  • People who disregard her serious panic attacks/hyperventilating as an act for attention.


Eve is often regarded as a quirky, but very lovable young woman. A sweetheart. You'll find that she can sympathize with an incredible range of emotions, and has a tendency to lift other peoples' spirits up with her own little ways. Joking around and teasing is a habit of hers, one that she'll introduce and invoke towards her friends, mostly. She falls rather silent around people she doesn't know, seeming shy until somebody approaches her. She loves to talk about her interests to other people, learn about new things and teach other people about new things or introduce them to new things; it's always very enthralling for her and exciting to do. When pressure is pressed onto her, she doesn't react well - she'll sometimes, if it's severe enough, fall victim to hyperventilation or full-blown panic attacks that she then has to allow to pass before she needs cool-down time and a whole lot of comfort, so make sure not pressure her deeply. It won't end well.


Eve, so far, has had a life full of financial lows, but has been raised under very loving parents. Her mother and father supported their family equally, and took raising a child while working as hard as they did very well. They lived in a very modest, small home in Aimes, Iowa, smack dab in the middle of the state, where nature trails and forests are plentiful to explore. Most of her free time was either spent out in nature or on the Internet, as well as with any school friends who she had made over time. Her life was pretty normal for her, and it was very nice to have, honestly. She never really cared about being rich or in the first-class status - she found her life as cozy and homey. It's just fine with her.

Eve and her father grew a very close relationship over the years. He would take her out to forests and applaud her on her climbing, teach her how to maneuver trees and get up to their tops. He taught her how to catch animals, and even showed her how to properly shoot a pistol, at one point. He taught her a lot about how to capture and cook animals, and even though some of the mammals he taught her about made her a bit uncomfortable to listen to, he reassured her that she might need the knowledge someday, and she didn't stop him after that, trusting his judgement. They didn't travel a lot, but Eve learned plenty about the world news from the Internet - her love of her favorite YouTube channels and many movies stemmed from her mother and father collaborating on money to buy her a laptop. It was one of the greatest gifts she could have asked for. Eve developed a relationship with a girl who lived in the UK, and the two, with face chats and Skype calls, became very good friends.

Eventually, Eve decided to ask her parents about if she could visit her good friend in Europe. Theyw ere very hesitant at first, but Eve was determined; she convinced and made out a good, safe plan, and told them of how safe her friend is. With coaxing, they agreed to let her go on her trip, and she packed up and boarded her plane to fly out to meet her.

And then this happened.



- - -

EDIT: Here you go again, AngelSariel.
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James Thatcher

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Skills: He's a hunter and he's good at building things.


  • Women
  • Cats
  • Nature
  • Reading
  • Food
  • The color green


  • Assholes
  • The cold
  • The color red
  • Platypi
  • Snakes. God he hates snakes.

Personality: James is pretty laid back and charismatic, and just likes to be around people. He's friendly and easy to like, and many a girl has been known to fall for him on sight. And while he tries to avoid being a heartbreaker, he's never really been into relationships, because they seem to end so quickly, especially in his teenage years.

History: James moved around a lot, ever since he was young. His father was in the army, so they moved from base to base all over the country. While most kids would be put off by this, James loved the constant changes of scenery. He fit in wherever he went, and was quick to make friends. He would always keep in contact with them, even after moving, or at least he would try. He had an older brother who would often take him hunting, which is why he's so good at it. They would camp out together for days at a time, just the two of them in whatever woods or hills they could find. Once, when his father was stationed in Oregon, they found this awesome lake with a waterfall and spent almost two weeks there, hunting and fishing to survive.

After James' brother moved away to college, James didn't go out camping as often, but every once in a while he would take some friends out for a weekend and they would rough it in the wilderness. It was always a great deal of fun, as James loved nature.

Now James is stranded in this new place, and he cannot wait to explore and get to know all of these new people. Hopefully his survival skills come in handy.


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Name: Seth Kramer

Age: 17

Gender: Male


  • Intelligent
  • Observant
  • Planning


  • Reading
  • Theorizing
  • Quiet


  • Authority figures
  • Being told he's wrong
  • Crowds

Personality: Seth is highly intelligent, but most others don’t realize it since he normally keeps to himself. He is a deep thinker and observer, able to notice small details that others tend to miss.

His dark demeanor tends to drive people away. If that doesn’t, then usually his scathing remarks or cutting comments does. It’s not that he hates people; quite the opposite, in fact. He acts like he does purposefully, as he does not believe that he deserves the comfort of friendship. He secretly believes that everyone else around him deserves happiness more than he ever will, so he goes out of his way to make sure no one wastes their time on him.

History: Seth grew up with a kind mother and deadbeat father. When he was young his father always seemed to be caring toward him whenever he was around, telling exciting stories and complimenting his achievements. Seth didn’t understand why his mother was so withdrawn while he was around. Whenever his dad would sneak out at night with strange packages, he would ask Seth to help by being a lookout. Being young and not realizing what was going on, he did so happily, wanting to please his father.

This continued until Seth was ten. That year his father was arrested for drug dealing and murdering. Seth finally realized that he had actually been helping his father do these terrible deeds. Not only had he helped circulate drugs, but he had inadvertently deepened his father’s addiction, which led to him killing someone just to acquire the fix he needed.

Filled with guilt and anger, he lashed out at his friends at school, which eventually made them drift away and leave him alone. It took months for Seth to get out of that cloud of darkness and shame, and when he did he realized what he had done. He had verbally hurt others because of something that he had helped happen. By then, though, it was too late. His friends were long gone.

Seth started to keep a distance from everyone after that, not wanting to hurt others any longer. Even though he usually resorts to a nasty remark to drive someone away, he thinks that it’s worth it because at least they won’t waste their time and get hurt more.

His mother lost her job recently and, although she tried to hide it from him, it was obvious that she was having financial troubles. Seth left on a plane, not wanting to burden her further.

Name: Nikola Breson


Gender: Female

Skills: (cooking, running, hunting etc.)

  • Swimming
  • Basic hunting
  • basic cooking


  • People that have an open mind
  • video games
  • meeting new people
  • talking to people
  • helping people


  • Racists,sexists,bigots etc...
  • Being told what she can wear

Personality: Nikola is a kind woman who doesn't mind lending a hand. She hates being told what she can wear and gets along with others unless they are racists,sexists or generally bigots.

History: Nikola was born in britain to the Bresens. She had a decent childhood and was surprised when her parents said she was coming on vacation with them.

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Name: Dakota Layman

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Skills: Basic camping skills

Likes: Having fun. Jokes. The Ocean.

Dislikes: The dark, bullies, judgmental people, negative people, the color orange.

Personality: Dakota is a very playful and eager to please person. He loves to tease people and have fun but sometimes he can get pretty annoying. Certain things make him upset for no apparent reason.

History: Dakota has always been a trouble maker and on top of this a daredevil. These two combined to make him seem like a bad kid but he really wasn't. One day at a party he was dared to steal a car which he did and he was caught. When his parents found out they decided to send him to his uncle overseas.


Other: He hates it when people tell him to cut his hair
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Name: Oliver Quinn

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Skills: fishing, knows CPR, charismatic, excersized regularly

Unfortunately he hasn't spent a whole lot of time concerned with camping or survival.

Likes: Video games, coffee, to cook, soccer, the rain, open minded people, meditation, reading, helping others, being lost in thought

Dislikes: close minded people, monkeys(irrational fear), not having cigarettes on him, closed tight places,

Personality:Oliver is gullible, friendly, and smart. He is quick to believe people, but isn't too naive. He will give you the shirt off his back, without expecting anything in return, but can hold a grudge, and hard. He spent his high school years playing games and raising his GPA. He is very emotion driven, will act with his heart more than his head when motivated to, but if he can keep his cool, he can think through it. He is a protector, comes from living with just his mom his whole life, hates to see someone upset or being put down, will try to help.

History: Oliver's dad left when he was 5, and his mom has raised him ever since. She always wanted to push Oliver, but he has always been motivated enough on his own. He was always that smart guy in his class but also made a decent bit of friends, some nerds, some popular, he liked to have someone to talk to, being lonely wasn't his thing. He spent a lot of time at home with his mom until he was able to start working in his town, and he started working to learn some experience. He was a cook, which he loved, at a local restaurant, he was a life guard, a clerk, and even volunteered at a hospital that needed some help doing the small tasks, although he didn't learn much, other than boxes can be heavier than they look. He had picked up smoking cigarettes after a stressful day there, and has been smoking ever since. He became protective of his mom as she begun to date again, and has gotten her most recent ex to leave, which he wants to apologize for as he hasn't yet. He tries not to have a lot of regrets, but he's made a few mistakes, but haven't we all?

He decided to get on this plane to broaden his horizons and hopefully decide on what he wanted to go to college for. Culinary? Medical? Literature? Well, he's on an island now so that knowledge won't help much anyway.

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Name: Samantha Howl

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Skills: Talking, texting, shopping, gossiping, putting on makeup, and knowing when someone is lying (not much help in a crash land)

Likes: Coffee, boys, jewelry, figure skating, figuring people out, messing with people (small pranks), and looking good

Dislikes: Getting dirty, working, cheaters, cats, and studying

Personality: Samantha can be very sly and cunning when she wants to be. She is used to getting what she wants in whatever way she has to. She can pick up a lie very quickly and, although she usually tells the truth, is a good liar herself. She's very easy-going but is a sucker for gossip and loves to know everything. She has a way with words and is good with persuasion, but only if she feels like she is in charge of the situation. Very rarely, if ever, will Samantha show her caring side, and if she does, the situation must be very bad.

History: Samantha was born to wealthy parents in Chicago. She spent most of her life growing up in the north side of the city with her own car and credit card. She had a good relationship with her brother, but she dismissed her parents because she always thought that they treated her as a child. When in high school, Samantha didn't put a lot of emphasis on her grades, but she was very good at her business classes, especially marketing. Samantha figure skated throughout her life and always likes to brag about her skills because she knows that they are very good.


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Amanda Rivers






  • Shouting - Being a trained contralto singer, she has the lung capacity and volume to be heard over most arguments. This skill proves invaluable whenever she expresses her outrage over something, which is quite frequently.
  • Knitting/Sewing - She is quite handy with a needle, and has handled much cloth during her education, which involved costume making and the likes.
  • Theoretical Knowledge - She has watched a LOT of TV, and among shows she enjoys are survivalist shows. She has no practical knowledge whatsoever, but odds are, if a situation occurs, she's watched someone do it on TV.


  • Shopping
  • Sewing
  • Violent Movies
  • Television Shows of Most Kinds
  • Singing


  • Spiders
  • The Outdoors
  • Rain
  • Loud Noises not Made by Herself


Amanda is a figurative ticking bomb, extremely quick to anger when pushed. She has a big mouth and buckets of sass, and is often brutally honest about her opinions.

She is often far louder than necessary, and has the subtlety and social graces of a fox in heat.

She is used to working for what she wants, and has little tolerance for those who whine about their situation without doing anything about it. She believes that respect is earned, not given, and appears extremely hostile at first glance to most people. Possibly also at second glance. And third.


Amanda was raised by her mother and father in a calm little neighbourhood outside one of the larger cities in the country.

She was the middle child of three sisters, and quickly learned that the only way to assure she was noticed by her parents was by being louder than her two bickering siblings combined.

this led to her discovering that she had a talent for singing, and she went to choir practice every week from the age of six until the plane took off.

She had a relatively carefree childhood, made a couple friends and had a generally good time growing up. She got in trouble with her parents now and then, due to pretty normal reasons; that boyfriend she snuck out to meet, her first (and only) cigarette when she was ten, that time she deposited the family's cat at a friend's house and told her younger sister it had died and photographed her reaction, all the usual stuff. She took up sewing as a hobby at first, but eventually decided she would take a shot at making it her future career. It is her dream to design costumes for movies and theaters.


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Name: Vick Slater



Skills: Hunting, fighting, wildlife








Meeting people



People who do any friend of his wrong


Vick is a confident young man, but not over confident. He has a strong sense of right and wrong, he's very friendly and welcoming, as long as you are the same to him.


He was born in Georgia, where he would hunt, fish, and have a good time. He's deceptively smart, given his love for learning something new. Vick went to college for awhile but it wasn't his speed, he devotes himself to writing as his profession. Where he was going? No one knows.

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Name: Remy Monroe

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Skills: Skilled martial artist and is therefore in peak physical condition. Learned to hunt using various tools and weapons as a child, consequently he knows the proper way to skin and cook fresh game.

Likes: Loves reggae music and martial arts.

Dislikes: Loud and bragging individuals. Selfish individuals. Has a phobia of spiders.

Personality: Quiet around new people but he opens up quite well. He's very protective of anyone he's close to. Despite his size and stature he is very non-confrontational. He can be a big flirt also.

History: Remy grew up on his home island of Samoa with his African American father and his Samoan mother. His father was in the military so Remy spent most of his life visiting other countries where his father was stationed leaving him with a base knowledge of different cultures and languages. His father was a big believer in the martial arts and so Remy was taught many different methods of fighting from a very young age. He also learned to hunt and fish as is the tribal way on his home island. While he does not necessarily believe in religion he does follow some of the spiritual aspects of his home island.


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