Kingdom of AskenShire [Inactive]

The King entered the room where Kelsa was staying. He opened the door and went in. "Ah, you're finally awake, well, how are you feeling. Did the doctors do a good job, they are new you know, I didn't really know what to think of them." He sighed. "Listen we really need you out on the battlefield. You seem like a good fighter, handling those monsters and all. And I'm not sure you heard, but the Black Knights are back and threaten our security, so please tell me if you can fight."
A blade suddenly appears at Aramis' throat, "What are you doing here?", this question being asked by a familiar voice. It's Charles, his weapons drawn.
Kelsa looked at the king. To be honest, she disliked the king. She was silent for a momeny before shaking her head. "No," the woman told him. "I will not fight for you anymore. I'm sorry," Kelsa said and slowly stood up.
[QUOTE="pastel stitchings]Kelsa looked at the king. To be honest, she disliked the king. She was silent for a momeny before shaking her head. "No," the woman told him. "I will not fight for you anymore. I'm sorry," Kelsa said and slowly stood up.

I actually said "Oh s***" when i read that. 10/10
Slowly, Charles put down his weapons, keeping them ready, but down "If you intend to take me back to the Castle then you're going to have to fight me. . .", Charles looked at him, staring him down, waiting for an answer.
The King gasped. She was a very good fighter, a prodigy almost. He needed her. "Listen I need you to fight with me. Please, you are my last hope."
Aramis backed up, putting his hands at his side. "I left the White Knights. I have no intention of taking you anywhere. I want to know about the Black Knights."
"Black Knights?" Bree asked the chirurgeon as he sewed up her arm. She had taken several nasty hits in the explosion, having decided to sit down with a hot bowl of stew after her tumults in the woods. No such peace though, as she was introduced to a wooden beam of considerable size, as well as several splinters of glass in the explosion.

"So they say," the chirurgeon replied as he finished her up. "They say the king himself had quite the fit over it, gathering men to eliminate them already."

Bree thought back at that sweet, sweet bowl. She had barely eaten a spoonful before the walls came crashing down around her. "It was really, really tasty," she muttered and rose to her feet, heading for the door. "Where's he recruitin' at? I've got pockets to fill and a hot meal to avenge."

Following the chirurgeon's instructions, she made her way down the street, cracking her knuckles before pulling on her plated gloves.
Charles glanced at him suspiciously, finding it hard to believe that a single act of blowing up a building convinced a person to join the Black Knights. "I already told you, it's a group, fighting to stop the Tyranny of the King and let out the secrets they're hiding from us."
"But why blow up a tavern? That's terrorism." Aramis was so unsure of what to think of Charles and the Black Knights, but he knew he had to know everything. He couldn't entertain the thought of joining another order without knowing everything about them.
"I do not care," Kelsa told him, her voice even and calm. She had been dressed in a simple white dress and was putting on her boots and a belt. "Now, I will be taking my leave, your majesty," she said, bowing in an exaggerated way and saying the last part in a mocking way. Kelsa grabbed her sword and elephant and calmly walked out of the room, her head held high.
The King was scorching mad. "ARREST HER FOR TREASON!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Two very large soldiers came to take Kelsa away. And the King drew his sword at her.
Making her way down the street, Bree's ears caught wind of a powerful voice carrying through town. Sounds like authority, she thought to herself.

She started scanning the surrounding buildings, trying to pinpoint where the commotion came from.
Kelsa smirked. She was, or had been, part of an elite group of knights, trained from the age of seven. Two guards, despite being large, were not going to get her. She swiftly took off as fast as she could, which was pretty darn fast.
"I was simply doing what I was told, I hate to do it, but it's required of me, that's all." He shrugs and looks away, "If it will help in the long run I'll do it. . ."
"Is that what the black knights are about? Destroying a tavern to help? How does that help?" Aramis was getting frustrated. Does their exist an order dedicated to mankind?
Right when Kelsa takes off two more large soldiers with pikes step in her way and she gets knocked down. The King laughs very hard, and walks over to her. Sticking a long sword at her throat and smiling, he says "Now let's get you to the dungeon my pretty."
WhiteJester said:
"I was simply doing what I was told, I hate to do it, but it's required of me, that's all." He shrugs and looks away, "If it will help in the long run I'll do it. . ."
I totally didn't expect that turn-out, but i am loving it.
Kelsa unsheathed her sword and slashed the king's sword away from him. "Not today, maybe next time though!" she said, actually smiling at him, then jumped up and hopped off one of the guard's soldiers and out of the circle. Shen then jumped out an open window onto the roof of the castle.
Charles looks to Aramis, "There are many of the Black Knights who just want Tyranny to be over, I'm not one of those people." He backs away "The Black Knights exist because they do, If you want to join the ranks then so be it."
The King's sword didn't fall out of his hand, but he was thrown a couple steps backwards. He swung at her but she was too fast, and she made it on the roof. But when she did, archers started shooting arrows at her, with an intent to kill.
Spotting a dubious shape leaping and running across the roof of the nearby castle, Bree reckoned something was out of the ordinary around here. "Oi! I know you," she yelled after squinting her eyes, now recognizing it as the young woman from the woods.

"What're you doing runnin' around on the bloody castle roof?!"

Then she noticed the sleek arrows that hailed all around the fleeing figure.

"What the hell..."
Kelsa swung herself into another window and back into the building, knowing she wouldn't be able to dodge the arrows. She continued running from there, sliding down the stairs and to the door.

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